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I know Romney is evil, but I am voting for him anyway. Men's Rights in focus for a change.

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posted on Oct, 2 2012 @ 10:07 AM
reply to post by Phenomium

Are women that dress "slutty" asking to get raped?

A woman can cheat on her husband and while standing in court, she will be rewarded everything that she owns as well as everything the man owns.

^Not true. If the woman makes more money she will have to pay alimony. The assets are divided between the two parties.

If there is a child involved, no matter what state of mind the mother is in, whether she smokes or in many cases, does drugs. The courts still find her the better candidate for the well-being of the child.

Absolutely not true. If the mother is a danger to the children she will not be given custody.

I am tired of seeing all of these stupid holidays for women and all of this Pink Ribbon cancer crap plastered all over the world

Yeah, trying to cure cancer, how evil..only because women are attached to it.

While men who suffer from prostate cancer suffer in silence and get no Blue Ribbon, very little funding (if any) compared to women.

And whose problem is that exactly? Mens...if men want government funding for prostate cancer they should lobby. Stop trying to put the blame on women because they are more organized.

Men get screwed in jobs because of a quota to fill for women. As the men lose their jobs, they are replaced by incompetent women, who act so smart and professional.....but are horrible leaders and are incompetent in their jobs a

Not true, men are more likely to be promoted, more likely to be in a leadership position, more likely to be a CEO, and get paid more for equal qualification than a women.

If men speak out about the absence of their rights and question women's rights...they are call misogynists or pigs or male chauvinists.

There are absolutely no rights being taken away from men. You live in a fantasy. Go read the bill of rights then get back to me. Tell me which ones are being violated.

if women have sex with boys half of their age they are called "cougars"...a graceful animal who hunts prey ad devours it. Somehow this is a respected thing amongst women.

Cougars are looked down upon with pity or labeled a whore so......

Really, you can thank Feminism for the success of the police state.

What are the majority of the police? Males
Who are the majority of the politicians? Males.

Try again, you fail.

Even if Romney worships the Devil or kills America, I will support him 100% just for standing up for MEN"S rights.

Mitt Romney has never said anything about mens rights because no rights are being trampled upon. Not to mention it would make him look extremely out of touch with reality even more then he already is.

become men again and stop playing this silly game of trying to get remunerated with sex (that you never get)

Correction, YOU never get.

edit on 2-10-2012 by RealSpoke because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 2 2012 @ 10:10 AM
I like the OP reasoning another reason to vote for Romney... Look at that sandra fluke girl, shes being praised for having abortions and having sex...

its getting bad

posted on Oct, 2 2012 @ 10:38 AM
reply to post by Phenomium

It never occured to me...The misogynist voter!

It would be funny if it wasn't just so damn ignorant.

Worldwide women aged 15 through 45 are more likely to die from violence inflicted by men than from cancer, malaria, traffic accidents and war combined.

posted on Oct, 2 2012 @ 11:19 AM
reply to post by Phenomium

Even if Romney worships the Devil or kills America, I will support him 100% just for standing up for MEN"S rights.

How can a person "kill America"?
It's interesting to hear what you look for in a candidate, though.

reply to post by RealSpoke

Originally posted by RealSpoke
Mitt Romney has never said anything about mens rights because no rights are being trampled upon.

The OP seems to reason (and I use that word loosely) that taking away women's rights means supporting men's rights.
Isn't that's so cute!

posted on Oct, 2 2012 @ 11:27 AM
Wow....Dude......The hatred and anger that flows from every sentence you write is incredibly palpable, and it is truly pathetic.

So you brag that you've been married for 15 years to a woman who "agrees" with everything you say. Seems to me that she is either a downtrodden little gal with low self-esteem, or you're incredibly deluded and she just pretends to go along with your constant ranting to shut you up. Either way, her life sounds like hell.

Voting for Romney because you assume he will suddenly reverse "women's lib".......LMAO, that takes the frigging cake!

I could present you with an avalanche of evidence to show that women's lib was a backlash against years of inequality, but you'd just ignore it and say something angry. You should look at it in an historical perspective, but I'm pretty sure you cannot see in your fog of hate.

Let me just say to you that you're too angry for you own good....So angry that nothing you say makes sense. It's just one long rant against how you perceive women to be. Has it ever occurred to you that you most likely are attracted to women that are deceptive and manipulative? You make your own bed in life, and you choose the companions that share it.

If you were so unlucky as to choose ho-bags and liars, that is your burden in life, and yours alone.

But yeah, go ahead and vote for evil, because you have a chip on your shoulder and hate in your heart.

There are none so blind as those who will not see.
edit on 2-10-2012 by FissionSurplus because: spelling

posted on Oct, 2 2012 @ 11:30 AM
I know anti-freeze is poison...
but it tastes so sweet.

posted on Oct, 2 2012 @ 11:35 AM
reply to post by Phenomium

Have you recently gone through a bad divorce or something? Mid life crisis? I dont' know what's going on with you but it's obviously something intense and your mind is dwelling on it and making it grow. This isn't a slam ... my (unsolicited) advise to you is for you to seek out a psychologist who you can speak with about these feelings of yours. He will be able to help you sort through them and calm down and see things clearly. Good luck to you.

posted on Oct, 2 2012 @ 11:57 AM
reply to post by FlyersFan

Hey FF...thanks for the reminder that some people need help.

posted on Oct, 2 2012 @ 01:55 PM
Well, I think other's have done a pretty good job making most of the points I would agree with, but have a few things to add.

When I worked in corporate America, the vast majority of executives where men, if you made it into a management position as a woman there was alot of discrimination toward women, some more subtle then others. Everything from being asked to do "unreasonable" things that wouldn't be asked of male counterparts, to being groped in elevators by powerful men, and you didn't dare complain because you would be "black balled".

I have donated money to both Breast and Prostrate cancer research, and I see them as both being important. Breasts probably get more attention, cause let's face it, alot of "value" is put on Breasts in our society, and last time I looked, many men enjoy I see this as an issue that concerns both men and women.

Divorce is NO fun, I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy, and it especially hurts if you are the one wronged in some way, where I live it is a no-fault state, and I can assure you gender doesn't matter here, I never got a penny from my ex, and custody was split 50/50, we sold our house after I made payments on it for 2 years by myself, but he still got half...anyways......your perception of men being "shafted" by women is nonscence.

I still happen to Love men, but I have been hurt by a few, physically and emotionally, but that's no reason to dislike a whole gender......

posted on Oct, 2 2012 @ 02:03 PM

I'm kinda speechless right now, which is rare. What to address first?

Well, I'll tell you what I think about your post. You are in some terrible pain, and it shows. If I had to guess, I would say that you lost custody of a child to your former wife and it sits bitterly with you. I would also guess that you are sometimes passed over for recognition in your workplace and this may be because you have an obvious, palpable hatred of women.

Your entire thread oozes hate. And its not just this thread, every time I've read one of your replies in any thread, you've mentioned the custody disputes and how unworthy women are.

I mean this with the utmost respect....have you considered counseling? You need to let go of that hate and anger, and find a more productive way to deal with your issues. It is not the fault of women that your life is in its current position. You're using it as an excuse to avoid facing the real problem....which is most likely you.

posted on Oct, 2 2012 @ 02:15 PM
reply to post by Phenomium

Thanks for all your hard work derailing the efforts of sensitive reasonable people trying get things back on track. We really appreciate it.

posted on Oct, 2 2012 @ 03:31 PM
Just what kind of mens rights is Romney protecting? Could the op please post some kind of article where he speaks of mens rights.

posted on Oct, 2 2012 @ 05:35 PM
reply to post by Phenomium

There has certainly been an interesting back lash in the minds of some women. As if there is some kind of "dominance" swing.

We were always equal although it may not have seemed like it at times in history, thanks to people acting a god damned fool.

Besides, you came from a man and a woman. C'mon, don't be dumb.

posted on Oct, 2 2012 @ 06:01 PM
Sounds like she did a number on you.

I'm sorry, man. We all been there.

I do not, however, see how attacking PP does any good. Just because some woman broke your heart doesn't mean they should all lose the ability for affordable Cancer screenings.

Mitt Romney is not your salvation. A night out is.

posted on Oct, 2 2012 @ 07:21 PM
I don't think there should be an issue between equal rights between men and women because it should always be equal. I'm not a feminist and I do mostly hate feminists for making us look like man haters. I can tell you that I am not and all of my girl friends are against feminists because feminism has changed to women being on top and men being at the bottom. I say look into Ron Paul or Gary Johnson if you want to make a real difference, voting between either Obama or Romney is asking for trouble.

posted on Oct, 2 2012 @ 08:03 PM

posted on Oct, 2 2012 @ 08:10 PM

edit on 10/2/2012 by kosmicjack because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 2 2012 @ 08:49 PM
reply to post by ~Vixen~

"The system" can be rough and absolutely unfair.

It is only unfair to men. Women are protected. This is why you succeeded in all of your endeavors, while men with the same, sometimes even better competency , get turned down to colleges.

I've yet to encounter situations in which employment quotas were used as the basis for giving female candidates preferential treatment over their male counterparts.

This is because when the grass is greener in your pastures...nothing looks wrong. You have not noticed...because you aren't treated unfairly.

How dare you imply that all women are incompetent, backstabbing conspirators in your so called "war against men." Quit reading the trash spewed by people like Henry Makow..

Women don't conspire against men? Isn't this why they all go to the bathroom at the same time while at a restaurant or on a date? I have heard women admit this to me. Women talk about men behind their backs and even sexually seduce a man...just to make a fool out of him...How dare you for lying. I have actually witnessed this....most of my life actually. You knew when you wrote this that women conspire against men...yet you said it anyway. The very hallmark of the word Feminism is conspiracy against men and the destruction of society.


There are books that teach women how to manipulate men, sold at Amazon:
The manipulated man


A little something for the fellas protect yourself, from what is obviously my imagination according to whom I responded to

As for Henry Makow, LOL, I have never even heard of him. I will check him out now though. I have a feeling if you hate him, I will get along with him just grand.

Oh yeah, as for turning off the TV and stop reading or watching videos or any other media that you want me to stop watching that I will stop learning about you women and your dirty little just isn't going to happen.I stick to everything I say..and you changed nothing.

I may write a book myself with all of my findings...however, being a guy, I could never sell it on Amazon, because the feminist would cry their crocodile tears and it would be removed in a flash,.....and you know it! This happens all the time. Yet women can say and do anything they please and no one protests them. At least the news will never show anyone protesting women's rights. No conspiracy, my gluteus maximus. You're not talking to one of those clueless guys who support feminism....I see thorough women and their deception.

As for the prostate cancer thing, and men not wanting to shine a light on it because of embarrassment?

That makes no sense what you said. You claimed that men, upon hearing the words "Breast" giggle, in essence like children. Fair assessment, It does happen. However, if this is the case.....then why does the government and women advertise something that they know will produce this result anyway....yet not do the same for men?

Isn't it feasible to assert that women, would not be as childish as men when it comes to prostate issues? I mean this is the vibe that I am getting from your elevated moral status.

Whatever the case, embarrassing or not, men are dying all the same in numbers...even more than women and no one does anything to help or advertise. I am sure that if advertisements were out for men's prostate cancer as prevalent as those pink bows I see might just sink into the cognitive awareness of the public's consciousness and we would get used to the idea of saving men's lives the same as women.

It would become a standard part of our everyday existence, we would become conditioned NOT laugh or joke as we would be saving our lives as well.
However, you want to infer that simply because men joke about things (that they make holidays for and pink ribbons for regardless), that there is an excuse for men not getting their holiday or a blue ribbon....simply because men are afraid of anything rectal. Just ludicrous. This never stopped women from getting their support did it?

If men joke all the time about women's breast, you'd think under your reasoning that there would be no Breast Cancer holidays or attention...because women hate flaunting their breast all over society, especially when they know men are giggling. Far be it for a woman to love her body so much that she doesn't care to have attention drawn to her breasts. Yet, they still do.

I will vote for Romney to equal the playing field for men. I will suggest it to others. I will check out this Henry Makow guy (thank you), chances are I will like him
edit on 2-10-2012 by Phenomium because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 2 2012 @ 09:02 PM
reply to post by Phenomium

.however, being a guy, I could never sell it on Amazon, because the feminist would cry their crocodile tears and it would be removed in a flash,.....and you know it! This happens all the time.

Oh hush

Amazon will sell anything as long as they can legally make a buck off it. You have no idea what you are talking about.

posted on Oct, 2 2012 @ 09:05 PM

Originally posted by Em2013
I don't think there should be an issue between equal rights between men and women because it should always be equal. I'm not a feminist and I do mostly hate feminists for making us look like man haters. I can tell you that I am not and all of my girl friends are against feminists because feminism has changed to women being on top and men being at the bottom. I say look into Ron Paul or Gary Johnson if you want to make a real difference, voting between either Obama or Romney is asking for trouble.

As a member of the female species, I commend you. You did not take it personal, but admitted what is the obvious. You believe in true equal rights...this is a very laudable trait in a woman, and YOU and women like you, make all women look good. I don't hate women, I just see an imbalance... that may fall on the radars of some, as no more than a wisp of smoke...especially if nothing is going wrong in their lives as a result of government sponsored, sexual preference.

Oh yeah...Vote Romney!
edit on 2-10-2012 by Phenomium because: (no reason given)

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