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Alex Jones loses it on BBC today June 9th

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posted on Jun, 9 2013 @ 10:43 PM

Originally posted by Mclaneinc
Mods, please move if in wrong forum..

The rather foolish BBC invited Alex Jones on to the Sunday Politics show to comment on The Bilderberger Group and Alex as usual gave more than he was asked for. To be honest he came across as a raving loon and Ex Editor of the Sunday Times, Andrew Neil described him "as the worst person he's ever interviewed".

At the end of the show Alex went full melt down and basically stopped the show dead, gladly it had finished and all the guests were tweeting like mad about what they had just seen.

To see the segment...

Loon or genius... You decide...
edit on 9-6-2013 by Mclaneinc because: (no reason given)

"And that's on record"

*pulls out some random document from the internet that sources a paper that sources the website he used as the record*

I hate to bash him. But just like the interview with Piers Morgan, he lost his cool before he made a valid point. He was countering everything very well, than he just lost it before the commercial break.
edit on 9-6-2013 by badconduct because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 9 2013 @ 10:45 PM
Alex Jones is a mole. I still don't trust him. His claim to fame was the whole 9/11 prediction thing that he stole from William Cooper. After Cooper was murdered he pretty much took his spot and became the resident conspiracy guy. I think his job is to make anybody who questions our government look insane. I mean, if not, how could you possibly do a spot on a show like that, knowing full well how people perceive it? You won't convince anybody looking like that. Also, surely BBC or any other major new agency would even do 30 seconds of research to learn who this guy is and what he's done on other shows when given the chance. They knew ahead of time full well what was going to happen. It's funny that more people don't realize what he's actually doing.

posted on Jun, 9 2013 @ 10:49 PM
That was hilarious.

posted on Jun, 9 2013 @ 10:53 PM
reply to post by Mclaneinc

I used to watch Alex Jones, but then I realized he is just a raving angry dude. I know the world we live in can be crap at times and politicians and bankers wont change whoever is in charge, regardless, us the common people are screwed. So I listened to him and became angry then one day I just turned him off and my anger went away. I dont dwell on negativity and I stay away from psychic vampires like Alex, and O'reily and Rush Limbaugh and Katie Courick. Anyone who screams all day and complains has no interest to me they are just hot bags of air.

posted on Jun, 9 2013 @ 11:11 PM

Originally posted by Knobby
reply to post by ThreeBears

Actually, I don't want links.

I would have liked your take on it.

I'm a tad curious as to why you would want my take on it, nethertheless,

First I'm using a very old IPad with a keyboard that well, leaves a lot to be desired so I don't articulate as well as I would lets say on a desktop.

Ah, let's see, I'll begin with the Scotland legis first. I believe it is an extremely dangerous and horrendous idea and I say that as an adult who was once a child or teen rather IN a state orphanage for a short time in my life. A religious one at that so I am Very well aware of the inadequacies of the State as any type of parent as well as the psychological damage it does to a child to not have an intimate bond connection, the STATE simply cannot supply that. So I'll speak some from my own experience, from that lens as well as from a political lens, as to the infringements on parental rights, Women's rights (and it is a huge violation of womens human rights, falls into reproductive freedom and intimate space, specifically if you take into any consideration the past policies of such measures and what they entailed towards women's rights, for example Romania) and last but not least its a huge violation of CHILDREN'S RIGHTS.

Though ironically the clever engineers mask their efforts under the guise of Children's Protection, but I can assure you that the STATE is the WORST ABUSER OF CHILDREN, not simply but what I've read, but what I personally myself have seen and lived through. And the recent sexual abuse of juveniles in juvenile facilities report by the DOJ gives credence to this assertion.

This is not to say that accountability, especially when there is a lack of Real community not just the name sake, is lacking and when there are other factors to be considered, eg poverty, cultural values that may BE abusive, drugs/alcohol use, etc., but just because there could be some improvements on accountability in no way gives reason for the STATE to step in, encroach and then play daddy dickTator.

First, as a social vehicle to bring about positive citizenship, OK such as the logic of the engineers parade this draconian legis under, it would do the exact Opposite in that it would undermine any authority, guidance and Leadership the parents/parent has, therefore immediately teaching the Child not to have any respect whatsoever for authority that CARES about them or TRUST, and that is all it would accomplish, is divisive tension within the home and a build up of total disrespect for the parents or any OTHER family member who steps in, out of love and concern, to intervene on the child's behalf, therefore Rendering that Child/ren Emotional ORPHANS.

And Then you get into some real problems with attachment issues, following Peers because as social animals we crave or cleave rather to other humans, Especially in our most for formeble years. And that IS the agenda, render the children emotional detached orphans that will fill that void with Other replacements, be it Peers OR

Be it the Parent STATE. But then the Problem with that you see, is that the State has not the Personal Intimate investment/bond with the child like a Parent, in most cases, would. And Don't think for a minute a Child does not Know this, they do. So what they'll wind up with, is a generation of emotionally confused and orphaned, resentful children who sure, they may Obey the State as parent but they'll only do so as a means of survival, every chance they get they'll be looking for ones to Attach to, usually gangs, cults and yes, political extremists. And proof of this,

A huge percentage of politicized groups, the members are in fact, either have been abused children or orphaned children...I'm speaking of Very extremist political Groups, so, just from That point alone, when the State forces itself as a Parent and rips children from true love and care, they are setting up not a civilized society, hardly, but the beginning of a society where, these children may be compliant one day, but the resentment will smolder, and one day, those children will become the very enemy....the State was trying to avoid. That's just my take on it, JUST from that part alone, there is Tons more wrong with but, this is the most relevant from my own experience and the advocacy that I do.

posted on Jun, 9 2013 @ 11:15 PM
whether you support Alex Jones or not, the interviewer pissed me off the way he was handling it. yeah, Alex Jones was getting enraged because David Aaronovitch and Andrew Neil were teaming up against him by talking about him as if he wasn't even there. It is just unprofessional for Neil to blatantly tell Jones to "shut up" in that type of interview, and then to state that Jones is a lunatic and do the hand gesture as they were signing off is just disrespectful. Ridicule like that would piss me off too.

posted on Jun, 9 2013 @ 11:17 PM
That is the occult power of the bilderberg rituals. They change things and the mind can't figure out where the power is driving them. The occult walls that hold the average person into silence get jumped by people like Alex Jones.

Sometimes I think it's a GWEN tower SSSS program that blocks the ordinary reaction to be a critic of some things, making it impossible to have a thought about ...whatever is blanked out, so to get past the blank back to personal intent, ones mind has to do some interesting contortions, and the proof of the struggle is in the overblown emotional response. So he is struggling to get past the lie-wall and it looks like it is a social handicap but he was the one who was able to escape the thought control.

He's the one that escapes while the normal ones are trapped. And all he says goes into history.

posted on Jun, 9 2013 @ 11:22 PM
reply to post by Mclaneinc

aj is probably die of a brain anurism. all that stress is unhealthy. and everyone will think it was a conspiracy

posted on Jun, 9 2013 @ 11:23 PM
Loonie toon x 10.

At a certain point in time, he must have understood: what I do for a living, what I believe, is complete and utter nonsense. But having gone so far in, having made himself dependent upon the enterprise he had begun, paradoxically, he's chained at the ankle to this nonsense. What is he to do but continue to promote his fairy tale worldview, his family and his name depend on it.

In anycase, by any psychological standard, Alex Jones is a megalomaniac.

posted on Jun, 9 2013 @ 11:24 PM

Originally posted by Wrabbit2000
To a great deal of the general public, Alex Jones represents us. ATS and other sites like this.

This is exactly why I think Jones is a government stooge. Probably just an actor hired to discredit anybody and any organization that thinks outside the box.

"Oh conspiracy theorists? Haha. They are all crazy, like that Alex Jones guy."

posted on Jun, 9 2013 @ 11:31 PM
Alex is just rolling in the dough, no matter who you are within his realm of reality he will bulldoze over you and make himself the hero...whether its true or false it all about Alex and his show......Seriously

posted on Jun, 9 2013 @ 11:33 PM

Really puts this loon's ramblings into perspective.

posted on Jun, 9 2013 @ 11:37 PM
reply to post by OtherSideOfTheCoin

Whats amazing is that the other guy who was being interviewed really did seem to be willing to discuss what Alex Jones was trying to talk about.

Hardly so. He wasn't trying to discuss what Jones was talking about. He was trying to ridicule Jones' conclusions by showing the inconsistencies in them. That was very desperate on the part of BBC.

He asked a question as to why Jones is still alive when he is exposing the conspiracy and offered possible explanations (a) the conspiracy doesn't exist (b) Jones is part of it.

Jones' ego won't let him admit that he isn't "exposing" anything, only constructing an explanation from publicly available information. Hence, he poses no threat to the continued execution of the conspiracy whatever it may be.

The BBC invited him to show their sated audience that conspiracy theorists are lunatics, by selecting Jones to represent them. Jones attended the show to get publicity for himself. Both got what they wanted. Win-win!

posted on Jun, 9 2013 @ 11:37 PM

posted on Jun, 9 2013 @ 11:39 PM
I have been a fan of Alex for a few years. Granted....first ion will possibly turn you off, but he always gets an A+ for hsi research. The rant part is okay......he views himself as a very needed position in any re-awakening or revolt....much like Paul Revere.

posted on Jun, 9 2013 @ 11:45 PM
reply to post by zazzafrazz

thank you

posted on Jun, 9 2013 @ 11:47 PM

Originally posted by tinyDAWK
reply to post by Mclaneinc

aj is probably die of a brain anurism. all that stress is unhealthy. and everyone will think it was a conspiracy
you are not funny or witty

posted on Jun, 9 2013 @ 11:49 PM

Originally posted by texasyeti
reply to post by Mclaneinc

I used to watch Alex Jones, but then I realized he is just a raving angry dude. I know the world we live in can be crap at times and politicians and bankers wont change whoever is in charge, regardless, us the common people are screwed. So I listened to him and became angry then one day I just turned him off and my anger went away. I dont dwell on negativity and I stay away from psychic vampires like Alex, and O'reily and Rush Limbaugh and Katie Courick. Anyone who screams all day and complains has no interest to me they are just hot bags of air.
so one day you went numb to whats happening?good for you,now you are ready to be molded.gfys
edit on 9-6-2013 by yyzyyz123 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 9 2013 @ 11:52 PM
If being angry about the state of the world is wrong, then I don't wanna be right!

It takes courage to take your thoughts and ideas into a hostile environment and face the beast head on.

Society is losing its cojones.

posted on Jun, 9 2013 @ 11:59 PM

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