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Get ready to find yourself in a whirlwind of other worldly activity

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posted on Aug, 26 2012 @ 11:48 AM
And how do you know this? Did they talk to you said were freindly? Could be, and it is time for change! What if our time is up, say like the dino's for a new form of life? Anyone even concider they evolved, that life is something different then what we think?

Now it 2012, sort of like 1999 we just added more things to a list that either happens or not. People if you can't handle it, do yourself and PLEASE leave everyone alone! No balls so you have to create a seen so somebody can do it for you! Better to grow up and seek HELP. I'm in HELL so whats the problem?

Its like this, we send out a probe for new life; to say HELLO, either they heard or we pissed them off by shooting them down. I say it would be very interesting if by chance they landed. Sad part is people will be going crazy, killings, just plain nuts! Relig would fall apart, sure they just might have their OWN even concider that?

Maybe I'm mad since I haven't been TAKEN, but I will tell you what. If they are bad ones I'm STEALING a ship and getting the hell out of here! Anyone with me?

posted on Aug, 26 2012 @ 11:49 AM
reply to post by Screwed

Wow, I am having the exact same experience, nearly word for word. I cant stress enough that I feel and felt the exact way that you do. I'm sure you've researched this page and subject to death like I have. But here is a link to a page where I shared my 11:11 experience, it is 'word for word' what you just typed and the same feelings I experienced. This is not a coincidence.

My name is Travis/Seattle, go to new 11:11 experiences. We are all in this together.

If the link doesn't work the page is at .dimension1111 dot com

posted on Aug, 26 2012 @ 11:55 AM

Originally posted by ImNotHuman
The ringing of the ears thing ive experienced for years now. since i was young i remember thinking to my self how come silence has a ring to it. is this the same thing? or am i talking about something else?

You are the first I've ever heard describe it this way, I can relate to it. Silence, yes complete silence has a ring/hum to it, interesting.

posted on Aug, 26 2012 @ 11:59 AM
reply to post by multidimesonalism

Our galactic brothers and sisters have arrived just in the nick of time to liberate us from the clutches of the dark ones.

That's nice.

You must be referring to my Professors.

By my calendar the only thing that is going to be happening on the 21st/22nd of December 2012 is ...


Will my galactic brothers and sisters be able to help me with Spanish?


P.S. Since this is ATS and all, I went to check schedules from across the country in order to be more accurate in my predictions.

By December 2012 we will all actually be wrapping up final papers and preparing for Final Exams.

I can guarantee you all that no force in the universe will be able to stop this impending scholastic doom.

Prepare yourselves while you are still able.

X again.
edit on 26-8-2012 by Xoanon because:

posted on Aug, 26 2012 @ 12:03 PM
reply to post by RustyNailer

Yeah well, alot of people are and have been for some time now.
I have heard the thoughts and theories about what it is and what it means I just find it all the
more infuriating because there is NO WAY ANY of it can be even remotely proven.

As I said before, If someone is trying to tell me something then there sure is a hell of alot better way of doing it.

As I also said, It is happening with such frequency now that it can no longer be swept aside and ignored but at the same time I can't DO anything with it either......other than just laugh like an insane man which is pretty creepy when you're in the frozen food section of the supermarket and just start randomly laughing out loud and shaking your fists at the air above you.

Anyway, Higher soul schmire schmole.
If it has something to say to me, I'm right here.
I speak English and it knows this. It is after all.....HIGHER than me.

posted on Aug, 26 2012 @ 12:07 PM

Originally posted by RustyNailer
reply to post by Screwed

Wow, I am having the exact same experience, nearly word for word. I cant stress enough that I feel and felt the exact way that you do. I'm sure you've researched this page and subject to death like I have. But here is a link to a page where I shared my 11:11 experience, it is 'word for word' what you just typed and the same feelings I experienced. This is not a coincidence.

My name is Travis/Seattle, go to new 11:11 experiences. We are all in this together.

If the link doesn't work the page is at .dimension1111 dot com

Did you have a timeslip?

posted on Aug, 26 2012 @ 12:09 PM
reply to post by multidimesonalism

All I can say is WOW, I normally just skim over these post but today i actually decided to read one and I'm impressed, but I have a few questions OP and you did say in your post you would answer all questions because you have the knowledge to.

Number one if the Earth is hollow why haven't all these huge mining operations all around the earth fallen into it. are they just extra careful with how far they dig down?

If pressure becomes greater the further you enter the earth how do these people live inside the earth?
volcanoes??? where's the lava stored at.

where do these people walk is the earth just a hollow sphere and they walk upside down right underneath, if so how does gravity work? Is there a sphere within a sphere what is it suspended from? do they live in tunnels,

what light source do they use, how do they grow food? do they have just one government or are they like us having different countries?

why hasn't there ever been a cave in revealing these people?

if all of this is as simple as just crossing through a certain section of the universe and the Argathans have been so desperate to connect with us and they and the pleadin's and all the other races have the ability to travel such immense distances, why haven't there just flown us there prior to now to enlighten us so we can all meet?

the pleadin's, why do they love unconditionally have they just been trained to or is it a genetic thing? because unconditional love is not a natural state on earth. Do they love the reptilians and the illuminate unconditionally?

how far does telepathic communication work can I talk to someone on the other side of the earth or even universe how long does it take to transmit and receive messages. what form of energy does telepathic communication use, will I become tired or weak after using it. Can the reptilians read our minds right now since they have been around for so long and have no doubt been able to go through the enlightenment?

If the universe is centered around a sun, and planets slowly move away from suns due to decay is the universe slowly falling apart? If the enlightenment is based off this giant suns energy, then as the sun decays does the ability for the enlightenment become harder to occur? when the giant sun dies how will new races become enlightened ?

do you think you might just have tinnitus?

posted on Aug, 26 2012 @ 12:10 PM

Originally posted by Destinyone
Great...another fruit loop thread, with a youtube video to make it real.....


Real classy.

posted on Aug, 26 2012 @ 12:12 PM

Originally posted by Screwed

Originally posted by Destinyone
Great...another fruit loop thread, with a youtube video to make it real.....


Real classy.

I wasn't shooting for classy....just honesty....


posted on Aug, 26 2012 @ 12:13 PM

Originally posted by bigcountry08
reply to post by multidimesonalism

All I can say is WOW, I normally just skim over these post but today i actually decided to read one and I'm impressed, but I have a few questions OP and you did say in your post you would answer all questions because you have the knowledge to.

Number one if the Earth is hollow why haven't all these huge mining operations all around the earth fallen into it. are they just extra careful with how far they dig down?

If pressure becomes greater the further you enter the earth how do these people live inside the earth?
volcanoes??? where's the lava stored at.

where do these people walk is the earth just a hollow sphere and they walk upside down right underneath, if so how does gravity work? Is there a sphere within a sphere what is it suspended from? do they live in tunnels,

what light source do they use, how do they grow food? do they have just one government or are they like us having different countries?

why hasn't there ever been a cave in revealing these people?

if all of this is as simple as just crossing through a certain section of the universe and the Argathans have been so desperate to connect with us and they and the pleadin's and all the other races have the ability to travel such immense distances, why haven't there just flown us there prior to now to enlighten us so we can all meet?

the pleadin's, why do they love unconditionally have they just been trained to or is it a genetic thing? because unconditional love is not a natural state on earth. Do they love the reptilians and the illuminate unconditionally?

how far does telepathic communication work can I talk to someone on the other side of the earth or even universe how long does it take to transmit and receive messages. what form of energy does telepathic communication use, will I become tired or weak after using it. Can the reptilians read our minds right now since they have been around for so long and have no doubt been able to go through the enlightenment?

If the universe is centered around a sun, and planets slowly move away from suns due to decay is the universe slowly falling apart? If the enlightenment is based off this giant suns energy, then as the sun decays does the ability for the enlightenment become harder to occur? when the giant sun dies how will new races become enlightened ?

do you think you might just have tinnitus?

%100 agree!,

posted on Aug, 26 2012 @ 12:17 PM
I stopped reading this when you started spewing bs about the dark rift. This alignment already occured several years ago and we are moving further and further away from it every day. The alignment will not occur for thousands of years now. Why did nothing happen when the alignment occured? why do people keep spewing bs about it when it already happened and nothing came of it? Why would we be exposed to energy because of an alignment? Its in visual range therefore weve always received this energy. Wheres the central sun, i thought it was a black hole?

Why would i believe aliens are here to help us, if they were why are they hiding from us? Wtf? And how do you know the argathans didnt sell a few of their craft to the andromedans? Maybe we just see ufos because the argathans are running an interstellar space craft dealership?

posted on Aug, 26 2012 @ 12:31 PM
reply to post by phroziac

Hey nice post, man.

I understand the amount of reading it requires to be that loose with the material. You oughta take that show on the road.


posted on Aug, 26 2012 @ 12:37 PM

Originally posted by Destinyone

Originally posted by Screwed

Originally posted by Destinyone
Great...another fruit loop thread, with a youtube video to make it real.....


Real classy.

I wasn't shooting for classy....just honesty....


actually you were just putting someone else down in order to make yourself look and seem better than them..

in any case i think it's cool that someone would share their point of view in light of the ridicule possibility and i enjoyed the read.

posted on Aug, 26 2012 @ 12:44 PM

Originally posted by phroziac
I stopped reading this when you started spewing bs about the dark rift. This alignment already occured several years ago and we are moving further and further away from it every day. The alignment will not occur for thousands of years now. Why did nothing happen when the alignment occured? why do people keep spewing bs about it when it already happened and nothing came of it? Why would we be exposed to energy because of an alignment? Its in visual range therefore weve always received this energy. Wheres the central sun, i thought it was a black hole?

Why would i believe aliens are here to help us, if they were why are they hiding from us? Wtf? And how do you know the argathans didnt sell a few of their craft to the andromedans? Maybe we just see ufos because the argathans are running an interstellar space craft dealership?

I have a question and I'm not sure if I'm asking the right person but here goes:

The dark rift is in the galaxy andromeda afaik so it would be virtually impossible for us to be traversing TOWARDS IT as the universe is expanding. Correct?
So with this knowledge, have we calculated the offset created as we move away from the "black hole" at our galaxies center? We have measured that the moon is slowly creeping away so i have to ask./.

I have so many other questins but i don't know who to ask. scramjet what? why are we still
on earth?

edit on 26-8-2012 by HamrHeed because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 26 2012 @ 12:46 PM
reply to post by HamrHeed

Not sure what that really means, but I stay in the moment if thats what you're asking. But there is a strange feeling/sensation I get when I am prompted to see 11:11 on the clock. It feels like its very important that I saw it each time that it appears. I really just wish I knew what it really means.

posted on Aug, 26 2012 @ 12:51 PM
reply to post by Screwed

Thats what gets me too, it's all conjecture. As no one has a clue what it really means. The one thing that really blew my mind was that people were and are sharing this exact experience, how can that be?? I really thought I was slipping or going nuts when I had no idea this was happening to others. What ever it is, we are in it together.

Like you said earlier: Just F'ing tell me already! I can handle it.

posted on Aug, 26 2012 @ 01:14 PM
reply to post by HamrHeed

Im no expert, but i thought it was in our galaxy. And we can go towards things, things can move faster than the expansion of space,....However, the claims are supposed to be of an alignment. This has essentially gone through the rumour mill and been changed to make it sound like we are actually going into it. which is impossible, if we were that close to it wed have basically been in it when we were born.

But the alignment happened a couple years ago. We are moving farther out of alignment.

I do have to say though, i dont think aliens are here to harm us....just not to help either...

posted on Aug, 26 2012 @ 01:20 PM

Originally posted by RustyNailer
reply to post by HamrHeed

Not sure what that really means, but I stay in the moment if thats what you're asking. But there is a strange feeling/sensation I get when I am prompted to see 11:11 on the clock. It feels like its very important that I saw it each time that it appears. I really just wish I knew what it really means.

I know which phenmenon you're referring to ( seeing certain digits) but I don't think theres a connection to "time slips"
I have only experienced it 1 time and I didn't tell anyone for fear of being labeled. I lost 4 hrs of time, somehow.

posted on Aug, 26 2012 @ 01:20 PM

Originally posted by pebbles123
Well I for one hope something happens soon, and although I don't know what is going to happen I did see a cigar shaped ufo when I was 12 years old, I was walking with my sister down this street and opposite was a playing field and an old man was walking with his bike along a pathway, above his head in the sky but quite low down was a cigar shaped ufo, it was close enough that I remember seeing windows or portholes, after a few minutes it shot away, the little old man never did look up even though it was hovering above him, but it didn't make a sound, so I have no doubt in my mind that they exist.
I have also found this year people acting so strangly, kind of a little bit insane, family and friends doing so many things that are not in line with what they are normally like, I really feel something is in the air.......

Yes and isn't that strange? We share a similar experience when it comes to friends and family. Was there anything particularly wierd ocurring the week after august 8th? There was a particular rise in energy centered around then and is beginning to climax now.

I've never actually seen a cigar ufo but I bet it would of been something you remember forever.

posted on Aug, 26 2012 @ 01:21 PM
Loved your Post. I thought you did a great job at explaining things and it resonates with what I have felt/observed as well. You mentioned that you were open to receiving questions, etc and that you had more information you'd be willing to share. Would you be willing to private message me?



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