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urgent: how the Soul is soon to be Ruled by Crystalline Will [ luna and Moon V ]

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posted on Aug, 2 2013 @ 05:31 PM

Originally posted by TheOd
reply to post by Lone12

TY, L12 if not then exactly what is this tome-post of yours all 50 words or way less.

First post of OP
second paragraph
20 words.


posted on Aug, 2 2013 @ 05:36 PM

Originally posted by Lone12

Originally posted by TheOd
reply to post by Lone12

TY, L12 if not then exactly what is this tome-post of yours all 50 words or way less.

First post of OP
second paragraph
20 words.


Too late.


Suggestion. Brevity is among cleanliness.

posted on Aug, 2 2013 @ 06:24 PM
reply to post by Amagnon

- i tried several times to understand whát is it you want to say here amagnon
...and i failed.
im sorry.

it appears to me you are pitching first two things against eachother
then , in another context, let them cooperate again.

"Belief" is not "wrong".
Belief is the exploring of hidden, higher possible Concepts -
and the Mind [ and logic] is then searching to Understand them, to reject/accept them.
Not inverse.
And not the one without the other - or the one will result into Rigidness, the other into Schwärmerei.

Consciousness is a most strange thing.
and that is what we are asked to do - everyone, who is forced to Search for a higher Order of Things as the present one, will discover that there are many ' levels of Context ' above this present one

- but *only* Belief is able to open the entrance to the next level
yet then the Mind will have to work to integrate and sustain the comprehension of that new level.

that must be your answer


posted on Aug, 2 2013 @ 06:27 PM

Originally posted by Lone12
reply to post by Amagnon

- i tried several times to understand whát is it you want to say here amagnon
...and i failed.
im sorry.

it appears to me you are pitching first two things against eachother
then , in another context, let them cooperate again.

Wonder where he learned that.


posted on Aug, 2 2013 @ 07:30 PM
reply to post by Lone12

I have achieved soul connection with another, it is most terrifying a thing to behold, and was done through thought only !

Now as time arises, further experimentations can and will be done, and 3rd,4th and etc more options are being explored, of course total annihilation of ANY entities is and WILL be completed, thanks for reminding us!!

posted on Aug, 2 2013 @ 08:10 PM
reply to post by Lone12

Tell me when you talk about choosing, did you mean to chose consciousness or unconsciousness?

"Any day now, the essence of humans will be imprisoned, ruled, by Artificial Life – not a mechanical artificial life but an Etherical one."
I thought your etheral body was responsible for nutrition, growth and reproduction(life,form maintaining).
The physical body disintergrates without etheric body, etheric body falls into unconsciousness when not irradiated by astral body, Asteral body would let the past sink into oblivion without I(ego).Life is proper to the etheric body, consciousnness to the astral body and memory to the ego.
Sorry the idea you are proposing is confusing.
I concur with the other poster in that one should not have beliefs one should know.
And the first thing is to know who one is.
Not to believe without reason that one is going to be in bondage to an etherical life. Are you free now that you fear bondage?
Maybe you mean some unconscious humans are now imprisoned by their desire for growth, reproduction and food or form?
I dunno.

posted on Aug, 3 2013 @ 12:12 AM
Belief abdicates responsibility.

posted on Aug, 3 2013 @ 06:21 AM
reply to post by Amagnon

Your explanation about Belief is amazing, thank you. It has it's uses for glossing over the unimportant or uninteresting but is deadly in any area of importance.

I think you're giving logic a raw deal. As long as you realise it's one of your sharpest tools, never your master, it's invaluable. The best use of logic is to pinpoint inconsistencies, find the belief hiding there, construct a good question that will probe the issue, ask the universe and then sit back and listen for the answer. Logic really sux at NP complete problems, and all the interesting questions land there.

As to the rest of the thread: well done! Interesting, good data, challenging with some key points that do not sit right when I go inside and test.

Your pickup of the different 'consciousnesses' entering is perceptive. Your explanation doesn't gell with the core research I've been doing. Those 'consciousnesses' are not separate entities, they are phase changes in the process of formation of the collective superconsciosness. They form one of 2 very specific sequences, the one when it is a new identity in a new field, the other if it is a young Identity in an older group of similar super consciousnesses. (I prefer to avoid words with too many contradictory meanings like ego, god and good/evil, btw).

The standard group sequence is:

Origin: the single undifferentiated spirit of which there is only 1/0 (I like calling your return there, which is inevitable, your divide by zero moment)
1: belief, copy what the older ones do.
2: self, act, try, evolve, find belief sometimes is wrong.
3; discover that feedback is not an insult, now learn objectivity, figure out the rules
4: Discover how to hack the rules, information. Propagate. Become a parasite in extreme cases, die or.......
5: integrate, apply will to become ecologically functional
End, return to spirit as a wiser, more beautiful being, rinse repeat.
The lessons learned tend to hang around for others in what for them becomes step 1, belief. Useful as a starting point, useless as an end. Dangerous as a means.

The step of 4 to 5 is a dangerous one. Linking back to belief, logic and knowledge above, it is where you have to use all the logic you have, not to solve the problem, but to construct the question, then surrender to [prayer, meditation, love, fate, your choose of non-linear access to spirit] and listen, because the step to 5 is simple and completely non obvious.

Step 3 is special, because it really is spirit in disguise as reality. Applied Maya.

Step 2 (which when there is no previous context, becomes step 1) is the necessary, temporary acceptance of an illusion that you are separate from the rest of the universe. The root of ego in all it's forms, good and bad. Mostly implemented with random evolution, trial and error, original sin, the bungi into existence. Messy and essential.

These steps have older names: Earth, Fire, Water, Air, Life (which I suspect is also Orgone/Od/...)

Now imagine that all entities are nestings of multiples of this pattern in various stages of development. Each phase has its place, no good no bad, just oh, that's how it is.

Two behaviours are core: flowing and stuck. They have idiot lights: joy and pain. Use them. Keep changing phase using them to steer. Slight over simplification, but a good start.

Be suspicious of anything prescriptive that thrives on excluding other points of view. Some entities love company in their misery.

This rabbit hole is very, very deep, but enough for now.

posted on Aug, 3 2013 @ 08:21 AM
reply to post by Lone12

Lone12, totally no disrespect meant here, but what kind of convoluted BS response was that? That made no sense whatsoever. You spoke half a dozen paragraphs of nonsense, when your OP was direct and to the point.

You seemed to make so much sense until you got to Kundalini energy, then you totally lost me. Is it Good? Is it bad? What is YOUR opinion on the subject? Is a person caught up in the total joy of kundalini on the wrong path? What is wrong with peace/love/joy energy? Does this bother you in some way?

From my own experience it seems to attract others and draw them in and infect them also. Is this a problem? Are YOU the problem? From my own experience this is exactly what this world needs. Is Peace/love and joy a negative? If so how so?

Do YOU disagree or is this a concept I drew from others when I was too exhausted to follow along? I have yet to re-read so I am only going on impressions I got from before and if I am off base I apologize. Am I??? Somehow I don't think I am on the wrong path, and if I am please express your reason's why if I missed them.

I think personally that kundalini is exactly what this world needs. IMHO of course. Very interested in your response as I was intrigued by this thread until I got the negatives on the kundalini stuff which I believe came originally from other posters than the OP. OP what do YOU think?


edit on 3-8-2013 by Coopdog because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 3 2013 @ 11:46 AM
- last night, after the shower and being in bed, pondering some things,
the brow showed me a trunk , alike an elephant has
was on the verge of sleeping so i left it, but today i know it was ganesha

now i do realize i mentioned this "It" two days ago - but no its not the reason i saw It ;
i know when the brow is showing something, or if its my own i looked into this It again ;
indeed It started to appear in India 500AD,
strange [?] coincidence, during the GUPTA dynasty
..remember the Gupta ? from part II ... it was the dynasty, introducing the *heliocentric* vieuw

..Its name means Gana = group, multitude , and Isha = lord or master
- how interesting ;
read : master of the group - master of the GroupCónsciousness !
lord over the common subconsciousness

another epithet - "lord of obstacles"
but you and i know, the meaning here isnt ' to remove them' but ' to create them ', right.

.. other aspects are " having 2/4/14 or even 20 arms" - and though multiple arms or heads commonly mean that the deity has shared aspects, i cant help thinking back of the Theodora girl , few posts back, who was disabled concerning the arms
...the 'battleaxe' is to severe heads - human Male heads [ that is, to Chop Off Authority] , and the proof is, that "he himself" was chopped off.

...and this awful awareness, is presiding over the root chakra [ = Submission, first love ]

We saw that this Ganesha is the former Moabite deity Chemesh
who moved to india
alike Moloch, requiring the burning sacrifices of humans - especially children - in his copper belly

remember: abraham was promised a Multitude as heir
the same Multitude as in the book of Revelations
and that Multitude mainly lives in the East [ and Far East]
.. that is the deepest reason for this Awarenesses name
to BLOCK that promise for them tell me - what is going on here...?

its perhaps a long shot [ though we was on the right track befóre ! ] ,
but the fact, that a number of us are thinking and fighting with these threads topics,
is Dangerous to the group-subconsciousness ?
- that subconsciousness, which is filled with ideas of this Awareness, in order to keep us imprisoned ?
[ including "ideas" like heliocentrism...]

that is why this "It" showed ?

posted on Aug, 3 2013 @ 12:12 PM
reply to post by Coopdog

- i was about to feel offended first CD
but i suppose you are right ;
- i used to be different,
but i i cannot always be as straight as i perhaps wish to be, anymore
often i have to struggle , since i have left but a poor Mind and no Sight, at all

give me a couple of hours to respond

best wish,

posted on Aug, 3 2013 @ 03:38 PM
That subconsciousness which is filled with these ideas which keeps you thinking you are imprisoned .
You are awareness.
Awareness is not the bad guy.
edit on 3-8-2013 by BDBinc because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 3 2013 @ 04:38 PM

Originally posted by BDBinc
That subconsciousness which is filled with these ideas which keeps you thinking you are imprisoned .
You are awareness.
Awareness is not the bad guy.
edit on 3-8-2013 by BDBinc because: (no reason given)

.. - i wished you would be right BDB , believe me

the whole point is, that the soul hás no awareness whatsoever
but is being "supplied" to her
...and the question is " by what source"
- God, or anything else.

the subconsciousness is Per Definition ruled by the Grigorii within the Akashic
and from there projecting timecycles upon us, into our "I "
timecycles , which we expierience as the different stages in life - but under their control

thanks for stopping by,

posted on Aug, 3 2013 @ 04:53 PM

Originally posted by BDBinc
reply to post by Lone12

Tell me when you talk about choosing, did you mean to chose consciousness or unconsciousness?

"Any day now, the essence of humans will be imprisoned, ruled, by Artificial Life – not a mechanical artificial life but an Etherical one."
I thought your etheral body was responsible for nutrition, growth and reproduction(life,form maintaining).
The physical body disintergrates without etheric body, etheric body falls into unconsciousness when not irradiated by astral body, Asteral body would let the past sink into oblivion without I(ego).Life is proper to the etheric body, consciousnness to the astral body and memory to the ego.
Sorry the idea you are proposing is confusing.
I concur with the other poster in that one should not have beliefs one should know.
And the first thing is to know who one is.
Not to believe without reason that one is going to be in bondage to an etherical life. Are you free now that you fear bondage?
Maybe you mean some unconscious humans are now imprisoned by their desire for growth, reproduction and food or form?
I dunno.

uff that s a tough one BDB

about the astral - as far i can see, the astral body is the Emotional body. Yes it can travel and expierience [ i havent had that myself like that ] but this travelling is *always* done under guardship of an [evil] Entity. I know that those who práctice this travelling, refuse to hear the above; yet it is true.

...then theres something like the Mindbody , the lower reasoning mind ; and these 3 bodies - astral, mind and ethereal - make up the aspects of the first 4 chakras.
These 3 are, in a normal persons state, very polluted, and [being held] seperate [ by that same Awareness] ,
THAT is the reason, that when Integrating those 3, and doing that by using the tools which that awáreness provides, then the Awareness will also be the Guard - as mentioned above.
Because, in any case, the Awáreness will be the Head, the Authority.

see, the chosen method defines the Type of Authority, one will be ruled by.

- if a person chooses Gods method, the Ultimate Authority [ over that person] will be by Him ;
if a person chooses to "unite chakras" or "search for astral travel", the ultimate Authority will be that Awareness.

hope that makes sense

posted on Aug, 3 2013 @ 05:08 PM
- added to previous -

the concept of "chakras aligning, then igniting " etc, is easy enough to understand
- though again i say, it is a False concept
or better: that Concept is only leading to being Ruled, ultimately, by that Awareness

in fact,
Working To Open The Chakras, is a most SELFISH work
therefore the RESULT will be selfish
as the Ultimate Authority - that Awareness - is Utterly Selfish.

but it gets more complicated,
when Female should reside within Male [ as i believe is the correct Concept ] ,
because this implies that one cannot " work to get his own chakras opened " -
because one will have to GIVE UP his own chakras
...does that make sense..?

a male will have to Give Up his first 4 to his female
....and shé will have to Conquer them [ yes, conquer: not "incorporate" them ]
and the female will have to give up the 3, who are the head, to male
so hé can conquer them

does that sound strange ?

...nepythys, the ancient egyptian goddess, is representing Eve -
her epithet is "lady of the Pillar " , mistress of the House,
meaning: shé is the "pillar standing upright Within Male "

...any male, withóut his female inside him, supporting him to can stand,
is Automatically ruled by this Awareness

you see ?
this Awareness remóved Female from within male
...and is telling many now, "that they should connect their chakras to find freedom "

- a Lie.

posted on Aug, 3 2013 @ 06:01 PM

Originally posted by Coopdog
reply to post by Lone12

Lone12, totally no disrespect meant here, but what kind of convoluted BS response was that? That made no sense whatsoever. You spoke half a dozen paragraphs of nonsense, when your OP was direct and to the point.

You seemed to make so much sense until you got to Kundalini energy, then you totally lost me. Is it Good? Is it bad? What is YOUR opinion on the subject? Is a person caught up in the total joy of kundalini on the wrong path? What is wrong with peace/love/joy energy? Does this bother you in some way?

From my own experience it seems to attract others and draw them in and infect them also. Is this a problem? Are YOU the problem? From my own experience this is exactly what this world needs. Is Peace/love and joy a negative? If so how so?

Do YOU disagree or is this a concept I drew from others when I was too exhausted to follow along? I have yet to re-read so I am only going on impressions I got from before and if I am off base I apologize. Am I??? Somehow I don't think I am on the wrong path, and if I am please express your reason's why if I missed them.

I think personally that kundalini is exactly what this world needs. IMHO of course. Very interested in your response as I was intrigued by this thread until I got the negatives on the kundalini stuff which I believe came originally from other posters than the OP. OP what do YOU think?


edit on 3-8-2013 by Coopdog because: (no reason given)

..part of the reason why its difficult to answer you CD
is because, ofcourse, i cannot dený that "this world needs love and peace"
and cannot deny that kundalini can "supply love and joy"
who wóuldnt want all of that ?

Neither it would make sense telling why God [ the God of Genesis ] is against it -
because if one refuses to accept that authority anyway, then there s no common base.. true ?

the problem here, is a Legal Issue ;
God, who made the angels, as well as creation ;
then some angels stole the creation - as well as the humans within her -
...and now they promise human, on their ówn authority, that humans will get peace and joy under théir rule ; giving methods to human as "how to can reach that": through kundalini.

you may say 'so what - i dont care about that spiritual Legal axioma ' ,
...but that spiritual world DOES.
- whether you see it or not ; refuse to know about it or not.

you can say ' look the joy that i found by it, is enough - and for the rest i dont care ' .
Thats a choice you can make. can say ' i had so many hardships, befóre i found this joy, that i have no intention letting it slip awáy again' ;
that is a choice also - though one made by emotional blackmail.

the reason, i started to you about the "deities behind the chakras"
was to show that, indeed, these deities [ entities] exist,
- and if they exist, then this Legal Case, above, may very well be TRUE... right ?

- i ve tried to tell you, i mét [ and still meet ] those deities
and from that context, i came to understand, that a person who strives for kundalini, is in fact committing HighTreason - in that Legal sense , ofcourse.
...because he doesnt return to God that what is His '- namely, that persons own soul ;
but that person gives his soul to the entities who stole from Him.

the whole point of this thread, is that Any awareness is *given* to our soul - by a source ;
and that source is either God - or any other awareness.

..kundalini is a nice, small orb of light around the soul ;
the soul now thinking that she has reached awareness, herself ,
but she DONT see, that there are even higher awarenesses [entities] ruling her.

in fact, this Legal point is só important, according to that Strange World above us,
that, at a point, soon, the soul can lóose all Rights, and get the 'mark of the beast ' ;
which simply means that she will be só Immersed in kundalini [ for lack of better description ] ,
that she will become the ultimate Slave of that Awareness.

.. i hope i wrote better this time, CD
its a most complicated topic

kind regards,

posted on Aug, 3 2013 @ 06:24 PM
Yes you did, and I meant no disrespect in my other post and I apologize if I sounded like I did.
I still fail to grasp the reasoning behind what you are saying and it seems I can't grasp entirely what you are trying to tell me, but I am interested. I can also buy into the Chakra deities, as we have had many encounters with spirits in our life.

Since this happened to me I have become a much better and effective human being. How this can be selfish when it opened an empathy for others in my heart that never existed before, therefore making me much less selfish than I was before this came into my life. If this is being selfish then I will take it over who I was anyday.

I practice whole world healing meditations, and in doing so I am trying to make the world better by improving myself so I can be that drop of positivity in this negative world. These meditations are what opened Kundalini in me.

You are the first person I have seen who sees the Kundalini in this way so it has been interesting to read your writing. Thank you for taking the time to respond, and kindly as well.

edit on 3-8-2013 by Coopdog because: (no reason given)

edit on 3-8-2013 by Coopdog because: corrections

posted on Aug, 4 2013 @ 01:03 AM
Scholars, both mythical and historical, explain before undertaking to do the work, Ganesha stipulated that the dictation should never falter and that he should, at all times, be able to understand what was being said.
Peace and fear not.

posted on Aug, 4 2013 @ 07:09 AM
reply to post by Coopdog

listen no offence intended here...but I find kundalini be so, so impersonal and unsexy

maybe?..equally so, to the pentecostals, who get a similar awakening in their chakras?

oh...I am a the Biblical Creation...and Him

I tell you why..because I have found His World to be the most magnificently rapturous and sexy

I know there is nothing more blissful...than for a female to rule her male with his inside


posted on Aug, 4 2013 @ 07:15 AM
reply to post by Sole3

I know there is nothing more blissful...than for a female to rule her male with his inside

re phrased

I know there is nothing more blissful...*for a female* as to rule her male with his inside

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