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Palin on Sequester: "...feds are stockpiling bullets in case of civil unrest."

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posted on Feb, 27 2013 @ 10:26 PM

Originally posted by Wrabbit2000
I'm sure Palin made a good Alaska Governor..or so I'd heard at the time. She made for a disaster of a national candidate though and her judgement on current events hasn't improved that I've seen.

Adding to the national anxiety and stress is the job of a fear monger....I never thought of her that way. I do now. Such a shame.....

She was a good national candidate, she was just smeared and distorted through the biased lens of the media.

As for fear-mongering?

We've had the dot-com bubble.
We've had the real estate bubble.

We're now sitting on the entitlement bubble.

Fear is required my friend. For without it, we'd not feel the need to change.

posted on Feb, 27 2013 @ 10:26 PM
reply to post by Danbones

Keep employing them probably, as this seems to be the trend at present.

I dont know what your going on about with this invasion talk, these peoples economy and environment at home is crap, I can hardly nlame them for heading for greener pastures with their families, I mean honestly, it isnt like our .gov is trying to stop them, or even slow the tide. The citizens complain a little, but for the most part, dont really care much either.

posted on Feb, 27 2013 @ 10:28 PM

Originally posted by rickymouse
with that Facebook statement, maybe it is time Palin joins ATS

She already has. Her user name is "Heff" or something like that.

posted on Feb, 27 2013 @ 10:36 PM
reply to post by inverslyproportional

if you perhaps would listen to la Raza you wouldn't have to ask me about the illegal invasion

it was in response to the gun behind every blade of grass post

guns are NOT the answer..they are scant protection in the modern world
they may defend civil serpants from the casual insurrection but they won't defend the insurection from the casual civil serpent

posted on Feb, 27 2013 @ 10:39 PM

Originally posted by beezzer

Originally posted by rickymouse
with that Facebook statement, maybe it is time Palin joins ATS

She already has. Her user name is "Heff" or something like that.

Omg, ahahahahaha...hhahahahabahaba, habababab...hahahahah......................................bwahahahahahababab ahahahahah.

Omg I hope he sees that before I log for the night.

posted on Feb, 27 2013 @ 11:06 PM
reply to post by Danbones

You are obviously right, there is no way well fed we supplied and well armed Americans could ever fight back against the .gov. j mean many have tried, but we just march right over them and win overnight everytime.

I mean lets look at a few examples here, starving supplyless barely armed with ww2 and korean wR era weapons vietnamese got spanked by us, so did korea, so did the iraqis, and the afgahns. I mean there is no possible way that the millions of combat vets we have would be able to resist or find the chinks in the weapons systems we used for years. Or have first hand inside info about the entire force non of these people had. I mean non of this could ever change the fact that America is undefeatable, no tactic or force of any type has ever been able to fight them to a standstill, let alone survive against their onslaught for a decade.

I just dont see hwere your comming from, you act like the .gov has some ability to be the only people using the military hardware scattered literally everywhere in this country, or that the citizens are somhow not able to operage it. A lot of us have intimate knowledge of a lot of weapon systems, a lot of us know where a lot of this stuff is at, a lot of us have the training and experience to utilise it to its fullest potential.

This is all nobrainer stuff, the .gov. will lose people everyday they cant replace, where as the .govs brutal tactics will not cow the people, it will simply piss us off, thus growing the ranks everyday.

We already have way more, we have the same skills and training, we are not on as unlevel footing as you are asserting, on the contrary, I would say the only thing they have is the element of suprise, and I dont think most us will be too suprised, as a lot of us already know its coming, why do you think every gun and ammo maker in the cointry is back logged? The people see whats happening, and we are preparing for the worst, while still hoping for the best. As it is never too late for them to back down, and do the right thing, thus our preparations are the last wRning they get, and they know it, which is why they are trying to keep up with ammo and gun purchases.

The problem is though, we have a lot more money to spend than them, as it is coming out of a hundred million pockets.

posted on Feb, 27 2013 @ 11:16 PM
reply to post by beezzer

I'm really serious on Palin in how I describe her. I caught her the couple times she was on Glenn Beck's show as Governor and simply appearing in relation to one thing or another with energy. Well before anyone even considered her name as anything beyond Gov. for another term perhaps. She came off as very intelligent, well spoken and well grounded.

Under McCain, she came off as his bubble headed side kick that was lucky if she could hold her own in a grown up topic or debate. I really don't mean that insulting either because the first look at her was SO opposite that and the circumstances then were far more likely to be genuine.

It's the fact she has presented such different sides that bothers me enough to really distrust and dislike her. Just a feeling..and that's the basis for it.

@ inverslyproportional

Thanks for the reply.. lol. If you were serious on the quote, it's free... Put the sentiment and words to good use.

@ Thread

On the Mexicans who are here..... Well, I'm sure they are pretty territorial about the areas they've come to settle in. Then again. most folks are. However, just see a foreign power try and take Southern California or Southwest Texas. lol... That would be one heck of a fight and one the majority Mexican - Mexican/American populations of many of those areas would win in the end, too. I'm sure.

It's like siblings, I think....the tensions between minorities in the United States. We can beat up on each other and we all do, frequently and with gusto. Woe be it to the outsider who would come try and harm any or all though. I'll bet it would be shocking how quickly all would work as Americans together and put the side fights on the back burner to pick up at a later date.

posted on Feb, 27 2013 @ 11:32 PM

Originally posted by Danbones
reply to post by inverslyproportional

nce quite indeed
whatcha going to do about the invasion (past tense) of the 35 million La raza already here?

The la-raza is a small minority of the Mexicans moving here. They are vocal though. Most Mexicans are god fearing Catholics. Religiously and socially, they are not that much different than the US, or Canadian population. the only differences are They just speak a different language, and they have a different ethnicity..

That I why I don’t really mind it all that much. I would much rather have them moving here than have Islamic people from the middle east moving here that do not relate to our existing culture in any way.

At least I haven’t heard of any Mexicans running around the US strapping suicide belts on and blowing themselves and a hundred other people away for a free trip to heaven.

Yes, they have their gang and cartel problems, but we are familiar with those problems, and know how to deal with them for the most part.

I almost consider it a catholic inoculation in our behind, to counteract the islam that is infecting the country.
edit on 27-2-2013 by Mr Tranny because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 28 2013 @ 01:47 AM

Originally posted by rickymouse
with that Facebook statement, maybe it is time Palin joins ATS

For all you know she could be here already lurking

Or a long time member

posted on Feb, 28 2013 @ 02:33 AM
reply to post by inverslyproportional

I would like to add to that very true statement of yours that the US Military has a terrible habit of drawing "how to" diagrams on the side of some of their toys. I've always thought that was a nice touch.

posted on Feb, 28 2013 @ 05:16 AM
lol if they really want to cut budget why not get rid of DHS, cut CIA and stop fighting wars?

I reckon if there is massive job cuts there will be protests.. also I hear things about airport control towers not operating and food inspectors no operating. ... thus minimal flights and food supply dry ups. I don't think Palin is too far of the mark... if Sequestation is as bad as is predicted... with unemployment already high and murmurs of discontent... then more unemployment and growth slowing further.. then people may take to the streets. Occupy movement will be like a kids birthday party in comparison.

posted on Feb, 28 2013 @ 08:46 AM

Originally posted by netwarrior
reply to post by inverslyproportional

I would like to add to that very true statement of yours that the US Military has a terrible habit of drawing "how to" diagrams on the side of some of their toys. I've always thought that was a nice touch.

You are absolutely correct, most civies will never understand the simplistic nature of the military, they goof proof everything, thus ensuring that even through the haze of battle, soldiers are spending their time putting boot to ass, instead of struggling to operate equipment.

posted on Feb, 28 2013 @ 08:51 AM

Originally posted by BadbrotherRyan
I don't care much for Palin, but I'm afraid she's right. It's not in case of civil unrest, it's for when it happens.
I agree with you, that no one cares for Nutter Palin.
But as Usual , ole Palin is wrong again, "dont cha know".

The Feds were Buying Bullets LONG BEFORE this Sequester, but tieing them together put ole Nailin Palin on the Tube, because they Denied her appeal to be on "dancin with the B Listers"

posted on Feb, 28 2013 @ 08:55 AM

Originally posted by Wrabbit2000
reply to post by Danbones

Oh I welcome foreign troops here. THAT would be the best case scenario for unrest being "put down". I have as much problem with the concept of firing on other Americans as I've heard many in Police and Military circles say THEY will have firing on US. Most will probably quit before actually taking life under those particular circumstances.

Foreign troops? Oh goodie! We have over 300 million firearms in this nation. We have over 100 MILLION armed citizens and we have the tenacity, viciousness and outright casual brutality of a society raised and run on violence from cradle to grave. Literally.

So.... If the U.S. has had a hard time in Vietnam, Iraq and Afghanistan? Oh I can't wait to see what fun another power has trying to do anything at all in our nation. I LOVE our odds as citizens. Near 100% for long term victory in that case. Foreign troops would do well to quit their armies before even being sent here. They'll very likely die here. Simple as that.

My thoughts word for word, well said wrabbit
Come on dan,,, you really think Our nation will just roll over?
edit on 28-2-2013 by Lil Drummerboy because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 28 2013 @ 09:18 AM
Palin has a history of saying nutty and wrong things. Never been sure if she really is a stupid as she seems or if its all and act to get attention and make money.

posted on Feb, 28 2013 @ 09:20 AM

Originally posted by BadbrotherRyan
I don't care much for Palin, but I'm afraid she's right. It's not in case of civil unrest, it's for when it happens.

Don't much care for her opinions but in this case it may be a possibility. And yes, it's not a matter of if, but when.

posted on Feb, 28 2013 @ 09:23 AM

Originally posted by rickymouse
with that Facebook statement, maybe it is time Palin joins ATS

Maybe she already has.

You never know.

posted on Feb, 28 2013 @ 09:37 AM
What shes saying is true, she happens to be running in the circles that know whats going on in real time and for anyone to discount the agenda of the government is themselves deluded and need to wake the hell up and focus.

These bastards are tooling up because this was their plan all along to destroy the economy so they didn't have to wait any longer for their hostile take over, they've waited long enough and the time is now.

Don't believe it and keep supporting their actions and you yourselves will be under their jackboot crying foul as its too late

Nutty things that politicians say are mostly true, its their way of disclaiming their actions as being nutty, and when they say something nutty you better listen because its either going to happen or already happened

posted on Feb, 28 2013 @ 09:46 AM
That Billion bullets won't last very long. When you consider the police fired 120+ at just one car (with a couple of old ladies in it delivering papers) in the hunt for Mr. Dorner, then they'll soon be out at that rate of fire..... and be unable to defend against the red hot pokers to the nether regions!

Palin just seems to be saying what many others are saying right now. Not that I would accept that it is any way an original thought or observation of hers. She'll have had it all laid out for her by a staffer.

posted on Feb, 28 2013 @ 11:15 AM
reply to post by Wrabbit2000

Wrong. Even Republicans here tend to not like her. She copped out of her job half-term, and used a personal email account to skirt public scrutiny while in office.

No one really likes her around here -- there are a few nutters out by her house that do, it's all very "cult-like".

Most people roll their eyes here when she's in the news, and I don't care what she says; I like my Subaru.

ETA: The people I run into that like her are 99% of the time not from Alaska. Most of us here (Republican and Democrat) just want her to go away.
edit on 28-2-2013 by MystikMushroom because: (no reason given)

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