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All star beings visiting earth are Robot/Androids.

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posted on Jul, 21 2013 @ 09:20 PM
All star beings visiting earth are Robot/Androids.

The human endeveaours in space to date has revealed that space is inhospitable for biological forms, and in fact perhaps can be seen as the antithesis to existance of sentiment life on earth.

The solution to the problems of how to safely carry human beings to explore the planets in this solar system and beyond, ultimately will be found to be a pragmmatic one using the developments in science and technology.
Is a pragmmatic solution to replace our human biological bodies with machine bodies? A form of nano engineeried robotic form which holds the electromagnetic engery which defines human consciousness. How far are we humans away from being able to accomplish this technological feat?.

Im seriously open to the idea that all deep space faring races spacecraft are crewed by robots, and humanoid looking androids. It may be forms of consiousness that once occupied a biological form, until the technology become availabe to be moved into machine form.

This could explain why despite all our Seti type efforts the skys remain silent. They are silent because to the Aliens we are the biological forms, something that resides on the lower rung of the evolutionary ladder. The Aliens may see us as trapped to terra firm as we view ants and bugs trapped to the dirt under our feet. Talking to us doesnt have any advantage them, we are completely ignorable from the vantage point of where they overlook the earth.

I believe it is possible all star beings visiting earth are Robot/Androids. They dont need food, or a breathable atmosphere, they may not even need love or comfort they in their form they are one with the vastness of space.

Whats you thoughts/opiniions?

posted on Jul, 21 2013 @ 09:38 PM
I think that to start such postulating on the matter now is premature, Humans understanding of physics is not yet complete.

Even now physicist are working on advanced forms of propulsion, ranging from ion drives, to perhaps even Warp fields that would allow for long distance travel.

So to say that it would all be robots, is using our limited understanding of physics to over come an issue that may not even exist for advanced society.

On a side note, I like the Idea, I even wrote a few short Sci-fi stories awhile back where the whole premise I used was Robot bodies tied to humans back on earth via quantum entanglement. It could definitely be away to travel the stars, send a drone and when it gets there you could operate it near instantly via entanglement communications.

posted on Jul, 21 2013 @ 10:13 PM
reply to post by AthlonSavage

Some inspiring thoughts here. I have had similar thought patterns to you in this regard - finding a more stable body to house consciousness so that it would survive basically no matter what would seem logically sound- and eventually just changing into many stable forms/the most stable form to explore the universe entirely.. And statistically.. If life is more common then we think, it's probable that some life-form, somewhere in the universe would endeavor to change it's own form via genetics/cybernetics..

(This would also include super giant brains being developed that act to break the barriers of known reality by creating bigger capacity brains probably with unique sense-abilities to give insight into reality, that could also eventually become a central figure of the community.

posted on Jul, 21 2013 @ 11:29 PM

Originally posted by AthlonSavage
All star beings visiting earth are Robot/Androids.

The human endeveaours in space to date has revealed that space is inhospitable for biological forms, and in fact perhaps can be seen as the antithesis to existance of sentiment life on earth.

The solution to the problems of how to safely carry human beings to explore the planets in this solar system and beyond, ultimately will be found to be a pragmmatic one using the developments in science and technology.
Is a pragmmatic solution to replace our human biological bodies with machine bodies? A form of nano engineeried robotic form which holds the electromagnetic engery which defines human consciousness. How far are we humans away from being able to accomplish this technological feat?.

Im seriously open to the idea that all deep space faring races spacecraft are crewed by robots, and humanoid looking androids. It may be forms of consiousness that once occupied a biological form, until the technology become availabe to be moved into machine form.

This could explain why despite all our Seti type efforts the skys remain silent. They are silent because to the Aliens we are the biological forms, something that resides on the lower rung of the evolutionary ladder. The Aliens may see us as trapped to terra firm as we view ants and bugs trapped to the dirt under our feet. Talking to us doesnt have any advantage them, we are completely ignorable from the vantage point of where they overlook the earth.

I believe it is possible all star beings visiting earth are Robot/Androids. They dont need food, or a breathable atmosphere, they may not even need love or comfort they in their form they are one with the vastness of space.

Whats you thoughts/opiniions?

It does seem highly possible that this could be the case at least from my understanding at this present point. If these entities are robotic/android in nature it would beg the question what do they want?
Obviously i can only include information already existant in my head but i am thinking there would not be too many reasons for visiting another planet. The obvious motive is resources, either physical space to inhabit or material to further the intentions of the race whatever they may be.

If they need to send durable vessels as opposed to their biological vessels (if they even require such a vessel) it sort of rules out the physical space requirement at least from what i can see. If they need materials and viewed us as ants then i cant see why a physical conflict has not occured already. Perhaps they want bilogical samples and will not risk us nuking ouselves, with the whole if i cant have it you cant either attitude that plagues the human race.

Until the human race has physical evedence that at least these intelligences exist, we can just speculate and build evidence from best guesses.
I would be leaning towards the supposed visitors being in "durable vessels". There is a lot of dangers in space that is known so i can only imagine the dangers that are unknown.
I am going to "guess" that you only get one bite of the cherry when flying through a black hole or gravitational anomaly in space.

posted on Jul, 21 2013 @ 11:52 PM
reply to post by AthlonSavage

you share some interesting subjective points AthlonSavage. To add would it be safer to design avatars/suits to fit the interest environment that you can be consciously beam within durable to space travel that when done bio degrade, 1 wonders. Interesting share


posted on Jul, 22 2013 @ 12:04 AM
With our current limited understanding on the mechanics of humans and space as a whole I can see how you might think our only viable way would be mechanical in nature. I like this idea. In a sense we are doing it right now with rovers and satellites that span the majority of the solar system.
On the Pro side it does make sense for machines to do the venturing for us, we are safe from radiation and the hazards of space, the applications among these would be vastly improved telecommunications between sender and receiver as well as metallurgy in the brutal slug fest of rocks and asteroids, perhaps a couple more applications.
BUT!! on the Con side of things, We as human beings are curious in nature about the things we do, its in our blood to explore, walk on the dangerous side so to speak, hard back breaking work and sweat is our justice for even the smallest about of information we may find. Potential applications would be greater engineering aspects for human space travel, Recycling of food, water and hydroponics. I am sure more beyond that.
IMHO, I think its a matter of needing BOTH, Machines to pave the way then human followed. Its the best course of action and a win/win situation on terms of potential applications in space faring.
Besides, Man can't stay on earth forever.

posted on Jul, 22 2013 @ 12:32 PM
it's possible that that deadly space radiation that they keep tellin' us about is all just a lie to keep us imprisioned here.

posted on Jul, 22 2013 @ 04:48 PM
Good thread OP and some interesting thoughts there ...

When looking at the concept of a possible technological singularity, a concept which is probably well known to ATS'ers, it's not impossible that we're headed that way ourselves. Or rather: our 'machines' might do the job and they might do it faster and sooner than any of us think.

We're doing our best to make Earth a home for robots and we already have some of them in space - like a previous poster mentioned. But future space probes/robots are likely to become even more autonomous & extremely intelligent, possibly selfreplicating and perhaps even undetectable for the technology we currently use ... who knows?

Moreover, intelligent machines might actually design new intelligent machines, which reminds me of something Irving Good said in the 1960s about artificial intelligence:

Let an ultraintelligent machine be defined as a machine that can far surpass all the intellectual activities of any man however clever.

Since the design of machines is one of these intellectual activities, an ultraintelligent machine could design even better machines; there would then unquestionably be an 'intelligence explosion,' and the intelligence of man would be left far behind.

Thus the first ultraintelligent machine is the last invention that man need ever make.


/emphasis added/

From that point of view, I think it would make sense that space will ultimately be explored by machines rather than biological entities. At least for the most part ...

It's probably a philosophical & technical question whether or not we could/should make Irving Good's ultraintelligent machines a reality. But since R&D in many fields points into that direction it's probably just a matter of time until we come up with something like that, nevermind the consequences.
edit on 22-7-2013 by jeep3r because: text

posted on Jul, 24 2013 @ 05:13 AM
Interesting concept indeed. If they were robotic it would explain the consistent "emotionless" manner abductees often encounter. I'm not familiar with the bread and butter of artificial intelligence or robotics but my guess would also be that none of the UFO occupants would have unique identities in this case. Simply "containers" or "vessels" with minimal biological traits that are prompted by the "higher power" to complete their tasks/objectives. The thought of Grays being genetically engineered has entered my mind several times, and I definitely would not rule it out.

This brings into question telepathy and encounters where the individual has made direct contact. Are their minds being tapped into by some AI or are the beings capable of free thinking? Perhaps this AI is so far advanced it is able to read the abductee's mind and tell it what it wants to hear: That they are Aliens from some planet, they've been visiting us for thousands of years, are god, our ancestors, etc.

posted on Jul, 30 2013 @ 04:22 PM
reply to post by AthlonSavage

you should read "Alien Interview", allegedly a transcript between an alien and a nurse at Roswell I believe. The alien in it explains that he is not biological or "robotic", but a kind in-between. I think you would relate well to what he is trying to explain he is.

posted on Jul, 30 2013 @ 04:47 PM
reply to post by AthlonSavage

yes space is inhospitable to humans but so is the sea and oceans on our planet and that does not stop us.

we have nuclear submarines that can stay under water for months so i don't think it would be to far of a stretch of the imagination that there could be craft out in space doing the same .

maybe the craft that have been reported to have landed , are operated by remote control and the occupants were androids. but i don't think that we ever find out for sure

but one thing that i am sure of, is that they are being controlled by flesh and blood et's and they would not be too far away .

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