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Is it Wrong To want De-evolution? or De-Industrialism?

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posted on Mar, 23 2012 @ 06:56 PM

Originally posted by Mkoll
I think that we need to change things up, but we won't necessarily have to de-industrialize. I think that switching to localized farming and manufacturing would be a very good thing. If our society can change to be focused around small farming communities which are mostly self sufficient I think everyone would have a better sense of community and purpose. If we can develop solar tech that is efficient enough, or fusion reactors, it could be possible to keep advancing technology independent of fossil fuels and in a clean manner. I agree that we need a change, but I believe that the most effective measures would be a combination of old style community and today's technology.

De-centralize. That was the vision of the founding fathers that there would be all the power in each state, not a mega-federal overlord. De-centralization permits the opportunity for local control.

posted on Mar, 23 2012 @ 06:59 PM
here is a video of extra-terrestrial beings who discuss about earth

posted on Mar, 23 2012 @ 07:30 PM
When you say de-evolved, I think but we all ready have. I think the human race was once capable of amazing feats. We have been around for millions of years. Their is no way that it took us that long to get to this point. I think a disaster kills us off every ten thousand years or something of the like. I can only imagine the Alien LIKE society's this plant used to nourish. I agree that things need to be simpler. I LOVE the technology but if we are going to make it then we need to find a way that will not damage the planet or make our self's slaves to it. It seems that no matter what path humanity takes their will be = hard ships. A life in a simple village may sound simple but it would be just as hard. At least it would be morally right. To survive in the city you need a job and most jobs contribute to a negative effect in one way or another. Weather its cutting hair(main stream vanity) or flipping burgers(Government poisoning).

I would like a open society where fruits, vegetables and animals flourish the worlds land. A garden of Eden. A world with natrual technology, where we are taught not to abuse it for our lazy needs but to achieve the impossible. What we could not have achieved with out it. To many people abuse it, driving a car down a block, or watching TV ever day just to waist time. If instead of Goverment schooling we wear taught what really matters then we would be far from the spot we are into day. But someone, some group thinks they need to control. I do not understand it now. Hopefully I will soon...

posted on Mar, 24 2012 @ 03:33 AM
reply to post by Infi8nity

I believe your right, If you ever needed proof of it look at the last 50 years its the first time in 2000 years that technology has been stunted.

posted on Mar, 24 2012 @ 04:56 AM
I think you are idealising the past. Life in the past was harder, more violent, less happy, full of ignorance. It may be true that people had closer relationships on some level, but I think it is in the same way that a war or crisis makes a nation more cooperative and erases the differences. That does not mean we should go to war, doesnt it?

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