posted on Apr, 13 2013 @ 06:23 PM
reply to post by ballymoney50
You know,i've hardly ever had those,till i installed Chrome-because FF malfunctioned/just would'nt let me access the net at all.Now my hubby is a
wiz with Scada-type computers,but like me,not too good with regular pc's-so he did'nt know what to do,and i said:"well let's try Chrome"
Then Chrome worked fine for a few days,and then i started getting waterfalls of 408's-so idk..but it could be probs from the SA side contributing,the
hubby said a lot of folks are complaining,including with the speed+connections of the regular pc's at his work.Its not our wi-fi connection
itself,i'm sure,but we texted the wi-fi guy too,he should be getting back to us by tomorrow,or rather later today.
Hope it gets sorted soon-even that Steve Buscemi clip-took minutes to complete a 35sec clip-and its pointless now to even try+watch a doccie on YT.