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Mesoamerican Long Count Ends... A Prophecy is fulfilled

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posted on Nov, 25 2012 @ 05:40 AM
Dont normally go into the 2012 forum but seeing this particular thread was nice, if anything its most likely the real way 2012 will end.

ie the entire end of an age and on to a new one isnt some instant switch, its a short or long process over decades or a century depending on your point of view where humanity makes an important leap... no rogue planets, aliens or divine intervention simply mankind turning a new leaf in a small area that takes us in a new direction.

Given the speed of our technological advancements lately it could be anything... and there are alot of candidates for up coming things that could be the game changer, the NASA announcement being the closest one. We'll just have to wait, but it sure isnt going to be some giant catastrophe in my opinion.

Now how they might have figured out the time period such events occurred who knows. Maybe human advancement simply has a natural rhythm or set period of time to where a discovery occurs that simply wipes clean the count down simply by merit of how radically it alters humanities direction from a mental perspective.

Kinda like a marble rolling down a zig zag path speeds up then hits the corner and stops and begins to speed up again until it hits the next corner and on and on it goes.
edit on 25-11-2012 by BigfootNZ because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 25 2012 @ 07:36 AM
reply to post by DrGod

I myself don't beleive Gold was a sort after mineral unless they simply did not know how to create it using Hydrogen Atoms (Fusion) and if they travelled the galaxy in spaceships, creating Hydrogen from PlasmaElectromagnetics would have been childs play as it should be today but it isn't.

OP your first sentence earned you a S+F from me.
As for predictions of the coming age, I believe its down to a natural understanding of progression as they had witnessed for 10,000 years and what was given to them via their Visitors/Gods e.g Kukulcan, Quetzalcoatl and even from ancestors from the previous ages that may stretch back even further.
They obviously were the Ultimate Statitions.

Also to another poster that said people who may Predict events are "Fake" Not all....I beg to differ...

edit on 25-11-2012 by DreamerOracle because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 25 2012 @ 09:39 AM
i think this could be right, i mean look at all the information !

posted on Nov, 25 2012 @ 12:18 PM
reply to post by seudonymous

Really well written, man! good job

posted on Nov, 25 2012 @ 01:33 PM
I love this thread, OP! Nice to see some refreshing optimism on the subject. Personally, I don't feel it's the end of the world, more the end of civilization

Still, love your take on it.

posted on Nov, 25 2012 @ 03:12 PM
Or its a new way of thinking since somethings got to give! If you look down the road were going please close your eyes; too many people are doing just that!
Where is the end or is there? Some book, writings are only what was conceived by them at that time; like the 2012 clock, only 4 pages and what we actually understand what it was they were writing! Going back to Ser texts we were changes by our DNA to mine gold, where do people come up with this?
At some point in life everything changes, childhood, teens being an adult still your views change over time. To live by a book, writing on walls or in a cave might give us clues; but in the end your still left with the I DON'T KNOW!
I would like to think that somehow we learn to take care of one thing, This Planet! We don't do that well no matter whats written down it will not even matter anyway. Even if we did somehow go into space, you only have to look back and see whats to come.
Don't need any books do we? So better to come up with better ideas on what needs to be fixed and fast! Just could be that book was right and we failed to really understand it! As for 2012, will see you next year!

posted on Nov, 26 2012 @ 01:30 AM

Originally posted by MrConspiracy

One question i would like to ask, is about the supposed "galactic alignment" set to happen on December 21st. Now, i have read too many posts saying that this happens ever year, which, seems to be the case. But there are a lot of educated people that said this happens ever so many thousands of years. Fact is, i can't find a straight answer. Is this a different kind of alignment that doesn't usually happen? Or does this alignment happen ever year and it's of no significance. Could anyone answer this for me?

edit on 24-11-2012 by MrConspiracy because: (no reason given)

Yes, every year our planet passes between the sun and the galactic center of the milky way. It's such a massive celestial body, I dont think we can say it's at this time on this date, but Dec 21 of a leap year is about right.
Another theory is that it is when our sun aligns with another celestial body, and the center of the milky way, ie. it only happens once every time our solar system revolves around the milky way. If that is the case we are talking a matter of millions of years, but there isn't any real evidence to support this theory.

Originally posted by Son of Will
reply to post by seudonymous

The timeline you're using is very inaccurate, regarding the "advancements" which supposedly coincide with this cyclical calendar. Written language is far older than 3000 bc, domestication of animals goes back tens of thousands of years, as do agricultural practices.

edit on 24-11-2012 by Son of Will because: (no reason given)

Which written language are you referring too? I thought Sumerian cuneiform (dating to 3200BCE) was the oldest we know of, or some Egyptian hieroglyphs (dating to 3400BCE) if you count them.
I think its hard to say exactly when these things took place, so my timeline isn't perfect. The ancient Greeks had a basic computer and the Pharaohs had batteries, but I think It could represent when these inventions reached a "critical mass." When so many people know about it, only a global catastrophic event could cause it to be forgotten.

reply to post by MasonicFantom

Thanks for contributing

I'm still not too sure what your getting at.. I included the Aztec calender and Machu Piccu because the Mesoamerican long count predates the Mayan calender, even though it was not widely used by other peoples. I understand they adapted it and attached significance to Dec 2012 by counting back from a supposed start date. But I think these cultures would have interacted in much the same way north Africa interacted with Europe, or china and Mongolia. My point was to try to encourage people to think of all the things we don't know, rather than concentrate on the little we do. Sorry if I wasn't clear.

Originally posted by BigfootNZ

Now how they might have figured out the time period such events occurred who knows. Maybe human advancement simply has a natural rhythm or set period of time to where a discovery occurs that simply wipes clean the count down simply by merit of how radically it alters humanities direction from a mental perspective.

Kinda like a marble rolling down a zig zag path speeds up then hits the corner and stops and begins to speed up again until it hits the next corner and on and on it goes.
edit on 25-11-2012 by BigfootNZ because: (no reason given)

I like how U Think

Originally posted by nibirulovesyou
I don't feel it's the end of the world, more the end of civilization

*The end of civilization on Earth*
This I might be able to run with
. I could imagine in a hundred years we will be making plans too permanently leave this planet. If it comes down too a matter of humans destroying Earth and everything that lives on it... or humans leaving whats left of this planet too the sentient beings we currently share it with..... Hopefully it doesn't come too that.

Originally posted by infoseeker26754
Or its a new way of thinking since somethings got to give!

I think this is it in a nutshell. You could say the same about the renaissance or the industrial revolution but for first time quantum mechanics is allowing us an insight into what thought actually is. "Coincidentally" we developed the microchip about the same time, which has allowed us to integrate computers with thought, such as Stephan Hawkings mean machine. It'll probably be another five thousand years before we understand the implications of this.

But your right, if we dont start looking after this place, we will never make it...

posted on Nov, 26 2012 @ 01:52 AM
If they were prophecizing a new age of achievement and progress then why did they skip the Industrial Revolution or Renaissance?

I don't think it was a new age in that sense, but one more spiritual (as intended with the original meaning, according to Mayan elders).

If it's a prophecy of destruction tho then it's of the end of mankind - not the end of the Earth. The Earth has survived countless cataclysms, both natural and intentional. It'll be here long after humanity plunges into oblivion, just as others before us have.

posted on Nov, 26 2012 @ 09:53 PM

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