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The Best John Kerry Ad! Bush is in trouble now!

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posted on Oct, 9 2004 @ 07:38 PM

[edit on 9-10-2004 by edsinger]

posted on Oct, 9 2004 @ 07:58 PM
Well it sounds like Kerry's the man no matter what position you have, Kerry has agreed with it. against the Iraq war or for it, against spending 87 billion on troops in Iraq or for spending as much as it takes to fund troops in Iraq, Kerry is for it.

If Kerry had been president, you can be sure that Sadam Hussein would be a very powerful man today. Kerry was against sending troops to Iraq during the first Persian Gulf War. This is really taking a stand on the issues isn't it? No, it's just wishy washy. Saying and doing whatever the public wants to try to get elected. If elected Kerry can then proceed to be popular with the UN and with France and Germany by doing whatever they want us to do also.

and here's a joke
We may be actually living in the land of Oz with I forget the characters names. One candidate could say if only I had a brain and the other could say if only I had a heart. Just joking guys.

posted on Oct, 10 2004 @ 06:18 PM
Iraq would have never been a problem if it wasn't for him getting his power from the bush family and the wmd's from the bush family. Why else would george w. be so certain he had wmd?
Politics are all about flip-flopping and lying get used to it. It'll never change. Kerry is the better man for the time period we are in now. Look past the government propaganda you get fed on a daily basis. Bush can't even control himself in a one on one debate, how can he manage dealing with an entire country and the rest of the world at once....He has already proven he can't. So what makes you think the next 4 yrs if he is reelected will be any different?

posted on Oct, 10 2004 @ 06:21 PM

Originally posted by Natas313
So what makes you think the next 4 yrs if he is reelected will be any different?

Well Mr. Kerry's hostory is a bit questionable. Why will he not release his miltary records??? Why? What is he hiding?

posted on Oct, 10 2004 @ 07:29 PM
Edsinger? Sometimes I read your posts and actually think that you are Bush. How can you continue to hold you head up high when you misconscrue the facts and use "selective" quotes when putting down Kerry and trumping Bush?

posted on Oct, 10 2004 @ 07:35 PM
Edsinger, how can anyone take you seriously when post stuff like that? I'm I supposed to see that picture and think, "Wow, Edsinger must really have an intelligent point to make. Maybe I'll learn something from reading his thread."?

posted on Oct, 10 2004 @ 10:45 PM

Originally posted by Natas313
Iraq would have never been a problem if it wasn't for him getting his power from the bush family and the wmd's from the bush family.

Could you provide some links for some proof to your accusations?

how can he manage dealing with an entire country and the rest of the world at once....He has already proven he can't. So what makes you think the next 4 yrs if he is reelected will be any different?

The job of the president is to do for his country, the United States, not for the world or the worlds desires to have us do what they want.

Kerry will sell his "ol'lady" to the world if they wanted her!

posted on Oct, 10 2004 @ 10:56 PM

Originally posted by Intelearthling
The job of the president is to do for his country, the United States, not for the world...

I agree. Now, please tell me what he has done for the United States? I honestly cannot think of much...poor economy, loss of rights, bigger government intervention and control, not finding Bin Laden, no WMD's, scare tactics and fear running rampant...

...yeah, I suppose he has done a lot for this country if you consider all of the aforementioned to be "good"?

posted on Oct, 10 2004 @ 11:22 PM
From Howie Carr's "Kerry Korner" treasure trove of John Kerry tidbits:

In the late 80's, John heard that Martina Navrotilova was single...and loaded! Since finding out the truth, he's never picked up another racket.

posted on Oct, 10 2004 @ 11:43 PM

Originally posted by jsobecky

In the late 80's, John heard that Martina Navrotilova was single...and loaded! Since finding out the truth, he's never picked up another racket.

If times had been hard (probably not the right phrasing), John may have made a quick trip to Singapore, and gone the "Joan Kerry" route. Talk about the ultimate flip flop.

Surgically Altered Monkeys, not just for "B" movies anymore...

posted on Oct, 10 2004 @ 11:45 PM

Originally posted by curme
Edsinger, how can anyone take you seriously when post stuff like that? I'm I supposed to see that picture and think, "Wow, Edsinger must really have an intelligent point to make. Maybe I'll learn something from reading his thread."?

Well a little humor doesnt hurt, but then again the questions were dead serious. You might not like Kerry being jabbed at but Bush gets his share, even from me, just not here until after he wins!

Originally posted by sensfan
Edsinger? Sometimes I read your posts and actually think that you are Bush. How can you continue to hold you head up high when you misconscrue the facts and use "selective" quotes when putting down Kerry and trumping Bush?

No I am not Bush. Actually I was on another campaign in 2000. Misconscrue facts? Come on! Your gut does the same crap. Whats good for one is good for the other! If you would like to talk records, I would be more than willing. Kerry's is so bad, that even he runs from it!

[edit on 10-10-2004 by edsinger]

posted on Oct, 10 2004 @ 11:47 PM

Originally posted by Mirthful Me

In the late 80's, John heard that Martina Navrotilova was single...and loaded! Since finding out the truth, he's never picked up another racket.

Isnt she gay? Did he think he has a shot with her? This would surprise me but he found one with more money!

[edit on 10-10-2004 by edsinger]

posted on Oct, 10 2004 @ 11:58 PM

I agree. Now, please tell me what he has done for the United States? I honestly cannot think of much...poor economy, loss of rights, bigger government intervention and control, not finding Bin Laden, no WMD's, scare tactics and fear running rampant...

I agree with every point Zazzerman made.

Bush seems to be doing more for Iraq than he is for the people of America. All the money we�ve spent could have gone to noble, worthwhile causes, and America would probably be at least as safe, if not safer, now than before 9/11. Plus, 2/3 of the globe wouldn�t hate us.

I think Ol� George Dubya just wanted to be remembered in history books as a wartime President who did great things, and was Hell bent on going after Iraq and the Middle East regardless. We need a more intelligent, global-thinking President with vision to take us to greater heights, not a small-minded, self-absorbed, average-I.Q. sodbuster with delusions of grandeur and a John Wayne complex. IMHO �


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