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Red/blue, the ethreals, and the overall paradigm....

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posted on May, 21 2012 @ 04:06 PM
Ok, so I have some new info for everyone. Its just what I think and doesnt necissarily have to be right. But heres what ive found out.

To start we, as humans, are controlled by spirits. God is at the top, he is supreme, and if you ask for his protection they can never touch/mess with you. Ok, so imagine a game like warcraft (or any RTS) game. In the game, you can drag and drop a perimeter over a set of characters and make them do something in mass. This is kind of the way the spirits work. Its different in the sense that God is actually piloting the character, and the spirits have the ability to manipulate the "character" outside of Gods will, if they take certain actions. IF YOU FOLLOW THE TEN COMMANDMENTS YOU ARE GOOD. LET THIS BE YOUR ANCHOR. Ok, so how it works with the spirits is if you do something against Gods will, that can manifest the negative spirits and they will attack you. Thats why if you cheat on your GF or something, it comes back to hurt you. When you cheat (and you shouldnt be having pre marital sex, thats a HUGE way for them to get to you), it pushes you further away from God and he takes his vision off of you, which in turn reduces your protection to the negative spirits. There are also good spirits who counter those negative ones, but again, since God is the big man, they cant override it always when you go against his will. They are called saints, ethreals, spirits, ETs, they are known by many many names.

Ok, so what is this red/blue stuff? If you are unfamiliar with the struggle (which I was) our entire system in the USA is on a red blue system. Its in the road signs, its in the symbols, etc. So before I get further into that, lets break down red/blue and what it represents.

A yin yang represents balance, the balance between black and white. Red/blue is just more of an advanced take on the yin tang and balance. So:

Yin yang = White on top of black, 2 halves.

Red/blue is a 4 section breakdown of the yin yang. Imagine white at the top, then blue, then red, and finally black, on a top to bottom scale. Blue attaches to white and red, and red attaches to black and blue. This is how you identify the type of town you are in. If you are in a red town, you can look at teh signs of businesses and roads and everything and you will see many red, usually red/white signs. This indicates you are in a RED town. Its every town in the USA. Go out for a drive and look at this. If you see many blue signs, and some blue/white but less (ill explain why in a min), you are most likely in a BLUE town. Its also common to see the dividing line in a town that shares both by opposite sides of the train tracks, red stays to its side, blue to its own side.

Before I go on, there are also other color associations that you need to be aware of. I will give a smalll explanation of each as well. We have silver/gold, and red/yellow/green.

SILVER/GOLD= more neutral colors, kind of fall into the middle of the whole thing. They are mason metals of trade. silver = red masons, gold = blue masons, but not always, most of the time though. There is no real monetary value in the metals. Its a symbol of a favor/deed/work done, kind of like how a soldier gets medals for accomplishments. They can be sold, and the value is high because of the deed it represents, not the money value. Like a token or somthing for letting you stay in their town for the night or something.

RED/YELLOW/GREEN = red means closed or no, green means both open and yes, yellow means caution. Its the same basic thing we follow with our road routes, but it means different stuff when you start to discern.

OK, so:


WHITE-priests, very Godly people (although we all are), clean, it hurts them to do harm to others, but they are leaders, so they have the wisdom and discretion

BLUE-married people, people who generally follow the rules, may have slipped up in life but are still really good people, male color

RED-the enforcers. There are good people (most of my friends are reds) but they have to do the dirty work, so they get a bad rap, but they do do some pretty hardcore things (trying to be nice), female color

BLACK-represents the dark one. No one of us mortals is really black (black-black). This is the realm of serial killers/mass killers, etc (child killers)

So how could red be so bad right, I mean they are the dirty work guys heh. Well check this out: your FD and medical services are based on white/red (BIG WHITE, LITTLE RED), they are the healers as their gift (gifts are symbolized by gold, and very rarely silver-a flavor of guilds brass as well) to hurt is also to heal. So you have to go to them for both.

Ok, so heres how it works just a little, as I get more I will dump it.

Say you are white/blue and a person beats you up. You demand a sacrifice for them attacking you, you would go to a red member and task them with retaliation, but you yourself can not touch them (sort of im very new to this). So you would task it to red, they would do the dirty work, then you would pay them by money or deed. To illustrate how Red is divided, there is 4 sections (as with the others as well): red-white, red-blue, red-red, and red-black. Red-blacks are dangerous and you want to stay away from them, they can hurt you. You can sense them around if you are an opposing color (I am) and they will give you a headache or other things.

Every person falls into this tree. I for instance, am a gray (full spectrum) but my main core energy points to top of blue, bottom of white. This is because I have done a little bad stuff in my life, but for the most part ive been pretty good. I imagine that people that are very Godly are more white. So, heres generally where most people fit in, and some small explanations as I dont even really understand it.

Take a look when you are out at the mall, the people dress according to thier polarity. Also there are red/blue days, watch how it changes. Im not sure if its and A day B day type of setup, but its close to that. So those people of each polarity get treated better on thier days and stuff when dealing with buying goods or services. Eye color is a big indicator.

Im out of time but ill be on later to add.

posted on May, 21 2012 @ 04:50 PM
I wear a lot of browns and greys so what does that mean?

posted on May, 21 2012 @ 04:56 PM
you forgot purple.

what are we, the aliens?

posted on May, 21 2012 @ 05:02 PM
reply to post by strangedays

Interesting psychological perspective... except for a few things.

01. The Yin-Yang is actually a secondary, sub-symbol if you will, to the Tau, or Tau Cross. The Tau represents a dissolving of the Yin-Yang into a single essence. No more black, no more white, just "being" plain and simple. So, while I know the Yin-Yang is only half of your quartered design, I would be curious how the entire color-theme changes now that you know the Yin-Yang is not the dominant symbol.

02. God and the Ten Commandments. Since you're utilizing spirits, God, and the Ten Commandments I am assuming a correlation to the God of Abraham who is behind Moses and Judaism, Jesus and Christianity, and Muhammad and Islam. I would like to first point out a few things here:

I - Thou shalt have no other God before me: the Lord refers to himself as "Elohim," a plural, indicative of multiple gods as seen in Sumer and Babylon where a group known as the Anunnaki ruled.

II - Thou shalt not make idols: cathedrals, necklace crucifixes, statues of Christ and the saints, paintings of Biblical figures and events. God is the source behind a lot of modern idolatry.

III - Do not take the Lord's name in vain: admittedly, God does a good job of not breaking this one.

IV - Remember the Sabbath, keep it holy: Sunday is church day. Every good Christian goes to church on Sunday where they take part in the works of the Lord. Additionally, many Christian services are available, open, and working the entire weekend (to account for all the possible Sabbath days).

V - Honor thy father and thy mother: God does not honor His own lineage from Sumer, where Zi (the Word), begets Abzu (the void), begets Anu (Heaven), who begets Enlil the Lord of the Air. In Akkad and Babylon Enlil takes on the name El meaning Lord. We all know that Abraham, coming out of Ur, preached a single, Lord God. Further, Jesus comes preaching the dissolution of the family unit, see Luke 12: 51-53. Regardless of the verse being a separation over truth, it is still Christ Jesus, coming to make children dishonor their parents.

VI - Thou shall not murder: the flood of the Earth, sending an evil spirit to assault King Saul, demanding the murder of babies and children, and the raping of women from conquered lands, the destruction of Sodom and Ghmorra. God does a whole lot of murdering.

VII - Thou shall not commit adultery: I believe it was the Lord who, through the Holy Ghost, impregnates Mary—a married virgin woman—with Jesus Christ. Adultery.

VIII - Thou shall not steal: God steals everything. He stole the holy land, He stole his name, rank, and title. He stole the flood from Sumer, creation from Babylon, the Garden and making people from clay were stolen from Enki and Ninhursag of Sumer. Stealing is how God operates.

IX - Thou shall not bear false witness: God claims that in the beginning was only Him and the Word, when in actuality the beginning was the Big Bang. Mythologically speaking, God claims the world is only 6000 years old while Mesopotamia and Egypt have existed for almost 8000 years, modern humans for 12,000 and the Earth itself for 4.5 billion years.

X - Thou shall not covet thy neighbor's things: see stealing above. God covets money, land, worship, fear, awe, and adoration. All things which belong to his middle-eastern pagan neighbors. The Lord God is extremely covetous.

The conclusion being: interesting psychological approach to communities, and personalities. Poor choice of governing powers, because God is anything but good; and His ten commandments are anything but worth following to the point.

~ Wandering Scribe

posted on May, 21 2012 @ 05:43 PM
reply to post by strangedays

Hey, I just came to the realization that we are controlled by colors also. For example watch CNN and the colors of the news room are red and blue, sports center, and even the graphics on the local news are red and blue.

Everything associated with our government as far as logos and advertisment is red, blue, white and black.

I don't quite understand what all this means yet, but I find it interesting as to why red and blue is used so much all of the sudden to advertise or inform.

My theory is that red, white, blue, and black combinations are a representation of a faction. You know like the bloods and the crips.
edit on 21-5-2012 by Teeky because: spacing

posted on May, 21 2012 @ 06:53 PM
Right now I seem to be drawn to orange. Seriously, I painted the ceiling in my room a burnt orange because I had the impression that it simulated a setting sun, or at least that is what was on my mind at the time.

At the same time, without really thinking about it I noticed this odd flower growing around my house in the lawn areas. It took me a day or two before I realized it was the exact same color that I chose to paint my ceiling, that burnt orange color. I wasn't familiar with this flower but somehow in my mind I was trying to say a word with a "p", first I said "periwinkle" but I knew it wasn't; a day later the name "Pimpernel" jumped right out at me. Pimpernel? I don't know this flower, but I had heard the name before, so I looked it up. Sure enough it is the 'Scarlet Pimpernel', a european flower that is well known as a result of a book that was written in the 1700's by the same name. I looked it up and it seems to be a story about a hero who wears a similar color that goes around acting out against the elitist regime that once controlled France. The Pimpernel is found out by way of his wife and ultimately is set up; of course he prevails and actually saves the lives of three important people in his life in the process. So in essence it is a story about the revealing "true identity" of a man that otherwise was not considered anything of such countenance (meaning demeanor).

To top this off, I am also painting other rooms in my house and lo and behold the color I chose for my kitchen cabinets is orange, a bit more on the yellow side but most definitely orange! At the time I chose it I was basing my decision on the other rooms that adjoined the kitchen and not thinking at all about my room ceiling color.

At any rate, thanks for the OP, it is a very unique take on what seems almost obvious considering our world is made up of colors that actually tell us things and directs us without thought. Whether or not the 'Scarlet Pimpernel' was the catalyst for me is hard to tell, but as a token of this little flower I decided to print a copy and frame it for the room. It looks awesome there!

Perhaps, to conincide with the recent "Ring of Fire" Eclipse, my internal psyche has been expressing me on an outward level. I cannot imagine that my "true identity" is being revealed, but that is another thought that has come to mind as my world seems to be changing every day.

This is a new home for me, a new neighborhood (an actual neighborhood), as I have just recently left a very remote property where I had been living in seclusion for the past 18 months (another fascinating tale of course).

Thanks OP! Love how your mind is working!

posted on May, 21 2012 @ 09:51 PM
reply to post by strangedays

How did you come to "find out" such nonsense? Humans are controlled by spirits? Give me a break, my life is of my own direction, I'm not controlled by anything invisible, untestable, unsupportable, etc.

posted on May, 22 2012 @ 02:52 AM

Originally posted by Wandering Scribe
reply to post by strangedays

I - Thou shalt have no other God before me: the Lord refers to himself as "Elohim," a plural, indicative of multiple gods as seen in Sumer and Babylon where a group known as the Anunnaki ruled.

Plurality refers to God being the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Sorry Anunnaki are not relevant no matter how bad you wish they were.

II - Thou shalt not make idols: cathedrals, necklace crucifixes, statues of Christ and the saints, paintings of Biblical figures and events. God is the source behind a lot of modern idolatry.

No, people are the source, not God. God does not create any of that.

III - Do not take the Lord's name in vain: admittedly, God does a good job of not breaking this one.

As He does the others as well.

IV - Remember the Sabbath, keep it holy: Sunday is church day. Every good Christian goes to church on Sunday where they take part in the works of the Lord. Additionally, many Christian services are available, open, and working the entire weekend (to account for all the possible Sabbath days).

Traditionally it would be Saturday, but yes we remember it on Sunday. Look into the health benefits of having 1 day a week off of work.

V - Honor thy father and thy mother: God does not honor His own lineage from Sumer, where Zi (the Word), begets Abzu (the void), begets Anu (Heaven), who begets Enlil the Lord of the Air. In Akkad and Babylon Enlil takes on the name El meaning Lord. We all know that Abraham, coming out of Ur, preached a single, Lord God. Further, Jesus comes preaching the dissolution of the family unit, see Luke 12: 51-53. Regardless of the verse being a separation over truth, it is still Christ Jesus, coming to make children dishonor their parents.

"Luk 12:53 They will be divided, father against son and son against father, mother against daughter and daughter against mother, mother-in-law against daughter-in-law and daughter-in-law against mother-in-law." Jesus does not desire this or ask this to be, it simply will be, and He says so. Again, you are simply wrong. He is not preaching for the family unit to be dissolved, He only correctly states there is conflict between those who believe and those who do not.

VI - Thou shall not murder: the flood of the Earth, sending an evil spirit to assault King Saul, demanding the murder of babies and children, and the raping of women from conquered lands, the destruction of Sodom and Ghmorra. God does a whole lot of murdering.

Verses for some of what you said please. Murder and killing are not the same. You gun down a man in the street for no reason, that is murder. You kill a man who is attempting to kill you and rape your daughter, not murder.

VII - Thou shall not commit adultery: I believe it was the Lord who, through the Holy Ghost, impregnates Mary—a married virgin woman—with Jesus Christ. Adultery.

Like much of what you have said, you don't know what the bible teaches. Mary was not married and there was no sex, can not be adultery.

VIII - Thou shall not steal: God steals everything. He stole the holy land, He stole his name, rank, and title. He stole the flood from Sumer, creation from Babylon, the Garden and making people from clay were stolen from Enki and Ninhursag of Sumer. Stealing is how God operates.

I'm not going to touch this one, this would be a whole page of corrections.

IX - Thou shall not bear false witness: God claims that in the beginning was only Him and the Word, when in actuality the beginning was the Big Bang. Mythologically speaking, God claims the world is only 6000 years old while Mesopotamia and Egypt have existed for almost 8000 years, modern humans for 12,000 and the Earth itself for 4.5 billion years.

Actually there are theories of the creation of the universe that postulate the universe came into being from ... wait for it .. nothing. It is science, not religion and is in no way linked to or supporting the idea of God creating the universe. Now show me where God claims the world is 6,000 years old, what verse exactly.

X - Thou shall not covet thy neighbor's things: see stealing above. God covets money, land, worship, fear, awe, and adoration. All things which belong to his middle-eastern pagan neighbors. The Lord God is extremely covetous.

Verses please.

The conclusion being: interesting psychological approach to communities, and personalities. Poor choice of governing powers, because God is anything but good; and His ten commandments are anything but worth following to the point.

Which commandments do you think should not be followed and why?

You have a lot of information, sadly no knowledge.
edit on 22-5-2012 by OccamsRazor04 because: (no reason given)

edit on 22-5-2012 by OccamsRazor04 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 22 2012 @ 02:58 AM
reply to post by strangedays

I think you should be able to wear whatever colour overalls you like, red,blue or rainbow. However I also think it is a mistake for ladies with large rear-ends to wear overalls of any colour as it just makes them look massive from the back. But some of them continue to do so - this is the overall paradigm.

posted on May, 25 2012 @ 10:27 PM
reply to post by OccamsRazor04

First, the Jewish people, who are the original writers of the Old Testament, did not believe in the divinity of Father, Son, and Holy spirit. Jesus Christ is not the messiah of the Jewish people, which is why Christianity and Judaism are separate religions, with a common founding ancestor. So, the plurality of Elohim cannot refer to the Christian trinity. Nice try though. I would have believed that the Kabbalah, through its use of divine names might have accounted for the plurality thing. However, you did not address this, so, I am inclined to believe you don't know about that aspect.

Second. Correct, God does not create any of that... except, God is the Creator, of all, and everything. So, whether made by man, or not, all creation is an aspect of God. Unless God is not the Creator, but just another god among a plethora of already-existent gods. God has idols, and idolatry, which He sees fit to not punish. Either an absence of God, or the idolatry is permissible of God, are the only explanations.

Fourth. The health benefits aside, all manner of Christian and Jewish work places are open on Friday (Islamic holy day), Saturday (Jewish holy day), and Sunday (Christian holy day). So, whatever facet of Yahweh worship you partake of, their are Jews, or Christians, or Muslims working on the Sabbath and not being put to death for doing so.

Five. Jesus' coming causes a void to form between family members based on belief in Christ. Since Christ is both the son of, and God incarnate, then God is coming to cause dishonor among families. Whatever way you want to twist the words: Christ's appearance causes children to be dishonorable to their parents, and Christ is God, so God causes it. Breaking His own commandment.

Six. To murder someone, and to kill someone are the same thing, when the intent is for the victim to die. God commands a flood of the entire Earth, with the intent of killing, removing, and cleansing the world of it's inhabitants, which He deems sinful. Likewise, the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah is a killing of two villages because God deems them sinful. God's intention is to kill, and whether carried out by angels, or His own hand, people are killed. It does not matter what you say, because God willed the deaths of billions, and to will a death which then occurs, is to commit murder.

Seven. Impregnation requires a sexual liaison. Since the birth occurred as per normal, human births, then a normal, human copulation was required. You can speak of "miracles," and the "immaculate conception" all you like. But it does not remove the fact that God had sex with an individual He was not married to. That is adultery. Additionally, the Gospel of Mark, and of Paul, do not adhere to the virgin birth story. So, if God did not commit adultery, it is wholly possible He did not even have a son at all.

Eight. In Sumer, Egypt, and Babylon human beings are created out of clay and breath/semen/blood. Just as in Genesis the Lord makes man out of clay and the breath of life.

Utnapishtam, sometimes called Ziusudra, was a Sumerian and then Babylonian peasant who lived during a time when Ellil, called El, was upset with humans vile nature, and determined to flood the world to kill them all. A single family, Utnapishtam's, was forewarned and instructed to build a boat, where-in pairs of all living species would be saved from Ellil's flood. Sounds a whole lot like Noah and the ark.

In Mesopotamian mythology we have the story of Enmerkar and Enshukeshdanna, where the former claims rights to his people from the latter. Both then engage in a faith-based magical duel, where-in their staffs are both turned to animals and the animals engage in a quarrel to prove who is the deities true chosen people. Much akin to Moses and Pharaoh.

The reality is there, Yahweh, Judaism, and Christianity are plagiarized. For much more information on this topic, check out this website.

Nine and Ten. Yahweh's position as covetous and a liar are supported by His stealing of middle-eastern pagan mythologies. As for "nothing" creating something... your lack of scientific understanding is apparent. A singularity existed, from which the "Big Bang" erupted. It was not "nothing," as Christians ignorantly love to claim. The real "nothing to something" creation myth comes from Christians who state that there was "nothing" and God came and made everything.

~ Wandering Scribe

posted on May, 26 2012 @ 11:36 AM
Also something about women and sex. Something with energy transfer. They have to have sex to transfer energy to each other. Like everyone was talking about in the other thread. Women being red, have to have sex to disperse it I guess in some way. Like married women even (having sex with their own kind after taking it from my kind by means of sex). Its pretty sad actually.

posted on May, 27 2012 @ 06:35 PM

Originally posted by strangedays
Also something about women and sex. Something with energy transfer. They have to have sex to transfer energy to each other. Like everyone was talking about in the other thread. Women being red, have to have sex to disperse it I guess in some way. Like married women even (having sex with their own kind after taking it from my kind by means of sex). Its pretty sad actually.


posted on May, 28 2012 @ 03:41 PM
Not sure if this makes sense but for blue, I think they can straight read mind naturally. For red, they use electronic tech whether its built in or not.

But anyways, I think the power loss is going to be in 2 stages. First one is a test and is fairly soon I think. Like a brown-out in major cities and it will last 5 days for most.

The second which im sure is wrong, but im being told is the second week of August 2012. At that time everything goes dark, supposedly. The first test will be a good way for everyone to get prepared.

posted on Jun, 1 2012 @ 11:41 AM
I dont know if im identifying things incorrectly or if its really happening. Maybe some of you could take note of this on your way to work/commute or something. The cars are all starting to group up according to some sort of polarity I guess you would call it. Youll notice gold cars paired with silver cars (the gold car usually leading). I also notice red and black cars grouping up (red usually in tow). This might be what I mean about bad things manifesting themselves in that color combination. I also notice white cars pairing with black cars (white in the lead usually). I also notice alot of gray and silver cars pairing together (like gray with gray).

I notice these specific color combinations but it may just be in my perception that im seeing this. They are definetly paired like this more than coincidence though. It really stands out in my opinion.

Does anyone else notice this? Maybe you could try the experiment of going out for a drive and trying to notice what im calling polarity (im sure its probably the wrong term). But its friggin weird does anyone notice this?

posted on Jul, 4 2012 @ 09:37 PM
Holy Crap!

PS: Sex is GOOD, do it every time you can, and use protection. Enjoy life, it's short but cool.


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