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CNN Announces Brown Dwarf Entering our Solar System

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posted on Mar, 11 2013 @ 02:55 PM
reply to post by mclinking

How can those people you're talking about call themselves astronomers if they don't know that due to the enormous distance between the Sun and Sirius (8.6 light years), gravitational attraction between them is so small you would reach escape velocity if you farted?

(Speaking of which, it would be fun to actually calculate the gravitational force between those two stars, based on their mass and distance between them. Anyone up to this task?

posted on Mar, 11 2013 @ 02:59 PM
reply to post by wildespace

Been there. Done that.

posted on Mar, 11 2013 @ 03:04 PM
reply to post by w8tn4it

Im pretty sure that video was from the earthquake in Hati

posted on Mar, 11 2013 @ 03:59 PM
reply to post by wildespace

Star for saying "farted"

But serious good post

posted on Mar, 11 2013 @ 04:12 PM
I really HATE it when someone video tapes a video that's on youtube.. and has to give us a long drawn out voice over that wastes time.. just give the link in the post, and type your comments...

Below is the "Do not do" list of things that people hate about UFO videos/any videos really:

1. NO bloody music. Video instantly becomes fake.
2. Posting overlays to websites and other videos is irritating.
3. If you're going to talk, keep it to the point, make it quick..
4. Don't add drama to the video.

Just my 2 cents..

Anyway, this exoplanet or "Hypothetical Star" is also called "Nemesis".. it was 'discovered' in 1984.. Why is it 'news' all of the sudden?
(First URL at the top) Their Wiki URL has )'s in it and won't translate here well.

This quote is fact:

there is no confidence in the existence of an object like Nemesis, since it should have been detected in infrared sky surveys

They THINK something is there, but don't know yet.. that's all.. I kinda hope it is there.. would be awesome to get data on a brown dwarf that close.

edit on 3/11/2013 by Pharyax because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 11 2013 @ 04:43 PM

Originally posted by Phage
reply to post by mclinking

Is William Brown an astronomer? Which observatory does he work at?

No. After reading that article, he isn't. His first sentence is a fallacy.

The vast majority of observable stars are binary or multiple star systems.

Most systems in the Galaxy are not mutiples.

In this Letter I compare recent findings suggesting a low binary star fraction for late-type stars with knowledge concerning the forms of the stellar initial and present-day mass functions for masses down to the hydrogen-burning limit. This comparison indicates that most stellar systems formed in the Galaxy are likely single and not binary, as has been often asserted. Indeed, in the current epoch two-thirds of all main-sequence stellar systems in the Galactic disk are composed of single stars. Some implications of this realization for understanding the star and planet formation process are briefly mentioned.

edit on 3/11/2013 by Phage because: (no reason given)

Get your facts first. From which source? For many years, the general consensus amongst climatologists was that Global Warming was a fact and those disagreeing, a tiny minority, were laughed off the stage. Now most intelligent people - and I've read hundreds and hundreds of letters - realise it was a scam.
Now I could go on and find another scientist disputing your assertions and your sympathisers here. What irks me is that I have tried to suggest certain possibilities, some likely and some improbable. But here I am getting responses from you and others saying 'God has spoken!' - end of argument. This reminds me of many persecuted astronomers who, in their day, were not 'mainstream'. I suppose if you and others had your way, you'd have me and the writer of this attached article confined in a lunatic asylum.
I, like many others on this site, am trying to find out what is going on. But you? Why are you here? Why do you come here? This is ATS, not an astronomy site. Are you here to 'put us on the straight and narrow path'? Are you trying to find 'converts'?
Ego trip - period.

posted on Mar, 11 2013 @ 04:44 PM
reply to post by mclinking

This is ATS, not an astronomy site.
Maybe you should take a look at the top of this page. You are in the Space Exploration forum. This is a science forum.

Space Exploration: Space-Based Science and Discussion.

edit on 3/11/2013 by Phage because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 11 2013 @ 06:07 PM
Really guys, let's try to keep the scale realistic. "Entering our Solar System?"

Brown Dwarf scale:

Stars with less mass than the sun are smaller and cooler, and hence much fainter in visible light. Brown dwarfs are the smallest and coolest of stars. They have less than eight percent of the mass of the sun, which is not enough to sustain the fusion reaction that keeps the sun hot. These cool orbs are nearly impossible to see in visible light, but stand out when viewed in infrared.

They don't reflect sunlight, they produce it, very weakly.

So the idea is that there's a small star entering our solar system. Well, how big is our solar system?

Defining the diameter of the Solar System is a matter of perspective and characterization. You can look at the Solar System’s diameter as ending at the aphelion of the orbit of the farthest planet, the edge of the heliosphere, or ending at the farthest observable object.

Looking at the aphelion....of the orbit of the farthest acknowledged planet, Neptune, the Solar System would have a radius of 4.545 billion km and a 9.09 billion km diameter. This diameter could change if the dwarf planet Eris is promoted after further study.

Sedna is three times farther away from Earth than Pluto, making it the most distant observable object known in the solar system. It is 143.73 billion km from the Sun, thus giving the Solar System a diameter of 287.46 billion km. 1 AU(distance from the Earth to the Sun) equals 149,597,870.691 km. Based on that figure, Sedna is nearly 960.78 AU from the Sun and the Solar System is 1,921.56 AU in diameter.

So where is this object?

The theoretical object, dubbed Tyche, is estimated to be four times the size of Jupiter and 15,000 times farther from the sun than Earth, according to a story in the British paper The Independent.

Well, brown dwarfs are about the size of Jupiter, not four times as big, and they are stars, not planets. It's also 15,000 AU away. If the solar system is 1,900 AU in diameter, it's hardly entering our solar system.

posted on Mar, 11 2013 @ 08:21 PM
reply to post by Druid42

And to add that WISE was made to detect a Jupiter sized object up to 1 light year away (which is 63 239.72 AUs):

It was able to detect any objects warmer than 70–100 Kelvins. A Neptune-sized object would be detectable out to 700 AU, a Jupiter-mass object out to one light year (63,000 AU), where it would still be within the Sun's zone of gravitational control. A larger object of 2–3 Jupiter masses would be visible at a distance of up to seven to ten light years.[17]

70k to 100k (Kelvins) is pretty cold. That's -333 deg F to -279 deg F . Jupiter has a surface temp of 112 K to 165 K. If it was at 1 light year away, WISE would have seen it quite easily.

posted on Mar, 12 2013 @ 07:53 AM

Originally posted by Saint Exupery

Originally posted by JrDavis

There's obviously more activity going on back there than there is on our plane of view.

So why?

Well what if the Brown Dwarf Nibiru is coming from behind the Sun? What if the mass of Nibiru is gravitationally pulling on the back of the Sun?

The attraction is literally pulling the CME's out of the Sun.

In all of the Nibiru videos/photos (Whether one likes to believe they are real or not), Nibiru is usually seen right next to the Sun.

This makes sense for a Brown Dwarf. And it also holds true the theory that something is pulling at the BACK of the Sun.

I agree with everything else you said regarding Seasons, Weather, Etc.

If there was an object entering our solar system from "behind the Sun" as of today, then it would have nicely visible in the evening sky this past December and would have been high in the night sky last September.

The Earth orbits the Sun. Nothing stays obscured for more than a couple of weeks.

Do you understand how visibility works?

Why would a Brown Dwarf be visible in a December sky?

Let alone anytime other than when it is closest to the Sun?

It does not give off it's on light.

It's kinda like the moon. The Sun shines light off the moon and that's why you see it.

There's no conspiracy in that.

posted on Mar, 12 2013 @ 07:59 AM

edit on 3/11/2013 by Phage because: (no reason given)

But you? Why are you here?

I say the same thing man. Honestly I feel like he picks and chooses what he wants out of your posts and then makes himself look good by tid bit.

Yet when you provide good factual things. He always seems to be the one to make a conspiracy out of a pretty good estimated guess lol.

That's why I wanted to see what he had to say about this. Since I brought up the fact that NIbiru could of been a brown dwarf in another forum and he tid bit that too lol.

Like I said before. The change of seasons, Global warming (Bs), our Orbit etc. Could all be caused by a Gravitational attraction to a larger object closing in.

In all honesty though.

I know that I know nothing..

Unlike the few.

posted on Mar, 12 2013 @ 08:02 AM

Originally posted by JrDavis

Originally posted by Saint Exupery

Originally posted by JrDavis

There's obviously more activity going on back there than there is on our plane of view.

So why?

Well what if the Brown Dwarf Nibiru is coming from behind the Sun? What if the mass of Nibiru is gravitationally pulling on the back of the Sun?

The attraction is literally pulling the CME's out of the Sun.

In all of the Nibiru videos/photos (Whether one likes to believe they are real or not), Nibiru is usually seen right next to the Sun.

This makes sense for a Brown Dwarf. And it also holds true the theory that something is pulling at the BACK of the Sun.

I agree with everything else you said regarding Seasons, Weather, Etc.

If there was an object entering our solar system from "behind the Sun" as of today, then it would have nicely visible in the evening sky this past December and would have been high in the night sky last September.

The Earth orbits the Sun. Nothing stays obscured for more than a couple of weeks.

Do you understand how visibility works?

Why would a Brown Dwarf be visible in a December sky?

Let alone anytime other than when it is closest to the Sun?

It does not give off it's on light.

It's kinda like the moon. The Sun shines light off the moon and that's why you see it.

There's no conspiracy in that.

Do you understand that a brown dwarf gives off emissions? It still gives off heat, making it visible in the IR spectrum.

It's not a cold, rocky planet. It's a large object made up of gasses and has reactions that yes, produces light that is just below the visible level, but can be detected quite well with IR gear.

It can't "hide" behind our sun because we orbit the sun.

If you'd bother to read my post above, the WISE probe would have found anything Jupiter sized up to 1 light year away. It didn't. And it surveyed the sky (all of it) twice.

posted on Mar, 12 2013 @ 08:08 AM

Originally posted by Druid42

The theoretical object, dubbed Tyche, is estimated to be four times the size of Jupiter and 15,000 times farther from the sun than Earth, according to a story in the British paper The Independent.

Well, brown dwarfs are about the size of Jupiter, not four times as big, and they are stars, not planets. It's also 15,000 AU away. If the solar system is 1,900 AU in diameter, it's hardly entering our solar system.

Earth - Sun 92,960,000 miles

92,960,000*15 = 1,394,400,000 Miles

1,394,400,000 = 15.0006766 Astronomical Units

Which would put it between Saturn and Uranus..

posted on Mar, 12 2013 @ 08:18 AM

Originally posted by JrDavis

Originally posted by Druid42

The theoretical object, dubbed Tyche, is estimated to be four times the size of Jupiter and 15,000 times farther from the sun than Earth, according to a story in the British paper The Independent.

Well, brown dwarfs are about the size of Jupiter, not four times as big, and they are stars, not planets. It's also 15,000 AU away. If the solar system is 1,900 AU in diameter, it's hardly entering our solar system.

Earth - Sun 92,960,000 miles

92,960,000*15 = 1,394,400,000 Miles

1,394,400,000 = 15.0006766 Astronomical Units

Which would put it between Saturn and Uranus..

Uhm, check your math. 1 AU = the distance from the sun to the Earth, or almost 93 million miles.

15,000 AU would be 93 million miles, multiplied by 15,000. Not 15.

Astronomical Unit (AU)

posted on Mar, 12 2013 @ 08:29 AM
Well I guess the lack of Nibiru threads couldn't last. I was at least hoping we'd see something original. This CNN video has been posted and explained many times now. I've also seen the 1983 newspaper article brought up a few times in this thread. It's amazing how the Nibiru believers are always telling people to do research and yet they can't seem to do any of their own.

posted on Mar, 12 2013 @ 08:42 AM

Originally posted by eriktheawful

Originally posted by JrDavis

Originally posted by Druid42

The theoretical object, dubbed Tyche, is estimated to be four times the size of Jupiter and 15,000 times farther from the sun than Earth, according to a story in the British paper The Independent.

Well, brown dwarfs are about the size of Jupiter, not four times as big, and they are stars, not planets. It's also 15,000 AU away. If the solar system is 1,900 AU in diameter, it's hardly entering our solar system.

Earth - Sun 92,960,000 miles

92,960,000*15 = 1,394,400,000 Miles

1,394,400,000 = 15.0006766 Astronomical Units

Which would put it between Saturn and Uranus..

Uhm, check your math. 1 AU = the distance from the sun to the Earth, or almost 93 million miles.

15,000 AU would be 93 million miles, multiplied by 15,000. Not 15.

Astronomical Unit (AU)

Thanks, that's a big difference lol.

Also to comment on your WISE Post.

WISE was not able to detect Kuiper belt objects, as their temperature is too low.[17] It was able to detect any objects warmer than 70–100 Kelvins.

Kuiper is 30-50 AU from the Sun.

It is around 50k. Which means that WISE could not pick up on it.

Although that is cold, That does not mean that there are no Brown/Black Dwarfs that are cooler in temp that that.

If you continue reading.

So far, WISE data has revealed 100 new brown dwarfs. Of these, six are classified as cool Y's. One of the Y dwarfs, called WISE 1828+2650, is the record holder for the coldest brown dwarf with an estimated atmospheric temperature cooler than room temperature, or less than 298 K (25°C, 80°F ). It emits no visible light at all, making it resemble a planet rather than a star.

It clearly states that a Brown Dwarf with a room temp emits no visible light at all.

So what would a cooler, Say 50k or even a Black Dwarf be like?

You obviously wouldn't see it if it even says 298k Brown Dwarfs can't be seen.

Keep in mind WISE is from NASA which founded it's company on the rule to keep stuff secret. Since the public might not be able to handle the truth.

Also even if it was 15,000 AU from the Sun.

A Neptune-sized object would be detectable out to 700 AU, a Jupiter-mass object out to one light year (63,000 AU), where it would still be within the Sun's zone of gravitational control.


Visibility is different from IR.

Visibility in terms of Eye/Telescope.

If you have to use IR to see a Brown Dwarf.

December/September or whenever really doesn't matter. No one would see it without the correct equipment.
edit on 12-3-2013 by JrDavis because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 12 2013 @ 09:12 AM
reply to post by JrDavis

Exactly what "truth" could the public not handle?

They discover a giant gas planet at or just past the Kuiper belt? Why could the public not handle that?

They discover a brown dwarf that orbits our sun? Again, why could the public not handle that?

The public seems to handle discoveries just fine.

Also: do you think NASA is the ONLY ones that can search for objects like this? What about the ESA? What about other space agencies? What about Universities or observatories?

posted on Mar, 12 2013 @ 09:26 AM

Originally posted by eriktheawful
If you'd bother to read my post above, the WISE probe would have found anything Jupiter sized up to 1 light year away. It didn't. And it surveyed the sky (all of it) twice.

To play the Devil's advocate, although WISE surveys are complete, the data is still being examined and new discoveries are still being made.

For example, the third-closest to us star system has just been found in WISE images, and it's a pair of brown dwarfs! This also makes them the closest brown dwarfs to the Solar System. They have now been found in old surveys like 2MASS eleven years ago, and even the older DSS imagery... but no one noticed them until now. So if these kind of objects are still being discovered close to home, who knows if we might not discover a very small and very cool brown dwarf even closer.

Says Phil Plait: "for years I’ve wondered aloud if there are any stars closer than Alpha Centauri to us. Recent surveys of the sky have made that seem unlikely, but now I wonder. Those same surveys missed WISE 1049-5319. Could there be an even fainter star or stars closer to us? I’ll admit it’s unlikely, but not impossible."
edit on 12-3-2013 by wildespace because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 12 2013 @ 09:57 AM

Originally posted by eriktheawful
reply to post by JrDavis

Exactly what "truth" could the public not handle?

They discover a giant gas planet at or just past the Kuiper belt? Why could the public not handle that?

They discover a brown dwarf that orbits our sun? Again, why could the public not handle that?

The public seems to handle discoveries just fine.

Also: do you think NASA is the ONLY ones that can search for objects like this? What about the ESA? What about other space agencies? What about Universities or observatories?

ESA has a long history of working with NASA.

It's the fact NASA chose to keep everything away from the public.

NASA is a department of the Executive Branch.

But that's not the debate.

edit on 12-3-2013 by JrDavis because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 12 2013 @ 10:07 AM
reply to post by JrDavis

I'll repeat eriktheawful's question: exactly what "truth" could the public not handle?

And if NASA chooses to keep everything away from the public, what about all the stuff that gets posted on and numerous other sites?
edit on 12-3-2013 by wildespace because: (no reason given)

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