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Secret tape reveals Republican strategy to sabotage Obama's remaining years.

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+20 more 
posted on Jul, 31 2013 @ 12:35 PM

Groundswell Group Stoked Scandals with Help From GOP Leaders

But audio of a May Groundswell meeting obtained by C&L from a source who wishes to remain anonymous reveals Groundswellers met with top Congressional leaders to lobby for a select committee endowed with subpoena power to investigate the White House. Lobbying may be too mild a term, since they really are plotting with those same leaders to invent very real scandals with very real investigations in order to sink the country into a mire of inaction and sabotage the remaining years of President Obama's term.

There was wave after wave of headlines about these so-called scandals. Some people wrote about what an awful week the White House had. It wasn't coincidence. It was orchestrated and planned by this group of people, who had the will and the power to secure the participation of people like Darrell Issa, John Boehner and more.


The audio recording is at the link, for those who are unable to play the audio recording. The rest of the article goes on to explain how almost every "scandal" that has plagued the White House this year was orchestrated by the Groundswell group a right wing strategy group led by Ginni Thomas, the wife of Supreme Court Justice Clerence Thomas

Among the atendees where Tom Fitton from Judicial Watch, and Stephen Bannon from Breitbart news. In the audio recording one can hear Stephen Bannon from Breitbart News counseling the group on how the handle the Benghazi controversy.

The Republican hate for the Obama administration has put our country at a standstill.

+77 more 
posted on Jul, 31 2013 @ 12:37 PM
How has the Republican hate done anything except bring the failings of a horrible president to light? Your post is ridiculous. While the audio may have had people talking about how to handle speaking of and reporting on certain happenings....these things actually happened and under Obama's political reign. He has done these things...the fact they were reported is amazing to me, but I am happy they were and happy someone is actually trying to show the public that he deserves to be ostracized and impeached for it.
edit on 7/31/13 by Vasa Croe because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 31 2013 @ 12:39 PM
Yeah, things are going to be great with Hillary Clinton as our next POTUS.

Spot on Muse, us Republicans are to blame for our countries woes. Only us Republicans. Thank you for pointing that out.

+26 more 
posted on Jul, 31 2013 @ 12:40 PM
reply to post by muse7

The Obama administration is doing a fine job on their own sabotaging themselves.
They don't need outside help.........they keep shooting their selves in the foot with scandal after scandal.

Can't be any worse than this administration targeting their opponents with the IRS.
To me, this is much more serious than the GOP tape.

edit on 31-7-2013 by snarky412 because: (no reason given)

+1 more 
posted on Jul, 31 2013 @ 12:41 PM
I love how the progs call the POTUSs real dirty laundry fake.That way facts are not in play.

4 dead says all I need to hear about impeachment and chastisemant for Hillary.
Watch out though that cow is a sacred one to the progs.

posted on Jul, 31 2013 @ 12:42 PM
Who needs to GOP? This administration is doing just fine without them IMO.

This would be one of the rare time that although their hearts are in the wrong place, meaning they aren't doing this for "we the people", but their actions help "we the people" know just how scumbaggery this current administration is.

posted on Jul, 31 2013 @ 12:43 PM
Ooh this will be a fun study of reply to star and flag ratio on

I say 115+ replies and 6 stars .
Starting with this one star and flag from me.

Because their is no doubt in my mind,
there are many conservative agendas at work to try and ruin Obama .

Even if they have to throw the country under the bus to do it.
(see fiscal cliff and fillibusters in record numbers)

posted on Jul, 31 2013 @ 12:43 PM
This is news? The GOP has been using this playbook since 2010.

Great that there's audio confirming it, but i'm pretty sure the GOP said this is their strategy back in '09

+1 more 
posted on Jul, 31 2013 @ 12:43 PM

Originally posted by Vasa Croe
How has the Republican hate done anything except bring the failings of a horrible president to light?

with backroom deals and agreements to sabotage and create a fake "scandal war" they are the ones responsible for the standstill in Congress

posted on Jul, 31 2013 @ 12:47 PM

Originally posted by sealing
Ooh this will be a fun study of reply to star and flag ratio on

I say 115+ replies and 6 stars .
Starting with this one star and flag from me.

Because their is no doubt in my mind,
there are many conservative agendas at work to try and ruin Obama .

Even if they have to throw the country under the bus to do it.
(see fiscal cliff and fillibusters in record numbers)

I don't do it for the stars, if I did I would have posted something about a crazy new conspiracy about Benghazi from World Net Daily. But yeah a lot of Right wing websites that get linked to from ATS attended this group such as Breitbart and others.

posted on Jul, 31 2013 @ 12:47 PM
While tables are being beautifully turned,
has anyone investigated Issa and Joe Arpaio
for the fast and furious scandal?

Me thinks they protest WAY too much.

Not to mention the whole thing conveniently happened
in Sheriff Joes backyard. Coincidence?
Yeah sure.

+8 more 
posted on Jul, 31 2013 @ 12:47 PM
reply to post by muse7

And how can a 'scandal' be orchestrated by some one else other than the fools that led the scandal to begin with???

Which BTW, is the Obama administration.

And why put quotes around the word?
Call it like it is, a SCANDAL!!!

Only Obama and his crew are responsible for their blunders.
Talk about not accepting responsibility.

posted on Jul, 31 2013 @ 12:48 PM

Originally posted by muse7

Originally posted by Vasa Croe
How has the Republican hate done anything except bring the failings of a horrible president to light?

with backroom deals and agreements to sabotage and create a fake "scandal war" they are the ones responsible for the standstill in Congress

What fake scandal/war are you referring to? Bringing the MANY failings of our current president to the forefront?

Love how he handles them too....just avoid and distract with the latest news story on a kid dying.....nothing better to keep the attention averted from the truth than to rile up your largest constituency to create news stories all over the country in order to avoid having to deal with the real story at the heart of a failing political leadership.

+1 more 
posted on Jul, 31 2013 @ 12:52 PM

Originally posted by muse7

Originally posted by Vasa Croe
How has the Republican hate done anything except bring the failings of a horrible president to light?

with backroom deals and agreements to sabotage and create a fake "scandal war" they are the ones responsible for the standstill in Congress

So another words it has nothing to do with:

1.)) IRS targeting groups
2.) NSA blanket spying
3.) Fast - n - Furious
4.) drone striking americans
5.) Benghazi

This isn't different the what the Dems considered during the Bush era, only they couldn't go through with it because the American people were galvinized by 911 and they were afraid it would backfire...rightfully so, the republicans imploded on their own.

I really hope your thread isn't trying to exonerate one party of another. If it is...then I fear you are a government shill or really need to take a look at this ATS thread because I fear you have been targeted: Secret DARPA Mind Control

To government, there is no left v. right. That is only for us to be devided and conqured. Their agenda is shared, meaning that those who appear to control us are controlled themselves, even if they don't know it themselves.

posted on Jul, 31 2013 @ 12:54 PM
reply to post by muse7

Yeah my friend I know that.
You are a fave of mine.
You are one of the few and proud on ATS.

If you ever do want to sell out I found this formula works best.
1 part Obama
1 part Muslim
2 parts Kenyan
a couple of Black Panthers stories
and a secret Muslim decoder ring.
Guaranteed 50+ flags.

posted on Jul, 31 2013 @ 12:54 PM

Originally posted by Evil_Santa
This is news? The GOP has been using this playbook since 2010.

Great that there's audio confirming it, but i'm pretty sure the GOP said this is their strategy back in '09

It has been their strategy since the day Obama walked into office. Remember Mitch McConnell giving his little speech about how they were going to do whatever it takes to make him a one term president.

posted on Jul, 31 2013 @ 12:55 PM
reply to post by sealing

Because their is no doubt in my mind, there are many conservative agendas at work to try and ruin Obama .

How is any one responsible for the scandals surrounding this administration other than themselves???
Trying to pass the blame to some one else is laughable.

Every administration has a scandal or 2.
Obama happens to have multiple scandals going on and yet, it's the GOP fault.
Yeah right......:shk:

They could have handled this differently but they chose not to.
Ignore the truth and deceive the people seems to be their motto.

Kinda like a kid saying, "Wasn't me, he did it"!

edit on 31-7-2013 by snarky412 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 31 2013 @ 12:55 PM
reply to post by muse7

What are you doing!!??

This is ATS, no anti-republican posts man!!

Don't get banned!!

100 Anti democratic posts A-OK!

1 Anti-Republican post = SHTF!

posted on Jul, 31 2013 @ 12:57 PM
I'm afraid they lost me in credibility as more than a hack and slash political piece when Benghazi was used in ""'s for a scandal. 4 dead Americans is beyond scandal. It's negligent homicide and Hillary, at the very least, was the top of their chain of command for what lead to it...months of what led to it.

The rest? Well.. It is interesting to see both sides do play the same silly little games to roadblock and screw with each other. Blaming gridlock on Republicans is about as sincere as saying Obama is entirely to blame for the nation's problems, as if he thought all this up by himself or something.

It takes two sides to screw this all up and two sides to fix it. Things like Reid telling Boehner that any formal budget out of the house ..ANY budget...would never see a vote in HIS Senate for previous years? Well, now that's how the tango takes them both and neither dances worth a wooden nickle.

Flush the Left down the sewer. Flush the Right down the sewer. Replace with Americans that know BOTH their left and right, as if just graduated out of Kindergarten. We'll be miles ahead of the current crowd from day 1.

edit on 31-7-2013 by Wrabbit2000 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 31 2013 @ 01:00 PM

Originally posted by Rosinitiate

Originally posted by muse7

Originally posted by Vasa Croe
How has the Republican hate done anything except bring the failings of a horrible president to light?

with backroom deals and agreements to sabotage and create a fake "scandal war" they are the ones responsible for the standstill in Congress

So another words it has nothing to do with:

1.)) IRS targeting groups
2.) NSA blanket spying
3.) Fast - n - Furious
4.) drone striking americans
5.) Benghazi

This isn't different the what the Dems considered during the Bush era, only they couldn't go through with it because the American people were galvinized by 911 and they were afraid it would backfire...rightfully so, the republicans imploded on their own.

I really hope your thread isn't trying to exonerate one party of another. If it is...then I fear you are a government shill or really need to take a look at this ATS thread because I fear you have been targeted: Secret DARPA Mind Control

To government, there is no left v. right. That is only for us to be devided and conqured. Their agenda is shared, meaning that those who appear to control us are controlled themselves, even if they don't know it themselves.

They are no different than Obama and his thinking, that this doesn't apply.
These don't mean squat.

Don't you know by now, the Dems are saints and never ever do any thing wrong.

Being as I am Independent, I think both parties are a joke but to say the GOP was responsible for all of Obama's problems is absurd.

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