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Why can't God just show himself to us?

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posted on Jul, 2 2013 @ 01:33 PM
reply to post by filledcup

well look at it this way.. he did it intentionally fully well knowing they would disobey him, fall, and then learn how to earn their way back up to the level of light of his Kingdom. most probably sent the snake charged with the task of persuading them, commanded lucifer to disobey and take some faithful angels with him who will act as testers for man on earth. to be man's enemy, where he is commanded simply "resist temptation, but love thy enemy". which also might explain why God does not simply Obliterate Lucifer and Evil altogether. he has a job to do, but God has assigned him his job in the other end of the spectrum. so we might have actually failed the test if we didnt eat the fruit but he knew we would. that omnipotence thing.. lol

Then why doesn't the Bible tell us that?

posted on Jul, 2 2013 @ 01:35 PM

Originally posted by AfterInfinity
reply to post by redoubt

But why did he put that tree in the only place they could reach it? He could have put it anywhere.

Why do children burn their fingers on the hot stove or iron? Why do kids come home with scrapped knees and broken arms? Moreover, why do we have light sockets on the wall in low spots? Why do have pets with teeth and claws that can bite and scratch? Why do we have laces on our shoes?

Why don't we build a world for children instead of adults?

If you have the stomach for it, try thinking of humanity as a child race... a species just beginning to understand the world and universe around them. This explains our behaviors... instead of blackeyes, we have wars. Instead of bike races, we have space races.

Here in our nursery, we gaze in wonder at all that is around us and after a spell, we look at the door and wonder whether there is anyone out there. Then when we knock over a table or bruise our little bottoms, we see mommy or daddy and they both scold us and hugs us.

We think we know so much... like we have the world in our pocket.

Someday, when that door opens, there may be what we've always known was there but had fun and games pretending was not.
edit on 2-7-2013 by redoubt because: typo

posted on Jul, 2 2013 @ 01:48 PM
reply to post by redoubt

I'll borrow Filledcup's answer for that:


parent is leaving teenage kid home for the first time..

"do not throw any parties, and do not go anywhere with the car. the keys for the car are over here and there are drinks in the freezer."

parent then leaves for a weekend trip out of state/country..

hmmmmmmmmmmmm LOL

posted on Jul, 2 2013 @ 02:00 PM

Originally posted by AfterInfinity
reply to post by filledcup

well look at it this way.. he did it intentionally fully well knowing they would disobey him, fall, and then learn how to earn their way back up to the level of light of his Kingdom. most probably sent the snake charged with the task of persuading them, commanded lucifer to disobey and take some faithful angels with him who will act as testers for man on earth. to be man's enemy, where he is commanded simply "resist temptation, but love thy enemy". which also might explain why God does not simply Obliterate Lucifer and Evil altogether. he has a job to do, but God has assigned him his job in the other end of the spectrum. so we might have actually failed the test if we didnt eat the fruit but he knew we would. that omnipotence thing.. lol

Then why doesn't the Bible tell us that?

it does.. if u have a little common sense..

it tells us God is omnipotent!
meaning God knew that adam would eat of the tree and disobey him even before he created adam. that adam would be persuaded by his wife.
it also means he knew the angels would disobey him as well and become fallen before he created them..

yet he still did.. so it's not a mistake.. we are the ones that assume that. and have been instructed to view it that way. the question is.. do u take others' instruction to learn things? or can you think for yourself and decipher and learn for yourself?

posted on Jul, 2 2013 @ 02:16 PM

Originally posted by AfterInfinity
reply to post by redoubt

I'll borrow Filledcup's answer for that:


parent is leaving teenage kid home for the first time..

"do not throw any parties, and do not go anywhere with the car. the keys for the car are over here and there are drinks in the freezer."

parent then leaves for a weekend trip out of state/country..

hmmmmmmmmmmmm LOL

Add afew rules here, substitute mom and dad for God and you might have a form of... well, commandments. If there were 10 of them, lord help us all, lol!

Thanks for the reply

posted on Jul, 2 2013 @ 04:58 PM
hey guys,
loads of posts to read.. but thats the internet i guess.

Concerning evolution - try to explain please, how Flytrap evolved?

Originally posted by danielsil18

Originally posted by ClevererRunbeening
Do you know what it is, that you want to manifest itself?

Can't an all powerful God manifest himself in a way that proves his existence?
edit on 1-7-2013 by danielsil18 because: (no reason given)

He may already be manifesting, but how can you say, if you dont know what it is.
And If your only concern is to discredit diety as understood by you (or many) from bible than go on, but that wont bring any good

edit on 2-7-2013 by ClevererRunbeening because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 2 2013 @ 05:16 PM

Originally posted by ClevererRunbeening
hey guys,
loads of posts to read.. but thats the internet i guess.

Concerning evolution - try to explain please, how Flytrap evolved?

edit on 2-7-2013 by ClevererRunbeening because: (no reason given)

Flytraps microbial self determination was traveling on an asteroid and collided with earth by way of/from VENUS. No evolution, just a long wait for the fly to evolve, not interested in the crawling roach.
edit on 2-7-2013 by vethumanbeing because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 2 2013 @ 05:29 PM
reply to post by filledcup

it tells us God is omnipotent!
meaning God knew that adam would eat of the tree and disobey him even before he created adam. that adam would be persuaded by his wife.
it also means he knew the angels would disobey him as well and become fallen before he created them..

yet he still did.. so it's not a mistake.. we are the ones that assume that. and have been instructed to view it that way. the question is.. do u take others' instruction to learn things? or can you think for yourself and decipher and learn for yourself?

Then why are we being punished for something he knew would happen and ARRANGED to have happen? What was so terrible about the garden and Adam and Eve that the last "6,000 years" had to happen? Why was any of this necessary at all when Adam and Eve could have spent all that time chillin' in the garden and talking to their father? No wars. No disease. No lies. Just a pet zoo featuring his finest of creations.

Why did he have to sacrifice it? Oh wait! He didn't sacrifice a damned thing! He could do it all over again if he wanted to, again and again and again. We're the ones who lost so much. We're the ones who always get stuck with the short end of the deal. What's the point? Why was it so necessary to set us up for failure? It's just so easy to be all-powerful and treat all of your creations like toys, isn't it, but as soon as those toys start to bite back, then OH HELL NO! I am a jealous and wrathful god! You'd better roll over for me or I will smite you with a righteous vengeance!

I don't get it. What's the objective here? What's the point? It seems...reckless. Which is a hell of a thing to say for a god who always knows what he's doing and can never make a mistake.
edit on 2-7-2013 by AfterInfinity because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 2 2013 @ 05:33 PM

Originally posted by danielsil18
reply to post by ccseagull

God allows people to do whatever horrible, vile, evil things they want to, because to do otherwise would be to violate people’s free will, which is something that God’s love for all people absolutely prevents him from doing.

God's love for the man's free will prevents God from stopping that man from raping the little girl. God's love for the little girl wasn't enough.

God loved the little girl and that rapist's free will. He could either choose to save the little girl or to allow the rapist have his free will. God chose to side with the rapist.

Can't you see how absurd that sounds? you are trying to make excuses for something unthinkable. I would recommend you to stop reading the Bible and start using your heart.

God gave us free will. And he will not take it from us. And we do not want him to take it from us

Rapists, murderers, etc. All agree with you, otherwise God would not let them commit their sins. But would that little girl that got raped agree with you, or the parents of that little girl?

What if you saw a movie about Spiderman and he saw that a man was about to rape a little girl, and Spiderman says "I should love and respect that man's free will... I'll let him rape that girl". Awesome movie right? Actually Spiderman would be useless since he wouldn't do anything to stop criminals to love and respect their free will.

I am sorry I cannot explain this better than what I have tried. All I will say at this point is that if you attempt to read the Bible yourself you might be surprised at what makes an impact on you or what may reveal itself to you. The Bible is the Living Word. Sure it's print on paper enclosed as a book. But the words of God are alive. If you really are curious and want answers to your questions then it is going to have to require you investigating. Sometimes it takes a personal investment of time and effort to discover interpretations that only you can decipher. I'm not saying that you would get a different answer, but you would come to the answer in your own manner. Kind of like there being perhaps 3 different ways to solve a math equation. I'm here if you want to talk more. I wish I could wave my hand and make it clear for you. Keep in mind that even for us Christians we are still trying to figure things out. And there is noone in this world that understands the entire Bible. We all understand bits and pieces, some more, some less but it's a road that you just keep traveling to learn more and to grow in your intimate relationship with the Savior. Speaking as a Christian. If you would like me to pray for you I'd like that. And IF it's in your heart... I'm just saying IF, I'm not implying or suggesting - but if you truly are looking for God sometimes some of us have to start from nothing - completely broken and alone and just say, "Jesus help me." And He will. And like Kaelen said, you will know when it is Him. Hugs bro!

posted on Jul, 2 2013 @ 05:35 PM

Originally posted by vethumanbeing

Originally posted by ClevererRunbeening
hey guys,
loads of posts to read.. but thats the internet i guess.

Concerning evolution - try to explain please, how Flytrap evolved?

Flytraps microbial self determination was traveling on an asteroid and collided with earth by way of/from VENUS. No evolution, just a long wait for the fly to evolve, not interested in the crawling roach.

But thats quite a longshot, to assume there are flies on VENUS... how else could this self determination be if there were no flies? If there were flies, they would probably disturb alien beings living there to such degree, that it would make them impossible to concentrate and create Tarot.. and as it is scientifiacly proven that Tarot exists, i doubt there are any flies on venus... No, its without doubt.. its pure deduction, evolution (of tarot) theory proves it!

posted on Jul, 2 2013 @ 05:46 PM

Originally posted by AfterInfinity
reply to post by filledcup

it tells us God is omnipotent!
meaning God knew that adam would eat of the tree and disobey him even before he created adam. that adam would be persuaded by his wife.
it also means he knew the angels would disobey him as well and become fallen before he created them..

yet he still did.. so it's not a mistake.. we are the ones that assume that. and have been instructed to view it that way. the question is.. do u take others' instruction to learn things? or can you think for yourself and decipher and learn for yourself?

Then why are we being punished for something he knew would happen and ARRANGED to have happen? What was so terrible about the garden and Adam and Eve that the last "6,000 years" had to happen? Why was any of this necessary at all when Adam and Eve could have spent all that time chillin' in the garden and talking to their father? No wars. No disease. No lies. Just a pet zoo featuring his finest of creations.

Why did he have to sacrifice it? Oh wait! He didn't sacrifice a damned thing! He could do it all over again if he wanted to, again and again and again. We're the ones who lost so much. We're the ones who always get stuck with the short end of the deal. What's the point? Why was it so necessary to set us up for failure? It's just so easy to be all-powerful and treat all of your creations like toys, isn't it, but as soon as those toys start to bite back, then OH HELL NO! I am a jealous and wrathful god! You'd better roll over for me or I will smite you with a righteous vengeance!

I don't get it. What's the objective here? What's the point? It seems...reckless. Which is a hell of a thing to say for a god who always knows what he's doing and can never make a mistake.
edit on 2-7-2013 by AfterInfinity because: (no reason given)

Well, mankind would never experience things it is (or can) experience now - if all remained the same ..forever. Its about experiencing new things and learning from them ...i think. And without loosing, new things hardly comes.

posted on Jul, 2 2013 @ 06:00 PM

Originally posted by AfterInfinity
reply to post by ccseagull

What you are in essence asking about God is what throughout time people have always asked about God: Why does he allow evil to exist?
And that excellent simple question has an excellent, simple answer: God allows people to do whatever horrible, vile, evil things they want to, because to do otherwise would be to violate people’s free will, which is something that God’s love for all people absolutely prevents him from doing.

Three points:

1) Before "God", nothing existed.

2) "God" created all of evil and all of sin. This includes the creation of Lucifer.

3) "God" created us.

Ergo, every evil and horrible act we commit was known and allowed well before we even thought of it. For every such act, he created that potential, farmed it, harvested it, and gave it the perfect opportunity to manifest, knowing even as he did so that it WOULD manifest.

That's like throwing a gun in the road knowing exactly who is going to pick it up and exactly what they're going to do with it. If a man picks it up and kills three men, are you not responsible for those deaths? Because you put that gun there. Had you not done so, those three men would still be alive.

Consider that.

Not too sure about that Infinity. God is God. I'm just guessing here but what if God being the most powerful intelligence is so pure that He knows that there is an opposite of that and only He through His intelligence doesn't allow it to exist. However if that intelligence is taken upon by mere humans (eating of the tree of knowlege) we use that wisdom to twist it, ie wanting to be greater, thinking we know more. That leads to more and more inflated ideas and eventually leads to more and more evil. Again I'm just throwing that out there.

I have wondered if God existed before anything else. How can my puny little brain grasp that? it's almost too much for my mind. The only thing I see that it being a concern of mine is what if God isn't the only God or true God. Thing is there are no other Gods. There are copies of our God, that try to impersonate what our God can do but they can't. And so I only have one true God that I follow. And so far I have enough proof to belief this. And IF, my eternity depends on believing in Him and I have found my life to be peaceful and fulfilled and loving with God in my life then why would I ignore. I am not willing to take the chance - and of course I mean IF that was the only reason for me wanting to believe in God.

When God touches you you know. You just absolutely know. It's not a mind trick. It's as real as any other happening in my life. But and this is where the argument comes in, that is MY experience and until you have your own then you can only keep trying to prove He is not real.

I do not believe for a second that God would be using us as pawns in some sort of game. His love is greater than that. This world belongs to the devil. There is a spiritual war going on right now all around us. But we in this human flesh are oblivious to it.

God created Lucifer. But Lucifer rebelled. God did not make Him rebel. As much as my child has given me grey hair and I am still catching up on my sleep eons later and now the hormonal teens are notching up I would not ever decide to never have her. I guide her, I love her unconditionally, I allow her to reap the consequences of her actions and I beam with love and pride when she learns something new. She is her own unique individual with her own personality. I allow her to be her. If I had stepped in every time there was a problem or pain or didn't allow her to climb the ladder or swing on the treadmill I'd have a 13 year old mindless blob sitting on the floor that simply doesn't function.

At some point some of us have to decide to make a choice to believe or not and accept God's decisions and actions as the ultimate because IF the Bible is real then to know how much Jesus loves me, cherishes me, helps me, how much He has promised me - I want to go to the party, and not to anything remotely less. And I have Him inside of me which means I have strength and love in my heart always. I admire agnostics and athiests for their strength and good morals but I want more. I want a best friend that is capable of showing me more love than I've ever felt from anyone on this earth and I want to share it all with Him. Again, I think one has to have been touched by God in order to understand it.

posted on Jul, 2 2013 @ 07:06 PM

Originally posted by ClevererRunbeening

Originally posted by vethumanbeing

Originally posted by ClevererRunbeening
hey guys,
loads of posts to read.. but thats the internet i guess.

Concerning evolution - try to explain please, how Flytrap evolved?

Flytraps microbial self determination was traveling on an asteroid and collided with earth by way of/from VENUS. No evolution, just a long wait for the fly to evolve, not interested in the crawling roach.

But thats quite a longshot, to assume there are flies on VENUS... how else could this self determination be if there were no flies? If there were flies, they would probably disturb alien beings living there to such degree, that it would make them impossible to concentrate and create Tarot.. and as it is scientifiacly proven that Tarot exists, i doubt there are any flies on venus... No, its without doubt.. its pure deduction, evolution (of tarot) theory proves it!

Your assuming Venus FlyTraps firstly existed on Venus. WRONG NAME--should have been called EARTH flytraps to begin with, why they came by that name (no idea); with that understanding (no confusion). If flies existed here within that 'constab' too few plants humans (and their creators) would have given up hope, flys outnumber us and no specie of plant could exterminate them (but a mighty try none the less) .. OH, and there is this famous phrase "IF NOAH HAD BEEN WISE HE WOULD HAVE SWATTED ALL OF THOSE FLIES". (could have solved the problem at the outset).
edit on 2-7-2013 by vethumanbeing because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 2 2013 @ 07:06 PM

Originally posted by AfterInfinity
reply to post by filledcup

it tells us God is omnipotent!
meaning God knew that adam would eat of the tree and disobey him even before he created adam. that adam would be persuaded by his wife.
it also means he knew the angels would disobey him as well and become fallen before he created them..

yet he still did.. so it's not a mistake.. we are the ones that assume that. and have been instructed to view it that way. the question is.. do u take others' instruction to learn things? or can you think for yourself and decipher and learn for yourself?

Then why are we being punished for something he knew would happen and ARRANGED to have happen? What was so terrible about the garden and Adam and Eve that the last "6,000 years" had to happen? Why was any of this necessary at all when Adam and Eve could have spent all that time chillin' in the garden and talking to their father? No wars. No disease. No lies. Just a pet zoo featuring his finest of creations.

to really answer that id have to get into theology. and this particular question is to decode the mind of God.. lol. im sure you see the problem. that is 'Guessing the mind of God'.

but look at this. Adam and Eve were foolish. as children, they did not know about the world, and the evil within. had they known, they may have known not to eat of that fruit. but they are new spirits. independent of thought and as Gods, which is why God made the angels prostrate to Adam. As in worship!

because we were foolish, we ate the apple. and now, we are here to learn of the world. here we will learn of the construct of God's existence. of Good and Evil, of left and right, of right and wrong, of east and west etc.

opposites! that's what's under God's hood and that's where we are. Encapsulated in God. here we will learn why certain things are bad or 'not of God' or his plan for us. and how the universal laws work in the next worlds. How to live! so that when we get back to the garden, the true garden which exists in the spirit we will know why not to eat that fruit. we will be very wise, and not foolish as young souls are! we will understand how to upkeep God's paradise as we live in it.

Why did he have to sacrifice it? Oh wait! He didn't sacrifice a damned thing! He could do it all over again if he wanted to, again and again and again. We're the ones who lost so much. We're the ones who always get stuck with the short end of the deal. What's the point? Why was it so necessary to set us up for failure? It's just so easy to be all-powerful and treat all of your creations like toys, isn't it, but as soon as those toys start to bite back, then OH HELL NO! I am a jealous and wrathful god! You'd better roll over for me or I will smite you with a righteous vengeance!

i believe that God respects honesty. our puny brains, let alone using only the logical portion of them can only get so far in explaining the attributes of God. here we learn of the restriction, and limits of sin and that which sin imposes on us. in the Spirit we are infinite. but in sin we are limited, or restricted. that's the way it works.. man up!
so basically we have to make our way back to the Spirit and we can then reunite with God. and this is done via meditation. the synchronizing of both halves of the brain, the logical and creative brains

posted on Jul, 3 2013 @ 08:54 AM
We wouldn't recognize him if we saw him.


posted on Jul, 3 2013 @ 10:27 AM
I have thought about this in great detail, and I finally found an answer that I feel is logical.

I hesitate to share it though, because it seems like this board is rampant with mocking and rhetorical responses.

I don't think the OP really wants answers to this question. I think he/she is more interested in being sarcastic.

posted on Jul, 3 2013 @ 11:24 AM
What part of faith do some people not understand?Jesus told His followers to have faith even after he rose from the dead.

posted on Jul, 3 2013 @ 06:52 PM

Originally posted by danielsil18
I want to ask everyone why wouldn't God just show himself to us and make us all know he exists.

Christians can't say they know God, they can only say they believe in him and they have faith. But why can't God come and show himself to us, tell us that he is real and that he wants everyone to follow his rules. After that we would all know he is real and start following him. Why would he just leave us a book written by men?
One of the arguments Christians make is that God wanted us to have free will. He wanted us to have the choice to follow or rebel. But the story of Lucifer says that he and other angels rebelled...but they knew God existed. So why would it be any different with us?
So my question arises, why can't God just make us know, not believe or have faith, but know he is real?
edit on 1-7-2013 by danielsil18 because: (no reason given)

Daniel I could only make it through the first page of WOWS!!.Thanks for asking such a thoughtful question.I know it warrants a thoughtful answer.I don't know what it will mean to you.My hope is a lot.I am really appreciative all these point blank questions at ATS.They need to be asked more frequently because the answers that have been given to it for centuries (hell millenniums) are so far off.

Why doesn't God show himself to us to prove his existence.The same basic reason we don't present ourselfs to a amoeba to prove our would do no good.You are correct the majority (okay.... ALL) of the religious rhetoric about it is completely illogical and false.The theory's have grown more and more fantastic with less and less substance.In one sense there is only one thing you need to KNOW (notice I didn't say believe)

There is A God(only one) and... you aren't him.

Once you know that it will lead to all the others answers to you questions.Here's the catch.You can't "know" God exists unless God reveals it to you.That is the only beginning there is.It is not in a book or at a building with folks rolling on the floor shouting LAWD Lawd!!or in a monastery or in the lotus position or or ,or, or...

Most importantly this knowing God ISN"T a belief.Faith is the substance it comes through.Faith is like amniotic fluid.You can only live so long in that stuff.Eventually when you are born you "know".Do you belive you are alive and breathing air or have the faith you are.?(rhetorical)Yes faith is a necessary ingredient but it is not the life of knowing.
Yahoshua(the guy everyone calls Jesus) did not say if you continue to hear(perceive/understand) what I say you are my disciple and you will "believe" the Truth and it will set you free.He said you will KNOW the Truth...HUGE the 1st place.. it only makes sense.The Truth to be :"The WHOLE truth and nothing but the Truth can only be fully perceived through knowing not belief.

That is the distinct difference between religions that believe (worship) doctrines of words instead of KNOWING God.Yahoshua didn't have faith.He didn't need it ...He knew/knows.He didn't believe any of the miracles would happen... he knew.He told those that they happened to "your faith" has healed you....but without his "knowing" nothing would happen.It's a ratio ... a relationship.

It will probably be of little comfort to you to say there is nothing you can do to know God.You can however "believe" in God like the billions of others that do with the millions(probably billions also) of variations that are in conflict with each other.The fact is only when God wants to reveal it to you will you know.I guarantee it does not come in the form of lighting bolts or acid trip visions from your 3rd eye.You will know because it won't come from you.It will be completely outside .Something that a mind can't imagine.Everyone will experience and understand it.Why God does it this way is beyond comprehension the important thing is that is the fact of how it happens.

Hopefully you are beginning to understand that the myth of eternal punishment of hell has zero veracity.That is purely a human extrapolation of worshiping the words in book which by the way It ain't even in the BOOK! That's how out of wack those believing folks get.I am not judging them.I have extreme empathy for them.When that box closed on my head it was the most frightening experience of my life. I would wish that on none!To think I could see inside a shut box with very little air with lots of smelly folks included....was insanity!

There are times I wish I could pry that box open for them however I know I can't.I am not God.There is a reason to be in that box(to protect those that aren't in it!!)...and many more.If you aren't in that box it's probably another box but at least it has some elbow room to move around question and to eventually HEAR from outside the box the only voice that speaks any sense.Then you will know... and know and know...
edit on 3-7-2013 by Rex282 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 3 2013 @ 08:28 PM
reply to post by danielsil18

Question; "Why will God not show itself?".

Because it is apparent in everything that exists, look around, including at yourself. Perhaps it does not perceive itself as a "being" solid, as you are; but as a thoughtform, lacks a mirror , you have one I am certain, reflected back at you (look into your eyes) is your creator or; IT MAY NOT OWN ANY CLOTHES.

edit on 3-7-2013 by vethumanbeing because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 4 2013 @ 12:02 AM

Originally posted by danielsil18
I want to ask everyone why wouldn't God just show himself to us and make us all know he exists.

Christians can't say they know God, they can only say they believe in him and they have faith. But why can't God come and show himself to us, tell us that he is real and that he wants everyone to follow his rules. After that we would all know he is real and start following him. Why would he just leave us a book written by men?

One of the arguments Christians make is that God wanted us to have free will. He wanted us to have the choice to follow or rebel. But the story of Lucifer says that he and other angels rebelled...but they knew God existed. So why would it be any different with us?

So my question arises, why can't God just make us know, not believe or have faith, but know he is real?
edit on 1-7-2013 by danielsil18 because: (no reason given)

If Lucifer and the 1/3 of the angels rebelled though they knew God existed, then what makes you think humans would not still rebel if they were shown the "proof" you are speaking of?

If you read Revelation 20:7-9, you will see that the last thing the wicked people will do when they are resurrected at the end of the 1,000 years is encircle the City of Heaven in an attempt to overtake it. At that point it will be so obvious that God exists, yet they will still listen to Satan, and try his plan anyway:

Revelation 20:7-9(AKJV)
7 And when the thousand years are expired, Satan shall be loosed out of his prison,
8 and shall go out to deceive the nations which are in the four quarters of the earth, Gog and Magog, to gather them together to battle: the number of whom is as the sand of the sea.
9 And they went up on the breadth of the earth, and compassed the camp of the saints about, and the beloved city: and fire came down from God out of heaven, and devoured them.

They will still listen to Satan when he tells them to try to overtake the City. And that's with the City sitting right there in front of them, with all its glory, and the glory of God shining from it.

This world has already kicked God out of school, business, public gatherings, churches, and even homes. It's a hate crime to use God's Word to show someone that they are going against His will. Prophecy is being fulfilled left and right, and most people still deny Him.

The prophecy of the Great Tribulation was fulfilled long ago:

The prophecy of the Two Witnesses was also:

Antichrist has been around for thousands of years:

The mark of the beast has been revealed to His people, just as promised:

There are precursors to the 7 last plagues happening all around the world as we speak, yet, with all of this evidence, people still try to play it off as though it's all just every day normal stuff. If they read the Bible, they would see that countless things have come to pass exactly like the Bible said it would. Sadly, they would still deny it.

They way people believe in E.T. and other such nonsense, they would put down any "proof" they saw to just being a mass mind-control project, or E.T. trying to get into contact with us, or the universe telling us something; or the spirit world from another dimension colliding with our dimension to create a new awakening within everybody's third eye. They would go to any length in an attempt to prove to themselves that God does not exist.

It comes down to the fact that people hate God because His laws and rules say humans should not fulfill their wicked desires and lusts. Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny, countless fictional TV shows, movies, and books, video games, and other such made up, fictional evil junk, are all very well accepted by society today. However, the moment somebody brings up Jesus or God or the Bible, they are looked upon very negatively and accused of trying to brainwash and indoctrinate people with false information. Talk about hypocritical...

I know God exists. I'm no smarter than you. Surely, you could read and study the same stuff I did and come to the same conclusion.

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