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White House locked down because of 'smoking objects'

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posted on Jan, 18 2012 @ 03:05 AM
I think it was a cover-up for Obama sneaking out for a smoke.

posted on Jan, 18 2012 @ 08:25 AM
reply to post by Aim64C

Basically - it's a given that large groups will persist until they eventually do something that causes everyone to go: "Oh... #..... RUN!" - And for some people, that threshold can be quite high, especially when propped by the sense of being supported by "other people in the group" (which really gets into 'groups-within-a-group' - but that's another discussion, as well).

I'm looking forward to the day that the Banksters and Corrupt Politicians/CEOs get to that point. Any thoughts on when that group will finally turn tail and skeedaddle?

posted on Jan, 18 2012 @ 08:51 AM
The question for 2012 is whether the gaping multitude will come to their senses and respond accordingly against the ruling oligarchy.

I expect the Democratic and Republican presidential conventions to be overrun by protestors. The authorities will respond with excessive force, resulting in further violent protests in other cities.

This is when the tide has the potential to turn - from civil disobedience to civil unrest to civil armament to civil-ruling class war.

posted on Jan, 18 2012 @ 02:08 PM
reply to post by TheExopolitician

That would be the tipping point.
I have not looked at it from that angle but it seems that there are signs pointing in that direction now.

posted on Jan, 18 2012 @ 04:47 PM
reply to post by la2

I didn't read the replies so I apologize if someone else has said this....

The only smoking objects on the White House grounds I'm worried about are the politicians in the building.

posted on Jan, 18 2012 @ 05:12 PM
reply to post by wildtimes

I'm looking forward to the day that the Banksters and Corrupt Politicians/CEOs get to that point. Any thoughts on when that group will finally turn tail and skeedaddle?

There, you're looking at a group-within-a-group.

The destructive behavior is propped up by the false impression of support offered by the nation at large.

Of course - you've already demonstrated you don't understand the problem, do not desire to, and simply want a target for the lynch mob.

Which is why I don't associate with anyone who uses the phrase: "bankster." You're simply being used as a means to another person's power-hungry ends.

Come back after studying the history of the Federal Reserve and the history of State versus Federal powers and authorities.

posted on Jan, 18 2012 @ 06:46 PM
reply to post by Aim64C

Of course - you've already demonstrated you don't understand the problem, do not desire to, and simply want a target for the lynch mob.

Oh! Really?

Wrong, pal.
And rude.
I DO understand the problem, thank you very much, and I've spent hours -- EDIT TO CLARIFY: Days, days, weeks, months on end -- researching it, studying it, contemplating it, looking at it from all different angles, debating it with educated, smart people who hold various points of view.

I want to know when the greedy, morally bankrupt money-grubbers and thieves are going to turn on each other for once and for all, and perhaps some of them start giving a crap about the people whom they are enslaving and starving in the name of their "investors."

What, are you a big-banker? You have some serious issues, if so. If not, you are behaving in a pompous and confrontational manner that is unworthy of further attention.

Don't think you've got a monopoly on the reality of the situation, bub. It makes you look ignorant. I've been on this earth for over 50 years. I'm no dimwit.

The PROBLEM is GREED and DISREGARD for fellow human beings who are suffering.
edit on 18-1-2012 by wildtimes because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 18 2012 @ 07:35 PM
reply to post by la2

OK, so as an American, are you happy with the direction of the country?

Personally,,,,,,,,,, I can see the country is being flushed down the toilet...................I can also see that big business runs the show..............

Am I happy? No.................I am tired....................tired of everybody in everybody else's business and telling them what to think and do...........this includes the government........

Do you think the current President has done anything to make your life and the overall state of the country any better?

I think that no president (going back decades) has done anything(or not much) to the betterment of the american people, for the american people, or elected "rightfully"by the american people......

Unfortunately, I live in a society that thinks I do not deserve the right to vote.....(for a dumb non violent offense when I was younger)......... so really it does'nt matter what I think.............

Even if I did vote, it really would'nt matter who's next in line for the presidency.................politics (all parties) is so obviously corrupt that one man can no longer make a big difference.....Political correctness and the nonstop bickering amongst the parties ruined the views and forsight of my ancestors.........

But hey, who cares right? It's Obama's fault,'s Bush's no way it was Obama's fault,,,,,,,,,,get outta here it was Bush's fault....................

Nothing accomplished...................

So there is LJ01's views on a broken political system that 1,500 "american's think they can change...........Well, unfortunatly Lj01 also has a pretty intense job and a family that takes all of his time...........See in doing this, working and family,,,,,I do not have the luxury of hanging out with a bunch of "wannabe's, just ot get my picture in Facebook..................If they would get off their pedestals and find some work, they would'nt either..............yes, there are jobs, decent paying jobs that most of the "protestors are too good for...............because it involves WORK.......

A little hint to the "one's" that are bitching................

If the economy is doing bad and businesses are not hiring..............................then don't go to school to be an accountant.............cubicle jobs swing with the economy.......(spread the word)

This is why I do not agree with the "protesters"...................

edit on 18-1-2012 by liejunkie01 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 18 2012 @ 11:12 PM
reply to post by wildtimes

Wrong, pal.

No, I'm quite correct.

Supporting evidence to follow.

And rude.

Simply returning the sentiment expressed.

I DO understand the problem, thank you very much, and I've spent hours -- EDIT TO CLARIFY: Days, days, weeks, months on end -- researching it, studying it, contemplating it, looking at it from all different angles, debating it with educated, smart people who hold various points of view.

Time is an irrelevant metric. Particularly concerning people such as myself.

How much material have you read?

What can you tell me about Mortgage Backed Securities? About Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac? About Congressional debates regarding Fannie and Freddie as far back as 2001?

I want to know when the greedy, morally bankrupt money-grubbers and thieves are going to turn on each other for once and for all, and perhaps some of them start giving a crap about the people whom they are enslaving and starving in the name of their "investors."

Well, that was easy.

Like I said - you want a target to persecute. You want the "bankers" - the "rich" - to suffer for how they have, somehow, held people at gunpoint and forced them to take out loans they cannot repay.

Why is it that every person seems to think they are entitled to their own house? Why was it the responsibility of government programs and agencies to pay for policies that would put these people in homes? Why are we, as a society, so hell-bent on immediately attempting to live in a fantasy world? (IE: why not rent or buy a home with another family and live under the same roof for several years while saving to buy a home that is more in line with one's ideals?)

Why is it a bank's responsibility to look after the people who take out loans? Their responsibility ends with permitting negotiations on loan payments should someone have difficulty staying current with their payments. Otherwise - their responsibility is to their investors - who include people with savings accounts in the bank (people whose money is loaned out to pay for those loans). People put money into the bank in the faith that they could withdraw it and that it will draw interest for allowing the bank to use it. It undermines the entire principle of banking if the banks loan out people's money and then say: "Oh... we'll forgive your debt... and yours... and yours as well."

Of course... that's part of the problem, as well. The FDIC undermines that principle by backing the stated value of FDIC member banks with the printing press. Which means you will never lose money in a bank up to the FDIC insured amount - but that comes at the price of uncontrollable inflation as banks can loan money without actually being held liable by their members.

What, are you a big-banker?

Just an effective trawl to get you to show your true colors. Like I said. You're on a witch hunt.

You have some serious issues, if so. If not, you are behaving in a pompous and confrontational manner that is unworthy of further attention.

Pompous? That is a word reserved for people presented with an individual they find to be incredulous.

Don't think you've got a monopoly on the reality of the situation, bub. It makes you look ignorant. I've been on this earth for over 50 years. I'm no dimwit.

I'll put it to you this way - an above-average person has an IQ of around 115 (100 is weighted as the average). Properly measuring IQ above 120 and below 80 is a tricky proposition - and scores vary widely between the various tests designed to test these specialized groups. A person with noticeable autism will often score in the range of 85.

I score between 126 and over 140, depending upon the test. I'll let you do the comparative math and realize where you stand.

I was debating 50 year olds when I was ten, and giving them an entertaining discussion. At 23, I'm quickly running out of peers with no shortage of victims.

The PROBLEM is GREED and DISREGARD for fellow human beings who are suffering.

The problem is an intrusive national government that pulls decision making power away from local populations. We also have a society that is encouraged to live on debt - that the extra $50 at the end of their paycheck is enough to finance a new computer - or should be blown on beer and/or other beverages that net a 35% profit-margin (compared to "evil big-pharma's" 10% profit margin).

posted on Jan, 18 2012 @ 11:49 PM

Originally posted by liejunkie01

Unfortunately, I live in a society that thinks I do not deserve the right to vote.....(for a dumb non violent offense when I was younger)......... so really it does'nt matter what I think.............

Voting: We vote and elect in pluralities. I can understand your disappointment with your non-voting capacity but, if any solace, you lay in the majority among those that do not exercise their right to vote.

Voice: The capability to have our views aired is relatively universal and equal. Is it possible that your anger generates your lack of self-esteem and diminishes your own viewpoint?

posted on Jan, 19 2012 @ 12:21 AM
reply to post by TheExopolitician

Is it possible that your anger generates your lack of self-esteem and diminishes your own viewpoint?

I am not really angry about this issue.

It is what it is.....

Lj01 keeps a chuggin down the road...................thinking that if I work my butt off, maybe someday it will pay off.........

posted on Jan, 19 2012 @ 09:04 AM
reply to post by Aim64C

How much material have you read?

What can you tell me about Mortgage Backed Securities? About Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac? About Congressional debates regarding Fannie and Freddie as far back as 2001?

Plenty, but I'm not interested in proving anything to you, just as you are not interested in discussing, only in name-calling and insulting (trolling).

posted on Jan, 19 2012 @ 04:15 PM

Originally posted by Aim64C
...... ..
At 23, I'm quickly running out of peers with no shortage of victims.

So you are a mere child, who can not get along with others.
You should have learned those skills in grammar school.

In time, perhaps you will learn to drop the ego, and listen.

posted on Jan, 19 2012 @ 06:38 PM
reply to post by vogon42

So you are a mere child, who can not get along with others.
You should have learned those skills in grammar school.

*yawn* Like I said. People are stupid. The only time they ever approached me was to get an answer to a question they couldn't figure out, or to tease me.

But, no - I'm no mere child. Wild can attest to that - our u2u conversation came to an end with him pulling childish "I deleted junk in my inbox" stunts coupled with a "grow up."

Which I take to be his ceding of the discussion - if you would really call it a discussion.

Now, let's display intelligence above that of an animal and actually discuss the points I made, shall we?

The consensus on these forums is that the "banksters" and "evil corporate masterminds of oppression" need to be stripped of their power, correct?

I've already proposed a solution for doing this. That solution is to eviscerate the powers of the national government and remove their ability to prop up large financial institutions with contracts to provide health care, welfare, Mortgage-Backed-Security purchases, etc. This weakens the power of lobbyists, particularly if we pass restrictions on what kinds of regulatory control the National government has on business. This disallows lobbyists to lobby for regulations that keep competition from tangent and new markets from posing a threat to large business empires.

Dissolving the Federal Reserve and returning to a backed standard of currency will place more liability and accountability on individual banks, as well as de-cartelize the scheme. This will be a serious hit to large banking firms and make it nearly impossible for the sale of mortgage backed securities to occur (or any similar form of loan resale) - as there will be few people willing to invest in such things (and those that do will likely remain local).

In time, perhaps you will learn to drop the ego, and listen.

Words you could stand to heed.

What ever gave you the impression I did not listen? It is through listening to the words and experiences of others that I have gained the intelligence I am proud of.

Rest assured, your personality is slowly being assimilated into my arsenal of emulations to be used for further analysis of my own standpoint.

posted on Jan, 19 2012 @ 06:52 PM
reply to post by Aim64C

Originally posted by Aim64C

*yawn* Like I said. People are stupid. The only time they ever approached me was to get an answer to a question they couldn't figure out, or to tease me. we have the PERFECT example of the "educated...idiot".

Child....have you ever heard of Ted Kazinski?
Otherwise known as the uni-bomber.

He also had a high IQ, and also had a very LOW level of WISDOM.......EXACTLY like YOU.

Truly, you need a guardian of some sort, you are not stable.

Intelligence (IQ as you measure it) is NOTHING without wisdom. You are still a child, and you need guidance.
edit on 19-1-2012 by vogon42 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 19 2012 @ 07:50 PM
reply to post by vogon42 we have the PERFECT example of the "educated...idiot".

You're avoiding the subject.

I appreciate the attention you're giving my deliberately melodramatic expression of my ego... but there's really not much to me.

I'm a guy. If my intelligence is ranked as fair, my memory would be ranked as excellent to outstanding. I do not seek to be part of this society or to control/damage/interfere with any segment of it. I would prefer to start my own and venture out into space where there's plenty of room and resources.

Child....have you ever heard of Ted Kazinski?
Otherwise known as the uni-bomber.

An interesting case-study. The problem, however, is that he wanted to be recognized for his efforts in committing the crime. Most intelligent criminals want their intelligence and superiority to be given the recognition they feel it deserves. Of course - the Unibomber was feared, not Ted Kazinski.

He also had a high IQ, and also had a very LOW level of WISDOM.......EXACTLY like YOU.

That is really hard to say, now isn't it?

I'm known, in the 'real world' for being wise and intelligent well beyond my years. Being young and brash means I'm willing to depart from it from time to time.

Truly, you need a guardian of some sort, you are not stable.

My online expression is not supposed to be stable. It is supposed to be somewhat chaotic and whimsical. Two things I tend to not be in reality (although goofy antics get expressed chaotically among close friends). I also deliver with a much harder front and sharper tongue; mostly because I am the peace-maker in reality.

That's not to say I have a completely split personality - but that segments I usually keep much more in check in reality are allowed to be more freely expressed on the internet. We are all this way to some degree or another, whether we realize it or not. The disconnect between text and corporeal beings has an impact on us all.

Intelligence (IQ as you measure it) is NOTHING without wisdom. You are still a child, and you need guidance.

Guidance... to what? or where?

To what conclusions is wisdom supposed to lead us?

If it is supposed to lead us to the same place... then is it really wisdom?

If you are searching for wisdom in my statements, however, I believe you should look at my proposed solution to our mutual problem.

The best thing about it? States will be given far more powers and authorities.

I'll be a tad presumptuous and assume you're one of the anti-capitalist types. I have great news - if you want your state to be communist; you can. I don't live in your state - it's not a problem for me if you become communist or whatever. And it doesn't hurt you for my state to remain free-market.

The even more awesome thing is that none of us have to become the unibomber to make it happen.... and we don't have to feel threatened by each others' chosen way of life/economy. It's like the Founding Fathers put that whole Separation of Powers into the Constitution for a reason, or something....

I know - sarcasm.

Unfortunately, this thread has given me few opportunities to do one of my favorite personality-ploys... sniping at myself. I love pointing out contradictions, paradoxes, etc in my statements - particularly the more grandiose ones.

However, you can rest assured that case-studies of my psychosis will not include behavior like the unibomber. My frustrations with people extends from the fact that I care too much about them. Perhaps sick in some way - but even if I cannot identify with someone on an intellectual level - I can identify with them as one would a pet; which places them well out of the range of random acts of aggression (although I do enjoy terrorizing a pet for a while... hand-spiders and finger-missile assaults... until it gets pissed and hides from me).

But that's enough about me, already. Even I'm getting tired of talking about myself. And that's saying something.

posted on Jan, 19 2012 @ 09:22 PM
Okay, back on topic.....I thought the white house had a perimeter, a LARGE perimeter that could not be crossed. I mean they have a no fly zone for crying out loud. How could these people get this close? I also haven't heard word one about this on the televison. @Aim64C, you're just too much for some here. No offense. They'll get over it....or be mad a long time.

edit on 19-1-2012 by Gridrebel because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 19 2012 @ 09:29 PM

Originally posted by Q:1984A:1776
reply to post by la2

Instead of smoke bombs, maybe the Occupy guys would get their point across better by throwing genetically modified seeds into the Obama family's GMO free, organic garden.

That would be a nice response to all of the lobbying that gives Monsanto the power to control our food supply. Let's see how they like it when they are forced to choke down poison.
edit on 17-1-2012 by Q:1984A:1776 because: (no reason given)

then monsanto could sue the white house for having their patented seeds DNA in the garden, and take the white house like they took the farmers land....

wait, nevermind, obama > monsanto...

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