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What is the Second Amendment of the Bill of Rights for?

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posted on Jan, 12 2013 @ 01:28 PM

Let me ask all you wonderful people out there.

Was the second amendment established so you can have guns for hunting?

Or was it for you to throw off the constraints of a tyrannical govt whether foreign or domestic?

go here to read not just the article but arguments and suggestions.

the above question was asked by a poster named Arche Bilbo and I thought a decent discussion on this point would be beneficial to us here at ATM.

in response one poster NoONe Important suggest divorce from the govt. Here are his two replies in regard the questions and his suggestions. After reading them does this sound viable and doable?

Aaaaaaaaaactually. . . . .

I'm a big proponent of a peaceful divorce. Not a single bullet needed.

You tell them to go pound, and secede. You hammer out a divorce agreement, like all divorces have.

The "leaving" party pays X amount toward the current debt as it stands today, and no more. You pay a certain amount for the military (like a contract for protection) and you have to keep making payments to SS. . .gotta keep that promise to the seniors.

Now, all your federal income taxes (if any) would go to the "new" red nation or the local state. You don't ask the feds for drilling permission, if you can build a nuke plant. . . no more EPA at the federal level (states have their own). . . .no more NLRB. . . . . . .none of it.

No more union extortion, communities take their schools back under their control. . . . . . states can decide what if any welfare is offered. . . . no more obamacare nonsense. . .

Nothing. . . . .

A divorce, without a single shot fired. No one dies. . . . no one gets hurt. We mutually agree to part ways. . .

If someone finds themselves living in a "red" state nation, and they want to move, they're welcome to move to the 'blue" state nation if they want.

My guess is, the "red" nation would have the military, and the "blue" states would probably end up paying us for defense. . .because they'd squander it. . . . .and would you want to rely on the democrats for defense? Not me. . . .

Odds are, the blue states would come begging for reconciliation within 5 years because they'd be broke, under water, banana republics with junk money, and too many people looking for handouts.

Because, without the productive people in our society (which you know they would move to the "red nation"). . .the liberals have no money to spend. . . . .and that's just a fact.

All the productive people would leave the "blue" nation and move to the red nation. The people looking for large hand outs would move to blue nations because they know their gravy train would come to an end in the "red" nation. . .. .

Each time I've proposed this on Mother Jones (because the lefty haters there want a divorce just like we do). . .they disappear when I point all of this out. . . .

go ahead. . .lets divorce. No skin off my nose. . . . .and when I go on and on and on. . . . .about all the freedom we'll have witih a life without liberals. . . .suddenly, they're not so interested anymore.

Without us, they can't exist. But, we can exist just fine without them. And that's the point that kept coming through in our conversations. . .and why they would just drop the entire subject. (grin)

They need us, but we have no need of them at all. . . .(very nasty grin). . .so you best not offer a chance for divorce. . . .because we will definately use it. (grin)

now Arche said the divorce was denied by Obama in his not honoring those states to succeed that had signed succession petitions last month. and asked what would be the next step

and NoONe replied

Ya wanna know how I'd start the divorce? (And make no mistake, I don't ever think it would come to fuition because I think the democrats would cave when they realized it was serious)

Ok, 30 of 50 governors, republican. got it?

You have 30 of 50 governors call a meeting about "divorce." Serious. You call a meeting to discuss sovereign rights, about states' rights. . . . .you call a meeting (very publically) to openly discuss refusing Federal laws . . . . . .and to discuss how to "divorce."

It's not to "secede" . . . .you're going to recreate the united states, without the "federal parasite" and the over bloated bureacracy. You're going to discuss a peaceful divorce.

The reason I say it has to be governors? The congressmen and senators have a vested interest in not seeing a divorce. They lose their individual power. The 30 governors would have to decide if they were going to "call home" the federal representatives, or cut them lose and hold new elections for new people. . . . .meaning, their congressmen and senators would represent no one if they refused to listen to their home states.

Believe me. . . .it wouldn't ever go all the way through. Because like I said, we can live just fine without the liberal progressives. They cannot exist without us to take from. they are the parasites.

As soon as you make that point clear - that we're not obligated to stay married, stay in an "abusive" marriage with the federal government. . . . . .there's only so much the federal government could do when 30 of 50 of your "partners" have their hand on the door knob ready to walk out of the room.

who are you going to be left with? California, vermont, Oregon, Illinois, New York, and some others? Good luck paying your bills with 20 out of the 50 states. . . . .

The other 30 would form a new, "more perfect union". . .that understood the the concept of limited federal government.

They'd keep their own money, they'd keep their own laws, they'd make their own decisions, they'd have a new SCOTUS, and Obama could keep his "wise latina" SCOTUS. . . . .

The new united states would negotiate their own "trade" deals. . . . .seperate from the garbage that this current government is trying to shaft us with. . . .

California thinks they're the only state with a temperate climate and black dirt? Wronggggggggg. . . . .

We can grow our own food. .. .drill for our own oil. . . .imagine that. . .we could just give Obama and Salazar the finger. . . .and laugh.

The "new" nation would work with Canada, and would then work toward energy independence. Obama can keep making payments to the UN for "his" government, but not ours.

You see, this is why it would never go all the way through. . . . . .

there are too many "red" states that would gladly get rid of the "blue" states and the ridiculous behavior. . . . .there are tons of people that would move just for the chance to be successful in the red nation. . . .keep more of their money - a shot at the "american dream". . . . . . .

Leaving the blue nation with just Michael Moore, Bill Gates, and Buffett. . . . . . .let them pay the bills. . . . .

It would never go all the way through, like I said.

Because, we don't need liberals, but they need us to sponge off of to pay for their levaithan ideas. And it wouldn't take them long to realize their "cash cow" was about to walk out the door. . . .and they would be left with nothing.

what do you think is this a solution to our current problem with our govt/congress and senate?

edit on 12-1-2013 by ChesterJohn because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 12 2013 @ 01:49 PM
We're actually making a pretty formal effort out of that over the coming days on another thread. There is a surprising number of people willing to give some time to the effort too.

Beezzer's Court on the 2nd Amendment

Plenty of room for lots of discussions of course. I just mention it as something a bunch of us are hoping puts some solid material from both sides into one spot with.

posted on Jan, 12 2013 @ 01:50 PM
I am not trying to take anything away from this thread, but, we are still looking for help in this thread that discusses this very topic.

I would give my opinion on this thread, but, I don't want to give away anything for the people on the thread I have linked to.

ps- rabbit stew will be served at the end.

edit on 12-1-2013 by superman2012 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 13 2013 @ 09:29 AM
Sorry the beezer's court was way off track on a lot of stuff and seems to be highjacked at times.

Let's discuss our options here starting with that which has been presented above and then let's get the word out so the people can act.

What is the Second Amendment for?

1) so you can have hunting rifles?

2) So you can throw off the constraints of a Tyrannical govt whether foreign of Domestic?

You see the right to bear arms was done so that the people could at any
time their govt got to big for their britches throw them down and put
those in place that will do the right thing.

The Ninth amendment is supposed to protect us from them limiting or taking away
any right that was originally given the second being one of those. But
we have sat back and let them take away our right to have the arms
necessary to fight against them and limited us to small arms. And
believe it or not whether approved by congress and the house any law
passed that limited or took away any rights listed Like freedom of
religion in public places or limited arms are illegal and violate the
Ninth amendment.

Our President, Representitives, Congressmen and Senators have violated their
oath to protect the constitution and the Bill of Rights and are all
criminals that need to be put down and replaced by the people. But we
can't do it without the heads of our military and police

If we cant get our local police, state police and national guards to back us we will have no hope of ever seeing a divorce or reconciliation. which is what the NoOneImportant was pointing out. the Idea above is that if we just start the proceedings by getting the Governors to unite for the purpose to succeed it will never come to it and we can get an agreement of reconciliation to limit the government. But the proceedings must be started and soon to help get the debt and spending under control.

edit on 13-1-2013 by ChesterJohn because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 13 2013 @ 09:47 AM

Originally posted by Wrabbit2000
We're actually making a pretty formal effort out of that over the coming days on another thread. There is a surprising number of people willing to give some time to the effort too.

Beezzer's Court on the 2nd Amendment

Plenty of room for lots of discussions of course. I just mention it as something a bunch of us are hoping puts some solid material from both sides into one spot with.

there are no "BOTH SIDES" they the President, senate and congress don't even consider our side in anything they are doing in banning and limiting our rights.

All That can be done today is to start one sided divorce proceedings with articles of the divorcement set in motion. And if the president, congress and senate still want our support they either reconcile on our terms or we are out.

50% of the states are ready to take the next step as seen through the petition movement and just because the POTUS rejected the petitions does not mean we cannot take this to the next level in a peaceful and direct way.

We need to get the Governors of those states to unite and proceed. We need to get them together in a meeting to address the issue and proceed peacefully.

edit on 13-1-2013 by ChesterJohn because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 13 2013 @ 09:52 AM
reply to post by ChesterJohn

There are many (along with government and media) that would wish to see the 2nd annulled.

They (government/media/pundits) have already put the relevance of the 2nd on trial.

We're just formalizing it.

posted on Jan, 13 2013 @ 09:57 AM
here is a partial list of states that filed petitions we need to put together a formal committee of these governors to represent the people in either divorcing our out of control spending and taxing govt or reconcile with a comprehensive plan of debit reduction and spending cuts on wasteful project and money given in foreign aid.

Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, Colorado, Florida, Georgia, Indiana, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nevada, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, West Virginia, Virginia

There were petitions filed for all 50 States however not all garnered enough signatures.

edit on 13-1-2013 by ChesterJohn because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 13 2013 @ 10:06 AM

Originally posted by beezzer
reply to post by ChesterJohn

There are many (along with government and media) that would wish to see the 2nd annulled.

They (government/media/pundits) have already put the relevance of the 2nd on trial.

We're just formalizing it.

It wont matter if we can get the governors to come together to form a super committee and start their separation papers on the ground of lack of true representation as well as illegal sequestration of the Bill of Rights. the people will come together and it will proceed to either a separation or a reconciliation.

edit on 13-1-2013 by ChesterJohn because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 13 2013 @ 10:24 AM
reply to post by ChesterJohn

The sad part is, I don't think that the majority of "the people" care anymore.

posted on Jan, 13 2013 @ 10:28 AM

Originally posted by beezzer
reply to post by ChesterJohn

The sad part is, I don't think that the majority of "the people" care anymore.

If everybody felt that way then we are sunk.

You have the power at your figure tips to get the word out. DIVORCE or RECONCILE no compromises.

We need ot have this plastered in the blog sphere, letters sent to all the governors of Each states where petitions were signed, and we need a legal group to help facilitate this.''

I know there are people here who can help in these areas so just don't sit there get to crackin before we are completely lost.

Alpha Sigma Theta. Signing off until later

edit on 13-1-2013 by ChesterJohn because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 13 2013 @ 10:53 AM
Here some things each can do to help.

1) We need a draft Generic Form letter to preface a petition to send to each governor asking for action of a divorcement from the Federal Govt.

2) We need a realistic detailed terms of Separation or Reconciliation.

3) We need public awareness and participation.

4) We need dedication to our nation as a whole. Being patriotic in a sense that is not kooky or conspiratorial.

5) a open public place for these governors to come together and work

6) an organization to help take donations to help facilitate and operate as a head quarters of the New Republic.

7) Local private and public sector support and protection.

8) Prayer

Let the Work begin.

ALPHA SIGMA THETA, Over and Out til later!!!

edit on 13-1-2013 by ChesterJohn because: (no reason given)

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