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Alien Invasion, Are we prepared?

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posted on Jul, 31 2013 @ 09:04 AM
Not matter how prepared we were, we'd still be bringing a knife to a gunfight.

If we're capable of nuclear weapons, what would an advanced civilization have in their arsenal?

Not to mention what the military protocol could be in the situation. We could go DEFCON 1 and nukes would light up the sky like fireworks, and even if that worked the fallout would kill us anyway.

But still it wouldn't be a bad way to go out. Being vaporized by cool alien weapons sure beats some other unfortunate ways to die.

posted on Jul, 31 2013 @ 09:36 AM
Well if we were being observed and there was a force gearing up to invade, wouldn't their also be a force that is working with us and maybe even protecting us as a species because we are infant in comparison to other life forms that could be way more advanced then us? There is good and bad in this universe no matter which way we turn and look and you have to think that we have a good angel and a bad angel hovering over earth right now so if the # hits the fan i think it would implicate far more unseen events then we can imagine.

posted on Jul, 31 2013 @ 10:32 AM
reply to post by AlienView

With all due respect to your question.... you are assuming that there is only one alien race in your hypothesis. Maybe if you expanded your horizon to include more alien races in your hypothesis, that would sort out your little conundrum. Maybe some are good and some are bad?

posted on Jul, 31 2013 @ 11:02 AM
I would say you are 10's of thousands if not 100's of thousands of years too late for preperation.

They are here, have been here and depending on your idea of invasion, have already "invaded". So if you are afraid they are going to lock us all up and perform sick experiments on us, you would be wrong. Only some of us....

posted on Jul, 31 2013 @ 11:09 AM
IF there truly is intelligent ET visitation, then it would depend on what kind of Alien invasion, One that is here to help the human race succeed in becoming the beings we are meant to be, then maybe YES. or an alien race here to benefit off our planets resources, including humans and the animals we have here, then NO.

posted on Jul, 31 2013 @ 11:24 AM
reply to post by AlienView

It would be like a Pitbull versus a Pomeranian.

posted on Jul, 31 2013 @ 11:32 AM

Originally posted by zigoapex
reply to post by AlienView

I think we have much greater things to fear, like the problems mankind started, and the reality that we do not
have the capability/will power to correct them.
They are probably here just watching us dismantle what nature has taken millions of years to do, in a blink of an eye.
looking at the big ugly picture we painted for ourselves, it's no wonder they never made contact to large populations.

to me it's obvious that mankind cannot rule itself, the destruction of our oceans being one proof.
our primitive nation based territorial soveringty concept is obsolete, and imo, will destroy what's left of marine life.

while it would seem intelligent beings have watched us for a while, our technological progress is not being matched by political and social progress, so hopefully they(aliens?) will help soon.

our governments are not part of the solution, they are the biggest problem facing this planet, life on this planet needs protection from these idiots.

modern governments operate like mafias, your crook protects you against the other crooks.
exploitation of natural resourses is based on keeping an unsustainable financial system afloat.

someone from the outside might put more importance on saving the oceans' life, they propably would be an improvement on human self rule.

could they be more stupid than the american congress, imo, an impossible task.

posted on Jul, 31 2013 @ 11:34 AM
I have Reese's Pieces and a phone. What else do you need?

posted on Jul, 31 2013 @ 11:55 AM
Invasion real or not? Should be the question. Whatever pans out, be it a fake alien invasion or ww3 with nukes going will have been well planned, be it on the governments own initiative or a collaboration with other entities. Then there's this business that snowden says about solar flares that real..or is someone gonna flick yhe power switch off just to herd us into fema concentration camps.

Interesting times for sure..

posted on Jul, 31 2013 @ 12:04 PM
If UFOs are aliens I do not think they are sizing us up, as people have said they could wipe us out at the drop of a hat. They have no reason to sit and observe us all this time if their plan is invasion.
edit on 7/31/2013 by ashtonhz8907 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 31 2013 @ 12:06 PM
They would swat us like a fly. End of story.

posted on Jul, 31 2013 @ 12:32 PM
The goverment won't protect us as they would probably be behind the invasion.Those who believe in the illuminati think that an invasion is the way to force the people to the way of Satan!

posted on Jul, 31 2013 @ 01:08 PM

Originally posted by Akragon

Originally posted by AlienView
reply to post by Akragon

Of course you and others including me have thought this. But we are prone to take the human paradigm of existence and give it to aliens who may be very different, evolved differently, and think differently. They may
be masters of space travel but not of war; They might have no real weapons and may not understand military
style of conquest. Of course if they have been watching us they could be learning and may one day decide
to try an invasion and takeover of a species that is used to invasion and takeover - Man and his wars.

If they've mastered space, that also means they've mastered their economy, which also means they've overcome wars of their own, and unified as a species to "explore other worlds"... Something we've yet to conquer...

IF they've gotten this far, they've been through the wars of their own species...

the question is... were they a conquering species... or did they unify themselves by peace?

What makes you think aliens have an economy or armies? Because we do?

I guess people don't believe in a total peaceful race because it doesn't exist here on Earth. Just think what our world would be like right now if there was absolutely no wars or violence among ourselves, that we all worked do you know aliens don't do that and look at us and think were crazy? That's right you don't.

posted on Jul, 31 2013 @ 01:24 PM
Here's an even better question? Why would they invade? What use for they have for a planet that was polluted and destroyed by a group of hairless apes less intelligent than them? They would see us as ants.

Do you invade ant colonies in your spare time OP? Would there be any point?

posted on Jul, 31 2013 @ 01:35 PM

Originally posted by Xaphan
Here's an even better question? Why would they invade? What use for they have for a planet that was polluted and destroyed by a group of hairless apes less intelligent than them? They would see us as ants.

Do you invade ant colonies in your spare time OP? Would there be any point?

What's stopping them from viewing us the same way we view mice? We could possibly be used for genetic experiments. The same way humans take lesser animals for purposes of cloning for example, I'm sure geneticist ET's would do the same.

Another thing is that even though this earth is polluted, there are still valuable resources located on the planet which can be exploited.

posted on Jul, 31 2013 @ 02:02 PM

Originally posted by AlienView
reply to post by Akragon

Of course you and others including me have thought this. But we are prone to take the human paradigm of existence and give it to aliens who may be very different, evolved differently, and think differently. They may
be masters of space travel but not of war; They might have no real weapons and may not understand military
style of conquest. Of course if they have been watching us they could be learning and may one day decide
to try an invasion and takeover of a species that is used to invasion and takeover - Man and his wars.

To construct any kind of long-distance vehicle will require teams of specialists to build propulsion, navigation, life-support, and medical services. That's going to require management hierarchies and teamwork similar to the military. Then any system designed for self defence - lasers, electric bolts, nuclear reactors can also be used for war.

The closest thing we have would be the construction of luxury liners.. those have their own planetariums, 3D cinema, satellite internet and power plants. It's only the lack of anti-gravity/levitation technology that could convert those into giant zeppelin craft that are talked about.

Maybe we are closer to alien technology if it really exists, than we know:

The first image really looks like it could be a stealth fighter.
edit on 31-7-2013 by stormcell because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 31 2013 @ 02:05 PM
They would have the advantage,they have all the Intel on us, and had us under observation for some time, as long they wanted to make sure they had all the advantage.

A invasion force with troopers I doubt that.

A quick biological attack would end us quickly
Or just a directed EMP beam, take out all our electricity
Or just start a war between our self
Perhaps they could just push the moon into earth, and clean up the mess

But.. I would like to believe aliens have overcome caveman mentality of war and destruction

posted on Jul, 31 2013 @ 02:09 PM
We would be so screwed. We would make a good slave race they may even raise us as a food source we already eat chemical riddled garbage and want more. Double cheese and coke please.

posted on Jul, 31 2013 @ 02:17 PM
reply to post by SloAnPainful

If they can travel here, they have weapons. They wouldn't venture through space without them. They could encounter a "bad guy" (who has the same or similar agenda as them) out there on their way and would need some form of self defense...

That would make a very cool movie. An Alien race on its way to take over Earth, but mid trip it's bombarded by malevolent beings of the same nature. Meanwhile, us Earthlings would never even know. There could be a galactic war going on and the winner receives "dibs" to the Earth and it's bountiful resources.

posted on Jul, 31 2013 @ 02:22 PM
An invasion could come in many forms. It would also depend on what the invasion force would want to achieve through it's invasion. Other factors would include the physical size and strength of the aliens, Just how far advanced their technology is and the invasion force numbers.
From all the information gathered over the years could it not be that such an invasion could be going on right now. The method being 'infiltration' by beings who are not large in number, but advanced technologically. With the right technology, infiltration could be achieved by creating clones of, or otherwise appearing to take, human form. Being far more intelligent, they would easily be able to manipulate humans and make their way into positions of power. Using that power, they position many of their own kind into key positions around the globe. Over time, they would subvert the human race to the point where humans could not so much as breath without their say so.
They may reveal their true selves when they know that their grip on the human race cannot be undone.
Is there not an intelligence working behind the scenes trying to achieve such a goal right now ?

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