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Tornadoes spotlight Fukushima as extinction threat and use (!) to divert from truth of GFC...

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posted on May, 6 2012 @ 11:40 PM
First of all, please don't get the idea from the title I am in anyway diminishing the horrific catastrophe of Fukushima. I am offering an explanation for the apparent inaction and ongoing media blanket thrown over the disaster. The intention of this thread is to focus on the ongoing threat that is the world’s worst, yes that's right, THE WORLD'S WORST nuclear power plant catastrophe. I want to spotlight the recent freak tornadoes to hit the east coast of Japan as a real example of precisely why Fukushima should be the focus of world efforts to end the ongoing contamination in the air and water of the northern hemisphere.

Why in any rational world is the entire world and all of its official government apparatus and the world’s mass media apparently not only ignoring reality but actively blocking public access to the truth about what Fukushima really represents? For the answer look toward the undead GFC (Global Financial Crises).

Now for a quick review. Early in March 2011, following a massive tsunami the TEPCO operated Daiichi nuclear power plant in Fukushima went into meltdown. Not one but several separate meltdowns. Not only that. Unit 4 which was not in operation at the time and which held a fuel rod storage pool with enough highly radioactive rods to power at least four reactors mysteriously blew up leaving a gaping hole in the side of the building. Since then the building has teetered on collapse. Warnings have been issued by numerous interested expert parties should the building collapse and the fuel storage pool hit the ground the entire island of Honshu including Tokyo will be faced with immediate evacuation, if they are lucky.

Yesterdays tornadoes in Japan were part of a weather system that did not leave Fukushima prefecture unscathed. Worse is the likelihood nuclear contamination has been picked up and further spread through the tornado affected area.

The tornado damage most affected Ibaraki Prefecture, which is located just below Fukushima and just above Tokyo. This underlines the incredible risk of having an ongoing disaster like Fukushima just smoking away like a train at the station, day after day after day, waiting for the next big tornado. The situation is not under control. The risk of the catastrophe becoming far worse is huge and the risk of course is not just to Japan.

Here are two videos of the weather phenonemon that hit last night.

Rare Tornado - Tsukuba, Ibaraki in Japan!

Rare and Deadly Tornado Near Tokyo - May 6, 2012

Should Unit 4 collapse a "mass extinction event" could result.

Consider too just how many US nuclear power plants are situated in tornado prone locations! What would happen in the US if an earthquake resulted in a meltdown or even near meltdown at one of these plants. Many of these plants are now quite old. What then if a tornado hit the area. We know the weather throughout the world is becoming more extreme each season. What is done in such run-on disasters cannot be undone. The Fukushima catastrophe shows us this, everyday.

Although the most recent reports have it the Daiichi plant was not affected by the tornadoes, the point I am making is this. Tornadoes are not common in Japan, and in fact those of the size that struck Tsukuba town in Ibaraki prefecture are rare. Ibraraki prefecture borders Fukushima prefecture, both regions are directly next to each other on the eastern seaboard.

Apart from the contamination on the surface of Fukushima prefecture which a tornado would pick up and spread to other areas of Japan, Ibaraki prefecture itself was downwind of the disaster in May last year.
Ibaraki prefecture manipulated the radiation survey
Go here

And from

A significant amount of radiation was found there. It is not hard to see that any contaminating isotopes picked up by the tornadoes are now spread even further across Honshu.

Nothing substantial has been done to halt the ongoing release of radioactive contaminants into the air and the sea from the wrecked and smoking Daiichi power plant. It is not hard to imagine a tornado taking out the remaining supporting structures of Unit 4, should one make a direct hit. The structure is already in a state of collapse and a direct threat to the entire island of Honshu.

And it would have barely made it as an acceptable plot to a B grade apocalypse movie prior to March 2011. It seems like TPTB are allowing the situation to run on and on to divert us from what the ongoing worsening GFC portents... probable world war if you go by history over the last century. Your exasperation is totally understandable because the lack of interest (toward what I think is potentially WORST impacting disaster to have hit mankind ever) by MSM and governments and international regulatory bodies seems totally without rational.

The increasingly unpredictability and ever more extreme nature of weather around the globe spotlights for all who have eyes to see the risk where ever nuclear plants exist. The Fukushima disaster shows there is no plan existing to protect us all from a one-two-three combination attack from nature in the nuclear power industry.

So this is where we go from here.

What is highlighted by last night's tornado damage is that Fukushima itself is hugely dangerous. In fact it seems to me the wrecked nuclear power plant and all of its leaking corium, and poolium are being used as diversion for the ongoing worsening situation the world faces as the GFC of 2008 morphs into an impending financial implosion. The irrationality behind allowing Fukushima to continue must be considered in light of the GFC. The two are related. The tornadoes demonstrate the huge ongoing threat Fukushima is for the entire world, the kind not even a TEMPORARY closure of all of Japan’s nuclear power plants can disguise. So that leads me to ask the question is the Japanese government along with all the governments of the world to be considered as partners in this diversion?

Think about the sheer irrationality behind blanketing the danger from Fukushima to the entire world. Consider how this could only be rational if something far worse to corporate run governments was waiting in the wings. The breakdown of the entire global economic and social system and with it the potential end of Capitalism itself. I believe that is what THEY believe is at stake here.

(moderator. This thread is not intended to be a copy of the previous thread. I have endeavored here to clarify precisely the focus. Yes, it does include reference to tornadoes and Fukushima, and necessarily the best place for it is Crises in Japan).
edit on 6-5-2012 by Tallone because: (no reason given)

edit on 6-5-2012 by Tallone because: (no reason given)

edit on 7-5-2012 by Tallone because: (no reason given)

edit on 7-5-2012 by Tallone because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 7 2012 @ 12:04 AM
I like how you laid everything out from beginning to end. I don't understand why there has been no media coverage of this. I hope it doesn't collapse.


posted on May, 7 2012 @ 12:27 AM
reply to post by Tallone

Nice post.

So it looks like the PTB are gonna get thier massive die off one way or the other. I think they will be doing us a favor to tell you the truth. If the alternative is living in a world they are going to dominate ? I'd rather be dead.

edit on 7-5-2012 by randyvs because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 7 2012 @ 12:39 AM
The media seems to cover things that is has to cover that if it didn't, it would be very obvious that the story wasn't covered because other stations decided to cover it. People may be already bored with the nuclear disaster in Japan. That and they have more important "news" to reveal like how they're screwing us all big time. They have to slowly release such news or else it hits suddenly and creates too much chaos. So, perhaps it is in a strategy to bury the Japan news (very serious) to "make room for" their own awful news.

The oil spill garnered more attention here because it was local to our nation. Most people watch news and come here for entertainment. They're looking for something exciting that captures their attention, and that's primary. That's why headlines are written to capture their attention, and that's why ats insists on using the exact sensationalist headlines from the original article. Clicks -> money -> growth -> more money...

As far as the catastrophe, I thought I read that this certain chemical would not show its effects in the health of people until 40 or 60 or so years down the line. So, it seems innocuous at present, but later will be the time it reveals itself. By then, the governments of the world will be absolved from guilt because people won't connect the dots. Most people have already forgotten 9/11; not that it matters, because they took the official story in the first place; they might as well forget it.

It might be worth mentioning to everyone that GFC seems to stand for Global Financial Crisis. Took me a bit to figure that out.

edit on 7-5-2012 by daynight42 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 7 2012 @ 12:50 AM
Thank you for looking in people and for expressing your approval. I appreciate it.

I believe there is good reason why Fukushima is not covered in the media, whereas there is more or less on going coverage of the latest on tsunami victims. Plenty of references to the earthquake still popping up in MSM - no questioning of the many contradictions to be found in the earthquake story (the real story behind the earthquake would be to investigate those questions). But there is virtually zilch references to Fukushima as an ongoing disaster of epic major implications to us all let alone Japan.

I think the reasons are mostly to do with the huge influence the nuclear power industry has over MSM and over governments. Japan wants to build more nuclear power plants in China, Vietnam, and also the USA. The USA wants to build more nuclear plants, Australia wants to ship its uranium (to India now), it goes on and on. The money concerns now critically important because of the imploding of the world financial system. Diversion and cover-ups are preferred to truth it seems. The working masses cannot know the truth about Capitalism, or indeed they would revolt and this is already happening.

What is at stake is the power and priviledge of the world's elites, and these two things rest on the ability to continue to profit from the labour of the minions, the world's workers. And we will all suffer and possibly all likely die if Fukushima is allowed to run on. But it seems greed has a logic of its own, and it has nothing at all to do with rationality.

I believe though we have reason to be optimistic, we are beginning to awaken en masse as it were. Let's hope we still have time to realise the truth about our world and be able to change it so we meet human need rather than some ones' greed.

posted on May, 7 2012 @ 12:56 AM
reply to post by daynight42

Fair enough. I tried to put Global Financial Crises into the title but it got chopped.

Actioned your suggestion in the top post. Thanks!

posted on May, 7 2012 @ 01:01 AM
What a twist of events....all the crap they threw out to distract from the gfc, now the gfc is the distraction to nuclear Armageddon.

I have a question, don't know if you have the info.....what is the outcome of disaster in Japan compared to Chernobyl?

I keep hearing global catastrophe, so how much bigger is Fukushima compared to Chernobyl?

posted on May, 7 2012 @ 01:31 AM
reply to post by timetothink

What a twist of events....all the crap they threw out to distract from the gfc, now the gfc is the distraction to nuclear Armageddon.

Ha ha. That is so very true, and would be ironic but for the fact the two meltdown events are actually related, at the most base level by greed, but there is evidence to be thrown up. Even if there were to be any investigative journalists surviving in MSM they will not be looking for it though.

I have a question, don't know if you have the info.....what is the outcome of disaster in Japan compared to Chernobyl? I keep hearing global catastrophe, so how much bigger is Fukushima compared to Chernobyl?

Fukushima looks to be far far worse than Chernobyl. If this is the case as it surely must be by now, we need ask ourselves why officials from the nuclear power industry, AND MSM keep refering to Fukushima as the second worst nuclear disaster. Clearly given the evidence so far and the scenerio in place it is by far the worst nuclear disaster to have struck the world, which would also make it the worst man made disaster to have struck the world - by far.

Chernobyl was only one meltdown. Fukushima is three, plus the fuel rod storage pool in unit four crammed full with several reactors worth of rods and in a structure with a precarious lean.

See MSM article re 3 melt downs

In Chernobyl they evacuated an area many times that evacuated finally in Fukushima (after several days). At Chernobyl the management had a fairly quick response to the disaster, they were getting the data and reacting to it. At Fukushima TEPCO management were apparently and still I think getting incorrect data from their measuring instruments and had no idea there was a meltdown about to happen until far too late.
At Chernobyl conditions were such they were able to get to the melted corium (molten fissioning mass of fuel rods escaped from the reactor vessel) below the reactor and (temporarily still) seal it off. At Fukushima they appear to have no idea at all how to get to the coriums from the THREE reactors. Them coriums are on their own at there!!

To complicate things even more, Fukushima is situated on bedrock lapped directly by ocean waves. While it is possible these same waves may cause the corium to seal itself in molten rock it also means the radiation is seeping continously into the Pacific. The fact there are several meltdowns going on plus the emissions from the damaged Unit 4 storage tank means conditions are such engineers can likely do very little with conventional means to get in and around the problem areas. Radiation there is intense.

Plus, there is Unit 4 which in itself has at least 4 times the radioactive material that the single corium mass in Chernobyl has. And Unit 4 has one terrible lean on, and if it collapses Honshu, Tokyo is done, gone, according to experts. Allow me to draw your attention to this thread here

And done too is probably the entire Pacific eventually. need to stop and think about that a bit even if you don't live around the Pacific. Why? Because every Ocean in the world is connected, it is all one ocean, and what comes round will indeed come around.

The radiation released just in that (likely atomic explosion) from Unit 3 at Daiichi must be close to equalling what was released from Chernobyl before they were able to cap it. Unlike Chernobyl they are unable to place containment around Fukushima at the moment simply because they have not found the coriums, and because the storage pool in Unit 4 is fissioning also, an extremely hazardous situation. An unknown situation in fact. There is apparently no known solution in the nuclear industry to apply to the situation at the Fukushima power plant. It is the very worst kind of dirty bomb, and it just keeps on keeping on. It may as well be a never ceasing nuke explosion.

edit on 7-5-2012 by Tallone because: (no reason given)

edit on 7-5-2012 by Tallone because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 7 2012 @ 01:38 AM
Sounds like a Planet of the Apes sequel.

posted on May, 7 2012 @ 02:39 AM
reply to post by FlyingFox

Sure does. But for the fact rather than you going to the event, the event is coming to you.


To the readers

Your posts please. Since this thread has been trending since posted I know there are people reading. Why the shyness? Its important to get your point of view out there. Let us know what you think about this.

posted on May, 7 2012 @ 02:49 AM
Strange, how often does a tornado strike Japan? I've never heard of any until now. Just doesn't seem like a place they would easily form.

Then again the weather models for the globe have been off the charts. Curious indeed I must say.

And yes i too would like to know just how big a Shima meltdown would be compared to Russias?

Planet of the apes? I was thinking Godzilla.

posted on May, 7 2012 @ 03:10 AM
reply to post by GrandHeretic

Already noted above - from me. Fukushima if far worse than Chernobyl for all the reasons I presented to Timetothink. Fukushima is clearly the world's worst man made disaster full stop. Since Chernobyl is ongoing - there is no permanent solution yet for separating out the corium and therefore no way to stop the fission process - the two disasters can be compared simply on the basis of potential total radioactive emissions. This would mean three meltdowns in Fukushima to Chernobyl's one translates to three times as bad. That is not even taking into consideration the potential total radiation emissions from Unit 4 (without even considering the total apocolyptic scenerio should that building collapse before they have the situation under control.

Experts I invite you to step in and correct if I have made a mess of the analysis or the facts.

posted on May, 7 2012 @ 03:18 AM
reply to post by Tallone

To answer this question "how does it compare," we need to have someone who knows about the different types of radioactive chemicals used. They are all different and affect people differently. To oversimplify it with a "1 vs 3" is opening the door for huge errors in judging the damage potential.

I can't answer what effect it will have. I don't know who can either. Do we even know what materials are there and in what quantities? We must know this in order to judge the effects. (It's probably deliberately being kept from us) Not only this, but time must be considered because they don't all have the same negative effects over the same duration or period. Some are quicker. Some take decades before the effects are felt.

So, please. If someone is going to try to answer that question, they need to base their answer with all of these things in mind, otherwise gross errors are likely.


posted on May, 7 2012 @ 05:03 AM

Originally posted by daynight42
reply to post by Tallone

To answer this question "how does it compare," we need to have someone who knows about the different types of radioactive chemicals used. They are all different and affect people differently. To oversimplify it with a "1 vs 3" is opening the door for huge errors in judging the damage potential.

I can't answer what effect it will have. I don't know who can either. Do we even know what materials are there and in what quantities? We must know this in order to judge the effects. (It's probably deliberately being kept from us) Not only this, but time must be considered because they don't all have the same negative effects over the same duration or period. Some are quicker. Some take decades before the effects are felt.

So, please. If someone is going to try to answer that question, they need to base their answer with all of these things in mind, otherwise gross errors are likely.


First up I am not a nuclear physist or an engineer. Getting that out of the way does in no way stop me from stating with absolute certainty Fukushima is AT LEAST three times worse than Chernobyl, and I readily admit that is indeed a gross statement. But nevertheless, it is three times as bad. Quite simply because there are three seperate meltdowns, each cannot be stopped. Each are emitting contaminants. This is enough in itself to say Fukushima is three times worse than Chernobyl in my book, and I challenge anyone to present a case for this to be not so.

Chemicals used? My limited knowledge of nuclear physics and chemistry tells me process of fission produces nuclear isotopes from the materials interacting with the process itself. I don't think it is a question of adding up the types of isotopes released than quantifying the various effects of each on the human body. Rather you need to ask how many people suffered ill effects in total from the radioactive contaminants as a result of their emission. Unfortunately this can only be done looking back from some distant point in the future, allowing of course you are able to account for each and every affected individual. You cannot account for the isotopes released except in a very inexact and impractical way. For example, while I-131 is an isotope of iodine a product of uranium decay, Cl-38 an isotope of chlorine is an isotope of seawater. Now while you may be able to account for the volume of seawater pumped since the beginning to cool things down, how do you account for sea water that has splashed over the corium in cracks of the bedrock? You can't.

What we can do is state with certainty the known situation at hand, and extrapolate from there, and hope for the best but be prepared for the worst.

In any event Fukushima also has Unit 4. Chernoble does not.

posted on May, 7 2012 @ 06:44 AM
@ Tallone,

are you able to provide a Source regarding the On-going Fission in Fukushima?

I don't find any since Weeks and i never saw Fission in the Nr. 4 Pool

posted on May, 7 2012 @ 08:27 AM
Why are Governments across the world not working together and fixing this problem? OP what was this mysterious explosion? Just a theory: This was a man made problem (sabotage) and it is being used as the setting stage for the new world government. Theres a lot of out of place things with this situation. The TEPCO CEO resigned.

A leader should never step down at a critical time like this.

The world powers should be jumping all over this and make sure it gets handled well and properly. But there's just that feeling of were all going to be wiped out.

posted on May, 7 2012 @ 08:53 AM
It appears from the data you presented that the Fukashima disaster is the event all of the Deep Underground Bases may have been/being built to protect against.

Nuclear Disaster

Go Underground

Those above ground tear the world apart

The underground come up and claim the remains.

posted on May, 7 2012 @ 10:15 AM
reply to post by Tallone

3 vs 1. What if two of them are only half full? Well, then it's 2 vs 1. That's an example of how looking at just the number of reactors can easily confuse the potential effects. Just stop and think and stop rushing to conclusions like people did on 9/11.

What if since then, they're using radioactive material that is safer in some way than what they used to use? If you don't know, then stop pretending. Same goes for everyone else.

Most people seem to just jump to conclusions in order to feel a sense of security, but really they're just muddying the waters with their guesses. And, who is to correct them if we don't have any better information? Nobody. So, it's very convenient to try to be the one who seems to know what's going on but actually does not and is only guessing.

I'm not trying to be rude; I'm just asking everyone to be intelligent about this and admit that you don't know if you don't know. There's enough bad information out there as it is.

posted on May, 7 2012 @ 10:43 AM

Large amount of radioactive material has fallen to the bottom of that pool [in Unit 4 ...]

There are already known to be broken assemblies as a result of the debris and structural elements that have fallen down on top of them.

Many years to get the fuel out of Unit 4… praying for no large quake.
Faced with yet another impending doom, the Japanese government seems to be doing exactly what it was at the height of the disaster in 2011 – namely, denying the problem and downplaying the risks. Or else why would the Japanese public and experts and politicians alike fear that summoning international intervention was the only recourse left to avert the brewing disaster?
edit on 7-5-2012 by gramps007 because: more information

posted on May, 7 2012 @ 12:17 PM
reply to post by yoesse

I would assume that even if people went underground in there D.U.M.Bs (deep underground bases). and waited 100 years the radiation would still be everywhere, Worst case scenerio, of course, so it wouldnt help them one bit. No One would survive if all 4 reactors crumbled, and the spent fuel rods released enough Radiation into the air, that it would kill off the entire planet. very scary, I wouldnt want to go underground, because all you would be doing is buying just a little more time before radiation eventually killed everyone, might as well go with the rest of Humanity, and Earths Ecosystems, the people who are in power and influence the world, should be ashamed that they have let this go on as long as it has, and i would bet that most dont even understand or care about the situation.

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