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A Demon Pretended to Be an Alien

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posted on Sep, 26 2012 @ 04:29 AM

Yes I know this is mean but did anyone else LTAO when they read that.

Ah humans, if nothing else they are entertaining.

So all these "demon" encounters tend to happen to highly religious people when they're sleeping.
Huh imagine that, I wonder what the odds are.

Sir, did it ever occur to you that maybe religious people (not necessarily Christians) are prime targets for demons because of their powerful fears?

I was just curious. Thank you.

posted on Sep, 26 2012 @ 06:59 AM
reply to post by Zane Zackerly

I'd go see a doctor if I were you because you seem to have had a vivid hallucination brought on by reading the article.

It's similar to nightmares after watching a scary movie.

Please don't turn to religion as the cure, mankind is clever enough now to know there is no god. You need medical help, not fantastical help.

posted on Sep, 26 2012 @ 08:42 AM

Originally posted by Zane Zackerly

Originally posted by 14221
For all we know they may be angels and offer a better way of life than what we have here!

I believe that is exactly the attitude they will exploit in order to deceive millions.

If this is the case then in my opinion it would have already happened, but it hasn't, they are more likely closer to the angelic state than to the demonic, because we tend to be demonic/evil we project that onto others, reading the bible and going to church or believing in God does not necessarily make one a saint, good person or an angel.... yet it may help one to become that if they are intelligent, instead of pointing the finger at the sky and shouting demons, it may be wiser to get on your knees and pray to God for the understanding that we need in order to become a better citizen of this planet that God formed!

posted on Sep, 26 2012 @ 09:10 AM
reply to post by Zane Zackerly

Whitley Strieber has said that on one occasion he came into contact with an Alien that radiated pure hatred and it was based on jealousy and envy towards humanity.He reckoned the hatred was absolutely intense and he thought it was because the being was no longer able to access the physical world like us whereby all changes of self are made which will move our species on to a higher level.
The Alien had been on a World where they had become extinct before the species could fulfill it's potential and was now stuck for eternity in a hellish lower level.

posted on Sep, 26 2012 @ 09:16 AM

Originally posted by sophieann
reply to post by Zane Zackerly

I do have another question though. When this happened to you, did you have any pets? Cats? if so was it in the room with you asleep or reacting in anyway? I am convinced my cats protect me.

My family always had dogs and cats, but I don't remember which at the time.

posted on Sep, 26 2012 @ 09:17 AM

Originally posted by TDawgRex
reply to post by Zane Zackerly

I have to ask.

If you felt threatened, why did you not fight back?

Even if it meant your own death.

Isn't that what a fight to the death is about?

In my opinion, you just lost a battle, are you prepared to fight the war?

I was paralyzed with fear. It's comparable to if a python has you in its grip, you know you cannot escape.

posted on Sep, 26 2012 @ 09:32 AM
reply to post by Zane Zackerly

while it's unfortunate that you had to experience that, i thank you for sharing. long ago i believed in aliens and i thought it was common-sense to do so, and that aliens were well... cool. fast foward a million trillion zillion thoughts later and i realized that if there was God... how could there be "aliens"? I cannot say God did not create other beings, planets, universes... this i do not know, but if God has power over all dominions, then I don't think aliens would be visiting us. enter the demon/alien theory and my quandry was addressed. it is known (or believed) that demons regularly visit and tempt us, as does satan, who can take different forms. what better way is there to decieve? with so many "new-agers" and "channelers" and unexplained phenomena- not to mention the rather obvious masonic-satanic-elite world government, i do believe this is just another way to "herd" the "sheeple" and to hide the truth. when the blame or phenomena get shifted to or explained by aliens, the idea of "demons" or "satan" becomes... well, ludicrous (go figure). true or not, believe it or not, it is an interesting idea with many implications.

posted on Sep, 26 2012 @ 09:57 AM

So when I am finally able to start my own thread I will post these photos. They will blow your mind!

Bravo to OP- and my pictures would be great addition to your post!

posted on Sep, 26 2012 @ 10:09 AM

Originally posted by Wheresourights
Bravo to OP- and my pictures would be great addition to your post!

Bring it on....

posted on Sep, 26 2012 @ 10:16 AM
reply to post by Zane Zackerly

I think our own personal beliefs and fears filter our experiences. Even if, on a surface level, you scoffed at the idea, somewhere in you it made an impression. Personally, I think the whole of religion is a lie. Especially the idea of demons and a devil. It is rule by fear.

posted on Sep, 26 2012 @ 10:23 AM

Originally posted by autowrench
reply to post by defrost

Have any of you looked into the original meaning of the word, which is Greek? It means "Inner Self," or Inner Spirit." It does not mean little read guys with pitchforks trying to steal human souls. That part was made up by your masters in the Vatican City, to scare you into compliance. Still works, I see.
Blindly attaching a Christian name to everything you do not understand is not the way to make friends and influence people. You never know when you may be standing next to an Alien, or even speaking to one. And you have no way of knowing of your Jesus is really what you think, of if the holy spirit you all talk about is a Demon. No one have proved anything concerning Jesus, Satan, or Demons. I think the Holy Roman Church made them all up.

In fact I am atheist/agnostic (although I grew up in an evangelic household). And as stated I see more the symbolic meaning beyond, therefore I share your opinion ("Inner Self", egoistic impulses which are doomed by some groups, true self). I see the "demon"-dream as a sign of autonomy and self-unfolding than anything else. The mentioned UFO-dream was another one and just thrown in because I wonder why I dream of such "representatives". (And my Aliens were in fact Aliens. And not hostile.)

posted on Sep, 26 2012 @ 11:00 AM
The word "demon" jades the discussion, at least for me, because it implies a "biblical" context and explanation of the OP's experience.

Just because the entity at the window isn't an "alien," it doesn't follow that it therefore must be a "demon" in the biblical sense.

There are, reportedly, 3D physical aliens, as well as higher dimensional non-physical aliens. Some are good, some are malevolent, just like humans.

An equally reasonable answer is that the OP was being harassed by a higher dimensional malevolent alien. Or, the OP was on meds, and having a lucid dream. Or, the OP made the story up. Not saying he did, how would I know, just saying that fabricating the story is a possibility.

Plus, it's not an either-or proposition. Even if there are "demons," in the biblical sense, it doesn't mean there aren't 3D or higher dimensional aliens, too. Both could be true, from a biblical point of view, at the same time. One doesn't necessarily preclude the other.

Personally, I have no idea what, if anything, was lurking at the OP's window, but I think an alien presence is plausible, and that Bronze Age Abrahamic religion has done enough to screw up this planet and ought to be ignored.

posted on Sep, 26 2012 @ 11:12 AM
All of this sounds like sleep-paralysis which is a state of semi-sleep where your concience is back but still unable to control the body, everything seems to fit :

- Paralysis.
- Unnown identity appearing while you're in your bed (induced by your mind which is still half-dreaming, see the post about the "demon" appearing has a pile of clothes with the form of a tiny elephant).
- Feeling of fear or weakness (same as above, caused by te fact that your brain is sending the information that he has no control over your body).
- Always the same story, althrough the identity is never the same.
- Sometimes you can feel pain because your body is sending signals to wake you up (have you ever tried to stay in the same position for a while without doing anything, you'll feel the urge to scratch your leg or some other parts of your body because its trying to know if you're about to sleep or not).

That's the whole paradox, sometimes our mind is great enough to trick itself.

edit on 26-9-2012 by BobbyTarass because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 26 2012 @ 11:13 AM

Originally posted by MeTarzan
The word "demon" jades the discussion, at least for me, because it implies a "biblical" context and explanation of the OP's experience.

Just because the entity at the window isn't an "alien," it doesn't follow that it therefore must be a "demon" in the biblical sense.

There are, reportedly, 3D physical aliens, as well as higher dimensional non-physical aliens. Some are good, some are malevolent, just like humans.

An equally reasonable answer is that the OP was being harassed by a higher dimensional malevolent alien. Or, the OP was on meds, and having a lucid dream. Or, the OP made the story up. Not saying he did, how would I know, just saying that fabricating the story is a possibility.

I used the word demon for lack of a better term. A more descriptive term might have been "Hellbringer".

I was around 14-ish in age, so I was in perfect health. No meds. No mental illness. I was wide awake and had not even had a chance to fall asleep when it happened.

I can't prove that I'm not making it up, but I don't see what I would have had to gain.

I'm here under a screen name, so I'm obviously not going to become famous for it. This thread is not going to lead to me making money from it somehow.

To top it off, these threads tend to be a pain in the butt because you always get a crapload of replies on how the incident didn't happen, or there is no God, no demons, the aliens are good, etc.

So the only thing left is that this really happened and I reluctantly post it so the information gets out.

posted on Sep, 26 2012 @ 11:32 AM

Originally posted by autowrench
reply to post by Zane Zackerly

I could sense the resentment toward something at the heart of many of your posts.

Yes, I will admit there is resentment towards the Church of Christianity, and on Christians in general, and I have some very good reasons. I was treated like an alien as a child by my Mother, a devout Christian, and her Church. I was ordered out, and told never to return for reading the Bible and having questions. So, I decided to look into them, and I found out a lot of things that most Christians do not know, and their preacher will never tell them.
I have posted what I found out about the King James and New Testament in these forums, and have talked to many educated people who agree with me that the Christian religions is so far for the truth they profess, it is terrible. I do not mean harm, only to get people such as yourself to look deeper into your religion and your book. And into the ET Beings that are interacting with some humans. Instead of just believing your eyes, look deeper, friend.

Not all of us are like your mother and not all of us wish to condemn you and it is not our place to do so. Church was never to have people who are greater than the other but rather be as a family, no popes, bishops, arch deacons but everyone the same and I feel that every church is divided and that's what we were warned about.

You have much hate in you and I know you have to vent on someone or something some times and I do understand where you are coming from because I too felt the pain of being on the outside looking in and wanting disprove everything they believed in.

Many of the things you feel, I have felt also and I have not opened a conversation with things other people can't see and I don't intend 2. They try but I could feel the hate they have for me and try to hide it and so I ignore them but you have been conditioned since you where a child and they came to you than, the watchers as I like to call them.

My son would just stop what he was doing and stare down the hall and my wife was not aware of anything, what he would see was black and he would always say he was afraid and told him not to be afraid cause that's what they feed off. I also told him to give God and Jesus a try and thy never bothered him since he brought god into his life and mine. They anger you feel towards the Christian crowd is the watchers feeding you that hate and it's the Holy Spirit that you hate to be around because of the untrust you have for the believers.

As for ET coming to this planet from distances unheard of, that would probably kill them off before they even get here by disease or some other means. Inter dimentional beings are another being all together in itself and that's who are the demons or fallen angels, sons and daughters of the watchers even. But that is just my opinion.
edit on 26-9-2012 by WarriorOfLight96 because: (no reason given)

edit on 26-9-2012 by WarriorOfLight96 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 26 2012 @ 12:13 PM
I have read somewhere that there are two alien races 'visiting' the earth...and that those coming from Sirius are the demons. don't know till what degree that can be true, but, according to many many things that are going wrong or are 'just not right', we are indeed up for something big. I've got a bad feeling about 'we're going to need a new planet' kind of bad feeling...its just not right.

posted on Sep, 26 2012 @ 12:13 PM
reply to post by GafferUK1981

Originally posted by GafferUK1981
I'd go see a doctor if I were you... Please don't turn to religion as the cure...

Oh yeah, that really makes a LOT of sense...

Put all your trust in the the church of modern medicine's medical inquisition instead of "religion". Fortunately the OP has more than enough sense to ignore this comment.

For those that still believe what MSM tells you:

There's no more dangerous activity than walking into a (witch) doctor's office... because modern medicine is neither an art nor a science, it's a religion

I do not believe in Modern Medicine
The medical industry is no longer to be trusted
Why Pharmaceutical Drugs Do Not Work
Everything is backwards; Doctors destroy health
I will NEVER trust another Doctor even if my LIFE depends on it...

edit on 26-9-2012 by Murgatroid because: Added link

posted on Sep, 26 2012 @ 12:26 PM
I thought we are all done with this, after we shut down on another un-named member who attempted to convince that all aliens are demons. Anyone remember?
Homer (Greek Writer) used the term demons and gods more or less interchangeably. Demons were thought of as intermediaries between men and gods. Religious leaders and their members have always associated UFOs with Angels and Demons. Even Billy Graham thought that perhaps UFOs could be Angels. The reason? If it were proved beyond doubt that there was human like life on other planets, it would negate the Bible, and prove religious people wrong in that humans on Earth are the only life in the Universe.
Now for word origins:

The words dæmon and daimôn are Latinized spellings of the Greek "δαίμων", a reference to the daemons of ancient Greek religion and mythology, as well as later Hellenistic religion and philosophy.

In Plato's Symposium, the priestess Diotima teaches Socrates that love is not a god, but rather a "great daemon" (202d). She goes on to explain that "everything daemonic is between divine and mortal" (202d-e), and she describes daemons as "interpreting and transporting human things to the gods and divine things to men; entreaties and sacrifices from below, and ordinances and requitals from above..." (202e). In Plato's Apology of Socrates, Socrates claimed to have a daimonion (literally, a "divine something")[9] that frequently warned him - in the form of a "voice" - against mistakes but never told him what to do.[10] However, the Platonic Socrates never refers to the daimonion as a daimōn; it was always an impersonal "something" or "sign".
Wiki Source

"Demons" are mythical beings, and it seems that religious people take them to heart as real, physical beings that can do harm to them.

In Scripture and in Catholic theology this word has come to mean much the same as devil and enotes one of the evil spirits or fallen angels

Demon (Greek daimon and daimonion; Lat. damonium).—In Scripture and in Catholic theology this word has come to mean much the same as devil and enotes one of the evil spirits or fallen angels (see Evil). And in fact in some places in the New Testament where the Vulgate, in agreement with the reek, has daemonium, our vernacular versions read devil. The precise distinction between the two terms in ecclesiastical usage may be seen in the phrase used in the decree of the Fourth Lateran Council: "Diabolus enim et alii daemones" (The devil and the other demons), i.e. all are demons, and the chief of the demons is called the devil. This distinction is observed in the Vulgate New Testament, where diabolus represents the Greek diabolos, and in almost every instance refers to Satan himself, while his subordinate angels are described, in accordance with the Greek, as daemones or daemonia.

We have a curious instance of the confusion caused by the ambiguity and variations in the meaning of the word, in the case of the celebrated "Daemon" of Socrates. This has been understood in a bad sense by some Christian writers who have made it a matter of reproach that the great Greek philosopher was accompanied and prompted by a demon. But, as Cardinal Manning clearly shows in his paper on the subject, the word here has a very different meaning. He points to the fact that both Plato and Xenophon use the form daimonion, which Cicero rightly renders as divinum aliquid, "something divine". And after a close examination of the account of the matter given by Socrates himself in the reports transmitted by his disciples, he concludes that the promptings of the "Daemon" were the dictates of conscience, which is the voice of God.

Catholic Encyclopedia

So there it is, modern Christian writers took the origianl Greek meaning and gave it another meaning and attributes, and then convinced everyone to believe it. This is the way of the mind controlling religious leaders, create an enemy of the God so powerful, and with so many soldiers that one must go to church, must pay money to the Church, (read that, "Money to God") and must be "saved" or else the demons will get them possess them, hurt them, drag them to Hell, and by the way, these demons also pose as Ghosts, for every Christian knows there is nothing after death except judgement on a given day, so Ghosts are automatically a demon.

Christians are living in the Dark Ages still, it seems. Still believing what the Catholic Church has been shoving down their throats for many years now, and some just cannot see through it. I would say if one went to a clinical psychiatrist and began talking about seeing demons, that person would very quickly be labelled as mentally ill, and delusional. I can say unequivocally that what you all term as "aliens" cannot be classified under one all inclusive banner.

posted on Sep, 26 2012 @ 12:30 PM

Originally posted by morganguy

Originally posted by spacemanjupiter
There is a relatively good amount of evidence in comparison, for the existence of typical ETs or inter dimensional people that people like to label as demons.

Where is all of this evidence?

Unlike Mr. "ET", Mr. Google can be VERY helpful...


posted on Sep, 26 2012 @ 12:45 PM

Originally posted by autowrench
Christians are living in the Dark Ages still, it seems. Still believing what the Catholic Church has been shoving down their throats for many years now, and some just cannot see through it. I would say if one went to a clinical psychiatrist and began talking about seeing demons, that person would very quickly be labelled as mentally ill, and delusional. I can say unequivocally that what you all term as "aliens" cannot be classified under one all inclusive banner.

And all of that gobbledygook has been the point of all your posts: to disprove Christianity and spam the readers with your intellectual prowess.

Fortunately, most people have enough sense to know that there really is something beyond the scientific rigidity of reproduceable experimentation.

Meanwhile please spare us the obvious hatred for Christians drippng from your posts.

"I thought we had covered this already."

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