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Sheriff Joe's posse: 'Probable cause' Obama Birth Certificate a Fraud-now a Criminal Case!

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posted on Mar, 2 2012 @ 06:43 AM

Originally posted by kerazeesicko
FACT: The republicans would have been all over this if there was any validity to this.

That's a huge DUH from me, sitting here in the UK laughing at how pathetic this birther stuff is. What I find astonishing about the birthers is that most don't even know what is says in your constitution about being eligible for presidency! Even I can read that!

But yes anything proveable would have been jumped on by the republicans, if not in the last election then certainly in this. If Obama is proved to be ineligible then the republicans could field a monkey and win. If anyone wishes to explain that away with calls of cover-up has clearly got cotton wool between the ears : A black democrat president would have to have more influence than white established republicans!!!!!!!!!!!!!! no way in freaking hell!!!!!!!!!!!! Sorry but racism in the system would ensure that this would never happen, Remember you would have to have ZERO racism from top to bottom in every single relevant department in order to keep the lie alive. Yeah right!

Quite ironic that racism is clearly the driving force behind the birthers agitation and yet racism proves he is genuine

posted on Mar, 2 2012 @ 06:44 AM
reply to post by mznonterrorist


ZERO doubt.

FACT: The republicans would have been all over this if there was any validity to this. THEY WERE! IT kept getting dismissed by TPTB.

FACT: The proper authorities that check candidates to see if their eligible for candidacy would have done a thorough background check. WHAT PROPER authorities? Pelosi? (the then acting Speaker) Are you kidding? The number of states that have now come out with challenges to his being on the ballot again are getting replies back from their own Secretary of State that the states do not have the authority to vet candidates. THE DEMOCRATIC PARTY? Pleeease....

FACT: The CIA and other alphabet agencies would have done their own thorough background checks. Again, PULLLEASE.... since when do the alphabet agencies have America's best interest at heart when it comes to candidates?

FACT: The amount of birther lies says there is absolutely nothing to this. They have never provided no facts but lies that can easily be researched and found to be fake. WRONG! Multiple lawsuits that get squashed and unheard despite the PROOF that is given by professionals in various fields. Does the recent Atlanta case come to mind? or how about jsut outright denying petitioners to have their day in court such

"Illinois State Board of Elections says “Birther” complaints have been settled before, you have no right to speak

by Pamela Barnett, Obama State Ballot Challenge 2012 Illinois State Board of Elections “mocked me with great bias” the law had nothing to do with this hearing, said Michael Jackson regarding his 10 minute experience. Jackson was denied a right to speak in front of the board. Jackson compared the experience of what it would [...]"

Go here
edit on 2-3-2012 by Nana2 because: to add BOLD

posted on Mar, 2 2012 @ 07:08 AM

Originally posted by anon72
reply to post by Maxmars

I can't agree on this one. I really think the Joe is onto something here.

You do bring up a good point that not much can be done to the Pres or Members of Congress-except the people deciding to do something about it. Either by Peace or by Force. Obama better be careful getting people all worked up to riot and/or cause mayhem this year. It just might happen, but not as he wants it to....

The first thing that needs to be done it clear the matter up. Obama can do it with a stroke of a pen-but he won't. So, he is being risky and he may have to pay for that.

As far as an arrest. Possible. A staffer or some known member of Obamas group/admin etc.

The biggest problem, of course, is TIME. Just not enough time to do much about it-especially if people stonewall, or rather-Continue to stone wall.

"I smell Smoke"....

I think you are smelling smoke from the wrong fire. The 79 year old sheriff in question is currently about to face a grand jury with regards to his anti corruption unit and a forthcoming re-election bid. He is also facing complaints around racial discrimination. You think the guy is really doing anything other than ride on this birther wave to divert attention from his own issues?

posted on Mar, 2 2012 @ 07:36 AM
More nonsense, good luck there with Romney or Santorum. You'll need to muddy the waters as much as possible. Meanwhile both republicans and democrats main concern is the economy.

posted on Mar, 2 2012 @ 07:49 AM

Originally posted by yorkshirelad

Originally posted by kerazeesicko
FACT: The republicans would have been all over this if there was any validity to this.

Quite ironic that racism is clearly the driving force behind the birthers agitation and yet racism proves he is genuine

What every rational person should think....

Obama's ability to hide the truth from his rich, well connected/informed political oponents would be in stark contrast to anything he's managed to do in his first term....

If he used half the guile he used in making up his birth surely he would have executed his evil genius plan as he's had nearly 4 years.

Instead he seems to be just another prez..elected by the people, controlled by the corporations.

posted on Mar, 2 2012 @ 07:51 AM
If there is only one action item that our nation can take away from this deliberate mess it is that our process is highly flawed. The vetting process is inconsistent and there is a problem if our sitting president would fail a detailed and routine background check in the law enforcement realm and better yet he would fail miserably if he were a civilian applying for a job with the Secret Service. He would fail simply based on his affiliations and personal relationships alone. Let alone all of the other gaping holes in his history.

Should we as a nation have a higher set of standards for our elected president? Regardless of affiliation. Sure, no one is perfect especially in the realm of politics. Therefore, put it all out there and let the people decide. No tricks, no secrets, no slight of hand. Full disclosure and full transparency. That which was promised has yet to be delivered by this current administration.

posted on Mar, 2 2012 @ 07:56 AM

Originally posted by reddwhite
reply to post by mrgregbusybee

Follow the money trail...Whites didn't want him in office...He has 5 years US government experience counting being President...yet he received all that money to run for President. He's a puppet. Start your search with the Federal Reserve.... but the path it will lead you on is one you can't return from and you and it'll change your view on everything taking place

God I hate you right now,it is too late and now I wont be able to sleep unless I go look this # up.

I'm sorry... And from your posts you certainly appear intelligent and wanting to find the truth in all of this... I was led down the same path I offered you, starting with the Federal Reserve Bank which started in 1913 & had a 100 year agreement for services provided..... And I spent many nights awake reading and researching and it sucks!!! But Obama is merely a face and a puppet and we haven't seen the end product yet but it's coming..!! So his BC doesn't matter... It didn't back then and won't now because of those facts...the money put him in office supported and backed him to be the face of this change. Maybe the goal is to reduce the value of the US dollar which is what the international community uses determining the price of oil. If the dollar is reduced in value to match a majority of other countries...then a new currency across the board can be implemented thus decreasing spending of oil??? Just a thought...? But whatever is going on we can all agree that it's not in the best interest of our rights and freedoms..!!

posted on Mar, 2 2012 @ 08:02 AM
Paul is my first choice, but better Obama than Romney!

Stuff it!

posted on Mar, 2 2012 @ 08:04 AM

Originally posted by Brandon88
reply to post by Skewed

He should be removed from office and anything he has done should be null and void.

Only wish we could do that with Bush and Cheney.

posted on Mar, 2 2012 @ 08:15 AM
Go get him Joe!! I think many police agencies should join the fight against this terrorist Obama. Joe is a true American despite what the Liberal lets ruin America crowd. Joe has been fighting to protect his County from illegals and now he wants to protect America as a whole from the #1 illegal.

posted on Mar, 2 2012 @ 08:18 AM

Originally posted by jzenman

Originally posted by Brandon88
reply to post by Skewed

He should be removed from office and anything he has done should be null and void.

Only wish we could do that with Bush and Cheney.

If Obama gets a second term he will make the Bush/Cheney duo look like a couple of cub scouts. Obama is already prepping for a new covert war in Central Africa. We currently have forward operating bases in Uganda, Central African Republic, Congo and South Sudan. Back in October it was just Uganda and has spread ever since. Expect more from Obama because he needs to prove the effectiveness of the Obama Doctrine and his new plan for our military.

posted on Mar, 2 2012 @ 08:23 AM

Originally posted by jibeho
If there is only one action item that our nation can take away from this deliberate mess it is that our process is highly flawed. The vetting process is inconsistent and there is a problem if our sitting president would fail a detailed and routine background check in the law enforcement realm and better yet he would fail miserably if he were a civilian applying for a job with the Secret Service. He would fail simply based on his affiliations and personal relationships alone. Let alone all of the other gaping holes in his history.

Should we as a nation have a higher set of standards for our elected president? Regardless of affiliation. Sure, no one is perfect especially in the realm of politics. Therefore, put it all out there and let the people decide. No tricks, no secrets, no slight of hand. Full disclosure and full transparency. That which was promised has yet to be delivered by this current administration.

The claims you make of Obama's failings are either entirely fabricated or based on politics. Corrupt Sheriff Joe's laughable antics can hardly be described as a "routine background check". Hillary's camp in 2008 found out whatever dirt could be found on Obama and fabricated the not born here lie. A majority of the people still voted for him, that trumps whatever crap any birther kook can pull out of their a**.

posted on Mar, 2 2012 @ 08:28 AM

Originally posted by jibeho

Originally posted by jzenman

Originally posted by Brandon88
reply to post by Skewed

He should be removed from office and anything he has done should be null and void.

Only wish we could do that with Bush and Cheney.

If Obama gets a second term he will make the Bush/Cheney duo look like a couple of cub scouts. Obama is already prepping for a new covert war in Central Africa. We currently have forward operating bases in Uganda, Central African Republic, Congo and South Sudan. Back in October it was just Uganda and has spread ever since. Expect more from Obama because he needs to prove the effectiveness of the Obama Doctrine and his new plan for our military.

Bush/Cheney continue to make Obama look like a cub scout. Their lying to get a war so their friends and backers can profit is pretty tough to beat, not to mention the complete annihalation of our economy. As far as the military goes, Obama has ended the Iraq war and is starting to leave a Afghanistan. Given the facts, I doubt whatever theories you have of his second term will come to fruition

posted on Mar, 2 2012 @ 08:33 AM
reply to post by Patriotsrevenge

Of course in Joe's mind any minority is an illegal. Also, I ask once again how is Obama an illegal? Even if he were born in Kenya due his mother was conferred birthright citizenship. Furthermore, a number of court cases have equated birthright citizenship with natural-born citizenship while no cases have defined natural-born citizenship in any other way. Obama is not only a legal citizen, but he is a natural-born citizen.

posted on Mar, 2 2012 @ 08:36 AM
makes the BIRTHERS look good - how do the rest of ya feel???
there have been plenty of sites that document the truth:
for example: inor-v-happersett-as-standing-precedent-on-citizenship-obama-not-eligible/

thankfully an oath keeper sheriff from Az is taking his job seriously.

BIG THANKS JOE!!! true Americans love ya.

Dr. Ron Paul is great-full

oh - and - what of Breitbart ???

Hey Colorado - time to consider keeping the potus off the ballot until he (dis)proves his eligibility.

edit on 2-3-2012 by jibajaba because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 2 2012 @ 08:37 AM

Originally posted by Brandon88
reply to post by Skewed

He should be removed from office and anything he has done should be null and void.

President Joe Biden needs to raise his right hand and take the oath of office.

Joe can run the nation for a few months.

posted on Mar, 2 2012 @ 08:38 AM

Originally posted by Patriotsrevenge
Go get him Joe!! I think many police agencies should join the fight against this terrorist Obama. Joe is a true American despite what the Liberal lets ruin America crowd. Joe has been fighting to protect his County from illegals and now he wants to protect America as a whole from the #1 illegal.

Sheriff Joe only wants to protect his own corrupt ass:

posted on Mar, 2 2012 @ 08:41 AM

Originally posted by jibajaba
makes the BIRTHERS look good - how do the rest of ya feel???

Pretty good. Logical thinking based on real world facts results in a pleasant state of well-being, you should try it sometime.

posted on Mar, 2 2012 @ 08:42 AM
Sorry OP, I got to the part where it said Joe Arpaio and I had to laugh.

Long ago I said there is no proof that would ever convince some of Obamas validity to be President. As soon as I saw that a young woman was willing to cut up her own face with Obamas name and blame it on Obama supporters, well I knew then just how far people would go...

posted on Mar, 2 2012 @ 08:44 AM

Originally posted by Patriotsrevenge
Go get him Joe!! I think many police agencies should join the fight against this terrorist Obama. Joe is a true American despite what the Liberal lets ruin America crowd. Joe has been fighting to protect his County from illegals and now he wants to protect America as a whole from the #1 illegal.

Sheriff Joe Arpaio is our modern day - John Wayne -.

Go get him Joe!

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