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urgent: how the Soul is soon to be Ruled by Crystalline Will [ luna and Moon V ]

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posted on Jul, 31 2013 @ 08:51 PM
Souls will be Ruled soon by Crystalline Will [ luna and moon V]

… has been some job to compose the below ;
Until now it was about the Things We See around us,
but now we'd need to look at what is that “us“ which is perceiving those things.
I promise I have tried to not write Too Boring. Just please you may want to skip this thread if you Dislike History, Context or serious Metaphysics, okay.
Don’t worry if you think a paragraph is seemingly heading Off Track.
Please wrestle through some definitions in order to see whether the context makes sense. I considered a Line of Thought to be the best though partly it may be a bit abstract. Don’t let that stop you and please don’t jump in reflex by a paragraph you don’t immediately agree with, since it's an attempt here about the context of the Whole … allright ?

Abstract: Attempting to show that any day now, the essence of humans will be imprisoned, ruled, by Artificial Life – not a mechanical artificial life but an Etherical one

--- the Physical is Empowered by the Ethereal ---

We are so familiar with unseen energies as electricity or radio waves ; therefore it shouldn't be too impossible to conclude that also every living thing in Nature, including the human physical body, has it's very own energy field; a field which Guides the cells how to grow, develop and Form the physical body as it grows.

Many threads touch this aspect ; like “is memory residing in the brain or outside it ”, the holographic DNA threads, etc, so I suppose we don’t need to go into these themes too much.

It is bad that the area of the Interaction between the physical side and the Ethereal energetic side of this same coin is poorly explored within modern science , until now – afraid as many people are to be “not taken seriously any more” [through Fear of “not being taken Scientific and Objective no more” - as if scientific and objective are one and the same thing ?] - although we have no problems with accepting the existence of a radiographic controlled dragline toy, obeying every command to the unseen signal.

True – the physical body itself is already a marvel of complicated reactions and devices, but to focus only onto the frame as a Technical Device like mainstream Medicine does, will ignore many external factors which cause sickness or well-being of the physical frame - like technical energetic waves produced by magnetron or mobile networks ; the effect of states of Consciousness upon the frame ; and even interacting Ethereal fields, like the imprint on the energetic field from a healthy human by another person having Cancer, etc

---The Choice of Belief which everyone needs to make, FIRST ---

The difficult step to take for most, is having to make the conclusion “if there IS this Ethereal Field which is Empowering the physical frame, then we need to be part of another Dimension as well." Because from this other dimension originate the very Blueprints of these Ethereal fields … right ?

In fact, this is the very first question, anyone who wants to ponder about any scientific aspect, needs to answer to himself – be it studying the stars, Natures creations or the physical body. And yes, this will need to be a decision about, “what do I choose to Believe”. Firstly, because all the reasoning, searching proofs and facts only FOLLOW the initial stance of What that person chose to Believe. If he says, “I don't believe in any higher Dimension” [which is fine btw since this is the whole purpose of human's Free Will ] then the results of his investigations will have a different outcome and Context, as to the person who dóes believe in a higher dimension. True ?

Personally, I fear that many scientists are so focused onto their own specific area, that they ignore the rest of the Context which they are part of – perhaps "schizophrenic" is a right description of Modern Science.
[schizophrenic = see topic of Subjectivity, below]. Please note, i said " in contextual sense".
Before 1000 AD, Theology was the Queen, and every other field she supplied with Context ; but after 1000 AD, the Scholastic emerged and from that moment, Compartmentalised Sciences started to emerge.
This is the very reason for today's Non-existing “Science verses Religion” paradigm. It is a False paradigm because it is a Fabricated false Opposition. It may appear that Modern Science has all the answers, within a solid foundational concept, but nothing is further from the truth. It is mostly a house of cards much alike the famous Cave of Plato. More about the Consciousness of Modern science later.

Anyway, I hope you agree with me, that *first* a person is [unknowingly] choosing his belief about a matter
[or rephrased; first the person Chooses a Consciousness] and only thén is supporting and proving it by reasoning.

[continued below]

posted on Jul, 31 2013 @ 09:09 PM
Interesting, looking forward to some more

posted on Jul, 31 2013 @ 09:19 PM

posted on Jul, 31 2013 @ 09:20 PM

---- the Ego, the I and the Soul and Pineal - --

I needed a bit of a long "take off" because the strange situation seems to occur, that our very own Essence, being the reason we explore and investigate the world around us [in a scientific way or not], is the very thing we forget the moment we start to explore.

Rephrased : We do not take our Own Essence , our own Soul, very seriously when exploring the world around us. We can have heated debates about things we think our physical eyes see, but with that we put the horse behind the cart because we are Reasoning mainly to convince OUR OWN SOUL that she chose the “correct” Consciousness, prior.

Many people would not realise, their "deepest essence" is not what they call their “I” but this "deepest essence" is a rather diffused part of them, residing within their heart, and is called their own Soul. A big problem is that Science cannot Prove the existence of the concept of Soul, and therefore most people automatically [!] dismiss it, altogether. Please ponder by yourself the following:
The Soul is a most Helpless thing, really ; it has no way of expressing herself ; no possibility to Ponder, and can in fact only but “passively experience a State of either Pleasure or Non-Pleasure” . An analogy of the Soul
“being a Binary ethereal awareness” could be made here.

So - here comes the “I“ into view. This I [or Ego, or Self] resides in the head, in the pineal area, and is a kind of Spokesman for the Soul ; a caretaker if you will ; coordinating a range of actions in order to let the Soul, who resides within the heart, have as many pleasant moments possible [not necessarily implying that the quality of those moments need to be high] .

It is the Ego which offers the Soul a View onto the reality around her, and as we mentioned above, the Soul first chooses A certain type of Consciousness. Then, the “I” is Projecting this workable View upon the world around the Soul, so that the Soul will be able to create some Order in the chaos of the world around her.

It may appear Weird to us now - but before 1500 AD the Soul still had a Direct contact with the world around her ; perhaps comparable to how we can observe little children have. The relation with the world around was never Subjective [individual] but always contained a Personal relation : either to Nature herself ; in Craftsman work ; as well as to the given Order of human relations. A slave was a slave and the King the highest worldly authority. Now before you claim “oh that is a retarded way of awareness” : you are Wrong. Please see below.

After 1500, when another Awareness entered the West, all of Western philosophy had just 1 major question, "how is it, that what the physical eyes see around her, is being Represented as Image within the Mind..?" They felt that the Direct Contact from the soul with the world around her , the Personal Relation to Creation, had disappeared ; and another kind of Consciousness had entered the world - therefore they concluded, that it was this new Awareness which had turned Nature, as well as fellow man, yes even God, into an Object .

An Object which was to be exploited for own profit.
Kant, Beethoven, Hölderlin and all the Geniuses of that era saw to their Horror how this new Awareness had forced the Soul to live within a Subjective Prison, and it was this Subjectiveness which caused every living thing around to be seen as Object.

[continued below]

posted on Jul, 31 2013 @ 09:36 PM

Descartres was So Wrong with his Cogito Ergo Sum. He postulated by this, that the “I“ was dependent onto the Thinking - but it was the Thinking of the new Subjective Awareness which had flooded the West, which caused his “I“ to be dependent of !
Therefore the so-called French Revolution was nothing more than another StepUp of Luciferian Light. Even the phrase “egalité, fraternité és liberté” was a Joke, since all 3 had already been made to be but Object by this Awareness. And "liberté"..? - whoever Disagreed, lost his head through devices which were most Functional in killing - because “functional” is an aspect of Subjectivity ; and ever since, Millions have been Slaughtered on this Altar of so-called “Reason”.
Beause the Luciferian Réason will Not Tolerate people who Will Not Conform. is the deepest reason for chisel-topics within society as for example gay rights.

The industrial revolution, psychology, communism, etc, are all direct Children of the French revolution Awareness, because they are all but Tools to Subdue and exploit Creation and humanity.
So what is the reason this Awareness went through all this trouble? - to Rule. The Will to Power.
Simply because it is the *awareness itsélf* which implants the images and provides that consciousness ; and when every human and Nature is but Object - then there is but 1 who rules them all : that Awareness !
It is an incredible interesting topic but we need to move on -

So – back to exploring this “I” of Descartres:

…we saw that the Soul is rather helpless.
But her help is the "I" , which has access to functions as the Mind, Imagination and to Overview. The "I" acts as Bully, Guard dog, Caretaker, Provider and Actor - but ALL to please the persons OWN Soul and to ensure that Souls self survival .

Some claim, in accordance with Buddhism, to “free oneself from the Ego”, and reach the state of “Nothingness.’ Fine - but what Awareness do you think will FILL that now empty , undefended place?

Enjoying food, staring at the sea ; all these are basic and harmless actions from the Soul to please herself, and executed by the “I” - but often the "I" can also use more sophisticated methods, even using “acts of kindness” towards another person, to get to its goal. This is most of the time nothing but a method of the soul Getting from the other what the soul desires for hersélf. An example could be an M.D working for Humanitarian Aid : outwardly he may seem to belong to the Unselfish People - but the question is, "what is the gratification for their own soul?" Pastors may have high words about Biblical love, but the question is, why do they do what they do? for God? or is "being pastor" an ingenious method of gratifying their own soul ; etc.

It is most dangerous to judge the innermost reasons of other people – heck, we often are unaware of our ówn deepest reasons why we do what we do…..right ?

posted on Jul, 31 2013 @ 09:58 PM

---- that which we call our "I" is NOT US nor BELONGING to us ---

So what is this weird device called I , or Ego..?
If the common thing we all share is that we *all* have this deepest, helpless Essence in us which we name Soul, then how come, that there is so much difference between, for example communities in Africa and the US ? Worse still : how come, there are so large differences over the course of History itself, as to how humans experienced their world around them ?

Could the I be féd by "something" ?
..something, which provides the Soul with a certain view onto the world around her ?
...and this process is akin to the stages of the developing awareness of a child ?

- If the question must be answered as positive, then the conclusion is that the "I" is being fed by an Awareness, a Consciousness which is NOT "part of us" , but originating from a source outside of us.
Otherwise it is rather impossible to explain the curve of what we like to call “the development of humankind”, assuming [wrongly] that, these very days, we are far superior to the people in the Medieval times.

So our "I" is connected to some “evolving” Consciousness.

Most people think, that humans living in Medieval times, were just like us - but were just being képt Ignorant and Stupid , mainly by the [catholic] church. This certainly may be true in some extent ; but its not the real reason why the peoples "accepted their lifestyle like that". They did not KNOW any different ! However bizarre it may appear to us, they were living, factually, under Another Kind of Consciousness.

Every time society started to change, it was *always* because of an Influx of a new Type of consciousness. Gothism. The Renaissance. The French ‘enlightening’. It was not because the people suddenly thought “oh right we have to change something“ , based on proofs and reasoning - No, it was the new type of Cónsciousness which supplied them with those “new insights” .

So it was the Consciousness which the people followed - rather than the people cáusing this new consciousness. Try showing new ideas in present day retarded communities, and you will find that the above order of things is true.

So it appears it's not the Soul which is changing : our "Essence" remains the same, but it is the Consciousnesses, the soul goes through, which are changing. Not just in our own development from child to grown up, but as Fractal in History itself.

In fact, it may imply, that we have “inherited” also the types [stages] of Consciousness which our ancestors
lived in! - since we were born of them ; and just as physical characteristics are Transmitted and passed on, exactly the same thing should apply for the different stages of Consciousness.

Perhaps the only indication of where we stand at the moment, is to compare the stages of the world's Globalization. Never before has the entire world been so Interconnected as these days [aside from pre-Historical times] . Instead of fighting tribes, defending the territory which their Consciousness told them, we have now the Global Citizen. This sure is an indication that we have arrived at a new turning point in history either for good or for self destruction.

At any rate, it appears the “available” stages of Awareness have been incorporated, and now is the Time for a new Kind of Consciousness – a different one than any other moment in written History and it will be either hell or heaven from now on.

[continued below]

posted on Jul, 31 2013 @ 10:24 PM

---- Types of Consciousness And the Ethereal ---

That is a tricky one.
We saw that the Mind is but a Receiver to signals, like Memory residing outside her, just as the pineal is but the receiver of the “I” Awareness.
….remember how the physical body is [but] the material analogy of the Ethereal one which Empowers it ?
Then consequently, the action of our body which we call “to see”, must have its analogy – Original - in the Ethereal action called “Sight”. And the action of our body, which we call “to communicate with others” , must have its analogy within the Ethereal action called “ Speech”, and so on.
The Ethereal Originals therefore must be “different consciousnesses” yet originating from one - much like a Prism divides white light into several Colours.

Do we have a kind of representation for these stages of consciousness ?
Yes – in the Eastern system of chakras.

There is enough information about chakras on the Net, so I wont go into that information [also for fear I will lose the context of the thread], and actually I am only interested whether the concept itself of chakras make sense in the first place.
Curious, however, is that the chakras in that system are immediately related to "deities". Now it's really not too great nor impossible to imagine the next step, going from “different ethereal Consciousnesses” to “Persónified ethereal Awarenesses”… is it?

....and the first thing I run into here, are the similarities between the Egyptian Pantheon and the Hindu [vedic], which is a severe indication to me that the concept of chakras is also Valid.
This would require a separate thread, so briefly some examples : The vedic deity Krishna is the same as the Egyptian Thoth [Dje-hu-ti], since Krishna had a “sound weapon” and “Hu” is the epithet of the Authoritative Word (which is Sound of course) . The villain Ravana is the Egyptian Set [= seth, son of Adam] since they both "roar” and Ravana conquered illegally Lanka which is Eden. Vishnu is Anubis, and both roam in graveyards and wear the collier. Etc.

…the point here is, in order to know who the Vedic deities are and what their goal is, one only has to read the Egyptian Spells! So, by observing the separate chakras and the descriptions which the Eastern religions gave to them, we can see how each type of deity is related to that specific chakra [colour/consciousness].
If the entire concept of chakras would be nothing more then interesting Bogus..... then there has to be a reason why so many deities and aspects connected themselves to each chakra ?
- obviously théy do nót consider it Bogus.

To show you, for example, the “heart chakra” which is represented by the startetrahedron [Egyptian: Dimensional Magic, see part II] , with it's presiding deity as Vishnu [Egyptian: Anubis], since both want to see the heart - the Core -of human Dead and Buried. It's feminine deity, Kakini, who loves to let humans eat Greasy Food when emotionally Unhappy ; the Petals [Egyptian: Lotus] as it's original consciousness “Cham”, which represents a rebellious type of human towards God ; the Nada (‘cosmic sound’) is “ Aum “ [Egyptian: a Stolen Distortion from the Original Akae : the spoken Oath which caused Energy into Creation] ; and finally the animal is the Deer [Egyptian: the deer was the animal to be slaughtered during the Opening of the Mouth ritual] .

…you may say, "so what?"
Fair enough... but this shows us that at least two Major religions, based on the very same deities, are trying VERY hard to hinder our Soul escaping OUT of this present heart.
What is going on here…?

Why is our own Soul imprisoned within a Startetrahedron which is “the Magickal Spell"; then guarded by the dog of Death… then imprisoned by a False Mantra… and the Souls symbol to Escape [= to Run; the Deer] having been Slaughtered..?
Moreover, in the same Mouth Ritual, a ‘goose’ is also slaughtered : the rather silly goose representing the Soul herself [since the Hawk, the predator, was Horus].

[continued below]

posted on Jul, 31 2013 @ 10:52 PM

--- Ignition ----

The second part of this concept of the chakra system is about their Ignition.
This kundalini is said to provide special capabilities and a heightened well being but the question is, what is the source that is “connecting” these chakra’s? - because if it is this same “I” Awareness, then under what type of Rule the Soul will have entered…?
Persons who claim to have experienced this Ignition already always claim “to feel bliss”. [yet wasn't there an ATS thread where the OP described "getting tired of it, after 3 months of it"..? - im sorry i wasnt enough attent to that thread] Why ? – because it is an Artificial “bliss”… You see how this "desire to feel bliss" is the exact kind of phrase the Soul would declare…?

- There is another Fractal aspect here:
this Ignited kundalini will not just take place in individual people, but will Ignite from the Far East across the globe. Because we saw, how human represents the Earth - and even cosmos.
What will happen when the chakras get Ignited and they get connected? The same as when the area of Earth until the Milky Way Ring will get connected.
What does this mean ?
That human, as represent of the gyroscopic universe, will be completely Ruled by this external “I“ Awareness, and therefore the entire gyroscopic universe will be Ruled by this “I” Awareness.
… is that making any sense ?

---- so, who or what is that Awareness..? ---

If you made it this far…. then please finish the few sentences below as well *grin*
Until now we've basically explored those things starting from our point of view, right?
…because we talked about this present physical frame; how it has to be an image of another Ethereal Blueprint ; how the Awareness has made StepUps through History, to come to Its goal ; etc
- But we still do not know as to why, in this scenario, the Soul needs to remain imprisoned.

And the latter may be a most important clue.
…to another kind of view.

[ Ptah's created Dwarfs, the deity Bes representing the latter]

There have been enough types of Neanderthals etc, excavated, to prove that several types of humanoid templates have indeed roamed on Earth in prehistoric times ; as well as the persistent stories about Ptah and his created "black skinned dwarfs" ; stories about the Atlantean civilization, etc - and yes they are likely to be True. I have absolutely no problem with accepting that scenario.

Then the story of Eden is indeed an historical narrative about “God creating a ZPF - Eden - making a Bridgehead inside this world, in order to RE-conquer this physical world” back into His dimension. Understood like this, it would imply that God did not create this present physical body as we know it now ; but that Adam and Eve had gorgeous Beings – and that somehow, by the Fall, our Essence slipped into this physical template.

In fact, it appears all of Creation was made inside a higher Dimension first – remember the Ethereal Blueprint - this is why it's totally possible the "trees were created before there was sunlight" etc - a Dimension, ZPF, which was virtually overlapping our present Nature - and indeed every flower was "Perfect” : but after the Fall this Dimension with it's Originals became inaccessible and only it's Fallen Image, that is, Nature around us as we see it, inclusive our physical present frame remained as reality for us.

I, therefore cannot see how God made this present physical body as the one “in His image” since there is simply too much Wrong, non-divine in it, and also because I assume there appear to be more interdimensional humanoids living both inside Earth as there are around us - so that this present body may have many aspects in it which are fabricated by them : The Sumerian stories are talking about this as well.

[note: the above pic shows the "evolution into the Crystalline human being" - see next post]

[final post below]

posted on Jul, 31 2013 @ 11:13 PM

…the title said “Crystalline” ,
however this is so large topic it would require another thread.

Crystal is a most amazing property. It can [like water] store Memory by way of holograms inside it ; store emotions or even Thoughtlines ; has Healing properties , and can Transmit energies - but the most peculiar property it has, is “as tool of the Will” which can be used in all the above.
…please look up Marcel Vogel of IBM, who experimented with crystals and how he produced for example a painting of liquid crystals, sheerly by focusing his Will upon the Image he had in mind….
[and ofcourse also compare the recent thread “light got trapped into crystal” and others]

- At this moment the crystalline “flower of life” Grid is almost completely functioning. We are but days, weeks away from that moment ; and it will cause the Next Ethereal Dimension to Ignite into this present one, as some Bizarre Mimic of Gods Eden Dimension, once - this Event causing the core of the atom to Spin faster a fraction, and therefore creating more complex Polyhedrons [remember the Platonic Solids – how these are the framework of freezing Energy into Matter] . And since our own physical frame is 60% water this will have Effect upon Nature itself, as well as the Consciousness we are able to “download”.


The term “crystalline” depicts a total Artificial “Life”.
Artificial, in this sense, that this “I” Awareness, now having reached its ultimate goal [after a series of StepUps through History, as we saw], has no other goal as “to Rule human”, and really isn't that interested in the
well-being of human.
Why ? - because we saw how It did everything to Imprison the Soul : such is the very Nature of this Awareness ; and we can see it for what It really wants with humankind : to make the Soul but a Spectator within its own vessel.
And because of the Complete Rule of this Awareness over the physical frame and thoughts, It could [read: will ] act like emperor Nero : using humans for his own fun in bizarre multiple ways ; and the Rule is so strong it will feel as an Iron Fist within the mind - since It will rule via Ethereal Energies.

The "I" Awareness goes under many names… eye of Ra…eye of Horus… eye of Sauron… but it all depicts the same thing. The very moment this "I" succeeds to Ignite the chakras, they will form a Closed Loop - and the Soul will be victim within his own physical frame. It will be this “I” who will decide What themes a soul is permitted to think about – and which Not. What feelings are allowed to be experienced – and which Not.

You may say, “oh but that’s not much difference as to what God would do”
- Oh yes it's different.

Because in the Crystalline, the Soul won't know herself to be Free any more. No Free Will no more ; and the secret of everything which is True relates to the possibility of doing it out of Free Will - just as genuine Love is impossible when the other doesn't respond out of Free Will.

…but this Artificial ethereal life which will Feed the closed chakra loop, will feel like a continuous Rape to the soul. Even the pleasant things will feel like having to watch a nice TV program but then 24 hours a day ; or having to bear a neighbour cracking jokes for weeks on end. Ground hog day.

Because, remember, the Soul is imprisoned within that heart chakra, and can be Spectator.

Sure - many things the Soul will still be allowed to do ;
but there is a good reason for the sudden increase of Zombie movies these days ; because this "I" Awareness WILL have “humans in It's image” can Play with; Projecting any kind of consciousness into them, as It likes.

If you could agree with all the above,
then it sure looks like a War between two different Metaphysical sides .
- With the human Soul as Prize.

…the one Side wanting to give Souls back their once original Gorgeous Beings
while the other side wants to Pimp Up this present physical frame by Crystalline / kundalini

…the one Side wanting this so much that He came down to have this prison frame done away with
while The other side was killing every soul who was a serious threat for this

…the one Side wanting back Heaven on Earth again
while the other side seeks to Invade Heaven using human as Shield
- I could continue on some more but you get the point.

…thank you very, very friendly for your Time in reading the above.
Please Choose Wisely

Kind regards,

your Lone

[ for You - do say it is Time now ]

posted on Jul, 31 2013 @ 11:23 PM
So far I belive everything that has been posted in this thread. Truly.

Darryl Forests
Except that ectoplasm is second stomach regurgitated on command cheesecloths. - true.

posted on Jul, 31 2013 @ 11:37 PM
reply to post by Lone12

Really liked your thread.
Was holding my breath when you started in on the crystals but it all came right in the end. Very enjoyable read.

posted on Jul, 31 2013 @ 11:41 PM
S&F absolutely... and I haven't even completely finished reading the whole thing... yet...

I will probably read through this several times before I crash for the evening...

Very nicely done!

posted on Aug, 1 2013 @ 08:47 AM
This is a good version of my favorite story. I particularly liked the idea of being imprisoned within one's own heart, the captivity imposed through absolute separation from others. Our deepest longing is for connection, but if one is trapped in a worldview where others are either identified as Self or Object, connection is impossible.

My cohort hit upon the central flaw in the Gnostic version of the story, the idea of an interdimensional Nero entrapping fully-fledged souls in matter for its own amusement. In this view, of course, Mater Matter is a villain who devours her own children.

Consider, instead, that the Divine is thrust like a seed into Matter, the processes of the mind and body giving shape and substance to the plasma form. Just another organic cycle. And probably, just as with our bodies and minds, our developing ID forms flourish best when we enjoy rich, fruitful relationships with our fellow humans.

We also posit that the hierarchical social structure you refer to as being a state of lost innocence is actually part of a historical loop we seem perennially unable to interrupt.

But here does the moon come into this? We have some thoughts on that, too, but I would be interested in your take.

posted on Aug, 1 2013 @ 09:04 AM
I'm sorry but you are mixing Western religion with eastern ideas and this my friend does not work, where as the bias you have been predisposed to by what seems to be christianity to believe everything having been made by some more advanced, ultimate, holy or whatever being you call it. The east has a far different concept of reality than this. Mainly when I mean east I'm talking Hinduism, various Buddhist and more ancient texts that predate our modern views. This is relevant because the Chakra system you mention cannot be mixed with the idea of any separate "god" creating it. Therefore there is nothing to be trapped if you are going to be using the chakra system at all is my point.

You seem to be mentioning something close to a Buddhist text called "the secret of the golden flower"
I'd recommend it its a fascinating read

posted on Aug, 1 2013 @ 12:27 PM
I don't have this understanding of Ego, and have already experienced myself/HS even as a wee child.

Ego is the broader sense as I, is necessity as we all are individuals forever. Soul is not helpless and vulnerable. Rather tough love at times for us, because In essence we want to be perfect. Spirit operates through soul, and we were upgraded to this level. All energies progress. Consciousness progresses. We're all infinite parts of infinity and there is no time. So all the snapshots of our journey are at once and we can have round table meeting with self if such a thing is arranged, within the global whole of Infinite Self or Higher Self.

This school is about learning how much injustice sucks basically and evolving into a more productive grown up being. Yet there are terrible timeouts for those who have harmed and I really worry for the world's mismanagers. They've been so misguided by the darker forces that benefit from having prey. So everyone who wakes up more to the way the world is tries to nudge the leaders and mismanagers into sanity as well, for we want everyone out of this. I know the people are getting out, not so sure they're going to be fine, and really worry about them.
edit on 1-8-2013 by Unity_99 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 1 2013 @ 03:29 PM
reply to post by madmac5150

thanks for reading MM

- feel free to add


posted on Aug, 1 2013 @ 03:54 PM

Originally posted by pryed -eyed-one
I'm sorry but you are mixing Western religion with eastern ideas and this my friend does not work, where as the bias you have been predisposed to by what seems to be christianity to believe everything having been made by some more advanced, ultimate, holy or whatever being you call it. The east has a far different concept of reality than this. Mainly when I mean east I'm talking Hinduism, various Buddhist and more ancient texts that predate our modern views. This is relevant because the Chakra system you mention cannot be mixed with the idea of any separate "god" creating it. Therefore there is nothing to be trapped if you are going to be using the chakra system at all is my point.

You seem to be mentioning something close to a Buddhist text called "the secret of the golden flower"
I'd recommend it its a fascinating read

thanks for the thoughtful reply PEO

- i wont dispute that much of the present Hindu and Vedic themes contain ideas from ancient civilizations like Mu - or the Rishi kingdom ; the former perhaps pre-dating Eden

but *i* am not mixing nothing: the éast has.

see - after the Downfall of Eden, the Awareness Travelled East from Egypt,
to establish Its rule over the world again,
[ as the pyramid text say "Set threw his Eye into the east"]
and has created there a pantheon, linked to but distorted fróm the Bible.

...for example Brahma is a legal spiritual link to Abraham
just as Sarasvati is the legal link to Sarah
why ? - because abraham was promised to have a descent as large as the sand on the seashore', but since the Awareness fabricated "Brahma", millions upon millions of Hindus are praying AGAINST the promise made to THEM.

you see how this Awareness lets people to imprison themsélves ?

another example is the popular elephant deity Ganesha
a deity, which appeared suddenly 600 AD , out of nowhere
- but is the Moabite Chemesh , the pot-belly childrensacrifice one
..just as the Bible tells that 'moabs deity will go rule from elsewhere '

- you may think that the chakra concept is just an energetic concept [not related to deities ruling them]
and also the whole I Ching appears to be but an energetic concept -
but the rulers of the latter are the Grigorii, who rule the concept of the Omen [which is I Ching]
and, it speaks for itsélf, that the personal deities Hide behind a seemingly sheer energetic ?

..besides - Buddha was no other one but Thoth
who played the same trick in the Mayan civilization
heck - he even let to "travel the mayans with an ark like box ", as some bizarre mimick of old-isreal in the desert

best wishes

posted on Aug, 1 2013 @ 03:56 PM

Originally posted by luxordelphi
reply to post by Lone12

Really liked your thread.
Was holding my breath when you started in on the crystals but it all came right in the end. Very enjoyable read.

i m indebted to you


posted on Aug, 1 2013 @ 05:18 PM
Is it not funny for you OP that you need to have two sides fighting over you and against god.

If you could agree with all the above, then it sure looks like a War between two different Metaphysical sides . - With the human Soul as Prize. …the one Side wanting to give Souls back their once original Gorgeous Beings while the other side wants to Pimp Up this present physical frame by Crystalline / kundalini …the one Side wanting this so much that He came down to have this prison frame done away with while The other side was killing every soul who was a serious threat for this …the one Side wanting back Heaven on Earth again while the other side seeks to Invade Heaven using human as Shield - I could continue on some more but you get the point.

Have you ever meet a person who have kundalini activated? Are the followers of any religion or dogma? Are they easy to tell do this or that when they have no good reason for it?

They always go their own road and normally are very focused and can take spiritual information form all sources and put it into the right context thru experiance. Just because you think they go against the bible does not mean they are not doing exactly what god wants them todo. Revalation is all about kundalini and the sealed ones are the ones who have achieved it.

The good will be describes as the bad and the bad as the good. Upside down exactly like it is suppose to be.
edit on 1-8-2013 by LittleByLittle because: Spellchecking

posted on Aug, 1 2013 @ 05:19 PM

Originally posted by Eidolon23
This is a good version of my favorite story. I particularly liked the idea of being imprisoned within one's own heart, the captivity imposed through absolute separation from others. Our deepest longing is for connection, but if one is trapped in a worldview where others are either identified as Self or Object, connection is impossible.

My cohort hit upon the central flaw in the Gnostic version of the story, the idea of an interdimensional Nero entrapping fully-fledged souls in matter for its own amusement. In this view, of course, Mater Matter is a villain who devours her own children.

Consider, instead, that the Divine is thrust like a seed into Matter, the processes of the mind and body giving shape and substance to the plasma form. Just another organic cycle. And probably, just as with our bodies and minds, our developing ID forms flourish best when we enjoy rich, fruitful relationships with our fellow humans.

We also posit that the hierarchical social structure you refer to as being a state of lost innocence is actually part of a historical loop we seem perennially unable to interrupt.

But here does the moon come into this? We have some thoughts on that, too, but I would be interested in your take.

thanks Eidolon

yes i do think, it is a most basic need for any soul to have real, genuine Interaction with other souls
but me too see often that it is but an exchange of information, whereby the soul remains untouched
and yes i m afraid this is because of that huge Spell

well....actually.... i still havent found that real Moon as of yet.... *blush*
all these other things came inbetween

kind regards

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