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Alien Invasion, Are we prepared?

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posted on Aug, 1 2013 @ 06:20 AM
reply to post by AlienView

I always think they would be like insects for some reason. If they're anything like the pictures people sketch, that's a bug head with bulging black eyes. They might have thousands of lenses in their eyes like bugs do. Insects eyes have a very wide field of view,

posted on Aug, 1 2013 @ 06:20 AM

Originally posted by AlienView
Are we prepared for the worse?
I say we should be. What do you think?
edit on 31-7-2013 by AlienView because: (no reason given)

If they have the tech to travel all that distance at light speed and survive damage from high-velocity particle in space, then they probably have the technology to orbit Earth, and blast its surface from this vantage position. In fact the tech for orbit-toEarth warfare is fairly simple, all they'd have to do is drop heavy weights. The fall's acceleration (up to dozens of time the speed of sound) would cause much damage.

If we're meant to go, then we're meant to go, mate. But the choice of how you want to go is yours.

edit on 1-8-2013 by swanne because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 1 2013 @ 06:34 AM

Originally posted by AlienView
If you are reading this you probably have some interest in the Alien/UFO phenomena; The appearance of apparently intelligently guided craft which can not be fully explained or dismissed. A lot of people, especially over the last 60 years or so, have seen and recorded what appeared [and appears] to be craft which are classically definable as UFO [unidentified flying objects]. Many believe governments of the world know what these craft are and are hiding 'disclosure' from the public. But there is no proof of this; It is possible that the only thing the government is hiding is its own ignorance - they do not know what the UFOs are either. So some would say let us forget about it. They are secret government craft or strange unexplained optical illusions, etc. But what if they are real? What if we are being visited by intelligent aliens, aliens who are not indicating any desire to make direct contact with humans and show no signs of a friendly disposition? They could be sizing humans and the planet earth up and waiting for the right time to invade and conquer the planet. Are we prepared for this? Are our governments taking measures to protect us from a sudden alien invasion? Are they protecting us from a direct and sudden invasion or a subtle slow takeover through computers and the internet?

I have hypothesized many times and indicated a theoretical contact with a benign race of highly evolved [by human standards] ETs - but this might only reflect my hope that they are of a friendly mentality. What if they are not friendly, see us as food, or as lesser animals to be enslaved as pets. Are we prepared for the worse?
I say we should be. What do you think?
edit on 31-7-2013 by AlienView because: (no reason given)

Why not do it 500 years ago or 10,000 years ago, why wait until our tech is better? I would think that it would really not matter and it would resemble cavemen with sticks attacking an aircraft carrier

posted on Aug, 1 2013 @ 07:05 AM
If such a thing happened, ask yourself "whos' really behind this?". Probably the you es.

posted on Aug, 1 2013 @ 10:09 AM
Humans as food for aliens! Ha, ha! What a joke!
(Too many vampire movies.)
With all the evidence of their vastly superior technology we would be toast by now if they had hostile intentions.

The main post itself makes the assumptions that ETs are from outer space, when the latest evidence shows they are more likely to be inter-dimensional, living among us, and in fact have been serving as guides and guardians throughout our brief human history.

I think it's time the honest UFO investigator turn to the spiritual hypothesis for answers to this puzzle.
Try reading about the Dr. John Mack interviews, the "Journey of Souls" book by Michael Newton, and
the "Convoluted Universe" series by Dolores Cannon. There is no doubt the human race is being
groomed, but not for food, but rather to enter the community of enlightened civilizations that
comprise our universe.

posted on Aug, 1 2013 @ 10:30 AM

Originally posted by AlienView
If you are reading this you probably have some interest in the Alien/UFO phenomena; The appearance of apparently intelligently guided craft which can not be fully explained or dismissed. A lot of people, especially over the last 60 years or so, have seen and recorded what appeared [and appears] to be craft which are classically definable as UFO [unidentified flying objects].

Okay if we take the premise that ET has been visiting Earth for 60 at least years or perhaps more, during that time 100s of thousands of people have been killed by his fellow man............. how many lives has ET supposedly claimed?puz:

The world and it's people are at war with itself every single day on some country on the planet..... you aren't aware of it because you don't live in a war torn country......or it is not reported on the news.

Man has a lot more to fear from man than any potential ET invasion.:

edit on 1-8-2013 by Logical one because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 1 2013 @ 11:12 AM

Originally posted by AlienView
If you are reading this you probably have some interest in the Alien/UFO phenomena; The appearance of apparently intelligently guided craft which can not be fully explained or dismissed. A lot of people, especially over the last 60 years or so, have seen and recorded what appeared [and appears] to be craft which are classically definable as UFO [unidentified flying objects]. Many believe governments of the world know what these craft are and are hiding 'disclosure' from the public. But there is no proof of this; It is possible that the only thing the government is hiding is its own ignorance - they do not know what the UFOs are either. So some would say let us forget about it. They are secret government craft or strange unexplained optical illusions, etc. But what if they are real? What if we are being visited by intelligent aliens, aliens who are not indicating any desire to make direct contact with humans and show no signs of a friendly disposition? They could be sizing humans and the planet earth up and waiting for the right time to invade and conquer the planet. Are we prepared for this? Are our governments taking measures to protect us from a sudden alien invasion? Are they protecting us from a direct and sudden invasion or a subtle slow takeover through computers and the internet?

I have hypothesized many times and indicated a theoretical contact with a benign race of highly evolved [by human standards] ETs - but this might only reflect my hope that they are of a friendly mentality. What if they are not friendly, see us as food, or as lesser animals to be enslaved as pets. Are we prepared for the worse?
I say we should be. What do you think?
edit on 31-7-2013 by AlienView because: (no reason given)

Thanks AV for the fun and interesting post S + F. I always enjoy reading topics such as this and it appears the consensus from the posters is that We (as a planet) are not prepared for the worst. Worst being defined as being totally dominated by another species or being totally eliminated, exterminated, then I think the obvious answer is NO, we (as a planet) are not prepared.

But a lot of assumptions and 'what-ifs' could be thrown into the mix to create a variety of scenarios that could change the outcome. My point meaning just because they can get here, doesn't mean they have the capacity to bring with them the systems, devices, weapons to destroy us. Again, I am just slightly expanding other scenarios. As an example, we landed men on the moon. We developed the technology to get us there and then back again. We could only send two astronauts to the surface of the moon at a time. Well, just in an exercise for thought, if the moon had been populated with say a community of say 10,000 inhabitants, and let's say they had not developed much further than a caveman. Well, most likely, they would be afraid of these new and strange creatures that just landed, and without asking questions their first reaction might be to do what we have seen in our own history, kill the invaders. In this case, we were more intelligent, we developed flight, got to another planet, landed but we were not prepared for the unknown, inhabitants who only had advanced to an intelligence level of kill or be killed.

So even right now, more than 40 years since we were able to send a human to another planet and return and we have no capability right now, even if we wanted to 'get even' to go back to the moon and in retribution kill the killers. If we did want to, it would take at least 50 to 100 yrs at least to make enough ships to carry a substantial amount of a force to land, protect, fight and conquer these hypothetical enemies.

OR, would it not be more plausible, since WE (the people of Earth) come in peace, would want to develop ways to do surveillance for a period of time to understand what we are dealing with, what the threat really is. Maybe they are just afraid, we are peaceful, we want to be friends, but now we need to take our time, take more careful visits, land in remote areas, maybe try to capture onr or two of these creatures, take them, and begin to analyze, experiment on them (in essence, we abduct them to find out what we are dealing with). So you can see the scenario I am depicting. The process of actually travelling to another planet and then realizing that there are inhabitants there would require a plan on what do we do next?

So how about that question? What if we eventually do begin to develop the capabilities to get to other star systems (we have a long way to go before that happens), but along the way we get to closer planets. What plans do we have should we came across a planet that when we flew around its' orbit, we saw inhabitants? What next? How would we begin to communicate? Make contact? Our intention is not to want to destroy anything, we just learned how to get there safely, but now what do we do? Are we prepared? Interesting?
edit on 1-8-2013 by ItDepends because: grammatical correction

edit on 1-8-2013 by ItDepends because: sentence structure

edit on 1-8-2013 by ItDepends because: (no reason given)

edit on 1-8-2013 by ItDepends because: grammatical correction

edit on 1-8-2013 by ItDepends because: sentence structure

posted on Aug, 1 2013 @ 11:25 AM
Are we prepared? No.

Now, that being said, there are two types of invasion that I see:
- Invasion for gathering resources found on this planet
- Invasion for re-colonization

The first instance may not be as bad as the second...since it could be temporary.

The second would be game over for mankind as we know it. (or perhaps enslaved for labor).
edit on 1-8-2013 by gavron because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 1 2013 @ 11:27 AM
...Bought 45' shipping container, dug a hole, burried the container 1/2 full of food and guns/amo, hunting gear, first aid necesities, creature comforts and I am ready for the first big alien attack, enough to survive the big push or the first wave anyways. Then...A hunting I will go...

posted on Aug, 1 2013 @ 11:43 AM

Originally posted by Nuke2013
...Bought 45' shipping container, dug a hole, burried the container 1/2 full of food and guns/amo, hunting gear, first aid necesities, creature comforts and I am ready for the first big alien attack, enough to survive the big push or the first wave anyways. Then...A hunting I will go...

A hunting for what ?
Do you really believe they will be sending out ground troops with guns ?
Even a ww3 among humans would not be fought with soldiers on the ground..
do you think they would come anywhere near our solar system before they have carefully scorched earth to a ball of fire. heating up our atmosphere to 1000 degrees..
you would be cooked and boiled in your homemade grill.
And even then they would use RC drones to clean up the rubble.
Perhaps they would never leave their home planet.. why should they.. RC everything

posted on Aug, 1 2013 @ 11:47 AM
reply to post by Spacespider

They could release a toxin in our atmosphere to kill off life. Or worse, drop some kinda atmospheric processor to alter our atmosphere...killing us more slowly.

So many alternatives out there....I'm sure if it came right down to it, we may not even realize the horrors that could await us. Best not to put too much thought into it.

posted on Aug, 1 2013 @ 12:20 PM

Originally posted by ItDepends

Thanks AV for the fun and interesting post S + F. I always enjoy reading topics such as this and it appears the consensus from the posters is that We (as a planet) are not prepared for the worst. Worst being defined as being totally dominated by another species or being totally eliminated, exterminated, then I think the obvious answer is NO, we (as a planet) are not prepared.

But a lot of assumptions and 'what-ifs' could be thrown into the mix to create a variety of scenarios that could change the outcome. My point meaning just because they can get here, doesn't mean they have the capacity to bring with them the systems, devices, weapons to destroy us. Again, I am just slightly expanding other scenarios. As an example, we landed men on the moon. We developed the technology to get us there and then back again. We could only send two astronauts to the surface of the moon at a time. Well, just in an exercise for thought, if the moon had been populated with say a community of say 10,000 inhabitants, and let's say they had not developed much further than a caveman. Well, most likely, they would be afraid of these new and strange creatures that just landed, and without asking questions their first reaction might be to do what we have seen in our own history, kill the invaders. In this case, we were more intelligent, we developed flight, got to another planet, landed but we were not prepared for the unknown, inhabitants who only had advanced to an intelligence level of kill or be killed.

OR, would it not be more plausible, since WE (the people of Earth) come in peace, would want to develop ways to do surveillance for a period of time to understand what we are dealing with, what the threat really is. Maybe they are just afraid, we are peaceful, we want to be friends, but now we need to take our time, take more careful visits, land in remote areas, maybe try to capture one or two of these creatures, take them, and begin to analyze, experiment on them (in essence, we abduct them to find out what we are dealing with). So you can see the scenario I am depicting. The process of actually travelling to another planet and then realizing that there are inhabitants there would require a plan on what do we do next?

So how about that question? What if we eventually do begin to develop the capabilities to get to other star systems (we have a long way to go before that happens), but along the way we get to closer planets. What plans do we have should we came across a planet that when we flew around its' orbit, we saw inhabitants? What next? How would we begin to communicate?

Perhaps then, an alien visitation, if it ever did occur, would be a fact finding mission. Just trying to find out 'what is out there' , just like we are trying to do today ourselves. Yes, they may have finally perfected some technology that allows them to fly faster than the speed of light. They've tested and tested and can now fly safely and return to their own solar system.

So, I don't think our first encounters with another alien culture (should they exist) would necessarily be bad or a doomsday scenario. As I mentioned before, hypothetically speaking. Just turn things around, what if we are the aliens, and we are the ones who are out there finally, and have found a safe and proven way to travel to another galaxy and back? The stepping stones of making this type of progress (from our vantage point) are enormous. Just to get to another galaxy and back safely with tried and true technologies IMHO is not going to happen for us for a 1,000 years if not more. Then, again, once we master these baby steps we still would have to start planning on what to do if we did find life out there. How would we approach? Just observer first? Send a drone of some sort, grab samples? (all basic stuff, we did it on the moon already). But to develop a spaceship that can fly to other galaxies safely and return is another huge stepping stone. Whenever, if ever it happens, what next?

These are the same problems that other advanced alien civilizations (if they exist) would have to have dealt with and develop plans, protocols. Huge stepping stones. UNLESS we are really dealing with a civilization that is so old and over time has mastered the basics, I believe they would come in peace to explore and find out about this planet of ours. But back to the original question, if Aliens exist and they had reached a point where they can fly the galaxies and the technology to invade and conquer, and that is their mission. Then NO we are not prepared. There may be chances for some survivors, but it really depends on so many variables.

But my question is, if it is us who are the first Aliens making contact on another planet, are we there to destroy or to learn, adapt, and hopefully make friends with the inhabitants? Just assume its our first journey, I'd like to think it would be peaceful. However, if we were desperate?
edit on 1-8-2013 by ItDepends because: grammatical correction

edit on 1-8-2013 by ItDepends because: sentence structure

posted on Aug, 1 2013 @ 12:31 PM
reply to post by ItDepends

You know, I wonder that all the time.

If it was us humans making first contact, and we find that the oil on the planet is rich and untapped...

Would we invade for resources? I'm betting we would. Greed seems to win out over morality in all things with us humans.

I think we're grounded anyway, and limited to just unmanned exploration of space with probes. Otherwise, we'd already be on our way to Mars. IMO anyways. They keep saying we're going to go, we're going to go... and it gets pushed back and back and back. Why? It's quite obvious we will need to outsource to other planets in our solar system to continue on with our technology... so what's or who is stopping us? Why the delay?

Eh, just things I wonder.


posted on Aug, 1 2013 @ 12:54 PM
reply to post by AlienView

I don't post a lot in the Aliens/UFO forum, though that is one of the things that did drive me to my ATS account being made.

That said, I was crossed trained as a M2A2 Bradley gunner for a short period of my miltary career. It has some excellent optics! I used to spot UFOs while scanning the perimeter, though occasionally I did look at the moon and Comet Hale-Bopp as well. while at the National Training Center.
It was pretty cool.

I know what satelittes, planets and stars look like and am familier with aircraft as well. What I couldn't indentify, I classified them as UFOs.

One day my driver who was also into UFOs asked me, "You do realize that your pointing a weapon at them, don't you?"

I had to laugh. The way I figure it, if they came all this way, a little 'ol 25mm Bushmaster isn't nothing to them.

posted on Aug, 1 2013 @ 12:58 PM

Originally posted by Xaphan

Do you invade ant colonies in your spare time OP? Would there be any point?

Now only if you could put a Ant with a magnifying glass in the background of your avatar.

Oh the Irony!

posted on Aug, 1 2013 @ 04:18 PM

Originally posted by AlienView
:.......... To say we could put up no defense and we are doomed is to take the attitude of the dodo bird and accept the demise of the human species. Some contingency plans in the event of an alien attack should be implemented and even if it fails at least we should be showing the universe that we were willing to fight........."

Although your premise stated above regarding having 'contingency plans' makes sense, I wouldn't be at all surprised if some Nations around the world (U.S., UK, Germany, Russia, France, Italy, Japan, Canada.....all the main players involved with the ISS - Intn'l Space Station, and even perhaps China) have in fact given this potential threat some serious thought.

We know that a lot of consideration has been given (more recently) on how to respond to Natural disasters (Hurricane Katrina, The Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster) just to name a couple, a lot more of course have happened. And of course, contigency plans on how to handle Civil Disobedience, etc.) Understand an attack, invasion, threat by either a Foreign entity / Alien force ( or let's just say against humanity) have been thought of, developed, created and are in existence. Not only would we need to deal with the "Attack" but how society deals with it. Therefore, plans have been put in place to handle domestic or nation by nation unrest, these same plans could be adapted, modified and implemented to handle an Alien threat.
Example: Operation Garden Plot
Under Subsection B. of this plan/contingency it states: (I'm just giving you a sense, that there has been thought about how to handle, fight, execute a plan in cases of major problems.) AND, these plans are continually evolving, natually!

1. GENERAL Opposition forces or groups may attempt to gain knowledge of this plan and 'use that knowledge to prevent or degrade the effectiveness of the actions outlined in this plan. In order to protect operations undertaken to accomplish the mission, it is necessary to control sources of information that can be exploited by those opposition forces or groups. OPSEC is the effort to protect operations by identifying and controlling intelligence indicators susceptible to exploitation. The objective of OPSEC, in the execution of this plan, is to assure the security of operations, mission effectiveness, and increase the probability of mission success.

And then, there has been some effort, discussion made, but scientists working with the United Nations to implement a process to address an Alien contact scenario:

Scientists Urge UN to Prepare for Alien Invasion Scientists say the United Nations needs to form a Supra-Earth division, to prepare the world for alien contact.

Scientists are saying the aliens may not be friendly and we need to prepare. The scientist comments are from the Philosophical Transactions of The Royal Society. They discuss the biology and anatomy aspects as well as how religion would be affected world-wide. Professor John Zarnecki of the Open University and Dr Martin Dominik of the University of St Andrews agree that chaos can be avoided if there is global cooperation in forming an international political body to head up the job. They agree that a body already exists within the UN, the Committe on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space. Last year, there was talk in the news about an ambassador being appointed for alien contact within the United Nations. It was not confirmed, nor completely denied.

Source Discussing U.N. Alien Discussion

No Doubt that our government in the U.S. and its leading Intelligence Agency - NSA has been involved in research. NSA Releases substantial quantity of documents involving UFO's

Additionally another internet site has posted similar information regarding NSA research The Truth Behind The Scenes

So what does this all mean?? Without getting into a huge discussion in my reply, I am just sharing information that is available and potentially suggests that 'contact' with an Alien species has been discussed by many Nations independently and probably in unison in many cases. So Yeah, we may be able to put up some type of fight, maybe even deter them. ALL 'What-If's' and depending upon the 'actual' threat, only war-game guesses can be assumed as to a response. But believe it or not, THEY (our gov't) actually pays people to think about these things, prepare protocols, etc., based upon the known's and then the thought process of the un-known's.

Hope this adds to the discussion or even opens up a new debate. Cheers!!

edit on 1-8-2013 by ItDepends because: grammatical correction

edit on 1-8-2013 by ItDepends because: sentence structure

posted on Aug, 1 2013 @ 04:34 PM
reply to post by ItDepends

AND just for the record. Although my reply was to discuss the 'What-IF' question by the OP. I am still not convinced that Intelligent ET's exist. Another discussion for sure, but with that view, I am strongly convinced that such an Alien Attack would have happened a long time ago if they existed. Just my humble point of view!!

Cheers!! ID!!!

posted on Aug, 1 2013 @ 05:44 PM

Originally posted by AlienView
In the history of nature there is a species of bird called the Dodo. which became extinct because it was so dumb
hunters [human and other animals] could creep up on it and kill it - if the bird could put up a defense it was too late
when it did - dodos are extinct. When you see a phenomena in the skys such as UFOs that often appears to be
intelligently controlled and show the possibility of a high technology and has not indicated any desire to communicate with humans, there is a potential big problem. They might decide that humans are a useless belligerent species that they don't like and decide to eliminate the human species. To say we could put up no defense and we are doomed is to take the attitude of the dodo bird and accept the demise of the human species. Some contingency plans in the event of an alien attack should be implemented and even if it fails at least we should be showing the universe that we were willing to fight.

Based on my own communication attempt's with the otherworlders that occasionally visit our planet, has made me conclude with my forthright opinion...that they [otherworlders] have expressed a desire for written and telepathic communication with Earthlings, other than the fact that they love to show-off superluminal capable starship's in our atmosphere --- which in itself --- is a means of visual communication.

I sense that these alien beings are a highly intelligent, peaceful race...with no hints of alien imperialistic world domination being put on our fellow Earthling's --- by them --- or any other alien race that have previously visited our planet.



posted on Aug, 1 2013 @ 06:01 PM

Originally posted by AlienView
With nuclear weapons on the table they might now see man as a potential threat. They may decide man is too warlike and dangerous for this part of the galaxy.

You're giving mankind way too much credit.

edit on 1-8-2013 by Blue Shift because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 1 2013 @ 06:39 PM
reply to post by Erno86

For the most part I agree with you and have seen the same indications of highly evolved intelligences attempting
to enlighten and upgrade humanity through psychic communication. BUT there is a very, very large universe out
there and the possibility of it having hostile intelligences should be considered.. We humans do not come from
a peaceful paradigm and in fact our whole existence and the nature of life on this planet is full of war and conquest, not peace. My point in starting this post was to advocate a worst case scenario - just in case.

If you see an ant colony outside your dwelling you will probably kill the entire colony and have little sympathy for the ants. Given the nature of human history and its belligerent war like nature, are you sure that some other 'highly evolved' species might not see us to be like ants? And interesting that the UFO sightings became popular after the first human atomic bomb blasts - Or after we became potentially dangerous to other species.

Most should probably not worry about this - probably more likely we should worry about getting hit by a giant
asteroid and ending up like the dinosaurs, but just for the sake of the alien hypothesis we should consider
the negative and worst case scenarios - and what action could humanity take in the presence of an attack?

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