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Americans committed the worst genocide in world history

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posted on Aug, 2 2013 @ 12:25 PM
reply to post by ThinkingHuman

Americans committed the worst genocide in world history

You'd think then, that certain nations would consider this when taking us on, eh?

not only are we not accepting the blame for it, we are not even accused of it commonly. For some reason, everybody else in the world feels the same way

Are YOU going to be the one who points a finger at a nation who killed 47 million of a people, AND is still the only nation to actually USE nuclear bombs on a civilian population?

Sounds silly when put like that....doesn't it?

Look, every nation and every people is guilty of committing atrocities at some point in the past. (some still do). I'm not going to feel any guilt or blame for something my ANCESTORS did. It's ridiculous. And genocide isn't a contest.

posted on Aug, 2 2013 @ 12:35 PM
reply to post by ThinkingHuman

Let me suggest that you were brainwashed.

By whom, I wonder. My country is one that suffered European colonial dominion for nearly 450 years and is still struggling with the legacy of it. My fellow-countrymen greatly resent the centuries of subjugation and neither our historians nor our politicians are given to making excuses for the West.

I think you have rather missed the point of my earlier post. What a pity; you look like you could use some allies in this thread. Still, have it your own way.

posted on Aug, 2 2013 @ 12:35 PM
reply to post by Asktheanimals
How do we justify/classify some disease born overseas and transmitted via trade/travel/air/sea/animals and the resulting sickness/death these days then? Should resulting casualties be considered a genocide of indirect form? Surely we have a great advancement in medical technologies which wasn't that advanced back then.
edit on 2-8-2013 by hp1229 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 2 2013 @ 12:37 PM

Originally posted by Gazrok
reply to post by ThinkingHuman

Americans committed the worst genocide in world history

You'd think then, that certain nations would consider this when taking us on, eh?


NOW that was funny

posted on Aug, 2 2013 @ 12:38 PM
Hmm.. Well isn't God Yahweh responsible for the most?

I believe he wiped the entire Earth out a few times because
we didn't read his sign.
Didn't he know illiteracy was about 99.99%
12,000 years ago?
What a jerk .

And when we were following the rules, he acts like Ashton Kutcher and
"Punks"his creations....

"Hey Abraham, if you really loved me you'd slice your sons throat."
"Ooh he's about to do it..."
"Just Kidding!!"

Maybe we should chip in and get God cable TV?
Again, Yahweh, THE biggest mass murderer of all,
and really kind of a jerk.

posted on Aug, 2 2013 @ 12:39 PM
People, you need to stop taking on guilt that is not your own. Seriously, it is not helping anyone. You apologizing to me for something one of your ancestors might have done to mine, is stupid. No one here is an angel, I am sure you have done enough things personally to feel guilty over, without taking on the guilt from past actions, one of your ancestors may or may not have been a part of. It is stupid, stupid, stupid. Stop living in that past, especially a past you were not even part of!

posted on Aug, 2 2013 @ 12:45 PM
reply to post by ThinkingHuman

I admit, the Native Americans are not as skilled in the performance of research studies. And since history is written by the winners, I must consider that the 90% number is correct (haha) and European settlers were the real victims in the battle for land.

No need to get all defensive and sarcastic about things. All I'm seeing anyone do here is ask, some more politely than others, that sources and factual references be added to back up your side. After all, you're taking a side against the better part of established history from almost any angle you look at it. This is not only in deaths by combat or murder but misadventure and disease. A History Channel piece on this placed population at as many as 112 million across the whole of the Western Hemisphere, with North America accounting for around 10 million. (which, itself is a controversial figure)

I've certainly come across some people who do (or..ahem... used to) work at American Universities as educators and say White men from all sources killed upwards of 110-112 million in North America. It's that...basic contradiction. Population of all people combined...coming about 90 million short of what is claimed to have been killed by the highest estimates.

So rather than go on, I'll just sit back and wait patiently for some sourcing. Any sources beyond blogs and someone else's personal interpretations. That's the burden of proof as I see it, when you're the OP on one like this.

posted on Aug, 2 2013 @ 12:48 PM
reply to post by frazzle

You make it sound like an accident that happened centuries ago and we should just let it go.

I was talking about something that did happen centuries ago, happened all over the world and happened, yes, largely by accident. An accident of the historical process. I certainly was not talking about forced sterilisations of Native Americans in 1976.

And yes, I think we should just let it go. The perpetrators and victims are long dead, and picking at old wounds only prevents them from healing. Maybe somebody should compensate your sterilisation victims, if they really do exist, but that is another matter entirely.

posted on Aug, 2 2013 @ 12:52 PM
Just wait until the globalists try to take the country back (since we stole it from the indigenous natives) and reverse Manifest Destiny via Agenda 21.

posted on Aug, 2 2013 @ 12:59 PM
There is absolutely no culture in existence that has not committed genocide at some point in their history.

Playing the blame game, offering restitution, awarding reparations, or hanging our collective heads in guilt won't change anything that has happened.

I would like to point out that I am of Native American ancestry (Iroquois Nation), and also of European ancestry (Irish), and regardless of myself or anyone else assuming the blame for the acts of people who are no longer in existence. it won't change history in the slightest, so what's the point in assigning blame other than to stir up negative feelings or gain from it in a material sense as a 'victim'?

posted on Aug, 2 2013 @ 01:15 PM

Originally posted by ThinkingHuman
Just as I said, Americans don't get blamed.

Weird. history class disagrees with you.

Lots of bad stuff happened in the early days of the nation. civil war, native hunting, slavery, frilly shirts, etc...all tragic.

But as mentioned, this is the nature of humankind...conquerors, land grabbers. I would like to think that we have since moved on from real estate grabbing overall...still some sputtering, but ultimately, learned from the past.

What your suggesting is that because we (or any nation) has blood in their history, they should then never learn from the past, nor try to help out anyone else going through pains..because we did something wrong over a hundred years ago.

Learning from experience is a good thing..can impart wisdom.

posted on Aug, 2 2013 @ 01:21 PM

Originally posted by sonnny1
reply to post by bigfatfurrytexan

There is no denying that it didn't happen. For me "Genocide" cant be labeled with a top ten list. Its pathetic to do it.
There has been so much outright killing done, that labels dilute what really happened. The label of Americans committed the worst genocide in world history could be affixed to Countless Countries. For ANYONE to say differently is only looking at it with selective reasoning.

I just thought the thread was a lame excuse to Bash America and Label them the Worst EVER. So far, that's what I'm seeing.


Of course they had been slaughtering each other long before the Euros ever came over, and the Euro had been slaughtering themselves long before America was ever a inkling in their eyes.

Go team Demagoguery!

posted on Aug, 2 2013 @ 01:27 PM

Originally posted by Astyanax
reply to post by frazzle

You make it sound like an accident that happened centuries ago and we should just let it go.

I was talking about something that did happen centuries ago, happened all over the world and happened, yes, largely by accident. An accident of the historical process. I certainly was not talking about forced sterilisations of Native Americans in 1976.

And yes, I think we should just let it go. The perpetrators and victims are long dead, and picking at old wounds only prevents them from healing. Maybe somebody should compensate your sterilisation victims, if they really do exist, but that is another matter entirely.

No that's not what you were talking about, I understand that you would prefer to keep this discussion in the far distant past where it can be denied if not conveniently buried.

But young women during the mid 70s are not long dead. Their sterilization was very deliberate and there is no way to compensate people for what happened to them, many still live with the wounds of forced childlessness.

Add to that the deliberate destruction of the buffalo that was meant to starve the native peoples into submission, and which DID in fact starve untold numbers of people to death. That was the plan. Contests were held among tourists on trains to see who could shoot the most buffalo to be left to rot on the ground. That kind of hateful waste deserves no recognition or pride.

"To be ignorant of what happened before you were born is to be ever a child" - Cicero

posted on Aug, 2 2013 @ 01:57 PM

posted on Aug, 2 2013 @ 02:00 PM
And someday, somebody will come along and annihilate a good portion of us westerners.

Rinse, repeat.

... Around and around goes the sick-cycle carousel of the animal species known as "humans".

posted on Aug, 2 2013 @ 02:03 PM
reply to post by frazzle

No that's not what you were talking about.

All right, what do you think I was talking about?

I understand that you would prefer to keep this discussion in the far distant past where it can be denied if not conveniently buried.

Why would I want to do that? How would it profit or comfort me? I am neither American nor European.

But young women during the mid 70s are not long dead.

I was not talking about young women during the mid-’70s. You were.

Add to that the deliberate destruction of the buffalo that was meant to starve the native peoples into submission, and which DID in fact starve untold numbers of people to death.

I'm sure PETA would not have approved, but what does this have to do with my earlier post?

"To be ignorant of what happened before you were born is to be ever a child" - Cicero

What am I ignorant of? Those mass sterilisations you were going on about? If they happened, they happened long after I was born.

edit on 2/8/13 by Astyanax because: of PETA.

posted on Aug, 2 2013 @ 02:07 PM
reply to post by Damian65

Elevated one can continue to retard my freedom of expression but I will continue to "stand my ground"....I have an opinion and it is just as good as anyone else ...

No doubt you still have freedom of expression but you have no ground to stand on, there isn't a blade of grass left to stand upon that isn't mortgaged beyond its value to the banks. Your opinion is secondary to theirs since money talks a lot louder than your words. Sorry.

Welcome to the rez.

posted on Aug, 2 2013 @ 02:08 PM
The title of this thread is classical Soviet-KGB-propaganda textbook. Im surprised this kind of stuff is still making its rounds.

posted on Aug, 2 2013 @ 02:08 PM
It seems like a lot of people in this thread are missing the point. They are having a knee jerk reaction of denying "guilt" about this. This topic has nothing to do with guilt or that people of today should feel guilty about the actions of others in the past.

The point of this topic is to recognize and finally admit that the founders of this country were not exactly great men. They weren't the demigods that some people try to make them out to be, they weren't noble, they weren't honorable, they didn't care about "freedom" in the true sense of the word, and they shouldn't be held up as idols that we should worship or to even respect their opinions. People need to really take a look at the founders and realize they were ruthless business men rather than selfless freedom fighters.

When I hear people make a claim like "Our founders would be appalled", all I can think of is "GOOD, must mean we are improving".

posted on Aug, 2 2013 @ 02:08 PM

Originally posted by FidelityMusic
Correction, the Europeans committed the worst genocide in world history. I don't know where you get calling the Europeans "Americans," or even confusing them.

Thats a joke right

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