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A "Wanderer" Speaks Out - Q and A on universal questions

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posted on Jul, 26 2013 @ 01:20 PM
reply to post by Unity_99

Hello again my dear brother/sister,

You have some very interesting thoughts. Love can be so complex and so simple. It is everything. I cannot judge anyone, including my brother HH for what they do, say or think. It is their understanding.

In what you wrote, there is no question posed so I will not say anything more.

Thank you.

posted on Jul, 26 2013 @ 01:20 PM
reply to post by Euphony

They turned on the switch, and the movie began. They in turn at one point had another switch turned on, and so on and so on, for Prime Creator always discovers Itself/Group self, to be the child of yet another creation, for infinity is infinite levels and infinite progression and its all at once as well. Each time the cosmic energies are recycled and another school formed, the switch is turned on, and we can bring it back home, or allow it to fall in our tests. Yet its not that simple, as it is known we're going to fall off the bike many many times, trying to ride without training wheels and some things are a case of getting our nose pushed into the messes we've made, in order so that in the end, all will come through with perfect understanding of what harms and not to do.

The big bang is the Infinite TV set school being turned on. May this one begin.

There are infinite screens and sets, and cycles and the higher levels restructure the movie or school after each cycle, then turn it on. And we're all watching the movie, projecting in a part of our consciousness to live it without memories, and try to wake up within it.
edit on 26-7-2013 by Unity_99 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 26 2013 @ 01:29 PM
Thanks for your reply once again. Your reply to Euphony has given me another question, if you don't mind answering.

Originally posted by BrotherOfSorrow
reply to post by Euphony

5) What you call ghosts exist. Yes, they do manifest themselves in many ways. They are simply very few of our brothers and sisters who have chosen, through their own free will, to remain in the astral planes between space/time and time/space after death.

Why have they chosen to remain? Simply to protect one's territory, or is there any benefits of doing this? I'd assume this would halt the reincarnation cycle, no?

posted on Jul, 26 2013 @ 01:38 PM

Originally posted by BrotherOfSorrow
reply to post by Euphony

5) What you call ghosts exist. Yes, they do manifest themselves in many ways. They are simply very few of our brothers and sisters who have chosen, through their own free will, to remain in the astral planes between space/time and time/space after death.

Somehow I managed to miss this, and much like Kalmah, I am interested in asking some questions about it too!

How do you think these things manifest?

I am not really looking for "they use energy from the surrounding environment," but more of "how do they use energy from the surrounding environment." Humans use energy from the surrounding environment and plants do as well. However, how they do it differs greatly. And if the rest of the universe is any indication, it is done through a predictable and pattern-based process that can likely be communicated through objective means.

posted on Jul, 26 2013 @ 01:41 PM
reply to post by Euphony

Hello again my dear brother/sister,

1) This is a very complex question and can be discussed in extreme length. However, I shall try to generalize and summarize.

If you are referring to the beginning of Creation you will probably notice the paradox after I attempt to explain.

There is no time. It is infinite and 1 at the same time, having no beginning and no end. There are infinitely many creations/universes existing at the same time since time is infinite and 1. However, from the perspective of an entity or in other words, 1 spark of the Creator, that starts the journey towards the one from the "beginning" of a particular creation, there will seem to be a continuity, a somewhat linear progression of time. With this being said, let me attempt to explain how this particular Creation "began".

Imagine, if you will, that you are an infinite something (being) and you would like to know, what "infinity" means. What you do is you decide how you would like to explore yourself and the means to do it. You love your self so much that you are willing to do anything to understand who and what you are - the principle of universal Love is created. Then, you need to create a means to explore yourself and you think of a place in your mind that would allow you to create whatever you please - thus the concept of Light is created. Light is then potentiated by Love in order to create a playground for you to explore.

Then, in order to experience as much as you can, you divide yourself to infinite parts that will act as you, having total Free Will to explore the Creation(thus themselves) and create in it.

This happens in a progression from a "core" with outward spiraling light.

Whenever a part of the Creator fiishes the lessons of one paricular Creation, that part becomes one with the Creator again and enters another Creation in order to continue the infinite lessons of infinity.

2) The ultimate goal of everything is to teach the One Infinite Creator what it is.

3) The whole creation is a vibration - that being Love. This Love then is being distorted further and further into other vibrations but it still remains Love, or more accuratelly, a distortion of Love. The sound is one of the major distortions of the Love vibration, the creating principle.

I thank you as well my brother/sister.

posted on Jul, 26 2013 @ 01:46 PM
reply to post by cody599

Hello my dear friend,

I have no other intent than to provide my limited understanding to those that would like to hear it.

It is a good thing that this thread will crash and burn and will stop, in order for it to end, to be seen in perspective, the lessons from it balanced and then we will all be able to move on.

I love all of you, as you are me and I am you in another light. Thus, can I really, really have bad feelings toward myself?

Everything does crash or burn eventually, except for the infinite Love of the One Infinite Creator that is us as well.

posted on Jul, 26 2013 @ 01:52 PM
reply to post by Serdgiam

Hello again my dear brother/sister,

Thank you for posing a question that would allow the further exploration of this topic. The analogy with the nervous system is very good since everything is a mirror and includes everything else. However, I have one remark. Conscioussness sets the patterns of the whole body, including the CNS, and these can be changed at will, if you have the discipline.

However, the CNS of the Galaxy does exist and it is in the center of the Galaxy. However, the beings that reside there do not rule or order the Galaxy but are one with it and follow the free will of the entire Galaxy.

Again, very good question for which I thank you.

posted on Jul, 26 2013 @ 01:54 PM
How did you come to your moment of realization?

How does creating awareness help us as a whole?

posted on Jul, 26 2013 @ 02:01 PM
reply to post by Kalmah

Hello again my dear brother/sister,

Many of those, that you call ghosts choose to remain due to the inability to accept the ending of the incarnation. They are very sad, often angry and confused and resist the pulling upwards toward time/space. They are left alone there by their guardians to remain as much as they want. Every each of them eventually decides to go home and leave this place. The benefits of doing this are to allow for the entity to decide in its own time when to leave the astral plane, thus keeping its Free Will.

This halts the incarnation cycle but since this cycle does not have the pattern "incarnation-death-immediate incarnation", it matters not. All spirits have all the time to do what they want in their own time.

I hope i have elaborated sufficiently on the subject my brother/sister.

posted on Jul, 26 2013 @ 02:05 PM
reply to post by BrotherOfSorrow

You're saying Love is the "whole", ie, the two lanes? Ie. its both progression of Love/Awareness/Consciousness and its also the regression of Love/Awareness/Consciousness?

There is another flaw, deliberate as in a minor little distortion that is a huge log to trip on, placed in Law of One, which greatly influences HH. The concept that we as in spirit, are a part of this universe. If universe is used as infinity and all, then this one that recycles in all it parts, ie galaxies and solar systems, and in the whole, is just a facet of it, a shadow/reflection of something real. But going into the reflection part, this is more of a dream lab from something real. So without saying one use of the term is more right than the other, for we see differently, express differently, and spirit is really about growth and individuals seem to be shown certain things while others may be drawn to other parts. For this question, will say this is a dream lab, from something real. So will use the word universe to mean this particular dream lab, plasma screen.

So within the school or reflection, do you feel that spirit is a part of this energy or is it something you think is inserted in?

Because that is important in the concept of progession of consciousness, and also in the concept of Love being all behaviors.

If its a school or dream lab, projected from what is real, and if you have awakening moments, where you are connected to your real self as well, outside this universe (the way Im choosing to define things, to make this clearer), then what is in the school is like questions on the test, and progression of consciousness occurs when one answers in the right way, ie. overcomes their AI body suit, and the reactions or desires of the flesh, world, materialism, as designed in the system.

Can Love harm someone intentionally to help?

Is love on the same frequency as anger, or murder say?

What does it mean in Hook, the movie, when they say, it takes your happy thoughts to fly?

What is higher lighter frequency and what is gravity?
edit on 26-7-2013 by Unity_99 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 26 2013 @ 02:12 PM
reply to post by Serdgiam

Hello my dear brother/sister,

I thank you for the very perceptive question. Please bear with me on this.

You should try to understand that when a spirit is acting from within the physical body, it is very limited, according to the programming of the particular body. Imagine that you, yourself have vast, vast knowledge and skills but when you play World of Warcraft, for example, you are limited to the parameters of the specific character you have selected. This can be changed at will while in the body but it takes tremendous will, discipline and understanding of oneself.

The spirit, while in time/space only (the spirit is in both space/time and time/space while in incarnation), has the ability to create anything at will, much, much more easily.

Thus, to answer your specific question - ghosts can manifest many things, including physical object. They can do it due to their desire to remain in the physical, although not really being there.

If I understand that part of your question correctly, they do it by a predictable pattern that is thought as the whole universe does it. However, the specifics of how to do this or that exactly, are determined by the level of understanding of the particular entity.

I hope I have been of some service.

posted on Jul, 26 2013 @ 02:12 PM

Originally posted by BrotherOfSorrow
reply to post by Serdgiam

Hello again my dear brother/sister,

Thank you for posing a question that would allow the further exploration of this topic. The analogy with the nervous system is very good since everything is a mirror and includes everything else. However, I have one remark. Conscioussness sets the patterns of the whole body, including the CNS, and these can be changed at will, if you have the discipline.

Semantics aside, you seem to catch my drift. In your perspective, what is "consciousness?"

Do you feel that if someone has the discipline, they can transcend the cycle of death with their material body?

However, the CNS of the Galaxy does exist and it is in the center of the Galaxy. However, the beings that reside there do not rule or order the Galaxy but are one with it and follow the free will of the entire Galaxy.

Again, very good question for which I thank you.

In your perspective, are these beings capable of changing the patterns of the galaxy at will?

posted on Jul, 26 2013 @ 02:21 PM

Originally posted by BrotherOfSorrow
reply to post by Serdgiam

Thus, to answer your specific question - ghosts can manifest many things, including physical object. They can do it due to their desire to remain in the physical, although not really being there.

If I understand that part of your question correctly, they do it by a predictable pattern that is thought as the whole universe does it. However, the specifics of how to do this or that exactly, are determined by the level of understanding of the particular entity.

It doesnt particularly answer my question, so let me expand.

A plant is able to make movement through time and space by the process of photosynthesis. In this way, it gathers energy from the surrounding environment, converts it into a usable form, and grows.

Humans are able to make movement through time and space largely by digestion. We consume materials from the surrounding environment and convert the energy in order to move and grow.

If a spirit is able to manifest in time and space, what process of conversion takes place? How do they use the energy from the surrounding environment in order to move through space and time?

You say that it is in accordance to the understanding of the particular entity, which is addressed by the difference between a human and a plant. So, lets take a typical "haunting" of a house. Wherein it could be perceived that the spirit of a dead human is interacting with the plane of space-time.

While this can possibly be done in many different ways, what is just one way that it happens?

posted on Jul, 26 2013 @ 02:22 PM
To clarify, what was long. Spirit is Consciousness, Intellect, Love. Body suit/ai, is a part of the universal energy in the school, the construct/reflection.

Whenever someone overcomes a body suit urge, to rest when someone needs help, to react with anger, when someone needs understanding, to horde their wealth when someone needs a hand up, when they learn to subdue any part of the natural instincts of the beast or ego, their spirit/consciousness/love grows.

But if someone believes the dark path is equal to the light/love path, yet chooses to give into their body suit, without standing still and gaining consciousness in the moment, reflecting and choosing wisely, with love. Then they are regressing Spirit, and AI is taking over.

The dark side serves the beast/Ai. It is regression of Spirit/Consciousness.

Two laned highway, going in opposite directions, one towards Growth and Love, the other towards the reptilian or draco regression/scarsity, robotic, controlled and ever shrinking Spirit.

So how can Spirit, Infinite Spirit of Goodness/God/Source, of which we are infinite parts, branches, vines, seeds, fractals, whatever way we wish to put this, be equally in Progression of Itself, and shrinking of Itself. And how could shrinking aspects of itself be contracted by Full Goodness and Love in any way when its acting out of intense gravity and deprivation?

And yes I've had HS contact and have memories. Law of One and HH err enormously in that they attempt to convince the soul to give into the Slavers Will and to become content with the slavery and harm.
edit on 26-7-2013 by Unity_99 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 26 2013 @ 02:37 PM
reply to post by MDDoxs

Hello again my dear brother/sister,

All of us have many, many moments of realization. I realized something very beautiful and very true for me yesterday, for example. I think I understand what you ask, so I will tell you a short story, as much as I can do it with language - the only way for you to really see what I mean is for me to transfer you a thought pattern, telepathically - something that I currently cannot do.

It is a very interesting thing to become what some call a "Wanderer". Imagine, if you will, living on another world, a totally different world filled with so much love, understanding and compassion that almost everything you care about is to be of service to your brother or sister. This being a world of a different density, allows you to have much, much more awareness of yourself and the universe. To such a degree that if your brother is sad, you feel his sadness as if it is your own - there is almost no difference (i stress almost).

At a particular moment, your whole civilization/society feels the pain of their brothers and sisters of another world. The confusion, sadness, bitterness and their pleas for help echo in your being. There is no choice for you but to respond. They seek and they have to find, it is the Law of Attraction.

So, due to the call, a specific number of beings choose to go to this other world, in another density and help from within because being a part of the world is the only way to be of greatest service. The risk is great because once you are incarnated in this world, you will forget as everyone else does there because such are the rules of the game in 3rd density.

However, if you totally forget everything, with no chance to remember at least a part, there is almost no chance to do your mission, whatever that is. Thus, every each of us, before departing our worlds, are infused with specific information that will become available when certain conditions within the incarnation are met - sign posts if you will. For example, I meet a man on the street that tells me one specific sentence which eventually unlocks a whole pattern of information making me seek more and more until the other catalyst occurs. Furthermore, the seeking itself is initiated by the strong vibration of the Wanderer's spirit, having learned so much and having strong tendencies towards specific kinds of information, actions and thoughts. Even so, however, many of us do not remember.

So, my brother/sister, I have always known, from child birth, that I am not from here, that something is wrong(my personal bias) here and it is very alien to me. That is why I have always had an extremley strong desire to understand. The realizations you asked about come in waves and never at once.

2) The purpose of all the densities of creation is the know the self. As we are all one and one with the universe, increasing our awareness about anything is always beneficial, even if we do not see it that way in the beginning. Only through completing the set of lessons of a particular density can you leave it.

I'm sorry it was a long one but I felt the need to explain in this way.

Thank you my dear brother/sister.

posted on Jul, 26 2013 @ 02:54 PM
Hello friend!

I just want to ask what is cancer, and why they have't found the cure?


posted on Jul, 26 2013 @ 02:59 PM
if i understand you correctly,
what we call ghosts are entities who have chosen to stay.
i have a question since there seems to be several types of ghosts.
there are those that seem to be aware of there surroundings, and us.
there are those that dont seem aware of us and go about their business.
and there are those that seem to be stuck in loop, doing one thing only, over and over.
my question is are these last groups actual entities or are they just some sort of energy stamp?

posted on Jul, 26 2013 @ 03:05 PM
reply to post by Unity_99

Hello again my dear brother/sister,

I am tired of saying good point again so I will cut to the chase

Spirit is a part of this energy, directly inserted by the One Creator as being representative of himself/herself - a holographic representation of the Creator constituting the whole infinite potential of the Creator. Progression and regression happen simultaneously since time is infinite and one. It sounds like a paradox in this world but it is not in reality. This Creation IS a dream world but it is created in such a way as to feel totally real to the Creator, once within. The Love I am talking about is something that has no concept here, as it is totally undifferentiated and cannot be explained through language. You can only feel it and see it only partly with your inner being occassionally, while being here. The illusion is very, very heavy. All the behaviours are a distortion of this Love but are still Love.

Yes, YOU can harm someone intentionally to help in some way that you perceive is helpful. The action in itself is not positive or negative but why you did it would determine your polarization from this action. Ultimately, there can be no harm as this is an illusion and the Creator cannot really be hurt.

No. The frequency of vibration of love/understanding towards another is not the same as the frequency of anger leading towards murder. However, they are both distortions of that same vibration. And since these feelings create different vibrations, they change the Creation in a different way.

I have not seen the movie Hook unfortunately. Please elaborate if you so will.

As I understand your question, higher frequency of vibration of being is created when an entity has gained more understanding of self and thus the Creation. The word Lighter is used to express the dimishing heaviness of the illusion with the progression/increase of vibration.

Gravity is created by the very principle of vibration/motion that manifests the Creation. Since all is one, all is inseparable from the other and desires the attraction of another self in order to have a mirror of the self. It is so with everything - eventually, all of us are attracted towards all things and experience all things because we are all one.

I hope I have been of some service my brother.

posted on Jul, 26 2013 @ 03:08 PM
Thank you for all the replies.

I have one more question for the day, but not of the conversation.

What will you do now?

posted on Jul, 26 2013 @ 03:17 PM
reply to post by Serdgiam

In my understanding, conscioussness is the Love of the One Creator, manifested in the Creation. It is infinite, outside and inside of everything created.

Any entity, according to its Free Will can stop the 3rd density re-incarnational experience. However, I feel there may be some lack of clarity in your question so I will attempt to answer what I understood you ask. The 3rd density physical body that we all currently occupy has limits of viability/durability. This limit is much greater than the average life span of an entity living on this planet at this time. How much time exactly, I do not know. You cannot stop the death of the body, no matter what discipline or understanding you have. If you could, you would not use it at all. Also, why stop physical death my brother when it is an extremely pleasant experience and it reminds you again and again of your immortality?

The beings residing at the center of the galaxy are of very high density and the concept of "not possible" does not have meaning to them. However, they can do only as much as is allowed to them by the free will of the entire galaxy.

Great questions, thank you again.

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