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Prepping...not just for a SHTF event...can help in other ways...

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posted on Jan, 18 2013 @ 01:35 PM
A few months ago, I was laid off. However, I've learned that stockpiling foods and supplies can go a long way even without the end of the world happening....

Prepping has helped us stretch our budget by using things we've stockpiled, and reducing our grocery bill. We've been looking at all ways we can save money, not just now, but in the future as well, as with the way things are going, even assuming I find another good job soon, I still want to be prepared for a time I could be in the same situation today.

My prepping started with preparing for hurricanes (I live in FL). From there though, from just a couple of times being out of power, and without modern conveniences, I learned just how important being prepared was. Instead of panicking, I was able to welcome friends and family who had to evacuate, etc. It was a good position to be in, and it was then I decided to have that same kind of readiness for other things.

I wouldn't have thought unemployment would be a situation lasting this long, or where such prep could help, but stores of rice and pasta, canned goods, home-canned foods, etc. have really helped. Also, having multiples of other household items (batteries, light bulbs, stored fuel, etc.) also helps, as I can put money to other needs.

Of course, once working again, I'll replenish and build back up, but I just wanted to put it out there, that there are some very REAL and practical reasons to prep, not just for the end of the world.

posted on Jan, 18 2013 @ 01:44 PM

I actually started canning and such, stocking up if you will, because my husband would be laid off every winter. It just made more sense to save money.

Then I came here and learned about prepping. Turns out I was doing most of it already for survival all right, survival of the layoff! It can be very hard with less than half your household income for up to 6 months at a time or more

posted on Jan, 18 2013 @ 01:52 PM
Ya i'm with you on this. It helps with many other things in your life. It can also sometimes give you purpose if you have none. Plus, its fun to be secure.

posted on Jan, 18 2013 @ 02:37 PM
I have had the same thing happen to me, and my preps got me through the winter when work was almost non existent. I did learn however to stock things that I would eat regularly instead of stocking "emergency" foods. I keep things on hand like canned tomatoes, pastas, canned vegetables, frozen meats, and other meal essentials so that I can create meals easily out of what I have stored with minor additions.

posted on Jan, 19 2013 @ 01:02 AM
Yes sir! I'm glad you pointed this out. Hurricane territory here also. It helps to have for any emergency. Especially unplanned unemployment. That's when you start cracking open that can of corn hash to mix in with those eggs and fill everyone's bellies. Then there was the 2 week flu I had recently. Those extra soups came in handy. One thing I hate is those two days before the hurricane, and there's a grocery store run. The prepared sit back watching everyone clawing each other for raviolis on tv. It's always a good idea to be ready for anything. Especially when you have children.

posted on Jan, 19 2013 @ 05:04 PM
reply to post by Gazrok

One of the principles of prepping is that you store what you normally use. So then you can constantly rotate your stock and it keeps longer. Cans can rust out over long periods, starting around the bottom rim usually, the newer ones are quite thin and dont last forever like they used to. Especially in Florid where it is humid this would be more of a problem. Pasta and rice get stale and dont taste as good after a couple of years. Batteries dont last forever either they need to be used re-stocked. Toilet paper lasts forever though.

posted on Jan, 21 2013 @ 04:53 PM
reply to post by Gazrok

sorry to hear your out of work, these past few years have been hard on all of us. I was out of work in march for about 5 weeks and was able to find a job, 1-1/2 hours from home, but a job non the less. because it was only 5 weeks, i did not have to dig into my storage.

As far as jobs, the writing is on the wall. There will be a paradigm change and mass migrations out of cities when the SHTF. I believe the future wealth of the nation will be cattle barons, ranchers, and farmers. Everyone needs to eat. Our family believe in it so much we started ranch 1 year ago and slowly growing the heard. With the coming food shortages, food will be gold.

If you can get your food in animal husbandry, your new found knowledge for the future could save your life.

edit on 21-1-2013 by camaro68ss because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 21 2013 @ 05:19 PM
reply to post by Gazrok

All good points made, here is another:

Preppers in many ways are hedging against inflation. With inflation, the items you are buying today, are far cheaper when what it will cost you 2,3,5, 10 years down the road.

Even if the SHTF scenario never takes place you will have bought items at pre-inflationary prices.
Hell, people are lucky to get 2% return on money kept in the bank, inflation is running triple or more that annually.

Invest in toilet paper Bro!

posted on Jan, 21 2013 @ 05:38 PM
I prep for comfort in good times and bad isn't that the idea to maintain some semblance of normal
So yes it's a great thing tohsvw when you are unemployed or a friend or family need help its awesome to be
Prepared kind of empowering.

But I hate the word preppers ugh I do not want to be associated with those idiots on nat geo where do they find those people

edit on 1/21/2013 by geocom because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 21 2013 @ 05:51 PM
reply to post by Gazrok

Prepping is a double edged sword. Many people have a hard time dealing with the fear that is involved. That is why so many preppers seem a little off. Fear has a hold on them and fear is the root of almost all bad things.

You have to learn not to live in fear and still be able to see the truth. If the sky falls so be it but I will not let it rule my life until it needs to.

By the way I am a prepper and proud of it I started at the end of 2009 when loosing my job opened my eyes to the big wide world. Until then I could have cared less. If you would have told me I would be a prepper 10 years ago I would have laughed and called you crazy.

edit on 21-1-2013 by SubTruth because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 22 2013 @ 10:05 AM
reply to post by SubTruth

That's just isn't FEAR that drives me to's LOVE, love for my family and friends, and the desire to provide for them. Good point on using what you stock. We do so already...that way, no culture shock if anything happens. We go through cans and then replace, use rice and noodles, then replace, etc.

posted on Jan, 22 2013 @ 10:41 AM
The secret to family budget is not your income; it is controlling your expenses.

If you have multiple family members (I am the head of a very large family), then your two most "out of control" budget items are:

1. Dining out
This is the single worst use of your money in most family budgets. Sometimes you need to dine out, to celebrate, or for spouses to have a date, or for social reasons. But the rest of the time, you are spending about three times the actual commodity cost of the food, in order to avoid doing dishes! Prepping naturally leads to to planning balanced and hearty meals. This saves both time and money. As you rotate out your old inventory, you end up planning meals that avoid the necessity of eating out. This has probably saved my tribe about $100-$300 per month (when we practice it!)

2. Going to the grocery for "just a couple of things" you need for the day.
You always Always ALWAYS end up grabbing more things than you came for. It wastes time and gas in the extra trip to the store, and of course takes you off budget by spending money in an unplanned way. The things that cause me to get out after supper are diapers, toilet paper, feminine products and school supplies for class projects. The very worst is going out for diapers in the middle of a blizzard. Stocking up on diapers and toilet paper may not feel like prepping, but it definitely is.

Here's a short list of what prepping the pantry does:

-allows you to host family or friends on little to zero notice, in a welcoming way. We don't have to take them out to dinner; I've got a brisket in the freezer in the garage, canned vegetables from the garden, and some jelly we made to put on home-made restaurant in town.

-keeps you from spending money off budget. If you have most of the supplies your people use, then you don't need to make impulse purchases.

-having a large supply of food steers you into meal planning. This saves money and feeds people more effectively than "what shall we have for supper tonite?"

-helps you buy in bulk when there's a sale.

-rewards you for gardening and canning, which will give you better vegetables and save you more money. It turns out that children don't particularly dislike vegetables; they just dislike the ones that have been packaged industrially.

-reduces the planning for vacations, especially camping trips. My family could leave to go camping today, in less than 30 minutes (we practice this every month!) We don't need special trips to the grocery to get food for the expedition---just a trip downstairs! Stopping at a convenience store is another huge waste of money when you travel. And a bag of homemade jerky and a bag of dried applies is way better than a snickers bar and a bag of funyuns (which will cost you $7 with a drink!)

Prepping of all kinds, not just the pantry, protects your family from shocks in the supply pipe-line, I know that Americans are not used to even thinking about this concept; but it is a fact of life in the developing world. I think that the US (and probably Europe and Canada) should anticipate a season of shocks to the flow of supplies. Some of theses are environmental (earthquakes, tsunamis, hurricanes)... but some of them economic or political. Witness the recent run on ammunition after the President's remarks at New Year's. (the run on ammo didn't start after Sandy Hook; it started after the president mentioned gun control by executive order...)

Prepping means planning against interruptions in your supply lines. What would have seemed like a paranoid fantasy when I was young now seems completely believable after 9-11, Katrina, Fukashima, and a month of 22 executive orders to curtail the rights of the citizenry.

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