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Strange sounds in Mexico?

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posted on Jan, 17 2012 @ 11:03 AM
Folks, this is pretty obvious -- I don't know what the fuss is about.

Those are the underground tunnels used to leak drugs and immigrants across our border...

... OK, honestly, it's the machinery in the underground cities going through a few tests -- usually their teleportation systems don't have these tuning problems, but the upcoming magnetic pole reversal is causing a lot of havoc.

posted on Jan, 17 2012 @ 11:05 AM

Originally posted by DeadSeraph
I'm astounded that nobody has bothered to call BS on this. It's the same sound on almost every video, right down to the birds chirping. Someone in this very thread, posted a hoaxed UFO video complete with cheesy CGI, that also features the EXACT SAME SOUND.

This is obviously a hoax. It's gone viral, it's all over facebook, etc. People are just joining in and creating easily faked videos with the same audio clip. That, or it's a viral marketing campaign. Either way, the sound is way too similar from multiple videos. There was even a news report out of Kiev in which reporters questioned locals if they heard anything unusual and they all said "NO!". Even watching the Kiev footage you can clearly see people walking calmly along like nothing is amiss.

Just some geek trying to cash in on all this 2012 bs, and now it's become a trend.

Erm not saying it is not viral marketing because it could be . Heck our marketing companies are getting better at their job every year but this is not the question that I wanted to ask ..

You are saying that this has to be a hoax because the sound is exactly the same in every clip ... Well if the sound would have been generated by the same (or same type ) of machine/atmospheric effect/alien/cthulhu would it not sounds exactly the same

I mean sure this can be a hoax/viral marketing but this can also be the same source for every sounds hence the exact sound made every time... I don't know , just my 2c

posted on Jan, 17 2012 @ 11:11 AM
It is the sound of ship horns.
Nautical ships of some sort.

A creaking sound from pressure, for some reason I keep thinking "As above, so below", maybe the veil is lifting...
edit on 17-1-2012 by Minori because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 17 2012 @ 11:12 AM

Originally posted by klhbrown

Originally posted by gusan

Originally posted by klhbrown
For anyonen who thinks the hasn't been covered on the MSM, it HAS been - just not in the United States. I don't have links - too many to keep track of anyway. All I did was Google a few key phrases . . .
"strange sounds heard over"
"earth groaning"
"the hum"
etc . . .
It's been on the news in the UK, Costa Rica, I believe Mexico, Spain and a few other places. I can't recall if it was from Mexico or Costa Rica, but one spanish speaking news station has a 24 part program on the sounds (I found it on youtube - can't speak Spanish though).

Hi, if u give us a ling to the spanish program i can give a short translation really quick.

Here's the like to Part 1 of 10 - you can link to the rest through here.
When I found it last night, it was broken into 24 parts, but this appears to be the same program in 10 parts.

They speak of same confusion as we do, what is it and so...they also mention "experts" commenting on it but still no proof of any kind, then they go to Parravini the argentinan guy, from 1972 he mention sounds from earth, from inner earth the part is called RUIDOS and he speaks of prophesies of destruction ( i did not know Parravini mentioned this). Then they go to Canada 2010 and earlier sounds we all know about, they mention deafh people able to hear the sonds at the same time as normal people do not..not much more than we allready know but good to see its on msm.

posted on Jan, 17 2012 @ 11:29 AM
If anyone ever has this happen. instead of making a long video/recording from one location, send 4 people out to 4 compass points and see if it gets louder in an attempt to isolate the source. If you can triangulate where the sound is coming from, that will give you a better idea where it is! Once you do so, start coming in to the center. (I like my “cloaked ship scenario). Once you do so, start lobbing rocks at the position of the sound. (just be careful not to throw stuff at your friends across the way! Hehe)! Of course, video tape EVERYTHING…!

posted on Jan, 17 2012 @ 11:38 AM
This is so simple to fake. I faked this in like 8 minutes. I didn't even use good programs. Basic programs like Goldwave and Windows movie maker. All of these sound very similar to the Dark Ambient genre of music.

I am thoroughly convinced that this is a hoax. I listen to dark ambient a good bit. I have a lot of friends in the industry that create the style of music. I know when I hear the formats used for the genre, and that is what I was hearing with possibly some effects added to degrade the quality a tiny bit. I think a lot of people are being fooled here.

edit on 17-1-2012 by m80kamikaze because: added to explanation

posted on Jan, 17 2012 @ 11:40 AM
Source of the strange sounds in Mexico has been confirmed:

posted on Jan, 17 2012 @ 11:45 AM
reply to post by TheBreeze


That link led me to other "sounds of space"

The Creepiest sounding planet, Mercury;

Neptune sounds like it's really, really cold and lonely;

Earth sounds a lot like wind;

Pulsar is funkadelic;

posted on Jan, 17 2012 @ 11:53 AM
I can almost promise you these "Weird sounds" are viral marketing for the next Jurassic Park movie. The sound originated in Costa Rica where evidently the island in the Jurassic Park movies existed. I live on the east coast of Canada, I have NOT heard these sounds what so ever. I know for a fact that there was a volcano by the name of Turrialba that have been extremely active the last year and a half. The big booms heard in costa rica are the result of 4 large volcanoes all right beside each other in the valley. It was reported that about 75 or so tremors were felt in Irazu.

posted on Jan, 17 2012 @ 11:57 AM
reply to post by neobludragon

There just might be something to this. Take a look at this link with videos of audio sounds, well worth the time to visit !

posted on Jan, 17 2012 @ 12:02 PM
reply to post by m80kamikaze

Yes, but your fake was hardly convincing (to me, and others judging by the comments on the video). I don't think it proves your point that it is easy to fake very well, although I do agree that they are easy to fake.

Doesn't mean every one of them is fake, you are always going to get fake and legit videos. Just like you get faked UFO videos.

posted on Jan, 17 2012 @ 12:08 PM
It seems like there are many new threads popping up with regard to this phenomenon since of late and most are within the first two weeks of this month.

I can't remember who it was but someone suggested this might be the earths core changing resulting in some kind of noise. I agree it could be, however this phenomenon has only been reported so far in Europe, North America and Canada and South America. It hasn't been reported in Asia or Africa, and as far as I know not from Australasia either. If it were something to do with the earths core, then would it not be heard throughout the planet?

I reject the idea that this is some kind of elaborate hoax. Some videos may be deliberate hoaxes but I believe the majority are true. And as for the "silence" in the videos, i.e. people not acting as if their surprised of worried when they're recording it, I think It makes perfect sense for them to stay silent as they are trying to record a sound and not an image.

posted on Jan, 17 2012 @ 12:08 PM
reply to post by ThePeopleWillRise

I could make one a lot more convincing if I took the time too. What I would do is set up a field recorder and capture sounds of nature and over lay it with degraded quality dark ambient music. I literally did this one in 8 minutes. The longest part was tying my shoes to go out side.

I do some work in the music industry (nothing impressive just electronic and such) and the first instances of me hearing the videos that seem more legit, I recognized the Dark Ambient format immediately.

One more thing, to get the low end that is in a lot of these videos, a normal video cam would not pic that up. You need something like a field recorder with a good condenser mic to pic up sounds like that. I do admire the attempts by people, but it should not fool anyone.

I really wanted this to be real, but I am not going to add to the claims of authenticity when I recognize what it is. I mean, isn't that the right thing to do is offer your opinion on something you have the experience with?

edit on 17-1-2012 by m80kamikaze because: sp error

edit on 17-1-2012 by m80kamikaze because: added to

posted on Jan, 17 2012 @ 12:16 PM
It mechanical and its in the atmosphere and it sound big. Close your eyes and listen carefully.

District 9
I think its a viral campaign for the upcoming District 9 sequel.
Alien arrive 1982
28 years later - 2009/2010 "I will return in 3 years time"
[insert strange sounds youtube videos], keep increase the frequencies
2012 - strange sound all over the world (yeah right, wheres theres video camera only though!)

I would like to see some videos or report from India, Vietnam, China, heck even Iraq would do.
Nope, its quite pricey to get there I guess.

So sorry, killed the fun.
edit on 17-1-2012 by NullVoid because: (no reason given)

edit on 17-1-2012 by NullVoid because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 17 2012 @ 12:18 PM

Originally posted by CheekyRob

This video shows how easy it is to make your own or reproduce the noises in the sky phenomena.

This took a few minutes to make, I ripped the audio from another video and then cross faded it with my video. While recording the video my dog started to bark which made it a bit more realistic.

I don't doubt the existence of these noises but until I hear them I can't decide if it's a viral marketing campaign, a copycat hoax or the real deal.

I'm one the fence with this at the moment, the above video only took me a couple of minutes to make in Windows Movie Maker and if I can do it that fast then it's easy to hoax and I'm sure if someone really invested more time into making a video like this then the results would be even better.

Just something to think about maybe?

Just a quick update, since this topic has been created there have been a few hoax videos posted doing exactly what I have done here but they haven't mentioned that they made it by ripping mp3s from other videos and then combining them.

If there is an increase in the amount of youtube videos uploaded today about strange noises then they are probably trying to jump on the bandwagon because of this thread.

posted on Jan, 17 2012 @ 12:19 PM
Just a thougth but two games

Mass Effect 3 and Xcom Ufo defense are being released in a couple months; could be viral marketing for them.

posted on Jan, 17 2012 @ 12:26 PM
The new "monster from hell"-sound of 2012 is a hoax.

The "low pitch rumble airplane"-sound that occured alot worldwide a few months ago is not (I heard it myself)

posted on Jan, 17 2012 @ 12:36 PM

Originally posted by m80kamikaze
This is so simple to fake. I faked this in like 8 minutes.

Wow....and your point is???....oh, you go.....

posted on Jan, 17 2012 @ 12:41 PM
The first time I heard of this phenomenon was right around the same time as the big 9.0 earthquake in Japan. Right before that event, Russian Chris Trefs recorded these sounds in the "Spirit Cave" in Tibet, which are oddly similar to these sounds that people are hearing all over the world.

There is an ATS post about it here -

Seems like the earth is changing, might have to do with the earths energy grid, faster vibration, etc. My guess is as good as anyone's but something is definitely up. While some videos might be a hoax, this is a genuine event that needs to be investigated....

edit on 17-1-2012 by wrdwzrd because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 17 2012 @ 12:43 PM

Originally posted by Thill

Originally posted by DeadSeraph
I'm astounded that nobody has bothered to call BS on this. It's the same sound on almost every video, right down to the birds chirping. Someone in this very thread, posted a hoaxed UFO video complete with cheesy CGI, that also features the EXACT SAME SOUND.

This is obviously a hoax. It's gone viral, it's all over facebook, etc. People are just joining in and creating easily faked videos with the same audio clip. That, or it's a viral marketing campaign. Either way, the sound is way too similar from multiple videos. There was even a news report out of Kiev in which reporters questioned locals if they heard anything unusual and they all said "NO!". Even watching the Kiev footage you can clearly see people walking calmly along like nothing is amiss.

Just some geek trying to cash in on all this 2012 bs, and now it's become a trend.

Erm not saying it is not viral marketing because it could be . Heck our marketing companies are getting better at their job every year but this is not the question that I wanted to ask ..

You are saying that this has to be a hoax because the sound is exactly the same in every clip ... Well if the sound would have been generated by the same (or same type ) of machine/atmospheric effect/alien/cthulhu would it not sounds exactly the same

I mean sure this can be a hoax/viral marketing but this can also be the same source for every sounds hence the exact sound made every time... I don't know , just my 2c

I agree. If the same "thing" is creating the sounds, then it would sound the same where ever it's heard. Of course, there are some obvious fakes out there - hence the same birds and gravel crunching in some videos. In the "conversations with a six year old" thread (very interesting - just search for it if ya want a good read) the idea was brought up that this was some kind of message being sent to humanity and that some children could decifer it because children are able to to hear different frequencies than adults (yeah, eerie stuff - read the thread - gave me major chills). That being said, if these sounds really are some kind of message then of course they're going to sound the same if the same "message" is being broadcast across the globe.

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