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Halloween - The Highest Satanic Holy Day of The Year

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posted on Oct, 24 2012 @ 12:55 PM
reply to post by lonewolf19792000

I didn't say Jesus was a volcano God, I said that Jahova had his roots as a volcano God...
and what is the story of abraham and issac, if it is not God ordering abraham to sacrifice his son...
the fact that God then said "trick, I only wanted to see if you were willing, is irrelevant.
he commanded,and abraham was willing to obey till God stopped him!!
meaning the idea of human sacrifice wasn't as outrageous to abraham as it would be to us....

posted on Oct, 24 2012 @ 01:03 PM
reply to post by AfterInfinity

you have kids???
do you protect them from their own stupidity all the time, or do you kind of let the repercussions come back and hit them broadside once in awhile knowing that the lesson learned will be worth the pain that they endure???
how old are your kids....
would you protect a two year old much more carefully as you would a ten, or 16 year old, how about a 25 year old adult???
you want to know what happens to overprotected kids, look at some of the rich brats who have had mommy and daddy constantly bailing them out of jail, finding them their next job, or paying their unpaid rent so they can have a roof over their head...

no self respecting father is gonna coddle his kids forever, well into adulthood, not if he loves them...

but sometimes, it would be nice if the kids, when they got into trouble would come and ask for a little assistance, advice, whatever, wouldn't it, especially before they go blowing the hades out of the innocent Iraq???

posted on Oct, 24 2012 @ 01:15 PM

Originally posted by dawnstar
meaning the idea of human sacrifice wasn't as outrageous to abraham as it would be to us....

Actually, the conventional read of that is that the story is about trust. God had promised to Abraham that he would bless the Earth through Isaac and his plethora of descendants, which would be pretty tough if Isaac was dead. So, does Abraham trust in the promises of God, or does he not? One presumes that Abraham had sorted out that, if he really did kill Isaac, and God was true to his promises, he'd bring Isaac back from the dead, so he opted to do as God asked, trusting in his promise.

posted on Oct, 24 2012 @ 02:48 PM
reply to post by dawnstar

do you protect them from their own stupidity all the time

When has "God" ever protected us from the most foolish of acts? Last I recall, it was the Russians who finally cornered Hitler, not "God". Last I knew, it was the U.S. who ended World War 1, not "God". Last I knew, it was Reagan who managed to defuse a highly tense situation involving nuclear missiles, not "God".

Tell me, in the most pivotal points in history, where was "God"? Just as I cannot prove to you he wasn't there, you cannot prove that he was, and to all appearances, it was MAN who had to drag his own hind end out of the fire. Sure, we don't protect our kids all the time, but we sure as hell intervene when they try to kill each other.

...Don't you?

would you protect a two year old much more carefully as you would a ten, or 16 year old, how about a 25 year old adult???

'25 year old adult' is not how I would describe the human species. Somewhere between 14 and 16, maybe.

you want to know what happens to overprotected kids, look at some of the rich brats who have had mommy and daddy constantly bailing them out of jail, finding them their next job, or paying their unpaid rent so they can have a roof over their head...

You are clearly misunderstanding, perhaps deliberately. Only an idiot can't figure out how to raise a child. It's not necessarily easy, but it isn't rocket science either. And surely an omniscient being who was only interested in subservience would have already taken care of that before we were even created, yeah?

no self respecting father is gonna coddle his kids forever, well into adulthood, not if he loves them...

You're assuming this is an adult species. What, we're not going to evolve anymore? This is the best we can expect from our species? No wonder we've been abandoned.

but sometimes, it would be nice if the kids, when they got into trouble would come and ask for a little assistance, advice, whatever, wouldn't it, especially before they go blowing the hades out of the innocent Iraq???

What if they ask the wrong people for advice? What if they decide they don't need advice? When's the last time our world leaders asked anyone for advice? Our world leaders take orders from the guys writing the checks and analyzing the data. They are the kings of the chess board, they rely on the other pieces to protect and guide them.

posted on Oct, 24 2012 @ 05:07 PM
reply to post by chrisb9

Another Christian on a mission to control people by labeling things as "Satanic". I am not surprised.

You say that God doesn't give a Spirit of Fear, then what is this thread about hell about? Sure isn't the most loving idea in the world..

Others will be having fun celebrating the holiday while you won't because you have some type of fear or war mentality on a mission to label things as "Satanic"...

posted on Oct, 24 2012 @ 05:15 PM

Originally posted by dawnstar
reply to post by lonewolf19792000

I didn't say Jesus was a volcano God, I said that Jahova had his roots as a volcano God...
and what is the story of abraham and issac, if it is not God ordering abraham to sacrifice his son...
the fact that God then said "trick, I only wanted to see if you were willing, is irrelevant.
he commanded,and abraham was willing to obey till God stopped him!!
meaning the idea of human sacrifice wasn't as outrageous to abraham as it would be to us....

It was a test of faith, if Abraham would have faith in God. Notice he stopped him before he could put the knife to Isaac? He was testing Abraham to see how far he would go. A test is not irrelevant. God was willing to give up his own Son for other people, he wanted to see if Abraham could do the same thing and this incident in Genesis 22 is a direct prophecy to the crucifiction of Christ.

posted on Oct, 25 2012 @ 05:03 AM
reply to post by AfterInfinity

this is why I am so glad to live in a country where we each are free to believe what we wish....
which, gives you, and me the freedom to believe as we like...
I don't see much reason to bicker with an atheist over the existence of anything that can't be proven, and nothing about God can really be proven at the present time... especially when I don't see an atheist as any kind of threat trying to force me to believe the "right" things...
so, hope you have a good day!!!

posted on Oct, 26 2012 @ 07:07 AM
The roots of Halloween as stated in the OP are true. I won't disagree with that but I don't feel that it is a day of teaching kids to worship satan as some are saying. I don't doubt that it is heavily celebrated by satanists in said way, but I believe that to most it is just a fun day for kids to dress up and get free candy. Also for thrill seekers to scare the selves.

posted on Oct, 26 2012 @ 07:45 AM

Originally posted by reficul

ARE YOU INSANE????????????????????????
what is this history lie you are going on about?
i feel like i'm in a pentacostle sunday school nightmare!!!!!!!!!!!!!
you are much scarier than anything about samhain (halloween)

satan is part of your belief , not mine.

Nah, I feel like I'm trapped in the Church in Silent Hill with the mentallist cultists.

posted on Oct, 26 2012 @ 11:08 AM
There used to be a Luciferian on ATS.. few yrs ago. WIsh he's weigh in on this

Luciferianism differs from Satanism, but its more theistic and even they dont practice child sacrifice( or venerate it) , do dirty deeds on Halloween, or any of that nonsense. IMO these days the whole "halloween is satanic" is just another BS construct propped up by the Church to scare the bejeezus out of followers. Much like witches flying on brooms and the Black Mass. For clean souls, the church sure had some dirty filthy minds...

posted on Oct, 26 2012 @ 11:15 AM

Originally posted by Suspiria

Originally posted by reficul

ARE YOU INSANE????????????????????????
what is this history lie you are going on about?
i feel like i'm in a pentacostle sunday school nightmare!!!!!!!!!!!!!
you are much scarier than anything about samhain (halloween)

satan is part of your belief , not mine.

Nah, I feel like I'm trapped in the Church in Silent Hill with the mentallist cultists.


I always thought they really captured the American bible belt pretty accurately with that film.

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