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The China Study book linking nearly all cancers to animal products largest study ever conducted

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posted on Dec, 26 2011 @ 01:48 AM
Backing up my other thread is this study China study book This large study done over many years proves without doubt that too much animal product in our diets are causing these cancer acceleration rate in humans

this study is a best seller with over 500,000 sold in January this year not bad for a study yet our governments sit on their hands and say nothing because they are bought off.

Peace & Hope

posted on Dec, 26 2011 @ 01:53 AM
reply to post by smokingman2006

Animals taste good. Ill roll the dice

posted on Dec, 26 2011 @ 02:08 AM
reply to post by AllUrChips

there is hope for you still because you can get on with your life style till you get ill and then change and still recover
you good health.........................

peace& hope

posted on Dec, 26 2011 @ 02:12 AM
Doctors need to quit pushing pills so much and convince people to change their diet instead.

posted on Dec, 26 2011 @ 02:16 AM

this study is a best seller with over 500,000 sold in January this year not bad for a study yet our governments sit on their hands and say nothing because they are bought off.
reply to post by smokingman2006

500.000 copies sold doesn´t make it true or reliable.

Are you a vegan by any chance?

I think the cancer rates are so high because of food additives, polution, lifestyle, vaccinations and such, not purely because of meat eating.

posted on Dec, 26 2011 @ 02:21 AM
Watch this Documentary and than get back to me.

Forks over Knives

Was raised on cheese and meat all my life Father died of cancer so did my grandfather both in there early 60s I am pushing 50 so I got concern.

Whatever floats your boat

Maybe got to my other thread
Even if I save one life I improve my Karma Friend so here goes
Peace & hope

posted on Dec, 26 2011 @ 02:25 AM
maybe its because china has way too many people, and tptb there need them all to continue working so they can continue to be in power, profiting from all those people.

but all those people need to eat, and so much energy is lost raising animals for meat. so what to do then? tell people that meat is bad, bad bad.

eat more rice, its cheaper to produce, and better for you.

posted on Dec, 26 2011 @ 02:31 AM
reply to post by snarfbot

Watch the new Documentary Forks over knives with a open mind then get back to me if you feel the same friend

Peace & hope

posted on Dec, 26 2011 @ 03:01 AM
reply to post by smokingman2006

I've seen a documentary not long ago about how cattle is raised in the USA, truly disgusting, it links to the corn production. It also explains why the problem with antibiotics and why the EU makes so much noise about that sort of imports and GM food. Much like the mad cow disease, making animals unnaturally eat each other...

PS: Have you seen the videos of a deer eating a bird or a cow eating a chicken, truly impressive, I had to see to believe...

posted on Dec, 26 2011 @ 04:37 AM
reply to post by Panic2k11

I have been a meat lover & cheese lover all my life that stop now

Peace & hope

posted on Dec, 26 2011 @ 10:35 AM
reply to post by smokingman2006

Not saying you're wrong, but wouldn't other animals get cancer from eating animals?

posted on Dec, 26 2011 @ 10:40 AM

Originally posted by Mkoll
reply to post by smokingman2006

Not saying you're wrong, but wouldn't other animals get cancer from eating animals?

Maybe if other problems didn't take them out first. If we didn't sanitize our water, people would die of infectious disease before cancer would become a problem.
edit on 26-12-2011 by satron because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 26 2011 @ 11:21 AM

Originally posted by satron
Doctors need to quit pushing pills so much and convince people to change their diet instead.

if people are healthy who's gonna pay their bills? it's way more profitable for them to partner with the big pharms and have their patients be dependent on both forever.

posted on Dec, 26 2011 @ 11:27 AM

Originally posted by snarfbot
maybe its because china has way too many people, and tptb there need them all to continue working so they can continue to be in power, profiting from all those people.

but all those people need to eat, and so much energy is lost raising animals for meat. so what to do then? tell people that meat is bad, bad bad.

eat more rice, its cheaper to produce, and better for you.

lol this is ridiculous logic. ignorance is bliss. just remember, you don't have to be a genius to figure out, everything that tastes good is bad for you, just eat the things that taste bad and you are good to go. of course in moderation that is...

posted on Dec, 26 2011 @ 12:10 PM
reply to post by smokingman2006

Thanks for bringing up the China Study. It was written in 2005 not 2011, and the book is merely an easily-accessible summary of a 20-year epidemiological study - the largest ever conducted in history - that took place throughout the 70s and 80s. This has been brought up on ATS a few times before, but you might be shocked at how quickly and vehemently people will dismiss it.

A couple points - first about evolution. Humans evolved to procreate, nothing else. As long as we get to puberty, with enough health to efficiently procreate, then that is considered successful. This is why the presence of canine teeth, or enzymes in our stomach specifically designed to break down meat proteins can not be evidence of what constitutes the healthiest diet for man. The only way to get around this hurdle is through long-term epidemiological studies, and the China Study is the most comprehensive ever conducted in this area.

Secondly, the kind of meat used is found in the remote provinces of China, where farning methods have changed very little in centuries, meaning they are well-fed and free-range, with exposure to toxins kept minimal. In the USA, and most of Europe, most of our meat comes from largescale companies that, as many here know, keep livestock in unsanitary conditions at best with constant exposure to a wide range of poisonous products. So while our battle in the West has revolved around keeping livestock healthy in diet and environment, we haven't had a good chance to adequately study the long-term effects of consuming healthy meat.

There has never been a peer-reviewed refutation of thr original study which concluded almost 30 years ago in the mid-80s. And even though epidemiological studies are traditionally the hardest to prove, my point about evolution should make it clear that there is no other way to study the long-term occurrence of age-related diseases. This is the best there is so far.

Unfortunately, the few times this has been brought up on ATS, the site's motto was discarded in favor of confirmstion bias. Maybe you'll have better luck!

edit on 26-12-2011 by Son of Will because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 26 2011 @ 12:48 PM
Even if this was reliable it wouldnt stop me eating meat and cheese. Fingures crossed they find a cure in the next 40 years or so

posted on Dec, 28 2011 @ 10:56 PM
reply to post by smokingman2006

dont get me wrong im aware of the horrors of modern meat factories. i watched a few particularly nauseating movies, like food inc, and the future of food and stuff. however the meat that comes from these animals is okay to eat, and as long as it isnt full of hormones or antibiotics im ok with it. if i go out to eat, i dont worry about the hormones in the meat, because hey i rarely eat out anyway. i try not to eat cow brains, because thats where the prions end up, so that means i stay away from cheap sausage and chop meat, mechanically separated stuff.

i just feel that there are ulterior motives at work behind studies like this, in china in particular.

that being said, the movie is on netflix instant, so im going to watch it tonight and ill be back afterwards with my thoughts.

posted on Dec, 28 2011 @ 11:02 PM
If you live in the Northern Hemisphere, good luck living off the land and not eating meat, you will die. Its pretty simple, meat does not cause cancer, insano chemical additives in low grade food might, but pure meat?, lol no.

posted on Dec, 29 2011 @ 12:30 AM

Anyone know what the cancer rates are like in the Netherlands ?


edit on 29/12/11 by ToneDeaf because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 29 2011 @ 01:16 AM
ok that was pretty compelling right there, i retract my previous statement, it was a good movie based on sound research.

yikes, i feel sick now, thanks for posting this though s/f for you.
edit on 29-12-2011 by snarfbot because: (no reason given)

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