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FDA's New Claim: "Your Body Is a Drug—and We Have the Authority to Regulate It"

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posted on Feb, 2 2012 @ 01:27 PM
reply to post by Aim64C

Good thoughts and I agree for the most part, thanks for taking the time to discuss your view.

posted on Feb, 2 2012 @ 02:51 PM
reply to post by SeekerLou

Interesting post, thanks for sharing this info. The FDA is getting bolder every time they're allowed to get away with something like this without a public outcry. Given the fact that the main news providers to the majority of the public devote most of their time covering matters of utmost importance, such as Lindsey Lohan's latest drug test results, it's no wonder they don't have time for this.
Out of sight of mind is the order for the day.

It's a shame that the FDA is creating issues for this company, it sounds like a treatment that could do a lot of good for many people in treating joint pain. Something I'm intimately acquainted with. The possibility of being able treat myself with something my own body produces being buried in red tape is a real downer lol.

Do you think they'd be able to pull off the mandatory microchipping of people right now if they wanted? I think it'd be tough to do while a large portion of the population would equate this with The Mark of the Beast.

I agree they have absolutely no right to claim any rights of ownership over any parts of my body.
If your arrested for even minor crimes in some states within the US they take your dna sample and store it.

Whats coming next is a mandatory public dna database where we're all obliged to provide samples, "for our own protection".

posted on Feb, 2 2012 @ 03:37 PM
Hmmm, im considering trying to smoke my finger now.

Anyone have a light?

posted on Feb, 2 2012 @ 04:15 PM
Its like they sit in a lab and go "hey we found something else good for them, better go tell the higher ups so we can make it illegal." They want us out of the picture.

posted on Feb, 2 2012 @ 04:49 PM

Originally posted by jazzguy
with all these rediculous statements made by people in power, i am really starting to believe that people up top are systematically trying to create chaos in every part of our lives. seems like its all gonna come crashing down whether we try to stop it or not.

maybe they want to bring everything down and start from scratch, maybe its the whole order out of chaos theory and the new world order, its all becoming too much to handle

the one smartest thing ive ever heard Obama say was a day before the iowa caucus, a MSM reporter asked him if he is going to watch the debates on tv.. he replied.......i dont watch TV
edit on 2-2-2012 by jazzguy because: (no reason given)

agreed..... its like that doctor that called the police on the mother who refused to vaccinate her son

(well informed and GOOD mother award)

Sopa Pipa Acta

i hope that these people in charge don't actually "want" all of this.

there's so much chaos, why don't they do these things to each other instead of us.

how can we tell these "in charge people" probably higher above in power than the president (secret order lol)

that we don't WANT ANYMORE!!!!!!!!!! we want to stop being bothered! we want them to stop threatening our freedoms and rights EVERY SINGLE DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

i don't want to live on this planet anymore, because i don't HAVE any rights.

USA isn't free anymore.

remember the red coats? we fought them over stuff like this, and now we ARE the redcoats.

where is Paul Revere when you need him?

how do we fight back peacefully and let them know we don't want to play anymore?

also FDA should get out of my house, ITS MY BODY AND MY LIFE!!!!!!

Freedom Destroying Antagonists.

posted on Feb, 2 2012 @ 05:16 PM
FDA can suck a golf ball though a garden hose before i'd let them touch me.

I dont remember voting for the law? in fact i dont remember it coming up in conversion.
How do they get away with passing such laws?! its beyond ridiculous, its a #ing joke. right?

posted on Feb, 2 2012 @ 05:28 PM
reply to post by Kriltosthe2nd

FDA should suck a rockethose through a golfship!!!!

I AGREE 100%


when they do things like this, it should be illegal.

posted on Feb, 2 2012 @ 06:05 PM
reply to post by SeekerLou

I gather from this that their only goal is to protect their bottom line. With that in mind, any treatment that is not supplied by big pharma hurts their profits. Therefore, that is why some vitamin supplements, naturopathic medicine, stem cell treatment, etc. have been made illegal. It's not some conspiracy to make us all unhealthy, it's all about the all mighty dollar. If it is more profitable for us to be sick, nutrient deprived and emotionally disturbed, than that is what they will instigate. It's just the way things work in an inverted totalitarian state. That includes Canada too now, sadly enough. Gotta love Codex Alimentarius. BTW if you do not know what that is, by god, research it and prepare to be very, very disturbed.

posted on Feb, 2 2012 @ 06:12 PM

Originally posted by xXxinfidelxXx
reply to post by SeekerLou

I gather from this that their only goal is to protect their bottom line. With that in mind, any treatment that is not supplied by big pharma hurts their profits. Therefore, that is why some vitamin supplements, naturopathic medicine, stem cell treatment, etc. have been made illegal. It's not some conspiracy to make us all unhealthy, it's all about the all mighty dollar. If it is more profitable for us to be sick, nutrient deprived and emotionally disturbed, than that is what they will instigate. It's just the way things work in an inverted totalitarian state. That includes Canada too now, sadly enough. Gotta love Codex Alimentarius. BTW if you do not know what that is, by god, research it and prepare to be very, very disturbed.

couldn't find much, please explain?

posted on Feb, 2 2012 @ 06:31 PM
reply to post by SoymilkAlaska

It's basically a blanket food and drug act that makes a whole bunch of mandatory provisions for consumables. Things like the use of Bovine Growth Hormone, antibiotics and steroids become MANDATORY under it's legislature. That's right, things that have been proven to cause us harm are now mandatory in every westernized nation in the world. It used to be that up here in Canada and in some European nations, along with Australia and so on, they would reject corporatised ideals like this, but Codex Alimentarius is being run by the WHO (World Health Organization) which has no jurisdictional boundaries, therefore it is mandatory pretty much everywhere. I can't really spell it all out for you as a whole, as I am somewhat stretched for time, but I will, however, suffice to say that it is the worst thing that has happened our to food since McDonalds.

posted on Feb, 2 2012 @ 07:10 PM
A long time ago, a friend of mine said when I died, he was going to cut me up and sell me by the gram. Maybe he was a prophet?

posted on Feb, 2 2012 @ 07:22 PM
reply to post by ItsEvolutionBaby

i know right, i thought i was a coroporation too, but now im a drug, and probalby a terrorist too for saying i am thinking this is all bull

what are we gonna be next? oh this would be good, descendants of the flying spagetti monster!

posted on Feb, 2 2012 @ 07:35 PM
reply to post by DJW001

Shame they will not label genetically modified food .......

posted on Feb, 2 2012 @ 08:10 PM

Originally posted by DJW001
reply to post by tothetenthpower

On the other hand, the reason why many "alternative treatments," such as herbs, are not allow to market themselves as being 'Cures" or "preventatives" is because they cannot provide proper studies that prove that they work. When an herbal ingredient turns out to be efficacious, Big Pharma is quick to publish the proper studies and market it themselves.

I think it is a good idea that people can't make any old claims they like without scientific proof, but our system is a little ridiculous with regard to some of the proven benefits of vitamins/minerals that already have oodles of research to back up their effectiveness. It costs an awful lot of money to go through the FDA procedure, they do not have any other cheaper process in place to grandfather perfectly proved remedies with existing scientific peer reviewed fact.
A classic example of this silliness is Vitamin C. In the FDA world ….vitamin C does not cure anything....yes only a drug can cure disease. So Scurvy cannot be a may be an established scientific fact, with loads of peer reviewed journals that vitamin C will indeed prevent and cure Scurvy, but....nope there it is right on my vitamin bottle .. Not intended to treat, cure or prevent any disease.....
I do have an issue with the FDA deciding a person’s own cells, used by themselves are a drug. They need to focus on doing a better job of regulating synthetic chemicals made by the Pharma industry. They are supposed to be the food and drug administration not regulators of qualified practicing Doctors.

edit on 2-2-2012 by AliceBlackman because: my section looks as if it's being quoted

posted on Feb, 2 2012 @ 10:03 PM
Well according to some humanity is nothing more than a mish mash of chemicals and elements, technically from an evolutionary stand point the fda are correct.
Its only those religious nutters who suggest a soul in humanity separates us from the dust.

posted on Feb, 2 2012 @ 10:44 PM
reply to post by SeekerLou

The illegialization of Cannabis is esentialy the same thing. Your body produces an exact chemical replica to Cannibadol. This isn't anything new. The governments been regulating your bodies chemicals for years. '___' is another example of this.

posted on Feb, 2 2012 @ 11:27 PM
reply to post by SeekerLou

I had to join because of this Topic. Further down in the Post someone stated that the FDA has NO financial incentives to make or receive Money. Totally wrong Please look at this like, and there are many, that tell quite a different Story..Bet you didn't know this..Thanks

No conflict of Interest Folk's? I say this is a BIG one..Thanks

posted on Feb, 2 2012 @ 11:29 PM

Originally posted by SoymilkAlaska
reply to post by Kriltosthe2nd

FDA should suck a rockethose through a golfship!!!!

I AGREE 100%


when they do things like this, it should be illegal.

I'm getting tired of this entity that has such control and power over us, and continually goes against what the majority wants.

I don't recall them asking the people permission to wield this kind of power. They take money out of peoples wallets, then use it to order everyone around and control what we think. Really bizarre.

posted on Feb, 2 2012 @ 11:29 PM
reply to post by DJW001

All you do is go in threads and attempt to derail, debunk and belittle any critical thought. You sir, are ants at a picnic, and I have a giant bottle of raid. Wanna dance?

posted on Feb, 2 2012 @ 11:32 PM
reply to post by DJW001

Do you know who funds the AMA, and the AMA's International Equivalent? Rockafeller Foundation and Carnegy Endowment. And they are both heavily invested and tied into BIG PHARMA and Insurance which is also tied to big pharma. FOLLOW THE MONEY BRAH

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