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Bashar Telepathy DEBUNKED

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posted on Jan, 24 2014 @ 06:00 PM
This guy doesn't even add a new element to an old con. Its the same techniques used by charlatans in the early 20th century.

All his videos are good for, is a good laugh. Anyone pathetic enough to believe that horse---- needs to quit. Just flat out quit, because they've lost the game of life.

posted on Jan, 25 2014 @ 01:42 AM
reply to post by FlySolo

well....this keeps me from completely dismissing Bashar a hoax.... &
I know there are better examples though, to be fair...The Chinese? Magician/Illusionist....

posted on Jan, 25 2014 @ 02:02 AM
reply to post by StormyStars


Maybe you should take 13 minutes and watch this. Especially at the 5 min mark

posted on Jan, 25 2014 @ 05:56 AM
oh my god..typical tactic: discredit something real by showing an obvious lie.

No uri Geller is fake..

but thx..

posted on Jan, 25 2014 @ 06:43 AM
reply to post by kauskau

No uri Geller is fake..

And what makes Mr. Anka any more credible than Uri Gellar?

posted on Jan, 25 2014 @ 12:16 PM
reply to post by tsurfer2000h

darryl? well i dont know...but the difference between bashar and uri g. is is that bashar is not from planet earth

posted on Jan, 26 2014 @ 11:56 AM
reply to post by kauskau

If we look far back enough, all of us are extraterrestrial and life possibly may not even be from earth, we just don't know.
And Uri Geller isn't a fake in my mind, he is an illusionist and magician - like Chris Angel but not as good
Not that I hate Geller, but he's just another fake psychic (illusionist really) and Bashar is more like a life coach in a way. I'm not defending Darryl, but watching his videos for free isn't a bad deal even if his reputation is suspect.

posted on Jan, 26 2014 @ 12:04 PM
reply to post by kauskau

darryl? well i dont know...but the difference between bashar and uri g. is is that bashar is not from planet earth

And you can provide proof of this, because with him being the made up alien from Mr. Anka one has to wonder.

posted on Jan, 27 2014 @ 04:49 AM
reply to post by tsurfer2000h

Well no at this stage proof is not given. YOu and me are switching through totally different universes right now...and now you decide which future line you will "perceive"...

This is all a big holographic game...And "they" know that we are just playing games by forgetting that we already know that "ET" exist.. In a sense while connecting to them we are connection to our higher mind...

We are just beginning..2014 is about integration. Its not about "impatience"..

edit on 27-1-2014 by kauskau because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 27 2014 @ 04:52 AM
What you can expect if you stay open in the next 10 me a favor..just watch this video. You dont have to believe it.
There is no proof in it. I want you to watch it because there is something in you which is open for this "possibilty"..And it is enough for you to KNOW that this could be real what he says here. You don´t have to believe it totally. Its a "threshold" thing-> Why do you think there is a war over your thoughts. ...

edit on 27-1-2014 by kauskau because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 26 2014 @ 07:24 AM
reply to post by miniatus

Science has proven quantum nonlocality and quantum consciousness via experiments by showing that the signals of two human brains can synchronize, even when one of the two people is sequestered inside a Faraday cage, which is impervious to electro-magnetic signals. Read what quantum physicist, Dr. Amit Goswami, wrote about one of the quantum nonlocality experiments:

“Quantum objects are able to influence one another instantly, once they interact and become correlated through quantum nonlocality…

“Grinberg, in 1993, was trying to demonstrate quantum nonlocality for two correlated brains. Two people meditate together with the intention of direct (signalless, nonlocal) communication. After twenty minutes, they are separated (while still continuing their unifying intention), placed in individual Faraday cages (electromagnetically impervious chambers), and each brain is wired up to an electroencephalogram (EEG) machine. One subject is shown a series of light flashes producing in his or her brain an electrical activity that is recorded in the EEG machine from which an “evoked potential” is extracted with the help of a computer upon subtracting the brain noise. The evoked potential is somehow found to be transferred to the other subject’s brain onto the EEG of this subject that gives (upon subtraction of noise) a transferred potential (similar to the evoked potential in phase and strength)

posted on Mar, 26 2014 @ 08:55 AM
I agree this guy is a fraud but just wanted to point out that channeling is not the same as telepathy.

Channeling usually involves invoking a spirit, allowing a spirit control over yourself either through automatic writing or by giving permission to input thoughts or take control over your voice or actions.

As for telepathy there may be different forms of it eg. visual, auditory, tactile/sensual and verbal telepathy may only work if you personally know what language is being spoken.

edit on 26-3-2014 by Eonnn because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 26 2014 @ 09:03 AM
reply to post by Eonnn

the same rules apply for telepathy as for channeling: it can only be translated what is "known" in the system. Only the languages the "medium" speaks can be used. Sometimes they give words in their own language. But they always take that path of least resistance. Means: if they want to communicate in japanese, they will communicate through a japanese medium (as Bashar has done in the past)

posted on Mar, 26 2014 @ 09:14 AM
When it comes to frauding/hoaxing, and banning subjects. it infuriates me. It makes go out of my way to stand up for the subject and find the good in it, to sift through what is there and emphasize the good, because the whole concept of having a closed mind, slamming a door shut, trying to force everyone else to do this IS EVIL. And censorship IS EVIL.

So now I have to say, think the guy has a wonderful and interesting career, and hopefully manages to open a few minds.

posted on Mar, 26 2014 @ 09:25 AM
The parapsychological definition of telepathy is false. Telepathy is communicated in emotions and symbols, not in language.

posted on Mar, 26 2014 @ 09:35 AM
Telepathy, when it occurs, in human form, is very hard to define, but its not limited. In other words, once you try to define something that is an extra sense, and soul skill, it would reorganize. I recall a short term experiment, with the kids, and my son pictured a color. Saw a flash of yellow so said yellow, but it was rapid and you couldn't second guess it. And only accurate a few times.

When you are in communication, its energy that your human mind, the computer with the software, organizes into concepts, relative to downloads, even inner hearing, ie voice timbre, and uniqueness can be experienced, sentences.

We're lacking the skills here. But kept reading bits and pieces where Sleeper/Lou Baldin would say, that we have so much more mind ability, that is not used. And considering that he is rather conservative in his beliefs and recommendations regarding meditation, found that interesting. Also, that we are 1000 X more than superman. Though Spirit interfacing in soul form/body form, we're not using the hardware, we're not developing its use.

Want to add this. There is a vast difference between our using the gifts, ie, ourselves as "sender", versus, receiving the message, ie ourselves as "receiver". ET and Entities, if they wish to communicate can give you very detailed messages, and reorganize the brain program so you see/hear/experience whatever is arranged.

They're basically reorganizing your software, or coding the energy package in such a way that your software interprets it. Metaphorically, if the program is a room furnished a certain way, they refurnish the room, and reorganize it, without your permission and without you knowing.

Channeling again, the way its understood, allowing an entity in your space, and using your body and skills, to me is very dangerous. Especially if permissions are given like that.

However there are other ways to use the word channeling. you could be channeling your own knowledge, your subconscious.
edit on 26-3-2014 by Unity_99 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 26 2014 @ 09:56 AM
Your soul/body is like a creational gift, that has superman abilities, that is so much more than we use it for, we're not taking advantage of the hardware, or developing/training the software, to dig into the huge storehouse of abilities. I had a flash on what he possibly meant. But then he should be mentioning meditation alto more.

Mind you in one lifetime, you wouldn't be able to. Also I've been shown something else about this world. Was shown that most people never even have a chance to use a few basic talents, ie grow their counseling, or teaching skills, or art, or communication, they're shoved into scarsity models, treated as fodder, and basically are waiting for this to be over.

I've been shown that the next level is where many people develop and learn and grow their gifts, and there is time to do it.
That by comparison, this is just short practicums.
edit on 26-3-2014 by Unity_99 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 26 2014 @ 09:58 AM
reply to post by Unity_99

...the force that apparently wants the evil, but creates the good..

or: Spiraling through expansion in an ever climbing circular sine wave..

posted on Mar, 26 2014 @ 10:06 AM
"However there are other ways to use the word channeling. you could be channeling your own knowledge, your subconscious"

in a way we are always channeling..

We termed it "para-normal" and gave it a word because of our outdated concept of our brain..

Mass consciousness still has the belief that thoughts are born in the brain..while its just an antenna/receiver/perceiver and focus mechanism on certain quasi-physical vibrations..which are independent from the brain..

Means: your brain does not CREATE any thoughts..

Its just something which science already begins to understand...There is no "thinker" in the brain and there are not really "thoughts" in the brain...

thats why sometimes telempathy can happen when to people are in the same feeling ..because they are on the same frequency.

Thats why loved ones can "read their minds" actual fact: they dont read their minds , they are just experiencing the same potential of thoughts which are just "quantum states of possibilty".

As we expand our consciousness. More and more information will be available.

Its just our limiting believes and the constant chattering of the mind which "limits" this ability. SO: become still and the answers that fit into your desire will come.

But as i specifically was told to not speak about channeling and not even speak about not being allowed to speak about (i got postbanned for some time) i dont´know..if this already falls into the "grey zone"...but i guess not.

As i am just speaking about the brain.

So relax mods...

But is this is also not allowed. Let me know.

posted on Mar, 26 2014 @ 10:39 AM

reply to post by Unity_99

...the force that apparently wants the evil, but creates the good..

or: Spiraling through expansion in an ever climbing circular sine wave..

Don't understand the part about the force that wants the evil....Basically, there is no way Love puts on a dark hat and hurls weapons at people to make them grow. Love is not a word, but a concept/action: (it should be a verb but many are in cages unable to contribute as they wish): Humble of Heart, yet Empowering Others and Self with Self Esteem; Freedom; Equality; Forgiveness, Lending a Helping Hand, Caring, Compassion, Sharing, Giving, Problem Solving, Striving to Overcome Anger, Mildness, and alot more.

When you are like this, you can't put on a dearth vader hat and burn babies to Molloch, but claim its all love and to help others progress.

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