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Understanding Gravity (and more)

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posted on Jan, 23 2013 @ 04:55 PM

Originally posted by Tbrooks76

Let’s say the nucleus of an atom is low instead of positive, and the electron cloud is high instead of negative.

dont mean to nitpick, but given your prior example, and my meager understanding of why positive is positive and correlates to high, and why negative correlates to low... wouldn't the nucleus be High.... and the electron cloud Low?

So take this same concept to atoms, and the same thing happens…attraction between natural atoms.
And there you have gravity.

are you saying the vacuum of space has pressure values, independent of the atoms in space (of space?)?

Say all that exists is a even vacuum space universe... maybe infinite maybe not.... if the answer would differ depending then we can discuss that....

Say we have 2 replica "moons" ..... and we magically zap them into existence in the vacuum... 150,000 miles away from each other....

given your pressure example... what force would act between and from these two masses, to cause them to begin to head towards one another?

posted on Jan, 23 2013 @ 05:01 PM
reply to post by Angelic Resurrection

A.R....I am a pretty smart guy. I have a 174 I.Q...but still since I decided NOT to go to MIT...I do not have the Math skills to calculate Singularity and it's effect upon our 10 or 11 Dimensional Universal Space/Time Geometry.

Even some of the Professors I know who study and teach Cosmology don't have those kind of Theoretical Math Skills. I am not saying I couldn't do it...but it would take years of study just to be able to present a Theory using Mathematical Representations that the Top People in the Field would either accept or understand.

Cosmology for me is just a hobby and I enjoy it by using analogies and examples to define what I am trying to get across although such examples will never truly be accurate as only the Math can be.

Unless you are a whole lot smarter than me...and forgive me here but there are not too many people who are...I find it hard to believe that you are capable of what you state.

If you are...forgive me...I ment no offense. Still for me to believe this you will have to show me some math.

Split Infinity

posted on Jan, 23 2013 @ 05:12 PM
reply to post by ImaFungi

I might have mixed up a high and low in the given example, but point is it not so much that the vacuum of space is pressurized, but show how different energy level interact with one another. However with that said there is a ton of things that can be explained about space/time when you use pressure and/or temp as an analogy for the vacuum. Like a relationship between GR and SR.

In fact there was an article not too long from a physicist saying maybe we compare space/time to pressure…however that was 6 months ago I will have to google for a while to find it again.

posted on Jan, 23 2013 @ 05:18 PM

dont mean to nitpick, but given your prior example, and my meager understanding of why positive is positive and correlates to high, and why negative correlates to low... wouldn't the nucleus be High.... and the electron cloud Low?

oh and also no, when comparing to hurricane, the low is in the center and higher pressure is beyond the eye wall. So it easier to stick with that.
Keep in mind that whole + and – thingy came about years ago with conventional electron flow, and they have sense reversed the direction of electricity.

posted on Jan, 23 2013 @ 05:33 PM
sense I mention GR and SR...I quicky give ya something to think about.
---pressure and GR---
GR. general relativity:
in GR when you in high gravitional time slows lenght is compressed.

take a balloon blown up in everyday pressure to a high pressure place like the bottom of a pool, the balloon become compressed it (lenght contraction)

---pressure and SR---
SR special relativity:
travel close to the speed of light and time slow, and lenght is contracted but only in the direction of travel.

take a balloon on fast car ride and hold it out the window, back pressure will cause contraction only in the direction of travel.

(note time is really a measure of lenght contraction...a later topic)
edit on 23-1-2013 by Tbrooks76 because: (no reason given)

edit on 23-1-2013 by Tbrooks76 because: why do I alway misspell balloon

posted on Jan, 23 2013 @ 11:11 PM
reply to post by SplitInfinity

Geometry is paramount to the situation and beyond what the math will tell you by itself. Without a rigid geometry to guide the way of your math, there are too many possibilities and strange things to account for. We make a great deal many assumptions, but with geometry everything is visible.

I ask you to consider this:

Square numbers can be represented using equilateral triangular geometries. If you were to Google say, "Pythagorean's Theorem" what would you expect to find in the image category. How many images would you need to go through before you came across one that even remotely looks like the version of the theorem I present to you below?

You would find countless images that show a (3,4,5) 90 degree triangle right? On each side of that triangle you would find a 3x3, a 4x4, and a 5x5 square geometry mapped to each corresponding side.

Now I present to you the following.

Pythagorean's Theorem Explained

Now, once you realize that both geometries appear to be correct, you start to wonder. Why does it matter which geometry you use in this case? Both appear to equate to the equation?

The reason is because of the interior angles. Counting 4 times 90 degrees in the case of a square gives you 360. Counting 3 times 60 degrees gives you 180. This error has trickled down in ways I can't even begin to describe.

Thank you for your time, and welcome to Tetryonic Theory. I am merely a new student of Tetryonics and after giving it an honest look, it appears to present something more refined and elaborate than anything else.

I would be honored if you would kindly offer your opinions on this matter.

posted on Jan, 23 2013 @ 11:49 PM
reply to post by shixta

When we start looking at the Geometry that is Space/Time...we come to understand that our 10 or 11 and perhaps even more Dimensional State of our Universal Reality...has events and conditions that will not allow for a Ridged Concept of Space/Time Geometry.

We see how a great amount of Mass as what is a Black Hole...will demonstrate the specifics of one dimensional state governing all ather dimensional a Black Hole is the Ultimate Expression of One Dimensionality or Singularity.

Within this Singularities effect...the Physical Geometric Laws of our Universal Reality break down and no one as of yet has been able to properly define them. Hawkings tried for years only to come up short and he flip floped many a time.

What I am saying is that when it comes to the Physics and Geometry that are the rules and construct of our Universe...they may not just be specific to our One Universal Reality but rather be part of a much larger system...a Multiversal System.

Split Infinity

posted on Jan, 24 2013 @ 12:16 AM
reply to post by shixta

All that image does is prove that an equilateral triangle with sides of length A has half the area of a square with sides of length A. You don't count squares by using triangles. If that image was correct, the square of 3 would be 4.5 and I wouldn't want to live anymore. Also, why does an image without any squares in it say "Equilateral triangles form square geometries?" And you say all of "Tetryonics" is based upon it?

edit on 1/24/2013 by Thought Provoker because: Also...

posted on Jan, 24 2013 @ 12:32 AM
reply to post by SplitInfinity

No offense taken either and am not trying to convince you either of my capabilities.
You will see it in the paper, which I may present as a hypothesis, since it goes
against accepted or known science.

posted on Jan, 24 2013 @ 12:48 AM
reply to post by Angelic Resurrection

A.R. I would be more than happy to read such a paper and thank you for not taking offense.

One Question...are you going to go against G.R.'s concept that Gravity is Space/Time Geometry?

Split Infinity

posted on Jan, 24 2013 @ 02:44 PM
reply to post by Thought Provoker

Tetryonics is using a geometric basis to redefine what square numbers actually are. The name "square" is a misnomer. Square numbers are now defined by way of this geometric foundation. This is a better description of square numbers than ever before.

Square number are in fact defined using Equilateral Triangles and the summation of odd number quanta in each quantum level highlights this reality in a nice visual format.

Quantum levels all have odd number quanta, and when summed produce all the square numbers of physics.

Square Numbers Explained

ZPF's and Bosons

Boson EM Field geometry

posted on Jan, 24 2013 @ 11:52 PM

Originally posted by SplitInfinity
reply to post by Angelic Resurrection

A.R. I would be more than happy to read such a paper and thank you for not taking offense.

One Question...are you going to go against G.R.'s concept that Gravity is Space/Time Geometry?

Split Infinity

Yes most certainly against GR, infact the exact opposite of GR
Meaning space does not bend and presense of mass / energy (as we know it),
in space causes time compression.

posted on Jan, 25 2013 @ 12:42 AM
I am new to this forum, But really crazy in such a conspiracies. As i am business man i have my own plastic firm I want to know ...... I mean do Gravity really affect plastic kind of things.

posted on Jan, 25 2013 @ 05:18 PM

Originally posted by Angelic Resurrection

Originally posted by SplitInfinity
reply to post by Angelic Resurrection

A.R. I would be more than happy to read such a paper and thank you for not taking offense.

One Question...are you going to go against G.R.'s concept that Gravity is Space/Time Geometry?

Split Infinity

Yes most certainly against GR, infact the exact opposite of GR
Meaning space does not bend and presense of mass / energy (as we know it),
in space causes time compression.

A.R....If that is what you believe and say you have the math to prove it then please explain this...

Google...Abell 1689 and Abell 2218.

Abell 1689 is a massive Galactic Cluster at a distance of 2.2 Billion Light Years that when looked at visually shows the Mass of this Galactic Cluster Warping Space/Time.

Abell 2218 at a distance of 3 Billion Light Years is also a Glactic Cluster that when looked at shows the effect of Gravitic Lensing as such Gravitic Lensing is powerful enough to resolve a Galaxy 13 Billion Light Years distant at the very edge of our Universes Space and Time.

Split Infinity

posted on Jan, 25 2013 @ 05:21 PM

Originally posted by plasticcraft1
I am new to this forum, But really crazy in such a conspiracies. As i am business man i have my own plastic firm I want to know ...... I mean do Gravity really affect plastic kind of things.

PC...Gravity effects EVERYTHING. There is no Matter or Energy or Quanta in the Universe that Gravity does not effect.

Split Infinity

posted on Jan, 25 2013 @ 07:14 PM

Originally posted by SplitInfinity

A.R....If that is what you believe and say you have the math to prove it then please explain this...

Google...Abell 1689 and Abell 2218.

Abell 1689 is a massive Galactic Cluster at a distance of 2.2 Billion Light Years that when looked at visually shows the Mass of this Galactic Cluster Warping Space/Time.

Abell 2218 at a distance of 3 Billion Light Years is also a Glactic Cluster that when looked at shows the effect of Gravitic Lensing as such Gravitic Lensing is powerful enough to resolve a Galaxy 13 Billion Light Years distant at the very edge of our Universes Space and Time.

Split Infinity

The time for belief is past. I know it as a fact that i am proffesing.
Those observations of warping space / lensing etc are only being interpreted to suit GR.
Now apply Time compression to those observations and what do you get?
Bottom line is GR is for white ops.
Anything outside of GR or accepted science is for black ops

posted on Jan, 25 2013 @ 08:12 PM
reply to post by Angelic Resurrection

A.R...maybe I am a little dense today but could you please explain to me what you are getting at or mean when you are asking me to apply Time Compression as far as the two Abell Clusters?

Last time I checked we need to consider BOTH Time and Space...thus Space/Time.

You gotta give me sumthin? LOL!

Split Infinity

posted on Jan, 25 2013 @ 10:25 PM

Originally posted by SplitInfinity
reply to post by Angelic Resurrection

A.R...maybe I am a little dense today but could you please explain to me what you are getting at or mean when you are asking me to apply Time Compression as far as the two Abell Clusters?

Last time I checked we need to consider BOTH Time and Space...thus Space/Time.

You gotta give me sumthin? LOL!

Split Infinity
Lol. I've posted elsewhere , look it up if you have the time, as it
is pointless trolling to repeat the same thing.
Apply time compression without bending space.

posted on Jan, 26 2013 @ 02:53 AM
Working title of the (as of yet) non-existing paper on Physics:

"Measuring (sampling) of step response-like events in a low-pass filtered expanding space"

"Gravity-like effects, uncertainty principle, particle/wave duality and other oddities of the Universe"

(replace t in X-axis with a d -- distance of latency propagation >> Planck length)

Further study references:

posted on Jan, 26 2013 @ 09:05 AM
My word. m101, si, sho / et al
This smacks of desperation and or exhasperation.
Which is it?

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