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Realy Gaza, a little Palestinian girl explains

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posted on Jun, 24 2012 @ 11:19 PM
I had read an article earlier today regarding 16 Palestinians, Including 4 Children, killed In one week, which led me to watch this video that touched my deeply. Please watch, the little girl will speak to your heart!!

Article about Palestinian killings

Realy Gaza Video

The situation in Palestine and many other places in this world currently, are unfathomable existences to live in for most Americans, including myself. It really puts things into perspective when you realize that you ultimately are funding wars and are allies with the ones who perpetuate wars, with the taxes I pay. I don't believe in it, so why? WHY??? If we heard bombs go off in our streets everyday and witnessed the bloodshed of hate, we would not stand for aiding these agendas.

The Israelis are doing to the Palestinians what has been done to them before..... So why do they do this, suppressing a people, stripping them of their land and resources, killing them?? Why don't they see?

Maybe if they set them free they would realize that it sets them free as well. Is it that easy? I don't know, but it's reading and watching these things that create a sense of helplessness within. I wish I could take it all away from them.....

posted on Jun, 24 2012 @ 11:49 PM
I feel bad for the kids, and it is not their fault. They always get caught up in the middle of warfare. However, if the leaders of Hamas gave a damn about the sufferings of the children? Hamas would make every feasible effort to bring this conflict to an end, and begin negotiations with Israel. Stop building their headquarters near schools, playgrounds, and mosques, and refrain from firing missiles to make political statements.

The leadership in Gaza are using these kids as pawns in their own sick and twisted lust for power. No different than dictators using kids for their own selfish political purposes. The Israeli's are no saints, but the the Palestinian leadership is no better. They could make the lives of their children and families so much better if they would denounce violence, and show an earnest attempt at broking a peace deal.

In the meantime, the isolation will remain. There are two sides to the coin. It seems whenever Hama's does not get their own way politically? They fire rockets into Israel. Provoking violence at the expense of women and children is not the responsible way to go. It is a messed up situation, but the Palestinians are going to have to compromise. The Jews are not going anywhere, and it is time they realize that. They can't have it all!
edit on 25-6-2012 by Jakes51 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 24 2012 @ 11:52 PM
reply to post by Rocsgirl

I'm so sick and tired of the same-old picture presented by the palestinian-israeli-conflict.

Here is a little mind game for you:
Everytime you read or hear about israeli foreign policies (or lately even domestic issues) just replace the term "Israel" with "Germany".
Do it, just for funsies... and check your unprompted emotional response.

Remember the latest racist right wing riots in Israel?
Imagine this happened in Germany.
Imagine the outcry...

posted on Jun, 24 2012 @ 11:52 PM
I think it's because people are self centered and abide by the rule 'it won't happen to me.' Also, most people are too busy distracted trying to pay their bills, feed their kids, and keep a roof over their heads. That and they're happy if they get their Jersey shore, teen mom, alcohol, fluoridated water, GMO foods, Newports, sports, fast-food, and just are content with that for some odd reason. I think public education and religious institutions are the main culprits. Sheep follow other sheep even if it's a wolf in disguise.

posted on Jun, 24 2012 @ 11:55 PM
Ok, first thing.

GAZA HAS ITS OWN AUTONOMOUS GOVERNMENT. If there are problems in Gaza, it is the fault of its terrorist government, Hamas, for not using its fund on worthwhile things i.e. developing it's economy. If they cared a lick about ending the current strife between Palestine and Israel - something they are constitutionally opposed to - this situation would not exist.

This is nothing other than the demonic sins of the Arab governments forcing on innocent palestinians a living standard so low and painful that one can't help but see Israel as the party responsible.

But look at what they do. They launch attacks daily from the Gaza strip on Israeli towns, DELIBERATELY targeting innocent civilians. What is Israel to do? They must protect themselves, so they do what is necessary: road blocks, security fences and international blocades on the waters of Gaza; to not do so woul be to imperil the Jewish civilians being targeted by Hamas terrorists.

Everything that is happening to the people of Gaza is simply the fault of their own leaders.
edit on 24-6-2012 by dontreally because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 25 2012 @ 12:08 AM
reply to post by Jakes51

Perfect example. Hamas builds its headquarters in the middle of residential neighborhoods. Why? Because when Israel inevitably attacks them, there will be civilian casualties.

If Hamas leaders are being sought, where do they hide? In some innocent families basement.

Look at their friggen media if you doubt what's constantly said about them. A 4 year old brandishing a gun screaming allah akhbar and dreaming of being the next shahid has no parallel outside of the Islamist world. Only Islamists are so crazy and so repellent of this world to throw life away by blowing themselves up..... and killing innocent civilians too..

The reason the Palestinians resist peace with Israel, why they blew the 2000 camp david package offered by Ehud Barak, guaranteeing them the entire west bank, the gaza strip, a part of the negev to make it contiguous with the West bank, AND Jerusalem as their capital, is because they have no intention to make peace. They are the ones opposed to negotiations and peace, not Israel. They spurned that gift from Ehud Barak (which was lambasted later on by the Israeli right) and then, astonishingly, launched the 2nd intifada against Israel, which led to the deaths of 800 Israel civilians. This just shows how seriously filled with Jew hatred the Palestinians are. They in essence want Palestine, an area they deny any Jewish significance (despite the very name palestine being bestowed on the land by the roman emperor Hadrian, who named it thus to spite the JEWS i.e. after their biblical enemy, the philistines) to be judenrein and they say so when they talk about it.

It's totally unreasonable to not acknowledge the right for a Jewish state to exist in Israel/Palestine. Maybe not in the west bank and Gaza, but they have a claim, more historical and justified then they, as just another Arab people, have to Palestine. Besides, Palestine was Jordan+Israel+west bank. When Eastern palestine was broken up and given to a Hashemite prince from the Hedjaz, 80% of Palestine became an Arab state. Technically, then, the Arabs are asking for an additional state in what was originally the British Palestinian mandate.
edit on 25-6-2012 by dontreally because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 25 2012 @ 12:13 AM
It takes two to tango, that's for sure, but I can't help but think that if I and my people were treated as the Palestinians have, that simply accepting the limitations forced upon us would not come easy. Some men will fight in honor until their death for their people, and do all it is that they can. The issue with this unfortunately for the Palestinians is that it endangers their women and children... therefore it's a double-edged sword. What they believe and want to fight for will destroy them as well. But not without the Israelis, of course.

posted on Jun, 25 2012 @ 12:16 AM
reply to post by Rocsgirl

But maybe I'm biased. My step-mom is Palestinian and my three youngest brothers as well. She grew up in Bethlehem her whole life and has told me first hand what's she's seen.

I hope regardless of the politics of this situation is, that you all have found compassion within your hearts for those in suffering, whether their leader is the cause or not.
edit on 6/1/2012 by Rocsgirl because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 25 2012 @ 12:26 AM
reply to post by Rocsgirl

Before you pass judgment, take consideration of these basic facts.

Yasser Arafat, the leader of the PLO (palestine liberation organization) and later on the PA (Palestinian Authority) REJECTED an offer made by Ehud Barak in 2000 that would have solved the "Refugee Crisis".

As sorry as I am for the miserable conditions Palestinians live in (particularly in Gaza), they are being used as political fodder by the Arab governments (i.e. Arab League), and supposed 'atrocities' leveled against Israel is nothing short of insidious propaganda designed to defeat Israel via psychological warfare since they fail so often on the battlefield.

I say with all sincerity, it is so tiresome coming to Israels defence when those people who are interested in the subject, but aren't very well informed, are so easily led astray by a certain perspective they originally warm up to. It is so dangerous to allow this to happen, to become too attached to a particular group, before you have all the facts before you.

edit on 25-6-2012 by dontreally because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 25 2012 @ 12:32 AM
reply to post by Rocsgirl

Any normal red blooded human being would realize that their is immense suffering going on in the Palestinian territories. I have sympathies for the men, women, and children whom are caught up in it. However, these leaders keep on getting elected, and they would rather submit their people to abstract poverty, constant warfare, and isolation to prove a political point and to please their buddies in the Middle East. It is downright disgusting!

The Palestinians could have had a country of their own a long time ago, but that is not enough. They want it all. I am fairly certain the average Palestinian wants nothing more than the violence to stop and to live in a country in peace. Therefore, they have to compel their leaders to denounce violence, take measures to restore an environment of trust with Israel, and restart negotiations. At this juncture, those kids are being used as mere cannon fodder for some despicable leaders that have forked tongues.

posted on Jun, 25 2012 @ 12:37 AM
reply to post by dontreally

What can I say, I'm a Humanitarian at heart and a woman to boot!! Where I see suffering a man sees politics, perhaps that's how we're designed to be

posted on Jun, 25 2012 @ 12:48 AM
reply to post by Jakes51

I wish we could compel a leader to denounce violence.

Ugh, thinking about these things are frustrating because I end up feeling like I should go pack my bags and head across the world to join.... something... anything to give my service to others. Maybe this is what I need to work towards.... to settle things here so I can go abroad for humanitarian work. At least somehow I can feel like I'm choosing what feels righteous rather than going against it....

posted on Jun, 25 2012 @ 02:18 AM
reply to post by Rocsgirl

If you are truly so concerned about how the Palestinians live, why not show what it's like in “Palestinian” refugee camps in other places such as Nahr al-Bared – Lebanon:

And this is how they indoctrinate their children:

And this is Gaza City. I would like to know how come so many Gazans live in this somewhat modern city, while allowing their brothers to live in those camps, knowing full well that they had the opportunity to settle them elsewhere after Israel pulled out of the Gaza strip.


edit on 25-6-2012 by gravitational because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 25 2012 @ 02:39 AM
reply to post by gravitational

If I am truly so concerned? So are you saying that because I didn't show other Palestinian refugee camps in other places on my OP, I am not actually truly concerned? I'm just trying to understand how you've determined this.

posted on Jun, 25 2012 @ 04:23 AM
This whole thread is stupid. There are enough threads pointing the finger at one party debating which side is wrong. Once you start question what you know, that will be the mark of true inteligence. These petty disagrements are exactly what drive two sides away... You waste all your time trying to decide which side is right that you never have a change for negotiation, reconciliation and peace.

posted on Jun, 25 2012 @ 07:03 AM
reply to post by Rocsgirl

I'm only trying to establish what's the real reason behind writing this thread – which looks exactly the same as a 1000 threads before it, and never shows ALL aspects of the story.

posted on Jun, 25 2012 @ 07:03 AM
reply to post by SpeachM1litant

How can there be peace if this Arab young generation is being taught from the time they are babies, to hate and kill Jews, and glorify martyrdom ?
Stupid indeed.

posted on Jun, 25 2012 @ 08:17 AM

Originally posted by Rocsgirl
reply to post by Jakes51

I wish we could compel a leader to denounce violence.

Ugh, thinking about these things are frustrating because I end up feeling like I should go pack my bags and head across the world to join.... something... anything to give my service to others. Maybe this is what I need to work towards.... to settle things here so I can go abroad for humanitarian work. At least somehow I can feel like I'm choosing what feels righteous rather than going against it....

That would be a bad idea, activists who go to help the Palestinians end up getting rolled over by bulldozers or roughed up by the idf.
Hmmm bulldozers, maybe that is part of the reason as to why the Palestinians cannot just simply use their "funds" and go on with their lives and rebuild.
The terrorist state of israel is an aphartheid state and any who support these israeli terrorists support the death of US troops.
Remember the U.S.S LIBERTY.
Just after 911 the saying was "We shall never forget", we know this to be a lie as we have forgotten about our murdered Sailors and Marines.

I will be the one dancing in the streets and on a van when israel is in flames.

posted on Jun, 25 2012 @ 09:21 AM
reply to post by g146541

I will be the one dancing in the streets and on a van when israel is in flames.

What a shock ! YOU...Dancing...when Israel is in Flames.
I'm shocked !

posted on Jun, 25 2012 @ 09:32 AM

Originally posted by gravitational
reply to post by g146541

I will be the one dancing in the streets and on a van when israel is in flames.

What a shock ! YOU...Dancing...when Israel is in Flames.
I'm shocked !

Considering that the terrorist state of israel continues to murder innocents and the US finances it, just brings up echoes of the past.
Yeah it will hurt because I am fat old and mostly broken, but to see that terrorist regime fall, I'd take the pain.
I would know our boys who were murdered would get some justice.
Sorry, but the murder of innocent soldiers by what was supposed to be allies just rubs me the wrong way, what about you?

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