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Why there's good reason to believe the "Abomination that Causes Desolations" will happen this spr

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posted on Mar, 30 2012 @ 05:31 AM

Originally posted by windsorblue
reply to post by hab22

'There is so much more that I can tell you. One step at a time'.

Dont hold back, if you have something to tell us then please fell free to pass it on, because if what you are saying is true then it will begin soon and the more evidence we have the better prepared we will be......

Thank you, Windsor Blue. You're making my job alot easier.

A little bit on Jubilee. It was a provision given to Moses, that every 50th year, the children of Israel were to cancel all debts, let all slaves go free and return all property back to its original owner. When the children of Israel entered the promised land, they blew the "yovel" trumpets 7 times, signifying that God was giving them back the land they lost while they were enslaved in Egypt. The term "Jubilee" or "Yovelee" refers to the blowing of 7 trumpets. Well, in the book of Revelation, you have 7 trumpets being blown by angels. At the sound of the last trump, the angel blowing it declares "The kingdoms of this world have become the kingdoms of Christ." What you have here is a transfer of ownership, ownership of the whole planet. Right now it belongs to Satan. He's had it since the fall of man, and he's created nothing but misery for mankind, animalkind and every other form of life on this planet. The whole world groins and travails in pain awaiting for the great Jubilee in which Satan MUST give back the planet to its original owner, the Creator.

So, that means the end will come at "appointed time" just as Daniel said it would. I am telling you the appointed time is a great Jubilee, exactly 120 Jubilees from the fall of Adam and Eve, when they relinquished control of the planet to Satan.

posted on Mar, 30 2012 @ 05:40 AM
reply to post by hab22

So, that means the end will come at "appointed time" just as Daniel said it would. I am telling you the appointed time is a great Jubilee, exactly 120 Jubilees from the fall of Adam and Eve, when they relinquished control of the planet to Satan.

And you said these jubilees take place every 50 years, are you suggesting that Adam and Eve was only 6,000 years ago? or am I confused, not trying to cause a fight by the way, just curious.

edit on 30-3-2012 by windsorblue because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 30 2012 @ 05:49 AM
A little more on Jubilee. They are also part of a Levitical law called the Schmita, which is a Sabbath rest for the land. Every 7 years, the children of Israel were required to rest their land from production. They followed this law throughout the time of the Judges, but when the Israelites insisted on having a king, they also abandoned the Jubilee, which meant the wealthy class enslaved the rest of Israel under debt, enslavement and foreclosure of property. This led to the role of the prophets, such as Jeremiah, who spoke judgment against Judea. For 70 years, the Jews would be enslaved in Babylon, for the 70 Schmitas they ignored.

In 605 BC, the king of Babylon, Nebuchadnezzar, forced Judea into becoming a vassal state, and he installed a puppet king over Judea. 66 1/2 years later in 538 BC, the kingdom of Babylon was overthrown by the Medes, and some of the Jews were allowed to return to their homeland.

3 1/2 of the 70 year prophecy given to Jeremiah remained to be fulfilled. Just as 3 1/2 of the prophecy given to Daniel remained to be fulfilled. And I would suggest they will be fulfilled in the final 3 1/2 years leading up to the great 120th Jubilee.

Coincidentally, for Jeremiah's remaining prophecy to be fulfilled, Jerusalem must once again come under the control of Bablyon. This is what Isaiah 14 says, Habakkuk 1,2 says, Daniel 11 says, and the book of Revelation says, in addition to Jeremiah 50, 51.

Leading the charge on Jerusalem will be the king of Babylon, the little horn, the Assyrian, the man of lawlessness, the one who seems to come back from a fatal wound (all names and descriptions of the antichrist). He will be the one who allows an image of himself to be set up in the Dome of the Rock, on the temple mount in Jerusalem.

Hard to believe, but out of Iraq will come the antichrist. But first the withholding force must be removed, as written in Thesalonians, and Daniel 11. That withholding force is "the ships of the western coastlands" (Daniel 11:30,31) Sure, enough American and British forces just recently left Iraq. And the wealthy rulers of the Arab world just met in Baghdad this week. It's all coming to pass.

posted on Mar, 30 2012 @ 06:04 AM

Originally posted by windsorblue
reply to post by hab22

So, that means the end will come at "appointed time" just as Daniel said it would. I am telling you the appointed time is a great Jubilee, exactly 120 Jubilees from the fall of Adam and Eve, when they relinquished control of the planet to Satan.

And you said these jubilees take place every 50 years, are you suggesting that Adam and Eve was only 6,000 years ago? or am I confused, not trying to cause a fight by the way, just curious.

edit on 30-3-2012 by windsorblue because: (no reason given)

Actually, Jubilees take place every 49 years, since the Jubilee always follows a Schmita year, and is also the first year of the next seven year cycle. There is no singular 50th year. The Jubilee is part of a pattern of sevens. This is why Jeremiah's prophecy refers to 490 years when the Jews ignored Jubilee, and why Daniel's prophecy also equals 490 years.

Now get out your calculator. 120 Jubilees x 49 = 5880 years. That is 120 years removed from the 6000 years from Creation to the Seventh Millennium (which also begins, I believe, in 2015). Therefore Adam and Eve were in the Garden of Eden living free for 120 years. Sure enough, Genesis tells us that Adam was 130 years old when his son Seth was born. This would have been 10 years after the Fall.

Which means that Cain and Abel were born in the Garden of Eden. This is why when Eve was judged, she was told her labor pains would "increase". Meaning she had already experience child birth.

So within the 6000 years from Creation to the second coming of Christ (who brings in the 7th day, or 7th Millennium of Sabbath rest for the planet), there are 120 Jubilees, each 49 years apart from each other, beginning with the fall of Adam when he was 120 years old. Each of the 120 Jubilees signifies a year in which Adam and Eve lived free in the Garden.

Moses lived to be a 120 years. To Moses was given the knowledge and legal requirements of Jubilee. His life, like Adam, was a type of Jubilee. Interestingly, Moses life is equally divided into 40 year segments, his time in Egypt, his time as a shepherd, and his time of leading the Israelites out of slavery. The 120 Jubilees are also divided into 3 segments: from the fall to the call of Abraham is exactly 40 Jubilees. From the call of Abraham to the beginning of Christ's ministry is exactly 40 Jubilees. And from the beginning of Christ's ministry till 2015 is also 40 Jubilees. BUT THERE IS SOMETHING ELSE YOU NEED TO UNDERSTAND. IT IS VERY IMPORTANT. Next post.

posted on Mar, 30 2012 @ 06:07 AM
reply to post by hab22

Hi, There IS a passage that (in some version) refers to "standing in the holy place (let the reader understand)" (possibly, a place within the Temple) in the same passage as the word "abomination".

This is in Matthew 24:15 NKJV, ESV, NIV, NASB, RSV. (The KJV, says "stand in the holy place"; some versions split the part in parentheses, moving it elsewhere in the sentence.)

Compare Mark 13:14, which says, "standing where it ought not"—the ESV says, "standing where HE ought not" (emphasis added).

And then both passages say, "then let those who are in Judea flee to the mountains".

This place, this "holy place" could be a literal temple, or not, I suppose; but a figurative temple just seems silly to me. On the other hand,

It could have been fulfilled back when Jerusalem and the existing Temple then were emptied and destroyed. There was then a huge "desolation". If it was fulfilled at that time, then this particular topic may not be relevant. But, let's see in what way this is or is not "moot".

If the prophecy is referring to an end time, then one argument is that a temple MUST be first built—unless a mosque on the Temple mount could qualify as a PLACE. For after all, across the centuries, various religions have (at times) taken over other religions' buildings, and used them for their own purposes. (Why rebuild if you don't have to??)

Of course, those who believe in the mosque would say that it IS a holy place.

And then there is the argument that YHWH/elohim, according to the OT, chose a PLACE to put his name, to which place people were called to gather (for the feasts, etc.). THAT could be ANYWHERE, at any given time; and then there needs to be no "temple" at all for such to take place. That would BE a holy place, or maybe the current holy place. (There is actually one or more groups that claim one or more areas for where YHWH has recently chosen to place his name.)

If it's relevant, the NT says that when Christ was exalted, he was given a name that is above EVERY name (AFTER his resurrection!). For this, let me put together a thread of ideas and passages, to possibly be tied together: Christ said that "Wherever two or three are gathered in my name, there I am in their midst". And, "Christ in you..."; and "Christ lives in me"; and, "the Body of Christ", of which Christians are individually members of. Some have suggested some kind of abomination related to the Body. What might that be? (I don't have a list of ideas, but) The Apostle Paul writes that before the "man of sin" is revealed, a great falling away (apostasy) occurs; and then because people didn't receive the love of the truth, "God will send them strong delusion, so that they will believe a/the lie" (in 2 Thessalonians Chapters 1 and 2); and possibly related to this, Christ said that there would be such a great deception that "if it were possible, even the (very) elect would be deceived". The Thessalonians passage speaks of that which is "taken out of the way", which many suggest is the "holy spirit"; there is Jude 1:19 that speaks of people – it almost seems to be speaking of believers – who are, or who become, "devoid of the spirit" (NASB). (While many say the spirit cannot be taken away, Psalm 51 had "Don't take your holy spirit from me". Certainly, even if one could NOT lose the spirit – a topic of much debate, for both ideas – one could still have the spirit but not be filled with the spirit. This is why it says to "BE filled with the spirit", because one may not be.) What exactly would be the abomination here? I haven't considered enough viewpoints to offer a list, but what if there were a great "wonder", wherein people think it is Christ! This very thing seems to be related to the deception (or a deception) that believers are to be on guard against. Wonders are, after all, wonders, LOL.

(For those who believe in "aliens": this could even be an appearance of some wonder or ship in the sky. Just for bringing it up, do I lose all credibility? LOL.)

Not to be argumentative, but I think it is a presumption to say that someone will not allow a Temple to be built. While it is true that some people would complain, they might not be able to stop it (without blowing things up, including possibly a nearby mosque).

NOTE: By some calculations, the mosque there is sitting on the area where the "outer court" of the Temple was; and of course, there was a time in Israel when those of other nations could be in the outer court. (And "Jesus" said "My house should be a house of prayer for ALL NATIONS".) If that mosque is indeed sitting there, in the outer court, then, some have suggested that the Temple proper could be built without tearing down or moving the mosque. They would then both sit side by side each other, for as long as that would last.

Whatever the case—

Love truth!


Love the person nearby you,
"as yourself".


posted on Mar, 30 2012 @ 06:19 AM
Jesus's ministry began in 28 AD, in the 15th year of Tiberius. This coincides with the 69th week of Daniel when the Messiah would be "cut off and have nothing". At the beginning of his ministry, Jesus entered his hometown synagogue and gave a Jubilee message. He was anointed to preach good news to the poor, deliverance to the captives and liberty to those who are bruised, to proclaim "the acceptable year of the Lord" which is what a Jubilee is. The year of God's favor to the poor.

Jesus was cut off from his people and left with nothing. They tried to push him off a cliff. He became a homeless, penniless Messiah, yet with very limited means, he saved the whole world. What a Saviour! His 3 1/2 year ministry fulfilled the following three and a half years of Daniel's 490 year prophecy. So in the middle of the final week, Jesus put an end to sacrifice and offerings, with his death on the cross. No longer a need for daily animal sacrifices. All those who believe in him are covered by the blood of Jesus. That is the covenant he entered into with many.

So for nearly 40 Jubilees, the church has grown and many have entered into God's family. 40 Jubilees equals 1960 years (40 x 49 = 1960) But wait, if we add 28 AD and 1960 years, we end up at 1988, not 2015. What's up with that? you might ask.

Well, according to a very important dendrochronological study done in 1980, our Anno Domini calendar is off by 27 years. Add 27 years to 1988 and you arrive at 2015. Dendrochronology, by the way, is the study of tree rings. It's become a very valid science that is used to study time. There is a 27 year gap in time, right after the death of Constantine, where tree ring samples seem to disappear, suggesting that those years never existed. It's called "the Migration Gap" according to tree ring scientists. This is a whole new subject, for a later post, but like I said, there is much I need to tell you. And I can't do it all at once.

posted on Mar, 30 2012 @ 06:34 AM

Originally posted by hab22
Jesus's ministry began in 28 AD, in the 15th year of Tiberius.
40 Jubilees equals 1960 years (40 x 49 = 1960) But wait, if we add 28 AD and 1960 years, we end up at 1988, not 2015. What's up with that? you might ask.

Well, according to a very important dendrochronological study done in 1980, our Anno Domini calendar is off by 27 years. Add 27 years to 1988 and you arrive at 2015. Dendrochronology, by the way, is the study of tree rings. It's become a very valid science that is used to study time. There is a 27 year gap in time, right after the death of Constantine, where tree ring samples seem to disappear, suggesting that those years never existed. It's called "the Migration Gap" according to tree ring scientists. This is a whole new subject, for a later post, but like I said, there is much I need to tell you. And I can't do it all at once.


Can you please give SOURCES for this 27 years?


Where do you get 28AD/CE from?


Did you know that if you add 70 years (a typical lifespan-length, see Ps. 90:10) to the year 1948 (the year Israel was declared a nation again), you get 2018? Just 3 or so years after your 2015 date!


posted on Mar, 30 2012 @ 06:51 AM

Originally posted by CLPrime

Originally posted by hab22

Study out the "parousia" or coming of Christ throughout the New Testament. Clearly has the connotation of the return of Christ, i.e. his appearing. I mean, read the book of Revelation, for heavens sake.

The book of Revelation was the first book of the Bible I ever read.
Not long ago, I translated the book of Revelation from the original Greek.
After that, I made an audio version of my original translation of Revelation.
I've read the book once or twice

In Christ's discourse, parousia only appears long after this mention of the "abomination that causes desolation." In the immediate context, Christ uses the word erchomai - though, that's really just highlighting a different aspect of that same thing. Erchomai has the connotation of a god coming to Earth. Parousia has the connotation of a military official coming in victory.
You'll also notice that the disciples asked Jesus about the ultimate end (sunteleia), while Jesus told them about the goal (telos).

The context is most certainly the destruction of Jerusalem. Otherwise, Jesus was a liar when he said all of these things in this discourse would happen to "this generation" (Matthew 24:34).

As for the gap between the first half and the second half of the seventieth week of Daniel, I see it as the "mystery" of the Church age. As Paul said to the Corinthians, had Satan known the mystery, he would not have crucified the Lord of glory.

And, of course, it doesn't really matter how you or I see it. What matters is what God has revealed as truth in his Word. We can't go inserting gaps into things just because we want parts to still be future for us. Every belief and interpretation we have must be backed by Scripture.
Everything in Daniel 9 has been fulfilled. Every requirement for the end of the 70th week, listed in Daniel 9:24, has been fulfilled. Ask me to give Scripture to back this up, and I will (it might take some time, in my sleep-deprived state, but I'll get there).

Not to be argumentative. I respect all positions. I enjoy the dialogue as long as it doesnt get personal or derogatory. Iron sharpens iron. Love you, bro.

That's alright, I don't mind argumentative (in the 'debate' sense of the word). When trying to testify of God's Word, nothing is ever gained by being derogatory.

Jesus said everything will happen to "this generation." have you ever considered the possibility that the Greek word for 'generation' means 'race'? English speakers have got the idea in their minds that the word generation means ONLY the passing away of man, whereas it literally means RACE as well.

Just something to consider. It adds to some of the confusion I think if you translate the verses and understand generation to mean race. Actually meditate on that word. Generation, regeneration, creating, procreating, offspring. What's in a word. We have been told to think in concrete terms by the bible fundamentalists.

edit on 30-3-2012 by grandestconspiracyofall because: Mistake

posted on Mar, 30 2012 @ 06:55 AM
we'll assume the bible is a factual document. that is a different thread.

as a non religious person this is what these prophecies mean to me.

what if the desolation is an arab leader of israel elected by israelis? not some bat wingged, pitchfork carrying, devil but a regular person. a regular person elected by israel.


posted on Mar, 30 2012 @ 06:59 AM
reply to post by Hydroman

Hydraman, its like this:

The original old testament was written in ancient Hebrew. We don't fully understand it anymore.

This was translated into ancient Greek. We don't fully understand it anymore.

From Greek it was translated into Latin. Getting better!

King James had it translated from the original ancient Hebrew to Old English. He had an Agenda.

From Latin it was translated to English by a Pope with an Agenda.

Now, you wonder why these people can't agree on anything!

There is a simple solution!

Take ALL the holy books from all older religions. Remove all that was written by men with Agendas. What you have left can be summed up in one simple phrase. Do unto others as you would have others do unto you.

Do a google search on "Asimov's guide to the bible part one"

Read the first few pages. It is a real eye opener for who changed what. It was written many years ago before all this modern fracas started.


posted on Mar, 30 2012 @ 06:59 AM
Consider the possibility that the temple may not be am actual building, but a country of people that are free. Also consider that the country with no walls or borders may actually be referring to the U.S. Because of the free trade agreement the U.S. Has no borders or walls anymore. Also consider the possibility that obama is the antichrist as he believes that he is the messiah.

posted on Mar, 30 2012 @ 07:08 AM

Originally posted by DonVoigt
Consider the possibility that the temple may not be am actual building, but a country of people that are free. Also consider that the country with no walls or borders may actually be referring to the U.S. Because of the free trade agreement the U.S. Has no borders or walls anymore. Also consider the possibility that obama is the antichrist as he believes that he is the messiah.

The bible is an ancient text about the middle east. The self destructing US of A is one of the shortest lived empires in history. The only relevance may be that their armies will be part of end times on the side of the bad guys.


posted on Mar, 30 2012 @ 07:11 AM
There is a third Jewish prophecy of 490 years. In addition to Jeremiah's and Daniel's, there was a Jewish rabbi named Judah Ben Samuel who founded the Hassidic movement of modern Judaism. He lived in the 13th century. Near death he gave a prophecy of the final 10 Jubilees (10 x 49 = 490 years) and Jerusalem was at the center of his prophecy.

He said Jerusalem would come under the control of the Turks for 8 Jubilees. Then Jerusalem would be in "no man's land" for one Jubilee. Then he said the Jews would gain control over Jerusalem and this would usher in the final Jubilee, at the end of which the Messiah would come. This prophecy was published in 2008 in a magazine called "Israel Today".

Is there any truth to the prophecy? Let's take a look. In 1516, the Ottoman Turks under Sultan Selim replaced the Mamluks for control of Palestine after winning the Battles of Marj Dabig in Syria and Yaunis Khan in Gaza. Eight Jubilee cycles would pass with Jerusalem under Turkish control. Those Jubilee cycles (according to my calculations, each 49 years apart) commenced as follows:

1525-26 begins Jubilee cycle #1
1574-75 begins Jubilee cycle #2
1623-24 begins Jubilee cycle #3
1672-73 begins Jubilee cycle #4
1721-22 begins Jubilee cycle #5
1770-71 begins Jubilee cycle #6
1819-20 begins Jubilee cycle #7
1868-69 begins Jubilee cycle #8

The eighth Jubilee cycle ended in the fall of 1917. Three months later General Allenby of the British chased the Turks out of Jerusalem. Then would begin a 49 year cycle in which Jerusalem would be "in no man's land" under charter with the League of Nations, and then the United Nations.

As this lines up, the next year of Jubilee, 49 years after Allenby's conquest, occurred in 1966-67. During that year, the Jews gained control over Jerusalem, just as the rabbi prophecied. This would begin the "end times" he said. This Jubilee cycle will last another 49 years, ending in 2015!

This would concur with the analogy that Jesus gave of the fig tree and the final generation. The nation of Israel was founded in 1948. Almost 70 years, the time of a generation, has transpired. We are down to the wire.

Jubilees always occur in the year after a Shmita. The modern day nation of Israel has actually kept the Shmitas since 1951. Since then, 1958, 1965, 1972, 1979, 1986, 1993, 2000, 2007, 2014. Remember, Jubilees always follow after a year of Smita. 2015 could be the year of the great Jubilee.

Something else to consider. The 7 trumpets are blown at the beginning of the first 7 months of the Jewish calendar. The succession of trumpets begins in Nissan, then Iyar, Siwan, Tamuz, Ab, Elul and then the 7th trumpet blows on the first day of Tishri, the 7th month of the year. This is when Jubilee begins. In the year 2015, there will be a total solar eclipse over the Middle East on the first of Nissan, coinciding with the first trumpet. Coincidence? Also there will be 4 blood moons (total lunar eclipses) happening in 2014 and 2015, each coinciding with the first day of an important Jewish feast, Passover and Tabernacles. Coincidence?

As Jesus said, there will be "signs in the heavens." As Peter said, "The sun will be turned to darkness and the moon to blood before the coming of the great and glorious day of the Lord."

If so, a lot has to happen in 2012, beginning the 42 months of Great Tribulation. When things are actually fulfilled, then we will know for sure. Until then, we watch and wait with expectation, looking up, knowing that our redemption, and the redemption of the whole Earth, draws near.

posted on Mar, 30 2012 @ 07:16 AM
Just to clarify my previous post about 'generation' meaning what we know as race: if you go read genesis you'll see, depending on what bible you read from, "these are the generations of Adam" or "this is the generation of Adam" clearly signifying offspring. The same proof is within the Greek new testement when describing Jesus' lineage. There's a link to race from the scribes and somehow along the way we went astray thinking it somehow means a certain time frame dealing with the passing away of people, lol.

posted on Mar, 30 2012 @ 07:18 AM

Originally posted by timeisonwhoseside

Originally posted by hab22
Jesus's ministry began in 28 AD, in the 15th year of Tiberius.
40 Jubilees equals 1960 years (40 x 49 = 1960) But wait, if we add 28 AD and 1960 years, we end up at 1988, not 2015. What's up with that? you might ask.

Well, according to a very important dendrochronological study done in 1980, our Anno Domini calendar is off by 27 years. Add 27 years to 1988 and you arrive at 2015. Dendrochronology, by the way, is the study of tree rings. It's become a very valid science that is used to study time. There is a 27 year gap in time, right after the death of Constantine, where tree ring samples seem to disappear, suggesting that those years never existed. It's called "the Migration Gap" according to tree ring scientists. This is a whole new subject, for a later post, but like I said, there is much I need to tell you. And I can't do it all at once.


Can you please give SOURCES for this 27 years?


Where do you get 28AD/CE from?


Did you know that if you add 70 years (a typical lifespan-length, see Ps. 90:10) to the year 1948 (the year Israel was declared a nation again), you get 2018? Just 3 or so years after your 2015 date!


That is one source for the 27 years. I've done alot of other study and dialogue with dendrochronologists concerning this. There is more to this story. I'll save it for another post, but have to get ready for work.

As for 28 AD, that coincides with the 15th year of Tiberius, according to the Julian calender. Eusebius, the father of church history, taught that it was a year of Jubilee, the 30th from Moses. I use 28 AD as my "plumb line" going backwards in time and forwards. I have put together a 17 foot long chart showing all the Jubilees going back to Adam and Eve and comparing all the key chronologies in the Bible, such as the ages of the patriarchs. It's really amazing to see the 6 thousand years (6 days) of history in light of the Jubilee calendar.

posted on Mar, 30 2012 @ 07:28 AM
It has been set up already IMO.

What is a abomination that causes desolation?
The forbidden thing that causes destruction?
Would a big machine that attempts to disprove the existence of God count as such?
The beast hates the harlot. Babylon will fall. The internet as you know it, is the harlot, The mystery of the fall of Babylon. The grid, is the beast that will replace the harlot. When they switch off your internet, Remember these words.
Now go read Zechariah 3:9 and then take a good look at that aztec sun stone.

Zec 3:9 For behold the stone that I have laid before Joshua; upon one stone shall be seven eyes: behold, I will engrave the graving thereof, saith the LORD of hosts, and I will remove the iniquity of that land in one day.
Zec 3:10 In that day, saith the LORD of hosts, shall ye call every man his neighbour under the vine and under the fig tree. Zechairah 3:9-10 Bible KJV

Inner circle aztec stone - woman in the ephah( Zechariah 5:5-11)
four blocks around inner circle - the 4 beasts (Daniel 7:1-7 & Revelation 4:7-8)
The two branches on the outer circle - Joshua and Zerubabel - The two anointed ones (Zechariah 4:12-14)

Dan 2:34 Thou sawest till that a stone was cut out without hands, which smote the image upon his feet that were of iron and clay, and brake them to pieces.

Proverbs 25:2 It is the glory of God to conceal a thing: but the honour of kings is to search out a matter.
- Bible KJV

edit on 30-3-2012 by MathMax because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 30 2012 @ 07:31 AM
reply to post by hab22

Read Luke 21, Matthew 24, Daniel 8 and Daniel 11. These verses all give details of what's about to occur.


Hey, you need a temple to be standing for the abomination to occur, Come one, read the Bible. The antichrist will sit in the holy of holies and declare to be God.

posted on Mar, 30 2012 @ 07:46 AM
reply to post by pheonix358

While I believe that some of the people in this country may be a party of that evil army I certainly don't believe that this entire country is in league with the devil, so to speak. I certainly am not I've spent my entire life working hard to not become that type of sh!!!ty person, to be the best person I can be. I certainly believe there are alot evil people operating in this country as I have endured many hardships for my moral belief system, but at the beginning of your thread you asked for the thoughts and ideas of other atsers so I shared other possibilities

posted on Mar, 30 2012 @ 08:07 AM
reply to post by SrWingCommander

He will come as thief in the night, trying to pick a date is pure fantasy, better off trying to predict the lotto numbers. I do like your post and agree all of the signs are leaning towards a sooner than later occurence. The establishment of Israel was the final major event from my opinion that has ushered us into the final days. I am most excited. Just a personal note all of these talks of spirtual awakening, I see alot of posting rearding this and people referring to othe spiritual enlightenment not of GOD and the period of great enlightenment prior to or in the beginning of the Tribulation period. I myself have begun to care less and less of materials things, strange for me as I was a highly driven exec, trying to build my fortune and career. I have developed an attitude that most things are meaningless and focus more on joy and happiness and truly devoting my time to "Walk as Jesus " did. This brings me an enoromous amount of peace and tranquilty to my life.

I am happen to see your post, as of all the talks of aliens and alien invasions and such is crazy.

Peace and blessing be with you and yours.

posted on Mar, 30 2012 @ 08:55 AM
Good post op ...I just wanted to mark for later ...I am really intrested in the dates you are putting forth ..I was saying to a friend just last night that there might be some time missing on our calender that was not accounted for and then I find your thread ...S&F thanks for making this ....peace

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