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Why you will not resist when the government comes for you or your guns

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posted on Dec, 30 2011 @ 07:26 PM
And the Ouija boards says the current corruption will hit a brick wall in the fall.

Just before "the event" the people pull them from their places out in the streets. Even the SS an security details are descended upon and torn to bits. Too many angry people come like a tsunami wave and they are over whelmed. Russia side with the people and threatens nuke strikes if the people are harmed. The military splits about even just under the joint chiefs and instantly makes war between the two sides so fast a peace cant be brokered. They declare a truce mid October.

Then the ground starts moving and our nuke plants go fuku. two thirds it said.

They try to take guns at the first part of the new year. Wasn't clear as to 2012 or 2013. Its goes horribly wrong and the losses are very very heavy. The initial mess keeps them from getting anyone else to attempt it and they give up. The internet and cell phones get shut down and thats the key mistake. without cell and internet people just react on the spot with zero discretion and no one is left to get back in the rigs and drive away. they just sit there with the lights flashing. the custom overnight is to put the occupants back in and then burn them.

At least that was what it said back in march at a friends house party. I don't have one of those damn boards and wouldn't but i watched them use one and that's what it said. It was one freaky 5 hr session and no one would say a word after except goodbye when we went home.

Personally I think those boards lie part of the time. On purpose. I wouldnt trust them.

Second i don't feel any timeline is or can be set in stone and that far into the future is highly variable.

It would be very interesting to hear if anyone else has consulted the board with those same results based on the OP and this coming years events.

posted on Dec, 30 2011 @ 07:29 PM

Originally posted by randomname
maybe people will not resist because your arsenal of glocks and semi-auto's won't stand a chance against a 15 man squad of highly trained, heavily armed swat teams wearing body armor.

You know those funny paper targets you shoot at the gun range?
You know how you always try and hit center mass?

You know you're doing it wrong yeah?
Sure center mass is an easier target to hit, but it isn't the best.

Train and discipline yourself to aim for the head every time.
You waste less rounds and you are ensured a kill 95% of the time.

Find hitting a paper target pretty easy, even with head shots?
Awesome, now try some moving targets and practice on smaller targets.
Oranges are a great target.

If you can hit a target smaller than a human head 90% of the time.
Then you will have no worries what so ever hitting the real thing when you need to.

Body armour.... pfft.

posted on Dec, 30 2011 @ 07:30 PM

Originally posted by randomname
maybe people will not resist because your arsenal of glocks and semi-auto's won't stand a chance against a 15 man squad of highly trained, heavily armed swat teams wearing body armor.

Try me!!!

And who said I’ll be alone??

posted on Dec, 30 2011 @ 07:42 PM
U know I have heard the line about going up against trained "15" man teams but something is always missing oh yea the fact that with all the wars has left a surplus of highly trained vets and I promise u this myself and tons of others who were trained will band together and I guarandamntee u we will resist like tons of others including members here won't back down won't give in and won't give up! I wld rather look my wife and kids in the eyes with my dying breath and say I tried rather than the same dying breath be I should have tried. We don't give up our families and lives to be imprisoned we fight for what is ours for what we believe in. Oh and when it does hit the fan I bet u see a lot of soldiers join the people hell most my close friends see it coming and they have chosen to stand their ground and their side have you???

posted on Dec, 30 2011 @ 07:43 PM

Originally posted by randomname
maybe people will not resist because your arsenal of glocks and semi-auto's won't stand a chance against a 15 man squad of highly trained, heavily armed swat teams wearing body armor.

Godspeed to that 15 man squad!

Many lives will be lost trying to disarm America. I'm pretty sure no-one want's to go on a suicide mission!

posted on Dec, 30 2011 @ 07:45 PM
reply to post by Vitchilo

I think you raise a very important question here as we move into times where it may become more than academic at some point.

I'm going to get a little philosophical and say this whole thing comes down to one issue and ONLY one issue. It's the big one and it's something I bet few who haven't been in bad situations in life have even considered, let alone thought through. Answer one question, and all others flow from it. Are you willing to die for what you believe? No.. Not in some theoretical way, but right there, on your own front porch and facing the men who your resistance could provoke to that end result?

Those who can answer a deep, soul searching kind of way...will be ones others can look to, follow and stay safe with. Those who can't answer that after serious time spent thinking it through..just don't try and resist at all, and I'm serious. If Authority sees that willingness to give all, they WILL have a moment of pause. Not eagerness to die..that isn't what I mean at all. rambos and nutjobs, please DO resist..we'd all like to see that element wiped out on day 1. It's the quite, firm and unmistakable confidence THAT ONE decision instills in a person that others can see. It's also what will be seen right through if someone bluffs it and has nothing to back it up with. Authority will tend to respect confident strength...and destroy weakness or wanna-be rambos.

Those are my thoughts and with nothing more shared or said, I really do believe it's that simple, and that basic. In fact, at the heart of the matter, it's just as simple as it gets.

We *ALL* will meet our fate someday. No way around it. How far are we each willing to go to see that fate finds us on our feet vs. our knees? I made my choice a long time ago and during a situation in life I had no expectation of getting out of. Such is how these things happen, I suppose...just don't fake it if you don't feel it. It'll go FAR WORSE than truly being willing to give all and fight. That is one lie others WILL detect..almost as if psychic.

posted on Dec, 30 2011 @ 07:50 PM
"Molon labe!!!!!!!!!!"

posted on Dec, 30 2011 @ 08:47 PM
reply to post by HellstormRising

Been watching a bit too much movies...

I can here the tag line for the movies you watch...they have takne his family...etc..they messed with the wrong man...get real..they will do as they please...any resistance you give will be small and insignificant..and no real threat to anyone.

posted on Dec, 30 2011 @ 08:50 PM
reply to post by Vitchilo

There have been some hard lessons learned in this country. From Waco to Katrina. Gun confiscation has been done in this country before. And it will be done again. Albeit, in small increments over time.

HOWEVER. If the government, tomorrow, went on CNN, MSNBC and FOX News and told Americans that if they don't turn in their guns voluntarily that they would send troops to confiscate them, there would be an IMMEDIATE and ugly resistance to it. And not just from the people who own guns. But from the military personnel being tasked with such a ridiculous order.

Gun control, in the US, is a political suicide method that works every time. 1994 AWB is a good case study for this. Pro-gun republicans were elected into office, and G.W. Bush won over 2 democratic candidate twice and in 2004 allowed the AWB to expire.

What happened? An EXPLOSION in AWB style arms. There's just too much enthusiasm for the 2nd amendment, even among liberals, to try that kind of BS again. Let alone a government confiscation program that would involve the use of US troops. Most of which, I assure you, own their own weapons.

posted on Dec, 30 2011 @ 08:52 PM
reply to post by Sovaka

You know those funny paper targets you shoot at the gun range? You know how you always try and hit center mass? You know you're doing it wrong yeah? Sure center mass is an easier target to hit, but it isn't the best. Train and discipline yourself to aim for the head every time. You waste less rounds and you are ensured a kill 95% of the time.

Steel core xm855 or 7.62mm rounds will do the trick.

No need to hollywood aim.

posted on Dec, 30 2011 @ 08:53 PM
I love how the idiots would die for the ability to have guns...they would risk the lives of their family and friends just so they can have a few guns.

If guns actually helped you in any way to control the government than you wouldn't be on here complaining about how your government is screwing basically your whole argument of having guns to protect yourselves from the tyrannical government falls apart when you claim they are taking rights from you left and right.

There are some who actually keep guns for the protection and then the internet tough guys ( you know the cold dead hands people) are just afraid to lose their manhood.

posted on Dec, 30 2011 @ 08:56 PM
reply to post by kerazeesicko

I love how the idiots would die for the ability to have guns...they would risk the lives of their family and friends just so they can have a few guns.

And when they come for the guns when we are left defenseless, when they come for your family and friends and you, you will be kicking your own ass for allowing such a thing to happen.

Gun control kills.

posted on Dec, 30 2011 @ 09:50 PM

Originally posted by kerazeesicko
I love how the idiots would die for the ability to have guns...they would risk the lives of their family and friends just so they can have a few guns.

If guns actually helped you in any way to control the government than you wouldn't be on here complaining about how your government is screwing basically your whole argument of having guns to protect yourselves from the tyrannical government falls apart when you claim they are taking rights from you left and right.

There are some who actually keep guns for the protection and then the internet tough guys ( you know the cold dead hands people) are just afraid to lose their manhood.

You miss the point entirely... If the guns are confiscated, it won't simply be the loss of a means of defense or a way to hunt game in a time of true crisis and feed our families. It's much more than that. Given how the right to have a firearm in the United States has become key and core to the whole set of Constitutional rights both culturally and politically, the loss of that right carries importance ABOVE all others.

If we lose the second, then the slow erosion of all our other rights will go into over-drive. If we allow the second to be taken, they'll know we're willing to let go of them all, if only they feed us the right justification and give us a big cookie of some sort to stay pacified with.

There are some things worth fighting for, and it really isn't about the physical gun at all.

posted on Dec, 30 2011 @ 09:55 PM
I wont resist

shooting them in the face

posted on Dec, 30 2011 @ 10:08 PM

If you can hit a target smaller than a human head 90% of the time. Then you will have no worries what so ever hitting the real thing when you need to.
reply to post by Sovaka

If you can dodge a wrench, you can dodge a ball...

2nd line.

posted on Dec, 30 2011 @ 10:12 PM

Train and discipline yourself to aim for the head every time.
You waste less rounds and you are ensured a kill 95% of the time.
reply to post by Sovaka

Yup, and the advantage goes to the defender. Bad guys have to come in through a narrow doorway, maybe up some stairs, around a blind corner. You could shoot right through the door, on the high side, in the area of the head. Might get me when I pause to reload but then they will have to move the ten bodies already piled up in the doorway to get in.

posted on Dec, 30 2011 @ 10:18 PM
reply to post by kawika

things that can be tossed and go boom work much better, and you don't have to aim or leave your cover

posted on Dec, 30 2011 @ 10:19 PM

Are you willing to die for what you believe?
reply to post by Wrabbit2000

This would be defending the constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic. Already took that oath. No problem.

By the way, most of my neighbors took the same oath and are way better armed than I am. Unless they come for me first I think they might change their mind after the first couple houses.

posted on Dec, 30 2011 @ 10:25 PM
reply to post by kerazeesicko

I love how the idiots would die for the ability to have guns...they would risk the lives of their family and friends just so they can have a few guns.

Defending the constitution is an obligation that many of us took an oath (voluntarily) to do. Not because we love guns. Because we love our country. An attempt to change or ignore the 2nd amendment would not end well for those doing the changing.

posted on Dec, 30 2011 @ 10:42 PM
Some of the replies in this thread frighten me simply because the point of the thread is almost entirely missed.

1st and 4th Amendments are under attack at the present time and not enough people are standing up to defend them, so why would you defend any rights being taken from you/us?

Some replies consist of the typical macho response of from my cold dead hands. Well at least you have a final straw, it's too bad that any constitutional rights violation wasn't enough to motivate you.

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