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Change the law to allow Teachers and UNIVERSITY Students carry guns

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posted on Dec, 15 2012 @ 11:07 AM
How many University students perhaps are in fear of gun violence every day they go to school already?
What kid, or parent would want all the teachers to carry guns?

Go ahead and debate this out, because every damn thread I see about gun control or lack thereof is just playing into what tptb want.

posted on Dec, 15 2012 @ 11:12 AM
How dumb is this idea of allowing university students to carry guns. We just had an accidental shooting of a college girl buy a college guy in Marquette at a party a few days ago. I'm not sure of the particulars of the story but think a drunk student was trying to take the gun away from another drunk student and it went off. College Students drink alot, they don't need guns.

I know some teachers I would never trust to have a gun. I think a few sensible teachers could have guns, but don't allow them based on educational credentials. Maybe give the Janitors or maintenance workers guns instead, they may have a little more common sense.

edit on 15-12-2012 by rickymouse because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 15 2012 @ 11:27 AM
reply to post by cdesigns

I agree that it is not as simple as banning guns, but i dont think that arming even more people will solve the situation.
There really must be a better way to deal with the problem...

posted on Dec, 15 2012 @ 06:35 PM

Originally posted by NoSoup4U
reply to post by cdesigns

Guns are not the problem; it is apathy. How did we get to this point is the problem. It is taking God out of everything that is the problem. Without God our society has lost morale's, respect, honor, integrity for the lives of others. We need to go back to God and the right way to live our lives and run our country to correct way. I hope and pray that everyone will realize this and turn back to God and His Holy Word. Otherwise, expect more of the same and even worse.

God Bless All of You!!!!!!

I do not believe that the statistics will support your assertion. Maybe look at come comparisons between countries in which religion is less important and countries in which it is most important.

posted on Dec, 15 2012 @ 06:43 PM
reply to post by cdesigns

That is a crazy mentality. It is evident by the actions of you culture that you are not responsible enough to have guns. Look at the amount of violent crime and mass shootings that comes out of the USA. Guns do not kill people. People do.. Deranged people.

posted on Dec, 15 2012 @ 08:49 PM
I've thought about this a lot. What do we as a society value more, money or our children? Obviously our children, so why do we have armed guards at our banks, but none at the schools? If you are against the average citizen being armed (2nd amendment), than surly you would be okay with off duty police and/ or military vets (I think a good job for them to transition back to civilian life) guarding our most precious resource, our future.

posted on Dec, 15 2012 @ 08:50 PM
Ha, yea its not guns thats the problem, its the lack of guns - oh and the lack of god. It hasn't got anything to do with the paranoid, violent and fear mongering society you have created for yourselves.

posted on Dec, 15 2012 @ 08:50 PM
i got an idea! lets just call it quits on the human race. no matter what, people will kill each other. no matter the outcome of the laws that are about to come in place from this reoccurring shootings, people will find a way to kill each other. it is not the weapon that kills people, it is the person. guns don't fire off themselves. its annoying how everyone is wanting the government to step in more and more. soon everyone will just live in cages and have recess time by themselves because no one can trust each other. hell, why not just put everyone in virtual reality so they kill people in their VR world and they can get their psychotic episodes out of their system and come back to the real world.

posted on Dec, 15 2012 @ 11:34 PM
If teachers in New York had guns they could clear out the gang banging students real fast and leave it for the good kids

posted on Dec, 15 2012 @ 11:43 PM

Originally posted by Severin
Oh how incredibly intelligent you are...

Yes, lets give everyone a gun - even students, so when a couple of kids have a disagreement over their lunch/ a girl/ who's got the best trainers etc it will end in a massacre. Then their friends will be sure to back up their mates and start firing too.

Very wise Sir, very wise.

I know you are being sarcastic but you are misinformed. it is a proven fact that the states that have the most lenient gun laws have the least crime pure and simple. States that passed CCP laws and open carry laws had dramatic drops in crime. The facts are in stop repeating media propaganda its all BS! Armed citizens stop more crime then all LEO's in the country combined! So you can get off the anti-gun BS bandwagon now because its going nowhere!

posted on Dec, 16 2012 @ 12:20 AM
I believe the teacher should be allowed to carry guns, but not the students.

posted on Dec, 16 2012 @ 12:45 AM
reply to post by DaTroof

When my father was growing up, every kid, yes "kid" had a gun, you could buy them almost anywhere.
And he did not see one shooting until he was in Vietnam.
Gun shows have more guns then people, but how many mass shooting did you see at a gun show?

Not one shot was fired on 9/11.
The Oklahoma bomber never fired one shot.
That man in China who just stabbed 23 people, never fired one shot.
The list goes on.

There are evil people, who will kill no matter what.
Be it a gun, bomb, poison, knife, or a car, evil people will do evil things.

The anti-guners support the child killer and all gun crime.
The want to be slaves and beg the government for enslavement, they want to ban all guns because with them we can still be free.

Not one gun law stopped this scumbag, he was carrying guns illegally, he was in a gun free zone and he murdered people. What law stopped him?
Anti-gun nuts said gun free zones would stop mass killings, yet this is where the mass killing are happening.

If you want to reduce your chances of getting shot in a mass shooting by %98.6 stay out of gun free zones!

Maybe they should ban murder instead!

posted on Dec, 16 2012 @ 12:51 AM
reply to post by Blundo

Why not?
Too own a pistol (Here in Connecticut) you must be 21, you must have a Federal, State, and local background check and you must take classes on gun safety.
It is a long process that almost always takes more then 8 weeks.

When he says students, he means men and woman who can vote,drink,drive and own a gun.
Students here in CT carry all the time, just not in any place that is prohibited by law.

posted on Dec, 16 2012 @ 01:01 AM
reply to post by juleol

Ok stay with me.

You're a criminal, and you want money fast, maybe for crack, or hookers.
There are two stores in front of you.

Store A has 4 people working and $20,000 in the register.
Store B only has two people working and $100,000 in the register.

You have a gun, what store do you rob?

Hold on, let me give you more info.

Store A is a 7-11 with a NO GUNS ALLOWED! sticker on the door.

Store B is Bob's gun shop with a "OPEN" sticker on the door.

What store do you rob?

posted on Dec, 16 2012 @ 01:38 AM

Originally posted by Severin
Oh how incredibly intelligent you are...

Yes, lets give everyone a gun - even students, so when a couple of kids have a disagreement over their lunch/ a girl/ who's got the best trainers etc it will end in a massacre. Then their friends will be sure to back up their mates and start firing too.

Very wise Sir, very wise.

No rational person would advocate for arming every teacher and student. That said, I do believe it is about time we re-visit the effectiveness of these 'Gun Free Zone' laws. It is a 100 percent fact that if someone intends to take a human life on a school campus, or anywhere else a similar law is in effect, they will do so regardless, rendering the law impotent. Bad guys will be bad guys, period. Laws like this are feel good laws. Laws which can never be enforced yet which are on the books because it makes people feel all warm in fuzzy inside with the thought they are actually preventing anything in the first place. All they do is render those, who would never hurt others in the first place, powerless.

posted on Dec, 16 2012 @ 01:40 AM

Originally posted by MDDoxs
reply to post by cdesigns

You are ignorant if you think by putting a gun ban will help the cause.

You are ignorant if you think putting a gun in everyone's hands will help the situation...

Changing the law to allow people to carry on schools and universities is the only option we have to protect people on anti-gun places.

Change the law to allow Teachers and Students carry guns

What happens when little Timmy does not want to be bullied anymore and he happens to have a gun strapped to his hip. How about Ms. Johnson, a third grade teacher who just had her child taken away and loses her mind and reaches for the gun in her desk.

Even more simply, what if an accident involving a gun occurs at a school and a child is injured or god forbid, killed as a result.

Solving gun crime with more guns does not make sense to me.

To be fair, if little Timmy has a gun and people know it, he's much less likely to get bullied. I see what the OP's logic is, but it's not very well thought out. The basic premise of it is why don't people shoot up police precincts or rob gun stores? Because they're likely to get shot at. The problem, of course, is that emotional/panicing people are a very unstable variable and we can't rely on them to keep their composure in a stressful setting. Arming them, then, is a terrible idea because they might lose their s***. Cops are trained to handle these kinds of situations, civilians not so much.

posted on Dec, 16 2012 @ 01:43 AM
reply to post by slowisfast

Incorrect, most civilized people don't plan on killing others, but something happens and they snap, acting on poor judgment. To have gun-free zones does serve a purpose, but I agree with you that the law needs to be revisited.

posted on Dec, 16 2012 @ 02:07 AM

Originally posted by DestroyDestroyDestroy
reply to post by slowisfast

Incorrect, most civilized people don't plan on killing others, but something happens and they snap, acting on poor judgment. To have gun-free zones does serve a purpose, but I agree with you that the law needs to be revisited.

I can understand how the fear of someone snapping is of concern. It could happen when I drop my books off at the library tomorrow afternoon. But a law as such will do nothing to prevent that from happening but it does hinder me from possibly protecting myself if it does. Sometimes civilized people snap, acting on poor judgement and kill someone with their automobile. Sometimes bad things happen, it's horrible, but over-regulating the VAST, VAST majority of good people(us) is not the answer to the problem. It's symptom treatment.

posted on Dec, 16 2012 @ 02:11 AM
reply to post by cdesigns

From 2005 to 2010

1.4 million guns were stolen

from homes and cars.

If you increase the availability of guns to the good guys - the bad guys get more guns too.

Here are the regulations required to drive a car. Keep in mind the intention of a vehicle is not to do any harm whatsoever and still there are many hoops to leap through. Does it make sense to have any less a requirement for a gun designed specifically and made to kill.

posted on Dec, 16 2012 @ 02:41 AM
Ridiculous. You can't keep throwing more and more guns at the gun problem and hope it magically fixes itself.

Hey, maybe if giving students guns doesn't work, you can have robots patrol the premises with guns, and have guns on every door. Let's just have guns everywhere, that's the solution, except in all other civilized nations in the world there are a hell of a lot less guns, and the gun problem does not exist like it does in the US.

How do you figure that?

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