posted on Jun, 22 2013 @ 08:52 PM
How do you feel about these one liners we've been plagued with these days?
It didn't always used to be this way, back when I was a new member in 2010 I was quickly slapped on the wrist for producing a minimal post. Of course
many got away with it, simply by writing "2nd line"- it shaped my habit of drive-bys and overall improved my own writing abilities by requiring me to
share my views in a deeper way.
Here at ATS we take pride in making every post count...
What do you think, ATS?
Do you enjoy the freedom of quickly replying to any thread you desire- no longer hindered by the need to write more than one sentence?
Or do you miss how it used to be, when it was mandated that everyone spend a little extra time forming their opinions- versus drive-by commentary as
seen on websites such as Facebook.
I'm still guilty of lazy posts, sometimes I really want to get my message across but don't actually have the time to write out an entire paragraph.
But I, as well as many other members I've spoken to, really feel that the old ways promoted a deeper conversation as a whole for the community.
I'd say a bit of both would be near perfect solution:
No outrageously lazy one liners, ex. "Swamp gas, hah."
However minimalist/brief points could be looked upon with less scrutiny depending on how they add to the discussion...
A balance between Quality/Quantity.
edit on 22-6-2013 by ThinkingCap because: (no reason given)