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tory government live in a bubble

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posted on Jan, 16 2013 @ 05:23 PM
so britains government says that things are getting better........well i beg to differ

in less than a week we are on the brink of losing 10,000 jobs and two major names on the high street disappearing forever i.e hmv and blockbuster.

we,ve just lost comet and jessops so if thats things getting better then would love to know what the tory government classes as bad........maybe losing their privileged life will bring them back to reality tho i doubt it.

posted on Jan, 16 2013 @ 05:54 PM
All these job cuts get me real angry. On the news a couple of days ago they said how over 500 firefighters are losing their jobs in a bid to save £45 Million over 2 years. How can this happen and we continue to pay the EU £53 Million per day? Unbelievable. I've lost all faith in the British people right now that sh*t like this is even allowed to happen.

posted on Jan, 16 2013 @ 06:02 PM
Well,that's Blockbuster going to the wall as well with countless jobs lost. Then I hear they are cutting pay from the police force, cutting money from everywhere you can think, yet, they want to give themselves a massive pay rise? Where is the justice in all of this? I think they live in cloud cuckoo land with their two homes. I seem to remember one even claimed expenses for cleaning out his moat! Did he live in a castle? Then they are saying as long as you have a heartbeat you are fit to work under their so called medical assesements that are going on. People have died and later on a letter comes saying they are not entitled to any money because they are fit to work! They haven't a clue, any of them!

posted on Jan, 16 2013 @ 06:06 PM
What is actually going on in this country right now? I could understand cuts if we were in massive debt. It makes sense not to spend money you can't afford but all these cuts are being made in the wrong places. The EU money should be cut and so should Foreign Aid. Especially to places like India. I know they claim it isn't much but I am sure it would cover the cost of these Jobs hence people working, paying taxes and having money to go out and purchase items helping the economy recover.

posted on Jan, 16 2013 @ 06:07 PM

Originally posted by BurialKing
All these job cuts get me real angry. On the news a couple of days ago they said how over 500 firefighters are losing their jobs in a bid to save £45 Million over 2 years. How can this happen and we continue to pay the EU £53 Million per day? Unbelievable. I've lost all faith in the British people right now that sh*t like this is even allowed to happen.
not just yesterday that they are cutting police wages by £4000 a year and this is a week after they done a poll on politicians who think their wages should be increased to £90,000 odd a year?talk about being out of touch completely.

posted on Jan, 16 2013 @ 06:20 PM

Originally posted by scotsdavy1
Well,that's Blockbuster going to the wall as well with countless jobs lost. Then I hear they are cutting pay from the police force, cutting money from everywhere you can think, yet, they want to give themselves a massive pay rise? Where is the justice in all of this? I think they live in cloud cuckoo land with their two homes. I seem to remember one even claimed expenses for cleaning out his moat! Did he live in a castle? Then they are saying as long as you have a heartbeat you are fit to work under their so called medical assesements that are going on. People have died and later on a letter comes saying they are not entitled to any money because they are fit to work! They haven't a clue, any of them!
i reposted before i saw your reply.....they deffo live in cloud cuckoo land.....i,ve been 1 of these people doing medical assessment due to fact i was going through chemo.....tried to reclaim for disability on advice from my local dss office but was told on phone that i didn,t qualify due to how i answered.....said to her if i had been a junkie then it wouldn,t have been a problem.....due to her stuttering and no answer to the question i guessed i was correct.

posted on Jan, 16 2013 @ 06:26 PM
My Uncle has just started signing on. He had been out of work for a long long time due to a mental problem. He lives at my Nans and was not claiming any sickness benefits or Job Seekers etc. He is doing better now and recently signed up for Job Seekers as he is looking for work now and they have been on his case really hard. He turned around and asked them why are they on his case so much as he knows other people who have been signing on for years and don't get this much hassle and they just turned round and told him straight that they give up on some people as they know they have no intention of working so leave them too it. What kind of attitude is that? The same thing happened to me a couple of years back when I had just started to sign on when I became unemployed. I was called in randomly via a phone call at 8:30am twice in the same week when the place didn't even open until 9. They thought they were cute trying to style it out but I had already checked up online how they were doing it to test me and make sure I was available and wasn't secretly working...... And this was like the 2nd week lol Torys pushing everyone onto the case.

I want UKIP in power.

posted on Jan, 16 2013 @ 06:27 PM
reply to post by sparky31

so britains government says that things are getting better........well i beg to differ

Well, let's be fair. How would it look if all of a sudden they just said "Well, sorry folks, thing's are going to get worse you for and there's nothing we can do about it. Definitely sucks to be you right now". This is the government. They're never going to tell us thing's are going to get worse, they'll only ever really tell us thing's are getting better, even if they're really not. But, this isn't new, this is just how it is and has been for a long time.

It's not that they necessarily live in a bubble or are deluded or anything like that, it's just that they can't show themselves in any negative light. It's all about looking positive and looking like they know what they're doing and are in complete control.

I agree though, it is unfortunate and I know personally I'd prefer complete honesty. I just don't think we'll ever really have it.
edit on 16-1-2013 by Rising Against because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 16 2013 @ 06:37 PM

Originally posted by Rising Against
reply to post by sparky31

so britains government says that things are getting better........well i beg to differ

Well, let's be fair. How would it look if all of a sudden they just said "Well, sorry folks, thing's are going to get worse you for and there's nothing we can do about it. Definitely sucks to be you right now". This is the government. They're never going to tell us thing's are going to get worse, they'll only ever really tell us thing's are getting better, even if they're really not. But, this isn't new, this is just how it is and has been for a long time.

It's not that they necessarily live in a bubble or are deluded or anything like that, it's just that they can't show themselves in any negative light. It's all about looking positive and looking like they know what they're doing and are in complete control.

I agree though, it is unfortunate and I know personally I'd prefer complete honesty. I just don't think we'll ever really have it.
edit on 16-1-2013 by Rising Against because: (no reason given)
well know it seems crazy but government telling the truth would be a breath of fresh air......wouldn,t seem so bad i suppose if that poll hadn,t come out a week ago saying that most tory mps think they are well underpaid and want at least 90,000 a year......that to me is out of touch when thousands of people a week at moment are losing their jobs

posted on Jan, 16 2013 @ 06:43 PM
reply to post by Rising Against

Even with that being the case, that fact you've mentioned "everyone knows this" makes it even worse. It's because we know it that makes it heinous.

I don't think politicians can't paint themselves in a negative light, as most people mistake that as sincerity even though it's usually a ploy to misled people emotionally. I think that they refuse to tell the truth because they'd instantly be thrown into jail and probably hung for their crimes. These people lie from the day they're in the commons to the day they're out. They have no moral compass. None.

I will never again be light on a politician after we were given insight into their mindset (refer to Gordon Brown calling a member of the public a bigot for raising a legitimate point). The government, whether it's Tory or Labour, is always going to be anti-people - it's in their nature. Their job is deception, which brings me back to my orginal point. We're WILLING idiots. We all know what they are and how they function but we vote them in REGARDLESS.

I say we, I don't vote them in at all. Call me apathetic but every vote I did cast ended up being about as useful as a lead balloon. I hate politics today. It's 100% deception, On nearly all fronts. From health to pensions, from finance to judicial, from governing to law making. All being set up to protect the rich from the poor.

The only saving grace is that ANYONE still retains their sanity in this ridiculous system we call 'British politics'. It's a whacky world of make believe and, I can't believe I'm saying this, I'm happy it's all about to come to an end. Maybe, just MAYBE, we'll not make these mistake again. Though I'm sure we will.........

posted on Jan, 16 2013 @ 07:25 PM

Originally posted by sparky31

Originally posted by scotsdavy1
Well,that's Blockbuster going to the wall as well with countless jobs lost. Then I hear they are cutting pay from the police force, cutting money from everywhere you can think, yet, they want to give themselves a massive pay rise? Where is the justice in all of this? I think they live in cloud cuckoo land with their two homes. I seem to remember one even claimed expenses for cleaning out his moat! Did he live in a castle? Then they are saying as long as you have a heartbeat you are fit to work under their so called medical assesements that are going on. People have died and later on a letter comes saying they are not entitled to any money because they are fit to work! They haven't a clue, any of them!
i reposted before i saw your reply.....they deffo live in cloud cuckoo land.....i,ve been 1 of these people doing medical assessment due to fact i was going through chemo.....tried to reclaim for disability on advice from my local dss office but was told on phone that i didn,t qualify due to how i answered.....said to her if i had been a junkie then it wouldn,t have been a problem.....due to her stuttering and no answer to the question i guessed i was correct.

They cannot stop you claiming for disability if you have a doctor give you a sick,note for your condition then you don't need to sign on. After a while you will need to go for a medical which is a joke.
I went to one and failed as I suffer from severe back problems and had to sign on again. My HGV licence for a class one was due for renewal and I asked if I could claim to put me through it yet they said no and because I couldn't pay for it, my licence is suspended until I pass a medical. Then they say they are trying to get you back into work?
Woman that saw me hadn't a clue and made up so many lies about me it was unreal!
ATOS that is the company that runs it is given millions upon millions of pounds every year to fail people so that they save money in the end, and that's a fact!
So I say to you, do what I said if you are not fit to work. Don't listen to some idiot on the other end of the phone.

posted on Jan, 16 2013 @ 07:37 PM

Originally posted by scotsdavy1

Originally posted by sparky31

Originally posted by scotsdavy1
Well,that's Blockbuster going to the wall as well with countless jobs lost. Then I hear they are cutting pay from the police force, cutting money from everywhere you can think, yet, they want to give themselves a massive pay rise? Where is the justice in all of this? I think they live in cloud cuckoo land with their two homes. I seem to remember one even claimed expenses for cleaning out his moat! Did he live in a castle? Then they are saying as long as you have a heartbeat you are fit to work under their so called medical assesements that are going on. People have died and later on a letter comes saying they are not entitled to any money because they are fit to work! They haven't a clue, any of them!
i reposted before i saw your reply.....they deffo live in cloud cuckoo land.....i,ve been 1 of these people doing medical assessment due to fact i was going through chemo.....tried to reclaim for disability on advice from my local dss office but was told on phone that i didn,t qualify due to how i answered.....said to her if i had been a junkie then it wouldn,t have been a problem.....due to her stuttering and no answer to the question i guessed i was correct.

They cannot stop you claiming for disability if you have a doctor give you a sick,note for your condition then you don't need to sign on. After a while you will need to go for a medical which is a joke.
I went to one and failed as I suffer from severe back problems and had to sign on again. My HGV licence for a class one was due for renewal and I asked if I could claim to put me through it yet they said no and because I couldn't pay for it, my licence is suspended until I pass a medical. Then they say they are trying to get you back into work?
Woman that saw me hadn't a clue and made up so many lies about me it was unreal!
ATOS that is the company that runs it is given millions upon millions of pounds every year to fail people so that they save money in the end, and that's a fact!
So I say to you, do what I said if you are not fit to work. Don't listen to some idiot on the other end of the phone.
i,m on incapacity but according to them i don,t qualify for disability even after them receiving medical reports from my consultant,,,,,,,i went for a medical and was asked the most craziest questions ever,even after answering them i was classed as unfit for work but not unfit for disability,makes no sense.

posted on Jan, 16 2013 @ 08:44 PM

Originally posted by sparky31

Originally posted by scotsdavy1

Originally posted by sparky31

Originally posted by scotsdavy1
Well,that's Blockbuster going to the wall as well with countless jobs lost. Then I hear they are cutting pay from the police force, cutting money from everywhere you can think, yet, they want to give themselves a massive pay rise? Where is the justice in all of this? I think they live in cloud cuckoo land with their two homes. I seem to remember one even claimed expenses for cleaning out his moat! Did he live in a castle? Then they are saying as long as you have a heartbeat you are fit to work under their so called medical assesements that are going on. People have died and later on a letter comes saying they are not entitled to any money because they are fit to work! They haven't a clue, any of them!
i reposted before i saw your reply.....they deffo live in cloud cuckoo land.....i,ve been 1 of these people doing medical assessment due to fact i was going through chemo.....tried to reclaim for disability on advice from my local dss office but was told on phone that i didn,t qualify due to how i answered.....said to her if i had been a junkie then it wouldn,t have been a problem.....due to her stuttering and no answer to the question i guessed i was correct.

They cannot stop you claiming for disability if you have a doctor give you a sick,note for your condition then you don't need to sign on. After a while you will need to go for a medical which is a joke.
I went to one and failed as I suffer from severe back problems and had to sign on again. My HGV licence for a class one was due for renewal and I asked if I could claim to put me through it yet they said no and because I couldn't pay for it, my licence is suspended until I pass a medical. Then they say they are trying to get you back into work?
Woman that saw me hadn't a clue and made up so many lies about me it was unreal!
ATOS that is the company that runs it is given millions upon millions of pounds every year to fail people so that they save money in the end, and that's a fact!
So I say to you, do what I said if you are not fit to work. Don't listen to some idiot on the other end of the phone.
i,m on incapacity but according to them i don,t qualify for disability even after them receiving medical reports from my consultant,,,,,,,i went for a medical and was asked the most craziest questions ever,even after answering them i was classed as unfit for work but not unfit for disability,makes no sense.

How many points did you get?

posted on Jan, 18 2013 @ 01:23 PM
reply to post by sparky31

And just how is the Government to blame for poorly run companies failing to understand changes in the way we shop? You seem to be suggesting that Government policy is directly responsible for the failure of these companies and I would beg to differ.

I would concede that the current economic situation makes it hard for all businesses, but look at the businesses that continue in operate. The major reasons these businesses failed is poor management, not the current economic situation. Both these businesses and Blockbuster/HMV have failed to adjust their businesses models to the way we like to shop.

Jessops failed to capitalise on the internet. Too many people when into their stores, saw and felt the product, then when home, checking online for the best price. If it was better than Jessops, they ordered it.

One of Comet’s failures was understanding its supply chain and its capability to purchase at the best price. Too many times I when into a Comet store, the stock was limited and frequently more expensive than its retail and online competitors.

Blockbuster and HMV had some great locations but again their management failed to understand changes in the way we obtain music, film and games. More and more people do not want, or have time to visit a store to rent a movie, a game or music. They want it online, when they want.

It’s easy to blame the current Government for the challenges in the UK economy, and I accept there are things they could have done, but consider what the last Labour Government left them
Increasing public debt, greater Government borrowing, raising unemployment, foreign wars and a contracting economy, and the absolute killer, giving our money to bail out banks who had greedy and poor management, coupled with politicians who were too stupid to see what was happening, and when they did understand, made the wrong decisions.

Put the blame where it belongs. Tony Blair and Gordon Brown

posted on Jan, 18 2013 @ 04:47 PM
reply to post by Freedom ERP

"And just how is the Government to blame for poorly run companies failing to understand changes in the way we shop? You seem to be suggesting that Government policy is directly responsible for the failure of these companies and I would beg to differ.
Put the blame where it belongs. Tony Blair and Gordon Brown"

Hmmmmmm, you seem to have changed your mind about your own opinion by the end of your own post.

posted on Jan, 19 2013 @ 11:12 AM
reply to post by Joneselius

You have taken two discrete elements of my post and assumed they are linked.

At the start of my post, I was responding to the OP who was making a correlation between the current Government policy and the failure of these businesses, and it is from this part of my post that you quote first.

At the end of my post, I was reviewing some of the issues that the current Government where left by the last Government, in an attempt to explain why the economy is still a challenge, and it is here that I made the point who should be blamed for the current challenges in the economy, and it is here that you have taken my comment about Tony Blair and Gordon Brown.

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