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E.T. Artifacts & Subatomic Attotechnology: {Brainstorming req RE exotic weaponry, sinkholes...}

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posted on Apr, 20 2013 @ 10:58 PM
1. Sinkholes have been appearing all over the place all around the planet. No one has reported anything remotely convincing regarding their probable, even plausible causes. . . . at least no one, I'm aware of.

2. Linda Moulton Howe at

has reported on an exotic beam weapon that her source was told could fire totally through the whole planet from one side through the middle to a target on the other side. Sounds preposterous but that's what her source was told.

3. It seems plausible to me . . . that IF some Tesla sort of exotic weapon is in use and being "tested" by say--the USA, Russian and Chinese parts of the NWO . . .

[color=6699FF]That MIGHT be an explanation for the sinkholes.

But I'm just an ignorant shrink in such matters.
4. Therefore, it occurred to me to appeal to the massive wealth of expertise in a variety of disciplines and technologies represented on ATS to see if we could brainstorm the issues related to such things and come up with some plausible explanations--if my speculation above turns out to not be a likely one. And, if it is a likely one, what makes it likely beyond my layman's speculations?

5. I think Linda Moulton Howe's article on it is behind her subscriber wall. Maybe I can get the more specific link. Let me log in and see. . . .
. X-Files


. . .
Then in April 2012 at the Eureka Springs, Arkansas, 25th annual UFO Conference, I included attotechnology in my presentation. Afterward, I was approached by a former U. S. Army man, who served in Mogadishu, Somalia, from 1993 to 1994. In December 1993, he encountered the term “Atto” in a sergeant's description of a directed energy weapon (DEW) tested at night in the desert. It was some kind of particle beam technology that uses a beam of atoms or electrons to damage a matter target by hitting it and disrupting its atomic and molecular structure.
. . . .


Of course the whole article is worth reading at Linda's site.

And, it still seems preposterous that any weapon could fire completely through the whole earth and destroy a target on the other side. Yet, if we are talking about exotic tech and maybe exotic DIMENSIONS . . . maybe it's not so preposterous. What do I know.

OK, ATS EXPERTS, What say you?

What are the possibilities?

1. for the sinkholes as a function of 'tests' or 'demonstrations' of one country to another related to exotic technologies


2. re the contention that an exotic weapon could fire through the center of the whole globe of planet earth?

edit on 20/4/2013 by BO XIAN because: fix tags

edit on 20/4/2013 by BO XIAN because: make title include LMH's article title

edit on 20/4/2013 by BO XIAN because: edit title

posted on Apr, 21 2013 @ 12:31 AM
Not sure about the sink hole part, really need to get inside one to have a good look around. Could be many different reasons depending on the sink hole.

As for Atto technology, it does sound like it operates at a higher frequency compared to X-Rays and other radiation on the electromagnetic spectrum. I also consider it quite likely that it has a greater effect at the sub atomic region, leading to increased disruptions at the atomic, molecular and other scales of matter. I am not sure just what will be found as science continues to push the boundaries of our awareness.

If the exotic weapon genie is allowed to get out its bottle, it could make the whole global nuke problem and security issues with that look like child's play.

posted on Apr, 21 2013 @ 01:42 AM
Interesting thread.

There are theories that the world is hollow, which would change the possibilities of being able to fire a laser type beam through it.

But the way the weapon would work sort of brings to my mind the idea of an entrance and exit wounds that a bullet or something causes. A weapon where the 'muzzle' was buried or didn't necessarily 'fire' by traditional standards may not create an entrance wound, but where the beam punched through the other side of the earth could create an exit wound of sorts.

I don't know. Personally, I've always thought that oil might have something to do with the sinkholes. Or at least I've always thought that the Earth had developed these oil pockets for a reason or out of necessity, and that we have no idea what we're doing. I mean, oil could have so much larger part in lubricating parts of the Earth's crust or something of that sort.

We're also draining aquifers and diverting water sources, so underground vaults that were like strengthened or supported by water could be emptied of water and dried out, crumble beneath heavy structures above.

posted on Apr, 21 2013 @ 10:35 AM

Originally posted by kwakakev
. . .

As for Atto technology, it does sound like it operates at a higher frequency compared to X-Rays and other radiation on the electromagnetic spectrum. I also consider it quite likely that it has a greater effect at the sub atomic region, leading to increased disruptions at the atomic, molecular and other scales of matter. I am not sure just what will be found as science continues to push the boundaries of our awareness.

If the exotic weapon genie is allowed to get out its bottle, it could make the whole global nuke problem and security issues with that look like child's play.


I once had a Navy colleague who worked at a hyper secret location. He asserted that we had 11 DIFFERENT weapons systems that would make nukes look like wimpy child's play. He was quite sobered and almost unconsolable in some respects about what he knew but couldn't elaborate on.

I certainly believe that essentially, "reality" as we know it is going to be turned almost literally inside out and upside down before the literal Armageddon arrives and Christ sets everything to rights.

Men's hearts will fail them for fear just from what they see before their faces and on CNN.

posted on Apr, 21 2013 @ 10:38 AM
reply to post by Sacrilicious

Interesting points.

IIRC, Linda's source noted that the weapon he saw demonstrated punched a basketball sized hole through 12 feet of solid concrete at a distance of 10 miles. And the weapon was merely a hunk of machinery on a flatbed truck or trailer.

I think there've been a lot of sinkholes not near depleted oil cavities or water cavities. But I certainly haven't catalogued them.

posted on Apr, 21 2013 @ 10:51 AM
reply to post by BO XIAN

Men's hearts will fail them for fear just from what they see before their faces and on CNN.

Some, but not all. More so for those that only hold a bleak future as the future is what we make of it.

posted on Apr, 21 2013 @ 07:29 PM

Originally posted by kwakakev
reply to post by BO XIAN

Men's hearts will fail them for fear just from what they see before their faces and on CNN.

Some, but not all. More so for those that only hold a bleak future as the future is what we make of it.

Certainly we have an impact on what happens in our personal futures.

It's difficult to imagine how individuals could have impact on such powerful forces and groups as are behind the exotic weapons systems.

I don't know that we can even ferret out whatever is truly going on with the sinkholes.

Certainly if we have an opportunity, I think we are duty bound to do the patriotic thing.

posted on Apr, 21 2013 @ 07:50 PM
Well, I don't see any reason to think sinkholes are anything but sinkholes. They've always been around. There certainly doesn't seem to be any reason to think they're where someone shot a hole in the earth with a mystery weapon.

As far as Howe goes, well, you're talking about Howe. So I wouldn't give her a lot of credence, but maybe you find that sort of thing an acceptable source of info. I wouldn't, any more than I would Sorcha Faal or Greer.

Not that there aren't some weapon systems you don't hear about on CNN. But as far as drilling holes through the planet, you have to look at the energetics.

posted on Apr, 21 2013 @ 10:35 PM
reply to post by Bedlam

You certainly make some reasonable observations.

I just don't recall in my previous 66 years

1. anything close to the number of sinkholes
2. anything close to the wide geographic diversity and
3. so far abroad over the whole planet.

Maybe there is some mundane normal explanation. I haven't come across one.

I don't know that the energies required for such a 'through the whole planet' weapon are Automatically astronomical. It seems to me that IF, as many contend, the physics that are REALLY operant in our multiverse are SIGNIFICANTLY DIFFERENT than what is taught in university openly . . .

IF Tesla was as smart as everyone says he was . . .

IF such a weapon somehow used some elements or more of 'other dimensions' . . .

it seems to this ignorant layman that the energies involved might be manageable.

In the example that Linda's source described, the energy was, IIRC, some sort of normal sized large generator that could fit on the back of a flatbed truck or flatbed semi-trailer with ease. And the devastation 10 miles away was quite impressive after a mere 'burst' of the weapon. Sounded to me like some exotic technology and physics were involved beyond what's normally taught at university.

posted on Apr, 22 2013 @ 06:24 AM

Originally posted by BO XIAN
reply to post by Bedlam

1. anything close to the number of sinkholes
2. anything close to the wide geographic diversity and
3. so far abroad over the whole planet.

Maybe there is some mundane normal explanation. I haven't come across one.

I've lived in areas where they were common place. You didn't think much of it, you even had it as an option on your home insurance - sinkhole protection. It's not unusual in Florida. Could it be that you're having some confirmation bias? You notice them because they're of interest now, so now it looks like there are more stories about it.

I don't know that the energies required for such a 'through the whole planet' weapon are Automatically astronomical. It seems to me that IF, as many contend, the physics that are REALLY operant in our multiverse are SIGNIFICANTLY DIFFERENT than what is taught in university openly . . .

There's no evidence whatever that anyone anywhere has somehow managed to alter the basic nature of physics so that it takes no energy to obliterate matter. You might as well invoke magic.

IF Tesla was as smart as everyone says he was . . .

He wasn't. There's more lore than truth about anything said about Tesla. If you stick to what Tesla wrote and patented, it's not half of the tripe you hear bandied about. Also, he never had anything to do with multi-dimensional disintegrators - if you have a source with a real reference to something Tesla did or said that is confirmed by someone other than Tesla, I'd love to see it. Not only do people make up half of Tesla lore, Tesla himself was fond of spouting absurdities he had to take back later.

IF such a weapon somehow used some elements or more of 'other dimensions' . . .

IF I could make flying monkeys emerge from my nether regions....

it seems to this ignorant layman that the energies involved might be manageable.

It doesn't seem so to me. If I could wave my wand from the HP universe, and say "Planeto disinto!" you could do it too, I suppose. But I haven't heard anything about such a device, not any facet of it. And I don't see how you could even approach the basic components of it. Nor have I heard of any of the breakthroughs you'd have to have along the way. And I hear a lot in my line of work. That's one I haven't heard.

In the example that Linda's source described, the energy was, IIRC, some sort of normal sized large generator that could fit on the back of a flatbed truck or flatbed semi-trailer with ease. And the devastation 10 miles away was quite impressive after a mere 'burst' of the weapon. Sounded to me like some exotic technology and physics were involved beyond what's normally taught at university.

Sounds to me like she's having you on for site clicks. My comment would be "pull the other, it's got bells on".

Not that Tesla didn't come up with some nifty stuff, and it's not like we didn't co-opt some of it behind the scenes. But Tesla was pretty whack toward the end of his life. X-raying his head to speed his thoughts probably wasn't a good idea.

posted on Apr, 22 2013 @ 06:50 AM
reply to post by Bedlam

Thanks again.

Interesting points again.

I didn't mean to imply that I thought that NO energy was required to obliterate matter. I didn't say that was the case.

I asserted that understandings of the fabric of the universe beyond what is taught in universities . . .

might well include abilities to do some astounding things at manageable levels of energy expenditure.

There have reportedly (multiple reports over the years) been weapons that are somewhat akin to the Star Trek stun guns . . . but which leave virtually not even significant 'ash' when on the most deadly setting. Virtually no residue whatsoever. And they are the size of a medium flashlight.

I've met Linda--talked to her face to face at some length. I find her quite sincere, authentic, serious, of high integrity. I think she suffers from some New Age deceptions but I don't think those significantly alter her integrity toward the truth.

Given sufficient, imho, reports over the years that our conventional public understanding of physics is simply inadequate to what is really known by those in secret projects . . . I no longer give the conventional paradigm much respect. I consider it greatly outdated.

Therefore what, I don't know. But the conventional model, imho, is about as much fantasy as . . . belief in some types of magic.

Then there's Arthur C Clark's dictum that technology sufficiently advanced would appear to be magic to the lower ranked culture.

posted on Apr, 22 2013 @ 07:01 AM
I am somewhat confused by the assumption that the recent sinkhole incidents require an explanation beyond mere geophysical instabilities reaching an inevitable conclusion. Sinkholes are not a brand new issue, but a part of geological history, like volcanic islands rising from the depths, and the enormous caverns filled with crystal formations, which on the face of it appear to be near magical in origin, and yet when explored turn out to have utterly mundane explanations, despite the majesty of thier appearance.

posted on Apr, 22 2013 @ 07:03 PM

Originally posted by BO XIAN

I asserted that understandings of the fabric of the universe beyond what is taught in universities . . .

might well include abilities to do some astounding things at manageable levels of energy expenditure.

There have reportedly (multiple reports over the years) been weapons that are somewhat akin to the Star Trek stun guns . . . but which leave virtually not even significant 'ash' when on the most deadly setting. Virtually no residue whatsoever. And they are the size of a medium flashlight.

And they do this because Roddenberry first thought of it for Star Trek, the same way no-one talked about 'star gates' until the movie came out. And the same way that 'alien sightings' tend to mimic the latest big sci-fi movie about aliens. If the last one was alien robots, then the next alien sighting will be robots, etc. In the 50s and 60s it was very obvious that was happening. So now, Star Trek shows you a flashlight sized thing that disintegrates people, and it's the thing you hear about over the years.

You have to ask - where did the matter go? It can't just quit being, like on ST. Nor can you just convert it to energy. You're going to have a person-sized mass of something. But they don't on ST, so it doesn't in the UFO community.

Something that always bothered me on ST - how does it know to stop at their feet? It was worse on "The Invaders", where they would disintegrate whatever was convenient to the plot line and not damage other objects or the ground.

Therefore what, I don't know. But the conventional model, imho, is about as much fantasy as . . . belief in some types of magic.

Then there's Arthur C Clark's dictum that technology sufficiently advanced would appear to be magic to the lower ranked culture.

Of course, you say that typing on a computer that's based on standard model physics...

posted on Apr, 22 2013 @ 07:35 PM
Sinkholes are very common and have occurred throughout human history. Nothing much has changed in that respect.

The only significant difference is that 100 years ago in the United States, for example, humans weren't quite so widespread. We didn't have such a large amount of roads and buildings. And communication was sparse. So most naturally occurring sinkholes would go unnoticed.

These sinkholes happen all over the world because of bedrock. If the bedrock in an area is made of sandstone, limestone, dolomite or marble, the bedrock will dissolve over time due to groundwater. This usually forms an underground void which weakens over time until it can no longer support the topsoil above it. If there happens to be a heavy building on top of it, it will collapse that much faster.

In ancient times, the Mayans used to worship sinkholes on the Yucatan Peninsula. The entire area is primarily limestone so these sinkholes were common. Whenever one collapsed, they would throw in offerings.

Here in the modern times, scientists recently discovered that the mountains on the Hawaiian islands are dissolving away from the inside. They, too, are mostly limestone. They hypothesize that these mountains may completely disappear in about 1 million years.

Or we can go with the beam weapon thing.

posted on Apr, 22 2013 @ 10:40 PM
reply to post by TrueBrit


However, in ALL MY 66+ YEARS

I have NEVER observed so MANY news stories of so many sinkholes . . . so large . . . so suddenly . . . in so many regions of the USA as well as around the world.

I just have a hard time believing that the MSM stoolies have suddenly decided to publicize a routine phenomenon.

posted on Apr, 22 2013 @ 10:47 PM
reply to post by allenidaho

Certainly there are mundane causes for sinkholes.

For all of them? I don't know.

I'm far from a geologist though my Step-Dad is a self-taught low level one with years of oil field work.

I just have never heard of so many as in the last few years. Not even near so many.

Certainly . . . all things being "normal" and "equal" . . . mundane reasons might be more logical.

However, this era has increasingly been

ANYTHING BUT "normal" and is fast becoming far less normal.

Besides . . . I habitually think outside the box . . . maybe first and foremost. LOL.

Also . . . it seems to me that were all the sinkholes to have totally mundane etiologies . . . the government could and would have easily documented such and emphatically 'proven' such.

It seems to me, the government is being rather clunkily coy and mostly non-communicative about them. What's up with that?

posted on Apr, 24 2013 @ 08:39 PM
reply to post by BO XIAN

Great. So now what you need to do is find evidence to support the theory. Don't just go on hearsay and conjecture. Anybody can do that. Doesn't make it true.

You say that possibly some sort of beam weapon is somehow causing sink holes without affecting anything else around it. Sure. What do you have to support that rather than you seeming to notice more sinkholes in the news than usual?

posted on Apr, 24 2013 @ 09:48 PM
reply to post by BO XIAN

Tesla is long dead, and rest his soul, for the toys we use today were too sicking for his brilliant mind to waste time on.

We are on Eastlund's playbook right now, circa 1985, and it has progressed quite a bit since his death. Even he would have objected to what is being done these days. Eastland's work allowed for the possibility of focussing wavelengths globally, much like and MRI. Weather or not they are at that point yet is somewhat doubtful, as it required too much infrastructure, and seemed rather unnecessary.

Getting the Federal government to pay for the weather modification grid limited what could be built to massive oversize doppler antenae included in "Airport upgrades".

Best guess for the sinkholes is what is called "IN GASSING" in torcion physics inspired geological circles. This is the point where our solar system rectifies the earth declination. It is what happens as magma increases it's rate of movement, a capillary reaction is created that pulls down denser materials and liquids, while displacing lighter gases upwards. It has also been referred to as global expansion. It is cyclical, around every 25920 years. If correct, we are in the post perigee phase, where pressure increases from slowing orbital rotation.

Some believe the collapse of the Macondo field that lead to the loss of the deep water Horizon was the result of this phenomenon. It explains why the increases in tectonic activity required the addition of an offset backdater statisical program to USGS records management system.

Lakes have dissappeared all over the world, sulfur based gasses are bubbling in farmers fields in La Plaine Quebec, and Oregon is expanding. Vulcanism is a natural means of global pressure regulation, regardless of how inconvenient it is on the current inhabitants of the land beneath it. What goes down, then comes up.

Just a guess though.



posted on Apr, 27 2013 @ 06:57 PM

Originally posted by Bedlam
Something that always bothered me on ST - how does it know to stop at their feet?

Well, obviously the phaser has a multi-spectral gun camera and digital processing, and object recognition at that level is pretty much solved successfully by 2010, much less 2300. It shoots a beam of energy to fuel the the disintegration nanites sent along which know just what to eat up because they were preprogrammed by the phaser at the moment of trigger pull.

Klingons being Klingons don't give a crap about the environment so they just blast away with disruptors, making a smelly carbonized mess everywhere (they tend to eat the cooked flesh of their tastier enemies).

That's assuming they don't get to use their favorite medieval bladed hand weapons to satisfy their bloodlust. Because then they can cut out their favorite cuts and avoid the diseased livers.

edit on 27-4-2013 by mbkennel because: (no reason given)

edit on 27-4-2013 by mbkennel because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 27 2013 @ 07:44 PM
reply to post by mbkennel

I guess the Invaders were even better. When you killed one, they disintegrated in a bright red flash. If they needed to destroy something for the plot line, then that went when they did, but not other things.

One episode one of them died whilst holding The Evidence That Aliens Were Real in one hand, and the protagonist's arm in the other, and surprise! David Vincent is totally unaffected while the Evidence burns in a red flash.

OTOH, Invaders was seminal to many another program. The alien weapons are identical to ST:TNG phasers - the whole dustbuster-junior look. Although the first ones had a nice targeting screen for distance shots - it did make them too big and they got rid of that shortly with the ST:TNG special.

Also the alien's UFO craft are IDENTICAL to Lazar's drawings. I suspect that he didn't think anyone had watched that as a kid.

They also use those lucite blocks for circuitry you see as "isolinear chips" on TNG or Stargate.

Alas, like so many other programs, they couldn't take the time to figure out what the difference is between a system and a galaxy.

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