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Do you know who you are?

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posted on Sep, 5 2013 @ 08:19 PM

Since my childhood, I've always known that this world is but a kindle of two fires lit to burn in one.
What you are about to hear is about your inner reality, not your rhetorical self that is comprehended through tv shows, movies etc.

What is the world? True, it is light (at the speed of light /more /or less, pressure(sound). So basically we are visibility and movement through visibility.

Now, every single one of our ancient texts (Hebrew(OT, NT), Greek(HI, NT,CH), Egyptian(BotD, PT), Indian (VS) etc.) talk about this. Our inner reality and how it relates to our physical reality via above so below. The nitty gritty you might say.

Imagine infinity. You can't measure it. As it is, it was, and so it will be.
So he is who he is, so he was who he was, and so he will who he will be. And so he creates. Among anything else immeasurable.

So, our world is conflicted with the idea of that it is...theoreticnot?

We can't theorize the whole. We can only observe the double broken sword, split into it's two and take it from there.

Same with music, same with wisdom, same with good n' evil, yes n' no and everything else, but at the same time it's all octave balanced.

Then we come onto the ontological view, what we are.

We are a offspring off the whole which contain both of those whirlwinds which are which we can't define to the fullest.

Are we glass half full, or glass half empty? Ask yourself, and you will know.
A man who seeks himself, seeks god.

God is all and everything, the ultimate good, ultimate bad and everything else you can liken him to.
But, there is a light side he want's you to burrow through.

See, hear.

Although, you are offered the premise of good and bad, there is just good, and just bad. All are evolution, maybe'ism is a halt of sort.

Be good rather than bad.

Search in all them old scriptures and while you do it, reflect it on your inner reality, as if it were spoken to you, not through history, not through dogmatism, not through any form of control.

Not even which I present you here, but which, feels truly true and right to you.

Love you, care for you and compass towards you through my lord and your lord.

Links provided below:

Search through science into life. Search though this world into life. And you will find that your consciousness, is more than you are led to believe.

Have a pure heart, whether you're an atheist, christian, muslim, jew, hindu, buddist, confuciusm etc.

Cleanse yourself of it and know that he is you and you are he.

Nothing more, nothing less.

Your life is yours, do irrational or rational. God does decide.

posted on Sep, 5 2013 @ 08:25 PM
I remember my first road Trip with aunt Lucy and uncle SiD. Good times. Speak the truth brother

posted on Sep, 5 2013 @ 08:28 PM
reply to post by DocHolidaze

Been quite a few years since I went down with them old fellows
Old fellows they are indeed.

They exist, so they do explain a quite a few things if you are "down" with 'em eh?

Thank you for your kind comment. Hope It transgressed you to further your road.

posted on Sep, 5 2013 @ 08:33 PM
reply to post by Sump3

its been awhile myself, but I will never forget the life lessons i learned on those trips.

posted on Sep, 5 2013 @ 08:54 PM
reply to post by DocHolidaze

Although what we talk about may get people more open in some occations to what we speak about, this is not what my thread is about.

People, it is time to open up the door in you, you ain't concrete in what you've inhaled into your life, experience wise or belief wise.

Open your mouth up to what you truly believe and what you truly want to be done, and let your actions follow!

posted on Sep, 5 2013 @ 09:38 PM

posted on Sep, 8 2013 @ 12:08 PM
reply to post by Sump3

Well I can see from your post that you don't know who you are.

We are spirit, which is a non gender force of creation in the universe.

posted on Sep, 8 2013 @ 12:37 PM

Originally posted by DocHolidaze
I remember my first road Trip with aunt Lucy and uncle SiD. Good times. Speak the truth brother

It took about 30 seconds and it dawned on me.

Then I turned into a banana and ate myself after peeling of all my skin

Yeah Good times indeed.

posted on Sep, 11 2013 @ 06:31 PM
reply to post by greyer

I indeed know that.

But I am here now, bound to this body and I will indeed pursue love/care/compassion, faith and hope to the fullest during my stay here. So, though I long for my true body, I do not desire over it.

I am a son of light.

God is all indeed. Light of lights, one which we cannot comprehend to the fullest, at least while here. As he wound this matter universe into existence he took the two trees and wretched them together and voila, man/woman, +/- etc. came to be. Opposite yet ever unified in propelling each other towards change/"movement".

I am not one who is much for using text to convey the truth. I care more to speak head on and in the moment as God gives me what I need when I need. Hope he has given me that gift now.

Love you, care for you and hope you all the best brother/sister/mother.

posted on Sep, 13 2013 @ 10:13 PM

reply to post by greyer

I indeed know that.

But I am here now, bound to this body and I will indeed pursue love/care/compassion, faith and hope to the fullest during my stay here. So, though I long for my true body, I do not desire over it.

I am a son of light.

God is all indeed. Light of lights, one which we cannot comprehend to the fullest, at least while here. As he wound this matter universe into existence he took the two trees and wretched them together and voila, man/woman, +/- etc. came to be. Opposite yet ever unified in propelling each other towards change/"movement".

I am not one who is much for using text to convey the truth. I care more to speak head on and in the moment as God gives me what I need when I need. Hope he has given me that gift now.

Love you, care for you and hope you all the best brother/sister/mother.

I fully endorse this post. I stand by the opinion strongly that if everyone had the mindset of this post then I wouldn't be so frustrated from what I am seeing in society.

I am seeing a lack of care.

I am seeing apathy.

I am seeing ignorance.

This is what you will see on the internet -

What is the opposite of Hate? HINT: The answer is not Love!

Ignorance because people are tricked into believing things that are not true, like believing the opposite of love is fear. The opposite of love is apathy and that is why it frustrates me. Yet hate is a force, apathy is a denial of force. But the main point is that people still find a way to argue over these definitions simply because they are NOT showing love or care for each other. It all narrows down to care and whether they are rejecting the care of not acknowledging the care doesn't matter - what matters is that they don't have the care.

posted on Sep, 14 2013 @ 01:02 AM

posted on Sep, 15 2013 @ 06:41 AM
reply to post by greyer

Be strong brother. Everyone is coming to becoming extreme in both directions.
Those who do bad will do more bad, and those who do good will do more good.

By emitting and conveying good deeds and thus showing your good mind and will, it may affect others and they in turn will start doing the same.
Just like every behavior is contagious, so is good.

I Have care for you!

posted on Sep, 15 2013 @ 06:43 AM
reply to post by spartacus699

Seek, and you will find. Knock, and the door will surely open!

posted on Sep, 15 2013 @ 06:47 AM
reply to post by Sump3

Do you know who you are?

yup... I am body and spirit... Or to put it another way

I am who I am...

Who are you?

posted on Sep, 15 2013 @ 06:50 AM
I am that which knows I am.

posted on Sep, 15 2013 @ 07:27 AM
reply to post by Akragon

Indeed, "ehyeh asher ehyeh" in all it's aspects as it unfolds us through the multi-layered hebrew meaning.

posted on Sep, 15 2013 @ 09:13 PM
OP Sump3 quote:
"your life is yours to do irrational or rational-God does decide".

So, you are admitting you are a God partical stranded here to experience its being; and reporting back to IT your findings? Or are you an Ego/Id driven being that fights the subconscious (will not surrender to your OVERSOUL) in a war of attrition that you cannot ever win, unless you recognise each and every reason you encarnated upon the flatland multiple lifetimes (to grow your soul). Are you trying to get back to God source within your rules of rational/irrational behavior? Its all allowed; you know this, but what is your perfect plan for the shortest way to finding God? You realize most humans have no clue that this is the purpose of their beingness. Do I know who you are? nope, that was your question initially yet very well hidden in expanding your arguement to include "All Comers" replying as needed.
edit on 15-9-2013 by vethumanbeing because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 15 2013 @ 09:30 PM

reply to post by spartacus699

Seek, and you will find. Knock, and the door will surely open!

A platitude of gigantic purportions that falls upon deaf ears; KGnoch, KGnoch? Whos there? The Essenes. The Essenes who? The behind the-scenes guys that run everything you thought you knew and decide your future.

posted on Sep, 17 2013 @ 05:33 PM
reply to post by vethumanbeing

I believe basically that I am a son of a father that let's me decide what to do, and therefore am judged by how I act upon what I know. In thought, in action.

I don't report to him, but sometimes I speak to him about what I do and what I would want to do better by thinking what is his will, and ultimately, what my will ought to be, for I give myself the idea that he knows best, and I worst.

Ah, the ego - non ego debate.: I would say, do not toss away what you are given if it is good. My ego is not bad in and of itself. I have made it bad, through my family's upbringing (granted they did their best) and societies upbringing and all other factors that could affect my molding mind. Including acts which do not relate to upbringing.
I am merely trying to revert myself to that state of being like a child, which I am.

Of course I want to be with my God at all times. I believe that he will guide me towards himself the way that he thinks is best for me. For I know not myself, fully, but surely does he.

I don't want to come like a robber to my masters house. I want to knock and be invited in.
If I'm all out of grace, then so be it. He would be right, wouldn't he?

As for that last statement. Yes. I am presenting myself in a way. And of course you don't know who I am, I know just as less about you, as I can never, not even though I would know you: know how you feel and interpret life. I can only give myself a general idea based upon how I perceive the symbols you convey your meaning towards me, which when I receive, interpret based on my interpretation on life.

Know thyself! I have great care for you!

edit on 17/9/13 by Sump3 because: mispell and added

posted on Sep, 17 2013 @ 05:37 PM
reply to post by vethumanbeing

Have no fear, even though your heart may tremble.

They only control information which you have access to from outside of you.

Do by your own sense of right and hope and believe with a pure heart that it's right for you have care for you and your fellow man.

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