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Americans committed the worst genocide in world history

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posted on Aug, 2 2013 @ 04:20 PM
reply to post by ProfessorChaos

So, rather than guilt, the aim is self-loathing?

Okay, I'll still take a pass.

Self loathing sounds altogether too strenuous to engage in, I agree.

My feelings are more along the lines of profound regret that later immigrants were denied the ability to meet and learn from the natives as the first immigrants had done. And rather than blame the European people themselves, I hold the Anglican Church and the Jesuits most to blame for poisoning the well out of fear that their own fables were threatened by native beliefs. Fear is a powerful motivator. And its extremely catching.

posted on Aug, 2 2013 @ 04:26 PM
reply to post by AlienScience

If they thought they were perfect gods, then why on earth would they have laid into the very foundation, a process to amend their impeccable work? God did no such thing when "he wrote" the bible did he? Nor did allah, or any other god for that matter.

The foundation is very clear, and before any laws or regulations can be valid that goes against it, it must be amended.
edit on Fri, 02 Aug 2013 16:27:44 -0500 by TKDRL because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 2 2013 @ 04:28 PM
Worst genocide? In world history? Must be kidding...

Haven't you read the bible? Cain get rid of 25% of the entire humanity when he kill his brother Abel.


It's true, it's in the bible!

posted on Aug, 2 2013 @ 04:28 PM
Yes they came and killed my people and destroyed our ways. We fought with all we had and it was not enough. No matter how many we killed more came. Some of my ancestors we in the Iroquois Confederation. We had safety and a good government that included everyone.

But how could we survive? Your diseases would come before you would and kill everyone. Whole towns would die months before anyone ever saw a white man.

I walk the lands of my fathers and see how the white man has ruined the Earth. They have no respect for the land and no connection with nature.

Things were better our way. We had peace, we had a form of harmony. Now you have hell. Ain't it grand?

posted on Aug, 2 2013 @ 04:33 PM
reply to post by ThinkingHuman

I can simply explain it.

Yes you did what you did with the Natives and this is something unforgotten for everyone who has a passion with World History. Yes your ancestors did terrible things. Yes they were forced to do it.

But let us think, who forced them and why they forced them? What happened from that force to these people and what is its impact in the world nowadays? Replying to this question will lead us to take a closer look of what, why, and how civilizations in the human history has suffered from crimes like this one.

First we need to consider the reason why you made this accurate thread. You feel guilty for what your ancestors, or if the are not you ancestors we can say current Americans' ancestors, and you are right about it. Feeling sorry for the Natives, accepting the truth and honouring the memory of the mistakenly and unfairly lost is the right thing to do if you wish to be named civilized human. This paragraph is also a reply to the ones who tend to forget or not accept or not care about history. Cause as many Big man have said, history must not be forgotten.

"Study your history my child cause not only yourself and your life will make glorious and useful to human society but you will make your mind more perspicacious and more insightful" Hippocrates

"History makes the new elder, without wrinkles and white hair, and gives him the experience of time without time's weaknesses or crises" Thomas Fuller

"The study of history can greatly contribute to the correction of the life of people, because from this derive many and wise biotic lessons" Polibius

I put these quotes of famous and important people of human history to show to some ATS members the importance of knowing the true and correct history.

Now back to the questions i made. "Who forced them and why they forced them?" The people who were driven from Europe to America were sent to the new Earth/Land by their governments/kings. History books of schools and universities tell us that they were driven there to alleviate Europe from overpopulation and to get advantage of the new land's "valuable goods". It seems true and accurate. But seriously, Europe had any overpopulation problem back then? Or Europe had taken advantage of all its "valuable goods" such as its gold and the other valuable metals? No way. History has shown that Europe had and has many potentials in the sectors of metals, cargo and oil. So what was the real reason?

Taking a closer look to the people who signed the Declaration of Independence of the US i believe we can understand much more. For example, weren't all of them Masons? Yes they were! Until today the Masons were with humanity, were they with us or against us? Against us! So they really created America to be the Nation of Freedom or the Nation of "Big Brother" and the NWO's headquarters as it is today? What do you think? Which is the answer on the question "What happened from that force to these people and what is its impact in the world nowadays?" ?

Unfortunately, not only the US but many "Nations" around the world, like "Macedonia", Luxembourg, Liechtenstein, where created in order to promote NWO's plan. The many deaths of the war between the "Americans" and the Americans, the many deaths mao caused, the many deaths stalin caused, the many deaths hitler caused, happened because the NWO was testing humanity to find how we react in those circumstances in order to be ready for when they would bring their world's leader and their one world government. Tell me a liar, tell me a whimsical, everything we had learnt, everything our ancestors passed, everything humanity has passed, everything we are passing and will pass in the "New Age" of "Home Big Brother" has been caused by the same people who hate us more than everything, who want us as their slaves, who want us as their pawns.

Slavery as we knew it may have gone by the "New Slavery" is here and we are the ones who are already facing it. The moment you realize it, the moment humanity realize it will be the moment when we will pay back for our ancestor's, our father's and our "lost" and lost lives.

posted on Aug, 2 2013 @ 04:35 PM
Some historians estimate Genghis Khan slaughtered forty million people in his rampage westwards. Just a thought.

posted on Aug, 2 2013 @ 04:39 PM
reply to post by ThinkingHuman

I love the cherry picking nature of your sliver of history that just so happens to paint just the right light of the US that your little agenda needed.

Had you been a true student of history you would have a plethera of such examples of mass displacements of entire cultures and peoples not limited to a young country. Also some which were far worse.

How many people (languages, spiritual beliefs, and genetically different people) did the roman empire kill you think?

How about the persian empire? The mayan? How about the northern Nubian kingdoms of the great old Africa of ancient times? How many peoples you think they eliminated?

or the austrian empire, or the royal houses of europe and the far east in establishing their power?

The point is you have to be pretty retarded to think that the entirety of human existence pails in comparison to the horrors a single nation may or not be responsible of in the span of 200 years......

Your agenda is lame and as such is not even entertaining .......please. Read some more and at least spruce it up some.

You throw some cliche argument of the actions of people from a different time so far removed that not even their grandchildren are alive anymore as if we are supposed to act think or respond with some sort of imposed guilt from your played out words (which are not even your own)......

guess what.......I don't give a flying monkey chuck of dung.

After even a couple of months actually studying history you begin to see the true form of human nature. How are you supposed to "teach" us about the atrocities of my people towards mankind when you probably don't even know who your people even are and far less what mankind really is?

Drink some more milk and read some more before you have the balls to condemn a whole people "professor"..........
edit on 2-8-2013 by tadaman because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 2 2013 @ 04:42 PM
reply to post by DeadSeraph

Got to this point and really had to stop and post....apologies if someone beat me to it.

If you ask me (and my Cree girlfriend) the people that should be footing the bill for these atrocities and groveling posthumously are:

A) The crown of England (feel free to include Spain and other colonial powers here)

Classic case of 'passing the buck'.
The vast majority of Native Americans died quite some time after the USA had gained independence and the USA was responsible for breaking numerous treaties with Native Americans.
If you are going to blame someone, and I don't really believe that's necessary, then at least look at yourselves instead of blaming anyone and everyone else.

B) The vatican.

But you don't see the inconsistency?
The one hand blame 'the crown of England', a decidedly Protestant institution diametrically opposed to The Vatican and all it stands for!

But as has been quite clearly explained, the vast majority of Native Americans died due to illnesses that were brought to The New World from Europe - this wasn't intentional and I really fail to see how anyone alive today feels the need to atone for it.

Regardless, these are issues that should be stamped in history books the same as the holocaust. It isn't about "guilt". It's about history.

I agree, but at least teach the truth.

posted on Aug, 2 2013 @ 04:55 PM

Originally posted by tadaman
reply to post by ThinkingHuman

I love the cherry picking nature of your sliver of history that just so happens to paint just the right light of the US that your little agenda needed.

Had you been a true student of history you would have a plethera of such examples of mass displacements of entire cultures and peoples not limited to a young country. Also some which were far worse.

How many people (languages, spiritual beliefs, and genetically different people) did the roman empire kill you think?

How about the persian empire? The mayan? How about the northern Nubian kingdoms of the great old Africa of ancient times? How many peoples you think they eliminated?

or the austrian empire, or the royal houses of europe and the far east in establishing their power?

The point is you have to be pretty retarded to think that the entirety of human existence pails in comparison to the horrors a single nation may or not be responsible of in the span of 200 years......

Your agenda is lame and as such is not even entertaining .......please. Read some more and at least spruce it up some.

You throw some cliche argument of the actions of people from a different time so far removed that not even their grandchildren are alive anymore as if we are supposed to act think or respond with some sort of imposed guilt from you played out words

guess what.......I don't give a flying monkey chuck of dung.

After even a couple of months actually studying history you begin to see the true form of human nature. How are you supposed to "teach" us about the atrocities of my people to mankind when you probably don't even know who your people even are and far less what mankind really is?

Drink some more milk and read some more before you have the balls to condemn a whole people professor .......
edit on 2-8-2013 by tadaman because: (no reason given)

Like you just condemned the whole people of Rome, Persia, the Maya, the Nubians and Austrians and most of the rest of the world?

Are we trying to learn from history so as to improve on ourselves or are we doomed to sink into the dark ages again because everybody's always been invading and massacring so why should we stop doing it now? After all, human nature has had so much practice at the fine art of killing and pillaging that it would be a shame to waste our learned talents.

posted on Aug, 2 2013 @ 04:59 PM
reply to post by frazzle

that's a cheap retort. You and everyone knows that was MY argument to describe what was attempted to be done here....the rest is just fluff.....

what's your point son?

posted on Aug, 2 2013 @ 05:02 PM

Originally posted by tadaman
reply to post by frazzle

that's a cheap retort. You and everyone knows that was MY argument to describe what was attempted to be done here....the rest is just fluff.....

what's your point son?

Cheap? Heck no, it was FREE. But it was a question, not a retort. They say no answer is as good as an answer.

posted on Aug, 2 2013 @ 05:02 PM
reply to post by tadaman

A country that was built with it's origins in an invasion is always going to have a murky past.
That can never be undone.

posted on Aug, 2 2013 @ 05:07 PM
reply to post by borntowatch

Got to page 5, many valid points and quite a reasoned discussion bearing in mind the nature of the topic.
Certainly got me thinking about the many different aspects, perspectives etc.
Nothing in this world is black and white.

But then I read your post.
I'm not even going to do it the decency of quoting it.

I'd like to think that ATS has no time for people who peddle such utter crap and bollocks.

I'd love to 'discuss' this some time in person with you.

posted on Aug, 2 2013 @ 05:12 PM
reply to post by frazzle

and that is unimaginative rhetoric .....good day bub.

posted on Aug, 2 2013 @ 05:12 PM
reply to post by alldaylong

name one that was not.....

posted on Aug, 2 2013 @ 05:18 PM
reply to post by Lazarus Short

Actually, Hitler admired the British, and wanted peace with them. He must have thought they were good Aryans.

So some theorise.

He had London bombed because of what the RAF did to Hamburg.

Hitler started bombing London, and other major cities and strategic sites during The Blitz which occurred between September 1940 and November 1941.

The Allies, the RAF and USAAF, started bombing Hamburg in the last week of July 1943.

Just saying.

posted on Aug, 2 2013 @ 05:24 PM
Those who try to blame the deaths on disease forget that the invaders purposely coughed and infected pillows, blankets, etc. They soiled anything to infect the natives, willingly and knowingly. I learned that in history class in 12th grade.

Knowing where you are truly from will show you where you need to go.

Their is a reason why some want history to be distorted and confused.

posted on Aug, 2 2013 @ 05:27 PM
I'm exempt from Obamacare.....I'll accept that as reparations and you can all quit feeling guilty.

posted on Aug, 2 2013 @ 05:31 PM

Originally posted by tadaman
reply to post by alldaylong

name one that was not.....


Many have tried and many have failed.

You can also add Finland. These countries have been invaded but the invaders where kicked out. The countries reverted back to there own peoples. Unlike the US who's indigenous peoples where ethnically cleansed.

posted on Aug, 2 2013 @ 05:49 PM

Originally posted by rival
I'm exempt from Obamacare.....I'll accept that as reparations and you can all quit feeling guilty.

What do you think of IHS? Isn't that the forerunner to Obamacare?

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