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What if God was nothing more then Just a Computer?

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posted on Sep, 26 2013 @ 07:45 PM

reply to post by infoseeker26754

What created this computer?

Creepy Thought!
Been replayed over and over, man create's computer. Computer see's man as virus, distroys man!
Computer goes for awhile and finds a lack of feeling and create man again!

posted on Sep, 26 2013 @ 07:45 PM

reply to post by Tindalos2013

Is not man already doing this?

You are not wrong. Human intelligence is energy, all kinds of energy that unites into a code that is called memory. A lot of reality is just fantasy humans create to pass the 'time'. It's not like they have anything better to do until their Race passes away.

posted on Sep, 26 2013 @ 07:48 PM
reply to post by staple

Reboot would be Bad! Wonder what Task Manager using it would do?

posted on Sep, 26 2013 @ 07:51 PM
reply to post by AfterInfinity

You would think they could take off the shade on that line! Any other shaded line must be filled before going on!
My day growing up all I had in school was a pen and paper!

posted on Sep, 26 2013 @ 07:56 PM
Wouldn't surprise me in the slightest.

David Icke once compared us to computers. Think about it, we basically ARE!

posted on Sep, 26 2013 @ 07:57 PM
OP is a redefinition of the chicken and egg...

...who/what came first?


posted on Sep, 26 2013 @ 07:59 PM
What if the universe was nothing more then an inner reflection of your soul indicating to you your true internal struggle to understand yourself and become whole?

posted on Sep, 26 2013 @ 07:59 PM

reply to post by AfterInfinity

Are blank posts a recent phenomenon? I saw one a couple of days ago in response to marital advice a sprayed coffee across my monitor and keyboard. The post was filled by edit a few minutes later, but the damage had already been done.

On topic: it's a fair question. We're a pretty simple organism not considering our biological complexities. What we define as gods may be nothing compared to the divine.

It seems Man has to define God for reason's unknown. I tend to keep an open mind though. I think if Man could let this one go and see that life and life's problem's are due to one's act's alone. This would be a much better place.

It seem's that the Church used Hell as a way of putting the fear of God into people to conform them. Most people have not understood that they create their own Hell.

As I understand it.

posted on Sep, 26 2013 @ 08:00 PM
reply to post by Snarl
i do not believe in god nor do i believe in this big bang theory,i just can,t accept that there was nothing then everything existed,makes no sense.

going with that fact and everyone seems to accept it but can,t accept that other life exists out there is just madness.

how can you get something from nothing but your willing to accept that it happened and 1 planet out of billions was the only 1 to develop life?

am i the only one who seems to have a problem with that theory?

posted on Sep, 26 2013 @ 08:10 PM

reply to post by Snarl

On topic: it's a fair question. We're a pretty simple organism not considering our biological complexities. What we define as gods may be nothing compared to the divine.

If the entities we call gods are not even close to the divine, then we may as well give up on trying to understand or predict the divine, as it most likely exceeds our capacity in the way outer space exceeds our planet. Who is to say that the divine even exists.

Why would it (the devine) have to, humans invented Godforms in trying to understand their corrolation to their physical element circumstance. No one bothered to tell them they were basically animals let loose in a hostile environment. There is no such thing as Original God aspect. We are all of the 'absolutum', that which thought (awareness of something) or through trial and error, happenstance and circumstance became one celled then multicelled (because it progressed the specie) eons and eons of the positive and negative cycles, trash this and recreate in constant chaos; so here we are. There can be no devine, as if perfect nothing changes (what exactly happenned to Babylon if so beautiful did not destoy itself). What do you suppose will happen when Shiria Law has to be defined as an arm of Jhihad, and in the end has to deal with Mohammeds original blessing/gift for the world: The Q'uran. There is no devine as you project it would be false, it is an idea within ourselves is all, that which we constantly are searching for; ANSWERS or it becomes a lament of forgone conclusion--we are alone or we are part of the whole and in so recognising are responsible for every atrocity happenning NOW, in Egypt, Syria and Kenya, no excuses allowed.
edit on 26-9-2013 by vethumanbeing because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 26 2013 @ 08:10 PM
reply to post by Snarl

One has to wonder if their is a divine Existance. Man has pushed that one question for so long, would it really matter?

As you live your life making choices, what ideas come to mind? If I make this choice I go to Hell, okay now if I go this way, who exacty is it for? Is it for yourself or another? Has God made the choice for you or is it time for you to make the choice?

In one way, God was not there, it's your choice using viutures you have created from your Heart and God had nothing to do with it.

posted on Sep, 26 2013 @ 08:15 PM

Just Chris
Wouldn't surprise me in the slightest.

David Icke once compared us to computers. Think about it, we basically ARE!

That's what is wrong with the world today. All logic and no feeling. No I can think for myself idea's therefor I am wrong. Not the world I want to live in.

Thinking for yourself helps you to understand life; actually there is no understanding really.

posted on Sep, 26 2013 @ 08:15 PM

What if the universe was nothing more then an inner reflection of your soul indicating to you your true internal struggle to understand yourself and become whole?

I wouldnt say what if, I would say your in a better understanding of how this universe works than some. You are part and parcal to its machinations as you are it. The better you understand your role the better the universe is for it.

posted on Sep, 26 2013 @ 08:16 PM
Although we're treating it fairly light-heartedly here, it's actually a serious question. One book that has this theme is The Universe Solved by Jim Elvidge, which is worth a read or a review.

It seems to me that we embody this idea in how we do things. As soon as we were able as a culture we started making models of our own life. As we got more sophisticated the "density" of the models increased. Know any model railroaders? They create life on an HO (or 'N') scale. Then we get to computers where one of the largest software realms is MMPORGs (If anyone needs it: Massive Multi-Player Online Role Playing Games) where you enter a simulated universe, create an avatar that may or may not look like you, and go on quests, usually to fight monsters or each other, earn points, accumulate stuff, and advance levels. Then, of course, you have the Holodeck.

And that will be the next level of MMORPGs. Already there are immersive 3-D goggles that put you INTO these simulated universes. People (such as my grandson) get completely addicted to them. I just came off a six month stint on Star Wars: The Old Republic. (Grandkid recruited me) All I can say is: That was a rush!

It seems to me we could be emulating our "creator." We could be Avatars!

Well, run with that for a sec. What if we ARE avatars? What if WE have been "created" to "play" in a simulation for the gratification of those who control us. This could explain a whole lot of stuff, including reincarnation, our propensity to warfare, the sheer seemingly pointedlessness to it all.

I know, it's another "what if" thing, but it's really not such a bad theory.

posted on Sep, 26 2013 @ 08:18 PM

OP is a redefinition of the chicken and egg...

...who/what came first?


One would have to wonder

Next thing is computers doing it all and we just get fat! Better yet, born with no arm's, inplants until the computer can recreate itself.

Recreate itself into what?

posted on Sep, 26 2013 @ 08:25 PM

What if the universe was nothing more then an inner reflection of your soul indicating to you your true internal struggle to understand yourself and become whole?

Actually this is true. Understanding one's self mean's listening to the voices in your head and pulling out the weed's in there!

If you look, there is a pill for this too! People want to hide from their true feeling, shove them under the bed. Then as they grow; Feeling, they become mad and are unable to express them.

Might as well deal with them as they come while they are small. Loving Yourself means everything about yourself.

posted on Sep, 26 2013 @ 08:25 PM

reply to post by Snarl
i do not believe in god nor do i believe in this big bang theory,i just can,t accept that there was nothing then everything existed,makes no sense.

going with that fact and everyone seems to accept it but can,t accept that other life exists out there is just madness.

how can you get something from nothing but your willing to accept that it happened and 1 planet out of billions was the only 1 to develop life?

am i the only one who seems to have a problem with that theory?

Brother, there is NO belief (or faith ... or any other fancy way of putting it) in God. People that walk around believing are like zombies. God is real and God will present to you when you are ready to KNOW. Until then, keep yourself prepared for the shock of your life.

On your other thoughts. Why would God choose to make himself known on Earth to a bunch of camel herders to the exclusion of all others? Don't let the bible's (or substitute your other favorite hijacking attempt) representation of man's ego set you up for failure here. You will NOT understand God and neither will I. God is as unfathomable to us as is the universe in which we reside. Be calm ... It WILL happen for you.

posted on Sep, 26 2013 @ 08:26 PM

OP is a redefinition of the chicken and egg...

...who/what came first?


Not/now that you asked, but I would say it was a foot race, the egg with 6th dimensional legs (invisable) against the 'idea' of the chicken 5 dimentional therefor also invisable (to each other JUST AN IDEA). They collided at the 100 yard finish line at such a speed 2.0 seconds and turned into a buttery mash of DNA. Millions of years later manifested in a 'Chicken Coop/Manger with wise egg collectors" in Normandy, (a territory then refered to as the 'frightful white faced mimes and contortionists area'-- later the Norman domaine (always at war with the Saxons) and even later the French Resistance". In review of my exhausive history of the chicken: I would say the chicken and egg theory is MUTE until someone else tells us the truth; that would be the Alligator/Crocodile and its Eggs theory. Did they cross breed, and why do there have to be two giant reptiles living in the southlands, one in Florida and one in Australia? Why not both happily live in Louisianna and respect state boarders; as in not invade Florida golf courses and become nuisances? When exactly did they loose their feathers?
edit on 26-9-2013 by vethumanbeing because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 26 2013 @ 08:31 PM
reply to post by vethumanbeing

I can see that you get it. Star for you, brother.

posted on Sep, 26 2013 @ 08:33 PM
reply to post by sparky31

To me, it's a fear for some. Life as I think I know it is Everywhere!

Let's just say for exsample that Earth like planet's are rare. So somehow each living thing hitches a ride on a rock somehow. Or if you like, everything that live's has their own planet and learned long ago to live among other of said living. So hopped on a ship and dropped them off, even if it was DNA.

Someone said that Noha who was told by God to build a boat to hold 2 of Everything! Let's consider the mass of said boat and the food it would take to feed everything!

Would have to be as big as a Planet do you not think?

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