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posted on Jul, 26 2013 @ 10:36 AM
reply to post by nenothtu

Or maybe I just want to know what the boundrys are before I enter into any disscuion so I dont break any T&C ?

I actually work in the Pharma industry, and have access to alot of data and research. Hell I worked next to a giant green house were they legaly grew cannabis plants.

Sometimes too much knowlage gets you into trouble on ATS so I just want to make sure.

If you dont like it? Tough I wasnt asking you I was asking SO and the mods.

And I finaly got a clear aswnser thanks to Hefficide

edit on 26-7-2013 by crazyewok because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 26 2013 @ 10:38 AM

Meanwhile, intellectual discussion on the subject could continue.

It never could before, and it never will now. Get over it. You, nor anyone else, will change our mind.

posted on Jul, 26 2013 @ 10:39 AM
I think this forum will be just fine.

Why do people think ATS wants to ban everyone?

The site owner does not wake up in the morning thinking "Who am I going to ban today".

SO showed a great deal of trust in us all. Advertisers won't support drug advocacy.

Let's show him we can intelligently this subject. I know we can.

posted on Jul, 26 2013 @ 10:39 AM

Can we discuss items such as drug trafficking by the upper echelons such as the Bush dynasty and the UN? Is that what we mean my 'The War on Drugs'?

That's an aspect of government collusion to create a more severe drug problem, thus requiring a more costly war on drugs. So yes.

posted on Jul, 26 2013 @ 10:40 AM

Originally posted by crazyewok

OP said the rules are "no advocating drug use" ok great! But were does the line between disagreeing with the war on drugs and drug laws end and advocating drugs start? As it seems just disagreeing with the drug laws automatacly = Advocating

As I understand it, it's not about the laws themselves at all, but about the enforcement practices of them.

I don't like parking laws, either. Recently here a man got tasered IN HIS OWN LIVING ROOM for allegedly illegally parking ( I say allegedly because I think it hasn't gone to trial yet, and I don't think he was illegally parked anyhow). I did not scream "GODDAMMIT! THAT LAW IS UNJUST!" Instead, I question the propriety of tasering a man in his own living room as excessive force for the alleged violation.

Can you see the difference there, or is it just me and my strange way of thinking?

posted on Jul, 26 2013 @ 10:41 AM

I do think clarity is needed.

It has been provided in very simple, clear-to-understand terms.

posted on Jul, 26 2013 @ 10:43 AM
reply to post by nenothtu

Originally posted by nenothtu
I'm just saying that when it crosses the line and veers away from government malpractice and into the drug debate arena, it's gone beyond the remit of this forum's stated purpose.

Perhaps you are right. I may have hijacked this thread somewhat as it seems that what I am really asking for is a completely seperate forum dedicated to the nature of drugs. The difficulty resides in the fact that the subject touches upon almost EVERY area of expertise on this website.

Aliens and UFO's? Check.
Politics? Check
Philosophy & Psychology? Check.
General Conspiracies? Check.
Secret Societies? Check.

The list goes on.

Yes, brawls could break out and things could get heavy - but as you mentioned already, so can the religious and political topics.

Originally posted by nenothtu
Perhaps you can help me understand why discussion of academic/philosophical/historical/or spiritual mindsets concerning drugs would enhance a discussion focused on legal malfeasance by The Man. Do we really need to know the history and philosophy of why people enhance their mellow in order to know that it's a bad thing when Johnny Law cracks down on everyone in a legalistic blanket party?

We need to know why it is they crack down upon some drugs whilst letting others be consumed by the gallon. What is behind it? Wouldn't you like to know? If I am being screwed I would like to know why.

I understand what you are saying and respect it, just as I respect the T&C's put forth by SO. Which is why I don't touch these subjects with a barge pole on this site. I just think that a real conspiracy, a fascinating one, is being ignored here and is waiting to be explored. It's hard to explain without getting hit by the ban hammer as to what area of the subject I am referring to but I stand by its importance.

posted on Jul, 26 2013 @ 10:46 AM
reply to post by SkepticOverlord

Originally posted by SkepticOverlord
It never could before, and it never will now. Get over it. You, nor anyone else, will change our mind.

I expected better. Maybe I expected too much.


posted on Jul, 26 2013 @ 10:46 AM

Originally posted by SkepticOverlord

Now that 217 Members of Congress have decided that all US Citizens shall be treated as enemy combatants, it makes sense to launch this new forum to discuss several matters of importance. They are:

1) The unconstitutional domestic surveillance of the NSA

2) The militarization of police in the United States and around the world

3) The rise of heavy-handed or disproportionately extreme police actions

4) Conspiracies surrounding the war on drugs in the United States

5) The US (and international) drug laws that impose disproportionate penalties

6) The incarceration society in the US and the overcrowded prisons and policies that keep them that way

And an important note: While we are now allowing the discussion of drug-related topics in an open, public, and searchable forum, we WILL NOT tolerate advocacy of recreation use in any way. Such posts will be removed, and the author's account terminated.

You do realize that they will be watching (I know, they already do) the activity on this site much more closely to find enemies of the state such as Christians, conservatives, libertarians, and old school democrats, right?

So may I offer my humble advice to internet users. Never post or write, or send emails, or look at websites, or browse the web, or use webcams, or any other internet application unless you understand that all of it is tracked and stored for future use. There is a big big big facility being built just for this purpose, bigger than the pentagon.

Now, having said that, go have a good time.

edit on 26-7-2013 by Fromabove because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 26 2013 @ 10:46 AM

Originally posted by nenothtu

Originally posted by InTheLight
reply to post by SkepticOverlord

Actually, the continuing studying and medical use of some drugs is directly related to why the laws are being changed at this time. So, by instructing us that discussing the medical benefits of these so called 'bad' drugs effectively cuts off any meaningful discussions regarding these misinformed and antiquated laws.
edit on 26-7-2013 by InTheLight because: (no reason given)

But the general thrust of the forum appears to be government misconduct, not whether laws are good, or bad, or antiquated or misinformed. They are what they are, and the government alternately enforces some and ignores others at their own good pleasure, which isn't the way it's supposed to work.

The laws themselves are immaterial - it's what the government DOES with them.

You missed the underlying government misconduct point within my post, along with one other important point;

1. T&C effectively disallowing meaningful discussion for us to get to the heart of how our freedoms were in the past and still are systematically and wrongly taken away (government misconduct and disrespect for medical studies and what the people need and want), in this case re: medical use of some drugs, and

2. If we continue to allow ourselves to be muzzled by government and any other party with their own self-interests, then nothing will ever be discussed, and evidence will never be brought forth to prove or disprove anything.

Perhaps this muzzling tactic, along with heavy-handed police action and/or strict content rules is the most effective course of action in wearing us all down into giving up our constitutional rights and freedoms without any protest.

For me, I am growing very weary of not being able to discuss meaningful thoughts openly and, so, I wish you all the best of luck in ultimately discovering, through discussion here, that there's nothing any of us citizens can do about it, because we've all let it go too far to this point. Unless, everyone does what the people in Egypt and Syria do, but we just don't roll that way, now do we?

posted on Jul, 26 2013 @ 10:48 AM
This is going nowhere and is actually mind-numbingly frustrating that a segment of seemingly adult members choose to try and obfuscate the issue by feigning confusion.

It's very clear, and the name of the forum should be a VERY DAMN STRONG CLUE that discussion of, mention of, off-handed-commentary of, and hinting of using drug recreationally or getting certain drugs legalized is not for here.

This forum is focused on the increasing perception that the spirit of the Posse Comitatus Act has long ago been breeched by the US government, as well as the increase of intensely military weapons and tactics by police in other countries. It begins with the NSA essentially classifying all domestic residents as enemies of the state, and trickles down through all levels of federal and local law enforcement.

Within the above, there is NO DAMN ROOM OR NEED to inject any information about any drug that's illegal anywhere.

This announcement thread is closed. If you're still claiming to be unclear (I can't see how) then avoid topics about the war on drugs -- simple.
edit on 26-7-2013 by SkepticOverlord because: (no reason given)

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