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Children to be taught 'heterosexuality not the norm' in Australian schools project

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posted on Oct, 21 2012 @ 08:15 PM
I have to repeat what someone posted at the article in question:

"Heterosexism feeds homophobia.” I would say the opposite is happening. Homosexism feeds heterophobia !

Indeed. You cannot promote one without devaluing the other. And undoubtedly, the dominant, natural tendency DESERVES to be promoted, and homosexuality, while tolerated, and homosexuals respected, should be seen as abnormal, and contraindicated by natural law.

People should also realize that the scumbags behind this new pedagogy are going full force with their paganization and relativization of human values.

This is ironic, because these same types are also environmentalists. However, they don't seem to give a crap about any 'insights' nature could offer us in how we should be living. So love nature - protect nature - but "oh, don't look to nature for advice in who we should be having sex with, or building a life with".

Insanity. That's all I can say. It's a pure gnostic agenda to erase all human awareness of natural conditions.

posted on Oct, 21 2012 @ 08:18 PM
Well, technically it isn't the "norm".

posted on Oct, 21 2012 @ 08:20 PM
reply to post by Vandettas


posted on Oct, 21 2012 @ 08:22 PM
The whole world is screwed up. It seems that it's come to the point where there is no behavior that's actually wrong anymore.
Nothing is "wrong" anymore! If you don't like something, your a "hater' or a whatever-phobic.

More evidence that the world is just going downthe toilet. Moral compass? Who needs it? Just justify whatever you want. And tell anyone who doesn't like what you do they're "intolerant" and a "bully".
I'm sick of it.

Really. Someone tell me something that's still considered a "wrong" behavior.

posted on Oct, 21 2012 @ 08:32 PM
reply to post by davjan4

Someone tell me something that's still considered a "wrong" behavior.
Something which infringes on my rights is wrong as long as my rights don't infringe any someone else's.

Murder is wrong. Unless I'm defending my right to life.

posted on Oct, 21 2012 @ 08:33 PM
I have been thinking about this topic for a couple of hours now.
I think I am tired of being tolerant of all sorts of behavior.
I am tired of not being able to speak my mind without being called a bigot, racist, homophobe and many other things.

I think I am just going to start hating everybody and everything they do. (Except Beezzer of course.)

I know this may have you rethink about having me over for Thanksgiving dinner but if that is the price I have to pay, then so be it. I don't like turkey anyway.

posted on Oct, 21 2012 @ 08:37 PM
reply to post by davjan4

I've actually watched lectures in which a professor tried to justify murder, rape, theft etc. But for convenience reasons, we enact laws against them.

That's a very good deterrent.

I completely agree. That south park episode which mocks the crowd who bitches and complains about 'intolerance' to be akin to Nazis, placing 'intolerant' people in 're-tolerance' camps. The slogan was "we will NOT TOLERATE intolerance".

The hypocrisy of this crowd is deafening.

If we can't even find in nature mores for how we should live - or to attempt to give precedent to human caprice, an arbitrary "you can do what you want" attitude, over what is explicitly indicated in nature, not just explicitly, but BEAUTIFULLY indicated, is truly demented.

And the sad thing is, this is an agenda. These people are 'nondualists', like the Beatles, 1960's Allen Ginsburgh "lets all transcend our limitations" i.e. nature - but also 'love nature' [?!].
edit on 21-10-2012 by dontreally because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 21 2012 @ 08:42 PM
reply to post by dontreally

The Hawaiians are considered to be a culture tied very closely to the natural world. It wasn't until Westerners (not so much closely tied to the natural world) showed up that they found out that homosexuality was demented.

When the missionaries imposed their Christian god on the Hawaiians, with its concurrent standards of severely conservative ‘Christian’ moral censure, while the ‘mahu’ subculture was forced to remain hidden from public sight and go culturally underground, the ‘aikane’ tradition was stringently condemned as an intolerable (and grossly deviant) mortal sin. The consequence of this was a great internalized and highly disruptive homophobia that sprang into being on the islands, directly imported as it was from the American mainland by the evangelical Pentacostal missionaries.

The slogan was "we will NOT TOLERATE intolerance".
The hypocrisy of this crowd is deafening.

You are free to be as intolerant as you wish but you are not free to allow that intolerance to affect others.
edit on 10/21/2012 by Phage because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 21 2012 @ 08:58 PM
reply to post by Wonderer2012

I really wish that homosexual tolerance would stop being shoved down my throat because that is honestly making things worse. I find myself having bad thoughts toward homosexuals and homosexuality activists because I am being smothered by them forcing me to be tolerant. I mean, I dont agree with homosexuality and i dont think it is natural but i am very tolerant and i am not homophobic but its annoying that i cant give my opinion about gay marriage without being chewed out and told that i am a heartless person. I think it would be more beneficial to teach kids to discover themselves and that its ok to be different and to be yourself which would cover homosexuality. I guess this just hits close to home because where were these people when I was getting bullied in middle school just for being in band? I think that teaching kids to be nice to each other is more important than teaching that homosexuality is normal.

posted on Oct, 21 2012 @ 08:59 PM

Originally posted by dontreally
reply to post by Philodemus

What numbers? That in nature heterosexuality predominates?

Listen. Do you agree with the theory of evolution? If homosexuality were an overly common occurrence, species would die out. Instead, nature perpetuates itself by bringing opposite sexes together. That's sane. That's purposeful.

If you are seriously asking this question, I recommend you get your head checked.
edit on 21-10-2012 by dontreally because: (no reason given)

So, you believe in evolution, yet you don't even understand how it works. If you did you wouldn't be so preachy to me.

Let's start with the some of the simplest lifeforms on this planet, bacteria. The organism that is credited for really starting the whole game of evolution off. Bacteria reproduce by binary fission. Through the process of bacterial recombination, they introduce genetic information from other bacteria, so that they don't run into the problems you must have been referring to in your “that's sane” comment. Bacteria belong to the domain, prokaryotes. Now, within your body all the cells that aren't prokaryotes are eukaryotes. Those are the cells that reproduce only in the way you clearly seem to think is “natural”.
Now, if you add up all the cells in your body that are prokaryotes and all the cells that are eukaryotes the ones that reproduce without needing “mommy and daddy” way out number the ones that do. So, sorry the number of living organisms that reproduce this way out number the ones that don't. The ones that don't simply have a larger bio-mass and that is what is confused by macroscopic “visionaries” such as yourself, as being “the norm”.

If I continue to a slightly higher life form, fungus, we can see a continuing trend. They produce asexually. They too are a member of the eukaryotes.

What about hermaphrodites? The list of hermaphroditic flowering plants is too long to get into, but among the hermaphroditic creatures there are snails, slugs, flukes, worms and other invertebrates. Something like 15 or 20% of all creatures that roam this planet live a hermaphroditic lifestyle. Many, many creatures including some fish start as one gender and then switch to the other as they mature. I've even seen a chicken turn into a rooster with my own eyes. Basically, it adds up to somewhere between 18 million and 100 and-some-odd million species that are hermaphrodites. There is actually a species of lizard that only produces females. Go figure that for “sane” and purposeful.

I urge you to go to this site and read up on some of your claims.

You seem to be sure you know why heterosexuality exists in the first place. Interesting. There are many professors that could use your insight.

But hey, far be it from me to say that perhaps we shouldn't bark up the heterosexual reproduction tree perhaps so fiercely. So, when little Timmy is raised a boy that then in young adulthood “switches teams”, let's further ostracize him and make him/her feel like a biological outcast, even though he isn't.

posted on Oct, 21 2012 @ 09:04 PM
reply to post by Philodemus

Did you actually read your link?

Exactly how widespread homosexuality is in the animal kingdom is still unknown. Researchers have usually not looked for it or they have dismissed it as an aberration when they encountered it. The relatively shallow pool of knowledge pertaining to animal homosexuality makes it difficult to arrive at solid conclusions about how it evolved and exactly what adaptive functions it plays in animal populations and reproductive success. As complex an issue as all sexuality is, however, the factors causing and governing homosexuality are doubtlessly complex and many.

edit on 10/21/2012 by Phage because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 21 2012 @ 09:05 PM
I was very hesitate to join this thread and I don't want to debate over the matter of wether being gay is "normal" or certainly isn't the "norm" of the majority of people....but I don't really care what adults do.

What I do care about is teaching kids ANY sexual content at school in early puberty, why? Sure, teach basic anatomy, how our bodies function, teach kids it is NOT OK to bully anyone, sexuality has no place in schools....the kids parents will teach thier kids, and whatever the parents don't teach the kids will learn the way most of us did through thier friends and through "trial and error"...

Just in this thread alone, and I read all of it, is about 50 / 50 for or against teaching this in schools, and my guess is that in the real world it would be a higher percentage against what is the message here then, that schools can just decide to teach kids anything they want against the wishes of a large majority of these kid's parents?

posted on Oct, 21 2012 @ 09:06 PM
Did you know that roughly only 2-4% of America's population is homosexual? So obviously heterosexuality is the norm, not homosexuality.
edit on 21-10-2012 by eyesontheskies because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 21 2012 @ 09:08 PM
reply to post by MountainLaurel

kids will learn the way most of us did through thier friends

Yes. And as I kid I know there was a tremendous stigma placed on "homos".

posted on Oct, 21 2012 @ 09:08 PM
reply to post by Phage

The Hawaiians are considered to be a culture tied very closely to the natural world. It wasn't until Westerners (not so much closely tied to the natural world) showed up that they found out that homosexuality was demented.

Censure of homosexuality is by no means the creation of the Jews. It has been everywhere recognized to be contraindicated by nature.

Unless, of course, you are asinine enough to believe natural selection could work without a preference to heterosexuality??

In fact, one can love nature, as I do very much (I was hugging a tree earlier today, experiencing it's spirit, or itself as the extension of Gods inner wisdom emanated into nature) while simultaneously looking to nature for particular insights.

It is undeniable that nature is involved in a dialectic of complementarity between Male and Female forces. It's in this union between 'heterogenic' things which leads to an internal balance.

Only man can appreciate such moral sentiments, so it's excusable that animals sometimes engage in homosexuality, inasmuch as 'meaning' in meaningless to them.

posted on Oct, 21 2012 @ 09:11 PM
reply to post by Phage

Yes. I did. Do you realize that that particular portion of my post is parenthetical to my main point?

posted on Oct, 21 2012 @ 09:13 PM
reply to post by dontreally

Censure of homosexuality is by no means the creation of the Jews. It has been everywhere recognized to be contraindicated by nature.
Not everywhere. Certainly not by the early Hawaiians (among others).

Unless, of course, you are asinine enough to believe natural selection could work without a preference to heterosexuality??
Yes, there are far more heterosexuals than homosexuals but believe it or not, homosexuals do reproduce.

Only man can appreciate such moral sentiments, so it's excusable that animals sometimes engage in homosexuality, inasmuch as 'meaning' in meaningless to them.
Ah, a moral issue then. Not one of nature.

posted on Oct, 21 2012 @ 09:14 PM
reply to post by Philodemus

I was wondering why you posted it at all.

My apologies. I had opened the link and got confused as to who exactly had posted it. In review my confusion is resolved.

edit on 10/21/2012 by Phage because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 21 2012 @ 09:19 PM
reply to post by Philodemus

Of course I'm acquainted with evolution, but I'm not a fanatic follower of it, nor do I look to it for moral insight (and frankly, evolution could only foster a Nietzschean ethic)

The ones that don't simply have a larger bio-mass and that is what is confused by macroscopic “visionaries” such as yourself, as being “the norm”.

So, as I understand you, the more complicated or evolved the life form, the more heterogeneous it becomes? Precisely my point. Humans elevate the heterogeneity of nature to the level of cognition, in which it undergoes 'concretization' in our social mores. Transferring the allusion in nature into a culture that foster heterogenic relationships between man and woman.

What about hermaphrodites?

Ok, whats your point with these ridiculous example? The lower in the kingdoms you go, the less differentiated these species are. The less 'moral' you could say.

You seem to be sure you know why heterosexuality exists in the first place. Interesting. There are many professors that could use your insight.

Ok blowhard, what is your point? You are comparing apples and bananas, and you don't even realize it. What are trying to succeed in by point all that out? That your educated in evolutionary biological theories? Or that we should see in this 'lessons' for man? I can't help but noticing the reductionism in your approach. You go into more and more abstract layers of existence to show that 'heterogeneity' doesn't matter. But what meaning could that have to me, a human being? It's interesting, no doubt. But as a human, I see myself as different. Unlike amoebas, I can make out meaningful patterns in natural dynamics, that seem to imply one mode of living and contraindicate another. But you, of course, in your desire to dehumanize man, don't care to notice that.

You seem to be sure you know why heterosexuality exists in the first place. Interesting. There are many professors that could use your insight.

These sort of sciences have a political agenda, unfortunately.

posted on Oct, 21 2012 @ 09:20 PM

Originally posted by Nite_wing
I have been thinking about this topic for a couple of hours now.
I think I am tired of being tolerant of all sorts of behavior.
I am tired of not being able to speak my mind without being called a bigot, racist, homophobe and many other things.

So change - it's not hard to do.

And you'll feel better not being so hateful.

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