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Chupacabra / Alien Beast Found In Remote Venezuelan Jungle by Oil workers...

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posted on Sep, 29 2013 @ 01:22 PM
This mysterious beast was found in the deep jungles of Venezuela by oil workers. Some claim it is mysterious Chupacabra others allege it to be an Alien beast pet left behind on earth.
Whatever it is, I never seen something like that... except for the extint Tasmania Devil...

posted on Sep, 29 2013 @ 01:27 PM
reply to post by Arken

Appears to be fake.

You'll notice the eyes are already gone, usually the first to be consumed on dead animals, yet there is no other decomposition taking place. If that were a dead animal and the eyes were already consumed, the animal would be crawling with insects.

posted on Sep, 29 2013 @ 01:38 PM
Cool looking unit!

Appears to be fake. You'll notice the eyes are already gone, usually the first to be consumed on dead animals,

I'm not getting your point here...

It looks gnarly, nice find s/f

edit on 29-9-2013 by canucks555 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 29 2013 @ 01:39 PM
reply to post by Tinkerpeach

It does appear to have quite a few flies on it though? Do you not consider that crawling with insects?

I would like to see the mouth lined up. It seems as if the bottom jaw would dramatically stick out from the face.

posted on Sep, 29 2013 @ 01:44 PM
Those looked like puncture wounds, not flies but if so then yes that would qualify as crawling with insects.

posted on Sep, 29 2013 @ 01:47 PM
Hey, at least its a high res pic for once!

Very creepy looking, like a hog/hippo with crock like teeth.

A part of me wants it to be a fake

posted on Sep, 29 2013 @ 01:49 PM
The following is my opinion as a member participating in this discussion.

Looks to me like a possum that had an advanced case of mange. Looks like the jaw was dislocated, too. Poor thing probably suffered horribly before it died.

As an ATS Staff Member, I will not moderate in threads such as this where I have participated as a member.

posted on Sep, 29 2013 @ 01:57 PM
reply to post by Arken

The most interesting thing about it is it's paws. They don't look like a canine paw to me. More akin to what you see in raccoons or something the can climb trees. Like a koula's paws/hands.

No idea what it is, but interesting find.

Maybe a managed venusulain mongoose? Or a South American Coati. In fact, that's what I think it really resembles with it's long snout, short ears, and grippy hands. In a state of decomp. GO Wild Kratts!

South American Coati

edit on 29-9-2013 by CirqueDeTruth because: correction

edit on 29-9-2013 by CirqueDeTruth because: added possibility

edit on 29-9-2013 by CirqueDeTruth because: added pic

posted on Sep, 29 2013 @ 02:09 PM
reply to post by Tinkerpeach

At :38 - :42 seconds in the video, I believe I see at least a fly and another winged insect. Now, the hoaxers could have covered it in chicken fat to attract insects, so that doesn't make it real in my mind. It is however drawing insects for whatever reason.

posted on Sep, 29 2013 @ 02:15 PM
Hmmm, looks pretty legit.

If it was in part of a remote forest, chances are nobody has documented these things yet, mainstream at least, though I would be willingly to bet the natives of the forest would have a idea what they are.

With a tail like that it makes me wonder though an if I didn't know any better, like some massive jungle rat...
I would classify this as a huge "rodent" of some kind, like the Capybara. Funny thing is, the capybara also lives in dense forest. What we got here is a remote dense forest, prolly an offshoot cousin of some sort.

The chupa theory made hold water, considering that somebody came across one of these things and tried to smuggle it over an it got loose in Puerto rico...think about it, the chup had a long tail and red eyes. Artist renditions show it having thick hind legs, as if it stops to stand upright for a moment.
Rats have a long tail, red eyes and it too stops and stands up to sniff at the air.
So maybe what we see here is a large unknown jungle rat. Ugh.

But again, its all speculation, just trying to connect a couple of dots here. Chupa has also been described as having quills or spikes an it drinks the blood of it's prey rather eat them.
Rats eat everything.

posted on Sep, 29 2013 @ 02:19 PM
Yes but the point is that it would be covered with far more than just a couple of insects, especially in that environment.

Look at how dried out the mouth is which tells me that this creature has been dead for days, not mere hours. Creepy crawlies do not pass up a free meal like this.

You should be seeing a corpse that appears very bloated and is ridden with maggots at this stage yet there is no evidence of any of that. The skin is also not colored properly and should be looking bluish or purplish depending on the state of decay.

posted on Sep, 29 2013 @ 03:51 PM
This is a South American species of opossum, there are several different species and it is quite hard to tell which one this is, but my guess is either the white-eared opossum, common opossum or four-eyed opossum. All of these look pretty identical during this stage of death.

White eared opossum:

Four-eyed opossum:

Common opossum:

South American opossums have long snouts with large, sharp canines. They have long, rat-like tails. And they have small, hand-like paws with five fingers. Just like the creature in this picture. Also, when an opossum dies, their jaw locks in a wide open, extended position just like this. They are also very common in Venezuela. And finally, an opossum's ears are literally paper thin and extremely delicate, as soon as the blood stops flowing to them they shrivel up (notice the little shrivelled 'buds' where the ears should be).

Their skin is not normally this colour, but it looks like this poor creature was in an advanced stage of mange, which often causes hyperpigmentation of the skin or 'black mange'. The eyes would of course be the first to be eaten by insects.
edit on 29-9-2013 by suitcasey because: (no reason given)

edit on 29-9-2013 by suitcasey because: spelling

posted on Sep, 29 2013 @ 04:17 PM
reply to post by Arken

It looks mostly fake, but to me it also looks like a 'Genetic' cross between a Man & a Rat. The lower jaw bone sticks way out but 'Hypothetically' if rapid genetic 'changes/mutations' were taking place the jawbone would perhaps grow out more as it appears, as the bone structure of the human skull [& facial bones + muscles] would not so easily 'extend/grow' out, the back & top of the skull elongating yes, But the front of the face? As well, the teeth look very 'Rat' like...

I would say Fake. But mostly because it would be a bit freaky if that powerful of 'Genetic Tech' existed...
Probably grown in a large tube in some secret underground lab...

posted on Sep, 29 2013 @ 06:14 PM

This mysterious beast was found in the deep jungles of Venezuela by oil workers. Some claim it is mysterious Chupacabra others allege it to be an Alien beast pet left behind on earth.
Whatever it is, I never seen something like that... except for the extint Tasmania Devil...

It is what is being seen all over Texas now. One lady has one in a freezer and tested DNA, came back as an unknown so it is a new species. We have lots of them here now, it is assumed they came up through Mexico. There front and rear legs are not the same length and their snout does have the elongated look of the extinct Australian animal.

Very interesting, so many years as folklore only to find they are real. Makes you wonder about the others in folklore lol.

The Bot

posted on Sep, 30 2013 @ 12:35 AM
That doesn't look anything like a possum to me, and the teeth are all wrong for a possum. They do look very canid like though. It actually reminds me of the Tasmanian tiger with that wide gape.

Or maybe it is a new species? It is possible, I don't understand why so many people are on a cryptological forum just to instantly shoot down any possibility of any cryptid ever being found.
edit on 30-9-2013 by CB328 because: typo

posted on Sep, 30 2013 @ 12:47 AM
Some features of this critter do resemble the original chupacabre, like the long hind legs, (hindquarters like a kangaroo), but the original was bipedal, and had 3 toes on the feet with webbing between the toes.. Also had funky colored spines protruding from it's back along the backbone.. according to old reports when this thing first became known..

This one does look much closer to what the original was reported to look like... The original was said to be able to jump super high... This thing in the vid does look like it could jump good

posted on Sep, 30 2013 @ 07:49 AM
reply to post by CB328

I absolutely love cryptozoology. The 'paranormal' side of things is always intriguing, but as a zoologist, the study of and search for real unknown or rumoured animals is absolutely fascinating to me. Is that not what this forum should be about? Looking at the evidence presented and ruling out all logical explanations before jumping to conclusions?

Here, we have a creature found in Venezuela. It has the body of an opossum, the head and teeth of an opossum, the paws of an opossum and the tail of an opossum. It's condition shows the signs of black mange, a common illness for opossums, and even the shrivelled ears and locked open jaw are in line with how opossums die. And finally, opossums are very common in this area.

Does this not point to this poor creature simply being a south american species of opossum?

posted on Oct, 1 2013 @ 05:25 PM
reply to post by Arken

I made some stills and blew them up. I'm nearly 100% sure this thing is
made out of some sort of clay IMHO. HOAX!

edit on 1/10/13 by D0MiNAT0R 1OOO because: (no reason given)


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