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Assault weapon Ban officially dead.

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posted on Sep, 14 2004 @ 09:10 AM

Originally posted by ShadowXIX
And Switzerland has more relaxed gun laws then the US and less crime then the UK or Canada whats your point?

Probably that the Swiss are proven to be mature enough to handle firearms, however this is not so is the US (as proven by statisitcs) which means guns control is needed.

posted on Sep, 14 2004 @ 03:29 PM

Originally posted by rustiswordz
Im a security guard by trade and i often have to deal with needle knife carrying nuts with nothing but a radio for protrection (we arnt even allowed a baton they are illegal to carry too...)

I'll admit that I am ignorant of UK laws, but why would a person that has the position of a security officer not be allowed to even carry a "billy-stick" for self-defense?

I'm left flabergasted over the world's (even within the U.S., and our gun rights opponents) stance on firearms!

There are some security positions here, that forbid firearms, but that is a rarity.

In our public schools, (unfortunately it has gotten to the point where we need law-enforcement officers in some schools because of gang violence, not gun violence) police officers, who are armed, patrol the schools in which they are assigned to deter violence, and they are around unarmed teenagers. No big deal here.

I know that a lot of the teenagers feel a lot safer with these armed policemen present.

I had mentioned one time that I believe some of the school's staff members should be armed in the event of hostilities. I was berrated for even thinking of such "nonsense."

Just look at where we are now. Punks and gang members trying to put fear into the staff and students of larger, inner city schools.

If they want to act like adults, you got to treat them as adults. Not like juveniles. That's what they want, so lets give it to them!

Hopefully, yours laws may change, so the UK's citizens may be able to protect themselves better.

[edit on 14/9/04 by Intelearthling]

posted on Sep, 14 2004 @ 03:42 PM

Originally posted by Intelearthling
I'll admit that I am ignorant of UK laws, but why would a person that has the position of a security officer not be allowed to even carry a "billy-stick" for self-defense?
[edit on 14/9/04 by Intelearthling]

I think that's why they carry those huge 18" long metal torches/flashlights instead! All the benefits of a truncheon with the added ability of helping you find your way in the dark!!

posted on Sep, 14 2004 @ 03:47 PM
The AWB didn't do a darned thing to curb gun-realted crimes. In fact, the law was so poorly written and designed that all it really did was to limit the number of bullets a clip could carry to ten (Big deal, carry more clips... you can change them over in about 2 seconds!!!), eliminate bayonets from rifles (Cuz we all know what a horrednous role bayonets played in violent gun-related crimes), eliminate flash suppressors (Which I could make myself out of a beer can!), Eliminate collapsable or adjustable stocks on rifles (So what! I can carry a pistol!) etc...

Face it people, if you want an assault style weapon, you can get it... law or no law. All that this law did was ensure that law-abiding citzens couldn't get their hands on the same fire power that the criminals have! This notion that now terrorists are better armed in this country is a joke. Terrorsists aren't interested in guns! Did they use any committing the atrocities of 9/11!?!?!?

I have several neighbors who are cops, as well a relative, and they all agree that the law was a political bandage for gun control but that it had no real teeth. We don't need any more gun laws. What we need is vigorous enforcement of the EXISTING GUN LAWS!!!

posted on Sep, 14 2004 @ 03:55 PM

Originally posted by Flyer

Originally posted by ShadowXIX
And Switzerland has more relaxed gun laws then the US and less crime then the UK or Canada whats your point?

Probably that the Swiss are proven to be mature enough to handle firearms, however this is not so is the US (as proven by statisitcs) which means guns control is needed.

The Swiss are more mature
Perhaps the reason crime is lower is that every house hold has a military rifle in it not because they are more Mature. Who wants to rob a house when you know there is a military assault rifle waiting for you.

Criminals prefer unarmed victims its a proven fact. Ask a criminal what is the one thing they hope a household does not have the most? Number 1 on that list will be a armed person number 2 would most likey be a big dog.

Lets looks at some of the areas with the tightest gun control in the US NYC and Wash. D.C both of which there is no guns owned by any civilians. They have some of the highest gun related crime rates in the whole US. Gun Control works great for those cities.

posted on Sep, 14 2004 @ 05:26 PM
Regarding Australia, you forget Category H license which is for Handguns. Yes you can own handguns here. There is a barrel length requirement (nothing below a certain number of inches/centimetres) and a 10 round capacity max.

I don't know where you got the info about having to lock the rifles up at the gun club. Maybe in some states but I'm not aware of it. I do remember some debate about having all guns locked up at gun clubs after a handgun rampage at a University here some years ago, but if I remember correctly it was a generally held view that these gun clubs would then become even more attractive targets for weapon theft. As far as I know it's still the regular old "safe for gun, safe for ammo" deal.

You must be a member of a gun club to own a license. You must shoot competetively a minimum number of times a year (dunno how many).

I always cringe when I hear Americans claim that all guns are banned in Australia, it's just not true. Very tight laws but you can still own them.

[edit on 14-9-2004 by cargo]

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