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Iran : military ships will need our approval to cross the strait of hormuz

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posted on Jan, 4 2012 @ 06:38 PM

Originally posted by SeekerofTruth101

Originally posted by THE_PROFESSIONAL
If Israel gets to inspect ships in international waters before getting to Gaza, Iran can inspect ships in international waters that it deems a threat to its existence.

What Israel does in its waters and ports is the biz of Israel, so is if any ships sails into waters of China, Russia, USA, UK, etc waters and ports.

It's a different matter when ships sailing through those international straits and NOT EVEN into Iranian ports is absolutely another different and far more dangerous issue if not a long honored international right of passage.

May Iran and its supporters be wise. Be part of the solution for world peace. And NOT be part of the problem.

Israel hasn't been inspecting these ships in their waters they have been doing it in international waters. And when did the port of Gaza become Israels property did they steal that too? And the inbound lane is not international waters it goes into Iran's coastal waters. If they see the ship as hostile they do have the right to deny access to our ships.

posted on Jan, 4 2012 @ 06:46 PM

Originally posted by GLaDOS
It's Iran's water and even if it was international, why did the US blockade Cuba? That was international waters too.

"Innocent passage" is the term used for military vessels WITHIN the 12 mile territorial boundary, which the Straits or Hormuz are not for Iran.

They can claim the Straits as "contiguous", but that designation does not give the right to restrict passage or occupation sailing. Iran can do anything they want, anywhere they want but the world maritime courts don't recognize their authority to take military action. The same for IDF actions in international waters. Both risk the start of total war.
edit on 4-1-2012 by tkwasny because: addition

edit on 4-1-2012 by tkwasny because: Typo fix

posted on Jan, 4 2012 @ 07:03 PM
reply to post by Vitchilo

I forsee alot of Iranian submarines and any other ships dotting the floor of the perisan gulf and the straight of Hormuz in the near future. This fight's been brewing. All this posturing going on. Yeah it'll happen and sometime this year. Probably before spring.

posted on Jan, 4 2012 @ 07:07 PM
I see the situation is beginning to escalate. If and when Iran decides to close the Straits the SWHTF. My great fear is that the resulting military action will go from a Theater Confrontation to all out global nuclear war in a matter of hours. If this happens it's been nice discussing the Middle East with you all but now we'll be about to starve as the resulting nuclear war will start a minor nuclear winter. My best,

posted on Jan, 4 2012 @ 07:25 PM
reply to post by airforce47

It will affect the Globe but the big boys wont go toe to toe as everyone knows that is not good for anyone.

This is pretty much how it will go down.

posted on Jan, 4 2012 @ 07:28 PM

Originally posted by angus1745
That's amusing.

They would fire on a US or British warship? No way.

Watch the Iranian navy do nothing and disobey the insane Iranian government. No Iranian Military would commit such an idiotic and suicidal act of aggression.

Iran is out of suicidal religious nut-jobs, they all blew themselves up apart from a few of the more rabid ones who are still running the country and froth idiotic threats like this one.

Iran does not trust its own military so it uses the Revolutionary Guard for things like this. They get all the best equipment, pay etc. Once the RG gets it rolling the traditional military has little choice but do defend whatever attack comes as a result of the RGs actions.

posted on Jan, 5 2012 @ 08:50 AM

Originally posted by LeBombDiggity
How would you feel if British or French warships patrolled up and down the east coast of the USA, restricted which ships could and could not enter New York ?

You wouldn't like it.

I doubt you'd like the Chinese Navy doing the same off San Francisco either.

So why do you think the Iranians would feel any different ? US warships are thousands of miles from their own coasts ... go back home, USA, go home. You're not wanted.

I will just assume that you had some friends log in to give stars to this statement? Because there is no way that any informed, intelligent person would respond with anything but a laugh and sad shake of the head.

Do you understand the concept of International Waters? How about Territorial Waters? How about the concept of agreements where a weaker nation, like Kuwait or the UAE, will partner with a stronger nation, like the US, to protect their interests against an agressor nation like Iran?

First, there are Chinese, Russian, British, French, and every other nation with a sub floating off the shores of the USA at different times- but they tend to stay in International waters. We don't hear anything about it because it is just a normal part of being in the world today and it is not news.

Iran does not own the Straits of Hormuz. It is an International passage, mainly used to supply the world with a "necessary" product. Iran is threatening an act of war, not only against the US, but against our trading partners in the region.

Yes, you hate America, we get that. But, before you say the USA is not wanted, you may want to first check with the regional countries that request and appreciate a deterrent force before deciding that for them.
edit on 5-1-2012 by DragonTattooz because: Spelling

posted on Jan, 5 2012 @ 09:20 AM
reply to post by DragonTattooz

Do you understand the concept of International Waters? How about Territorial Waters? How about the concept of agreements where a weaker nation, like Kuwait or the UAE, will partner with a stronger nation, like the US, to protect their interests against an agressor nation like Iran?

Yeah aggressor... who haven't invaded anyone in the last 200 years and has been overthrown by the US, invaded by the US puppet Iraq, and in which the US has carried out black ops for years.

The US government is run by criminals, face it.

The Strait of Hormuz is part Iranian waters and part Oman waters, it's not international waters.

Iran does not own the Straits of Hormuz. It is an International passage, mainly used to supply the world with a "necessary" product.

The Strait of Hormuz is Iranian waters and Omani waters. So they cannot stop civilians vessels but they can stop military vessels if they are there to cause trouble.

Iran is threatening an act of war, not only against the US, but against our trading partners in the region.

It's all BS. Iran doesn't want to be destroyed.

Yes, you hate America, we get that.

The warmongering US government. And most of the world, including Americans, do.

But, before you say the USA is not wanted, you may want to first check with the regional countries that request and appreciate a deterrent force before deciding that for them.

And by that, you mean the puppet governments in the region?

If you want a war against the big bad Iran, sign up or shut up.

posted on Jan, 5 2012 @ 09:21 AM
Reading all of this I can honestly say most of you are over sensitive.

Look it's real simple folks, we crush them with sanctions so that they cannot even sell milk to the country next to em. We deny them their right to be a country by cutting off any business dealings and goods and services that they do not produce locally.

This takes a toll over time, when humans are hungry and deprived guess what......death doesn't mean so much. People are still animals in nature, to include americans. And yes, america has a bad habit of bombing brown people...its not racist, its the truth....just look at history as a rule of measure.

We poke, they poke back..all coming from a country that was founded on the heels of war and have been engaged in war more than any other country in history...its what america does best Im afraid. We ARE Rome of old. We are bred for the fight.......WE ARE KLINGONS! HA HA HA LOL

What do you expect? peace all around forever? Nope...sorry, not until we do away with the current monetary system globally and punish greed on a large scale. nature states we are doomed to destroy ourselves...its in our genes.

Don't hate america for being brainwashed.....every country does this to its citizens to a degree of certainty.

Can ya dig it? Im down with the sickness........cull the herd I say.....cull the herd.....HA HA HA

Can ya dig it?

edit on 5-1-2012 by BooKrackers because: Blooey

posted on Jan, 5 2012 @ 09:38 AM

I always thought this was about the fear of a terrorist-sponsoring nation possessing weapons of mass destruction.
reply to post by kozmo

okay I would like to ask you if this is so important to terrorism, than why dont we go after saudi arabia? you do realize almost all of the 911 hi-jackers(main terrorists to get us on this fast track to insanity) were from saudi arabia right? why no comments of turning them to glass or what about when they stomped on the civilians in their country protesting? why is it okay to attack terrorist countries the msm deem worthy when there is over-whelming evidence that the worst terrorism commited against the U.S. is done by countries the msm call allies?

posted on Jan, 5 2012 @ 09:40 AM
reply to post by airforce47

I see the situation is beginning to escalate. If and when Iran decides to close the Straits the SWHTF. My great fear is that the resulting military action will go from a Theater Confrontation to all out global nuclear war in a matter of hours. If this happens it's been nice discussing the Middle East with you all but now we'll be about to starve as the resulting nuclear war will start a minor nuclear winter. My best,

if that happens i am giving much props too nostradamus
edit on 06/02/2010 by letscit because: (no reason given)

I just had a thought while reading this thread. you all know the best way to take down a bully right? aim about 2 ft behind his head and blast him with everything you have right on the nose. driving thru to the spot you had 2ft behind. I promise he will think twice before ever messing with you again. could Iran have this in mind? hope not for everyone's sake.
edit on 06/02/2010 by letscit because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 5 2012 @ 11:09 AM
OK The Million Dollar Question. Can USA afford to go to war again? As I see it USA's National debt is at its highest at over 15 TRILLION..POW!!

What the hell is your government doing to you and YOUR country, have you ever asked yourself that question? How can you watch this happen and do nothing. Unemployment at its highest, Foreclosures at there highest. Health care system suffering from low funding and the list goes on. Still your government is going to spend Billions in another war. Stop defending USA against Iran and start telling your government to focus on its most important objective. You The American People and its economy.

As for War with Iran, If there is a WAR then I'm sorry to say USA will LOSE the WAR in the long run because your government will amass up more debt and you the people will suffer and suffer heavy. IMO

posted on Jan, 5 2012 @ 11:31 AM
All arguments aside and irregardless of whether anyone likes/dislikes Iran or America, this confrontation is going to happen as long as it keeps escalating and it will not be good for the economies of the world....not just the two countries involved.

The US should be the bigger of the two and step down. In the event that Iran tries to control more of the Straights than is allowed by maritime law.....that is when it will be time to act not just from an American point of view....but from all who will feel the effects of such intervention in the Straights by Iran.

This situation will become a Catch 22 kind of situation. The US will be damned if they do and damned if they don't. It is the nature of our supporters and non-supporters.
edit on 5-1-2012 by wdkirk because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 5 2012 @ 11:45 AM
reply to post by Grand Master

This would be a quick war. I don't see us putting any troops in Iran, just bomb the hell out of them until they submit. Iran will quickly give up, they don't have the power to fight with us. Nor will they get help from russia or china. Again, a few bombs and this is a done deal. Ready to have Amadenajalkdflakhdfajdf gone, he is worse than Saddam. He needs some medication!

posted on Jan, 5 2012 @ 12:26 PM
The whole world knows they are going to get slaughtered.

Look at the UN votes on things.....entire world -vs- US/Israel

Hillary Clinton smiling and getting all giddy when she's shown a picture of dead Gaddafi.....

They gave a man a Peace Prize who's been killing foreign heads of State, toppling countries, eliminated the Americans rights to a trial...

Satan's just about upon his thrown over Earth for good. They are PRAYING Iran shoots first....although its really just a technicality that doesn't really matter. Their side will be dead, nobody will know who shot first.

posted on Jan, 5 2012 @ 02:33 PM

Originally posted by wdkirk
All arguments aside and irregardless of whether anyone likes/dislikes Iran or America, this confrontation is going to happen as long as it keeps escalating and it will not be good for the economies of the world....not just the two countries involved.

The US should be the bigger of the two and step down. In the event that Iran tries to control more of the Straights than is allowed by maritime law.....that is when it will be time to act not just from an American point of view....but from all who will feel the effects of such intervention in the Straights by Iran.

This situation will become a Catch 22 kind of situation. The US will be damned if they do and damned if they don't. It is the nature of our supporters and non-supporters.
edit on 5-1-2012 by wdkirk because: (no reason given)

Before you call for US, which you rightfully claimed as being the bigger of the 2, to step down and step back, let's look at this analogy many would had experienced in life, and consider carefully:-

Tom was considered a giant to his classmate. He was big, tall and powerful. One punch from him will create a hole in the wall, or a kick from him will send the ball over the post yards away easily.

In his class, there is a small sized but highly egoistical young punk. He regularly puts his classmates down and creates trouble for his fellow students, disrupting classes and generally, refuses to get along with anyone despite the best efforts, and even resorts to physical violence such as scratches and using accessories to hit out at others. The teachers had given up on him and calls to parents which were ignored, finally turned a blind eye to his antics.

Many wanted to help him, such as Tom, but rebuffed each time, as violence is often the gift of return by the bully to others. They do not wish to hurt him, for looking at his size, it would be considered a case of bullying, espacially Tom, who is conscious of his size and power and often backed down and walk away from that bully's insane insults.

Soon, others called Tom a coward and apathetic, but he took it in his stride, and focussed on his work instead - study and be enlightened. But Tom, ultimately, is a human too, capable of emotions, and one day when the bully went too far, physically hurting others and depriving them of focus in classes, Tom beat the crap outta him, and after that, explained why he had to thrash him, hoping the bully may understand, learn and progress, even if Tom had to explain to teachers and the bully's parents.

Did Tom do wrong? By most civilised standards, yes, he had done wrong. He should have never resorted to violence. But under the circumstances, WHAT else could he and his classmates had done better when ANY means to peaceful existance was rejected by the bully?

Extrapoliating on that analogy, Tom is US and the pipesqueak bully is the Persian leaders. Very often, since the Vietnam war, US had sought to correct its mistakes, lay low, and focus on trade. But unfortunately, pipesqueaks around the world took that as weakness and created mayhem for others, and as such, US can no longer turn a blind eye and had to respond accordingly.

Even right now, US and the world had only used commercial means to get those Persian leaders to clarify their intentions on the negotiating table of their nuke use. There is nothing harmful or hurtful for a peaceful pow-wow session, nor any soveriegn rights taken away. Commercial boycott is only a right to even a child if a product or service provider failed in their meeting others' needs.

Yet, the pipsqueak continually showed its middle finger to others sharing our world, including to its own innocent and still ignorant citizens. So, rightfully, who should back down now and allow the intolerable misbehavoir of an idiot to continue and grow even more rapacious under the sign of compassion by others as weakness?

I wish for no wars, for often, it is the common masses that pays the price by deaths. Every human life is precious. May the persian leaders, just for once, have some compassion for others....
edit on 5-1-2012 by SeekerofTruth101 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 5 2012 @ 03:08 PM
America's involvements in the middle east in last 60 years includes: several regime changes in different regions.....putting puppet leaders instead.......intervening with internal affairs in different countries........drilling and sucking oil overtly .......planning and financing wars............invading countries ( Iraq .Afghanistan)...... helping Israel to kill innocent people........Making Israel!..........Supporting hand full of dictator regimes to assult their own people.......Making Al qaeda and supporting bin laden .........Supporting the Talibans so they can act like a swiss army knife any time US wishes.........trying to do velvet revolutions in some countries including Iran............Supporting Saddam.........Killing Saddam..........Killing bin laden........supporting the killers of Ghaddafi........Sanctioning Iran.......Shooting down a passenger flight killing almost 300 people in Iran back in the 90s.........Arming puppet corrupted regimes....... Spying and entering boundries.....Having their military present almost anywhere they want...... sailing with war vessels in and around the Persian gulf..............bullying countries like they own them........... Killing almost one million Iraqis .......5000 Americans in Iraq........Almost the same goes for Afghanistan.......Spending trillions of American tax payers money......Years of Occupation ...... blowing up dogs , Other animals and humans, just for fun........Having Haliberton and other big corporates to rebuild the countries that they destroyed in first place......And the list goes on and on and on and on........And Thats only In The middle East!!.........What has Iran done in past 60 years in America or any where in the world?!!......Some of you guys just make me sorry that i am a human being.......

posted on Jan, 5 2012 @ 03:24 PM

doesn't it seem like a logical step for Iran to protect itself?

I mean, I get it, they are brown and they aren't the US so screw them right? but honestly, in their position, what would you be doing?

you sound like a self-hating Iranian why don't you leave Canada
and go help out your brothers in their time on need

posted on Jan, 6 2012 @ 07:40 AM
reply to post by wdkirk

The US should be the bigger of the two and step down.

When is the last time you saw a bully being the bigger person than their victim?

posted on Jan, 6 2012 @ 07:43 AM
reply to post by SeekerofTruth101

I think you have the names backwards. Do you get paid for your propaganda?

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