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I saw Jesus twice

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posted on Feb, 7 2013 @ 01:27 PM

Originally posted by luciddream
reply to post by OtherSideOfTheCoin

i got 500 points taken off and got a "Extreme Violation" for mentioning "Medicinal Ma...." you know what i mean...(don't want another warning).....

I for one agree with ATS’s stance to topics relating to “snip”

I really do think that a zero tolerance policy towards "snip" is a good thing.

I have no interested in reading about people talking about the psychic benefits of taking “snip” for example.

This is a thread about some dude who say Jesus when he took “snip” if we can’t discuss the “snip” and what “snip” he took and the effects of the “Snip” then we cant really discuss the thread properly so it should just be shut down.

Am i even aloud to actually use the D.... word?
edit on 7-2-2013 by OtherSideOfTheCoin because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 8 2013 @ 03:56 AM
reply to post by Risingfall

Grand disillusion of an indoctrinated mind. Think about it, if you lived in a society that never knew of the concept of christianity, would you still have imagined those moments, I think not.
Any way this reminded me of this funny video of a homeless hitchhiker who saved a women from a man that thought he was jesus.

posted on Sep, 9 2022 @ 11:11 AM
a reply to: luciddream

A VERY late reply, but I was reading my posts, when I came to your question.

He had smooth, long, brown hair, is 'white' take it as you will. Was somehow beardless. And a big, beautiful smile.

The woman standing in front of him, was my guess, his romantic love. She also had brown hair.

I've had other experiences with Isa, but I'm not sharing them anymore. Unless someone asks, I'll share gladly.

I want to add this. I have been thinking that I was Isa, but the very nature of this vision, proves otherwise. I somehow was standing, watching them in this garden. I think I was "teleported" back in time, to witness it again.
The fact she got uplifted in a golden yellow light, makes me believe that "they" (Space people) have been watching and still are, this planet and what is happening here.

I seem to have a connection with them. I'm quite curious to what I will achieve in this lifetime. Even though I wasn't Jesus, I feel I have important things to share, but I'm not quite ready.

I guess that last part was a bit too much, sorry for that, but felt like I needed to share that.


posted on Sep, 9 2022 @ 11:12 AM
a reply to: Blue Shift

I like your reply. It is grounded.

posted on Sep, 9 2022 @ 12:57 PM
I had a vision of The Lord back in 2018. I was at my computer browsing the internet. Suddenly. I was teleported in the spirit, I guess. Looked very much like it was holographic. Anyways, in the vision, I was on top of a mountain surrounded by a lot of people. The Lord came down with a sword and the entire area became engulfed in flames. There was more, but that was a major part of my conversion.

posted on Sep, 9 2022 @ 01:14 PM
a reply to: ventian

Even though I'm not a Christian, neither do I have to be to understand that what you are going through sounds amazing. I cannot recall such visions or experiences.

Only dreams and experiences that somehow relate to me a lot. Feels lonely, but I don't think it is. I really feel like I have to meet others with similar experiences to ground my psyche into understanding that I don't have to be Isa in order to be myself and connect with other.

In regards to Isa, or how I see him. I had very recently an experience where Isa gave me a command, and it seems that he is awakening to the fact that he was Isa. To me, he seems like a commander, someone who will take command, is very royal and has a beautiful personality. Yesterday felt like we (whoever else 'we' is) were really wanted to wake him up so that he finally takes action! And I'm still trying!!!! haha

Anyhow, the puzzle still isn't complete and I'm trying!

(Do you know anything about kundalini awakenings mayhaps?)

posted on Sep, 9 2022 @ 02:08 PM
a reply to: Risingfall

For a long time I believed what I had experienced was kundalini, but there were enough differences throughout the whole of the experience to say that it could have been nothing more than a part of what happened to me. If you are going that route, I would urge caution. Not everything spiritual and enlightening is wonderful. Good luck on your journey, though. And may God bless you in all your endeavors. I'll keep an eye on this thread, very good topic imo.

posted on Sep, 9 2022 @ 02:32 PM
a reply to: Risingfall

I always relate to threads like this.

The journey is a lonely one... I used to feel the urge to share it with others as well, but, the more I shared with others the more alone I became. Idk, I think my ego was too much in it looking back now.

When I was little, like really little, I wanted to grow up and be like Jesus or like Buddha or like some kind of enlightened guru that people really listened to. I mean, I really truly wanted to help people and felt like I could, but also I had a gigantic ego, clearly, and wanted to be important, lol.

Anyways... I love threads like this, and wow to the OP resurrecting it after what, 9 years? Is that real? Holey moley.

Risingfall, can you give us an update on your life now? Did you go through a kundalini awakening or are you a strict straight edge jesus freak bible thumper now? Or both (is it possible to be both?)?

I hope it doesn't take you 9 years to respond but if it does... I'll probably still be here.

posted on Sep, 9 2022 @ 02:56 PM
a reply to: Risingfall

Interesting vision/dream sequences...

I personally have also had three encounters with the Lord in dreams, in my case, as well as many, many 'third eye' inner visions.. One of the recurring visions I've had is the image of the Shroud of Turin - frequently in my meditations I am moved by the appearance of this vision, I get such a strong sense of the Lord's presence when I meditate on that image, it's like a DC connection to the source of all spiritual truth & power (which of course, He most certainly is). This isn't a New Age Nonsense situation; I've been a committed Protestant Christian for over twenty years, in the Baptist & Evangelical churches, in both cases the use of the charismatic gifts of the Holy Spirit were encouraged, including the use of praying in tongues, inner visions of the sort I describe, the 'word of knowledge', the gift of discernment, prophetic giftings & so on.

I'm happy to share about the dreams in particular as follows:

1) I found myself on a hilltop, with Jesus (unmistakeably) standing before me. He said nothing, but exuded authority & mastery, as well as radiant kindness. He raised his hand in a certain way, and suddenly his body disappeared with a twinkle of light (just like old televisions used to fade to a pinpoint of light when switched off). Within an instant that twinkle of light reappeared around fifty feet away from where he had been standing before, before His visible presence was manifest there in full (it was a reappearance which was the exact reverse visual of when he had disappeared). This was a sort of quantum relocation phenomenon, and it seemed that He was simply demonstrating how it worked...

Next up, in the same dream, He gave me the ability to fly, to have total freedom over 'gravity', the ability to move through the air as I wished. I began to experiment with the ability, and I was enjoying myself, having a great time of it, 'skating' over the landscape as though on a cushion of air (I was still young, around 17 at the time, so I thought it was 'cool' to have this ability. Jesus suddenly appeared at my side & reprimanded me firmly, stating "This [gift] is not a toy" I felt abashed, and realised intuitively that He had gifted me with a power which would one day become a useful survival tool, that it could be used for the good of others, rather than as something to fool around with.

This dream occurred before I became a Christian, but it continues to hold deep meaningfulness for me, I recall it fondly & believe it possibly portends to some future time when things will get intensely supernatural on the Earth, as the globalists try to destroy & depopulate the civilisation we have built over the preceding centuries for thousands of years. How dare they!

2) Dream number two involves Jesus showing me around a monastery in Tibet, and he pointed out Halloween pumpkins hung all along one of the walls of the temple reading room. Again, I wasn't yet a Christian when I had this dream. He gestured to the pumpkins, and around at the room with its scrolls, bells & incense (etc), saying: "All of this is evil". I didn't understand at the time, because I had been brainwashed by the media into believing that Tibetan Buddhism was the height of noble spirituality in this world. Later, I would come to understand much more regarding the features of TB, and the demonic spirit they venerate which manifests in a woman currently who attends the temples to meet with the Dalai Lama, for example, while screeching & flailing at him, an aberrant demonic manifestation, yet deemed to be an oracle, something supposedly 'holy'.

I also learned a great deal about the dark side of TB on reading a thread here on ATS from a practitioner of TB who was blowing the whistle on what actually goes on within the movement. The thread is available here: Peeing!!! In my own pool: the problem of Tibetanism. I recommend you read it in full before replying with shrill comments Reeeeeeeeing about why I'm totally wrong about the supposed holiness of Tibetan Buddhism. And let's not forget that young boys sent to the monsteries to train as monks are often shamelessly used as catamites by senior monks, out of sight of the eyes of the tourists, of course.

3) The final dream in which I recall having direct interaction with Jesus was one in which I was witnessing riots & clashes between police & protesters, here in the UK there was literal chaos on the streets, it was terrible. And then suddenly, the dream shifted, the landscape morphed & became one of incredible beauty, tranquility, peace & holiness. Jesus greeted me & said: "Now, Heaven". The contrast between the scenes on the streets of the UK & this heavenly place couldn't have been more dramatic/ significant.. It was such a beatuful environment. I entered a small log cabin which had been prepared for me, where I met with a woman who, at the time, I did not know - but afterwards, I was to discover that she was the wife of a prominent pastor in a large church in London, UK, which I had attended on a couple of occasions to that point, not knowing her as she wasn't an active part of the ministry.

In the dream, she gestured to a huge old leatherbound book on the desk in the corner.. As I opened the pages, the text & images were still being written/ illustrated, by an invisible hand, the letters & images just appearing on the page as I watched, transfixed. There was an incredible Spirit of life & beauty coming through the words & images on the pages, and I later became convinced that i had been allowed to have a glimpse at the one & only 'Book of Life', which is mentioned in the Book of the Revelation of St John, in the Bible, commonly referred to as Revelation. This was a glorious experience, and when I awoke that sense of transcendent peace was brought with me into the waking world, persisting for some time. This was the active, manifest presence of the Holy Spirit of God, the author of the Book.

I have been blessed to experience that Holy presence myriad times during my years as a Christian, I would recommend this path to absolutely anyone, because it is the direct route to God, and it is open to all who ask, seek & knock at the door.

That's what I've got for now, happy to discuss further if anyone has any questions.



posted on Sep, 9 2022 @ 03:31 PM
a reply to: ventian

As I read your words, I understand what you mean, although it is difficult to grasp. How it happened (the kundalini), the experience happened to me very suddenly, yet I feel like I'm still putting together pieces of the puzzle. I'm not the only one who has had such an experience, and that was a major revelation for me, as the puzzle starts to form a picture.

Anyhow, thanks for the reply.

And I wish the same to you!

posted on Sep, 9 2022 @ 03:51 PM
a reply to: geezlouise

The journey is indeed lonely, but reading threads like mine or others, makes it interesting to see that there are other people that are also experiencing visions, dreams and experiences.

I had a kundalini awakening in Feb 2012, that I believe I made a connection to a "vein of consciousness", or it seemed like it anyway. I woke up. Information started streaming in about everything spiritual and paranormal and I was overwhelmed with very vivid dreams and even reality here seeming vivid.

I came from being a student in school doing debit and credit, learning economy to an Aware being of the Universe.(Someone just told me that last).

But to be honest, I still don't know what I'm going through. Can you imagine firmly believing that you are the "twin flame" of a celebrity pop star and then coming to the realization that it was all a lie? My reaction wasn't that bad, I barely reacted, but many questions started to pop up.

Things changed though: I realize that a holy grail exists for example, but not the belief that I found it.

I've grown a lot, and might feel like I'm schizophrenic at times, but I'm not scared of it. It is what it is. But I still certainly go through a lot of experiences in general, not just Isa themed. Vampires, Reptilians, Space beings, departed people, Werewolves or Lupus Dei as someone said in an other thread. There's so much going on, you wouldn't believe it. 5 sense earth is soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo BORING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The fact I realized the perceptual lie, give me hope for the future that maybe I might see clearly, who I am, who others are and what is really happening.

I'm really working on an Identity crisis right now.

this is a description of my mental life though.

In terms of life, Not so good, been having trouble socially, physically, mentally, spiritually and so on. But I see a lot of protests rising, and I really hope that maybe some spark will happen that will take another step towards a better world. I'm sick and tired of this one.

On that last,

Viva la Revolucion!

posted on Sep, 9 2022 @ 03:59 PM
a reply to: Risingfall

Why do you insist on using the Islamic name of Jesus, 'Isa'..? Surely the proper reference, if you seek the authenticity of the original language that He Himself used, would be to express His name as Yeshua (which is the Hebrew transliteration).

Using the name 'Isa' suggests that you agree with the Muslim belieds & you do not think He was the divine Son of God, but rather was just 'quite a nice guy, a prophet at most'.. Is that the case?

If you'd like to learn a bit more about Yeshua, the Son of God, the incarnate Ancient of Days, the Angel of the LORD in Old Testament times, then I will be happy to have a discussion either here or by PM, because there's a lot of room for improvement in your views of the Cosmic Lord of Creation, the Anointed One of God, who was & remains both the sacrificial Lamb slain for the sins of the world, & the risen Lion of the tribe of Judah, victorius over His enemies, seated at the right hand of God in the heighest of the Heavenly Realms.



posted on Sep, 9 2022 @ 04:09 PM
a reply to: FlyInTheOintment

Amazing experiences, I find the happiness that is usually associated with the type of dreams you describe very soothing. Waking up after an amazing dream or astral travel always makes my day, month, year.

I find it also amazing how these experiences you have link so strong to Isa or Jesus. Makes me wonder who he really is, or has been and who he will be. The time we are going through is only starting and I think we will see a lot of things happen. I'm not sure how it will be like, but I feel like Jesus or Isa, will be world famous again or stepping up the stage again.

Anyhow, thanks for sharing your dreams.

posted on Sep, 9 2022 @ 04:13 PM
a reply to: Risingfall

I promise you, if you put aside the New Age stuff & simply ask Jesus to come into your life, you will find that He shows up, and He starts to heal you from the mental, psychological, spiritual & social/ material stressors which have been grinding you down. There is a hope, and He will give you a bright future, but you need to be humble & submit yourself to be healed, refined, tested so that you will overcome the dangers of this world & the pseudo-authoritative spiritual powers of darkness, the principalities of evil on the Earth & in the spiritual worlds, which enjoy nothing more than to confuse & entrap someone who is seeking for answers to the big questions.

It comes down to this - there's a big wide road full of distractions & pretty words, which leads down towards destruction - or there's a narrow path, which takes courage & personal sacrifice if one is to walk it well, under the aegis of the true powers of Heaven. God Himself will be your guide if you are willing to be changed by Christ, by giving Him a place in your heart. He can deliver you from the effects of that toxic kundalini experience. That experience is too powerful & not properly directed in the vast majority of people who attempt it or experience it spontaneously. The spiritual elements of the world were in some mysterious way cursed when the Fall occurred, way back in the beginning. So these spiritual forces we have the ability to interact with & experience are tainted, poisoned by the fruit of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good & Evil, sucked into the gravity well of Sin & Death, creating a trap which is near impossible to extricate oneself from, unless one calls on the true & noble name of Jesus, Yeshua, the Lord.

I can help you, if you want help. I assure you that the purpose of the Lord's salvation is to give us a satisfying & joyful life, to give you a future & a hope which shines in the darkness like a city on a hill, walking a path which winds through the universe unto the right & proper ending, in which we are secure in the knowledge that He is on our side, that He has carried us throughout our days, and at the time of death we are liberated from all suffering & strife, forever more.

God bless you RisingFall, I wish you well.


edit on SeptemberFriday2219CDT04America/Chicago-050016 by FlyInTheOintment because: spelling

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