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The End Game Some Desire...?

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posted on Dec, 24 2011 @ 04:52 AM
I have noticed a trend in the counter-arguments....such as, 'what, do you want the world to end'.....or, 'Are you hoping for a major catastrophe?'

Gang, I'm sorry to say..(for most, this is obvious, but being said for those 'anti-fear-mongers') I will say this once and only once, pay attention, you might learn something.....

-Life Sucks....period....nothing more, at this point. We have massive over population, dwindling resources, distraught environment, worthless monetary notes, corrupt elected leaders, ....i know, i know, blah blah blah

However, this is the concern, the nay-sayers out there dog those with ideas or theories about end times/game.....but they do not do it with logic, they press the fear, 'What do you want the world to end?".......Sorry, in the majority of families, it is hard, it may be overwhelming....

When a situation is constantly stressful, not for a day, week or month, but for a year or wears on the beats us up, we have a hard time recovering from that ditch, even if the situation has changed....we are forever changed...

So, given the status of the world, given the status of the US economy for the last few years....There are many many families that are suffering. Not because they aren't trying, mom and or dad went out to get a job, but the only thing an engineer can find is a 11 dollar an hour job working tech support, (and that is good compared to what he could find) now that family is pulling in 11 buck per hour-40 hour week (if he/she is lucky), after takes, the weekly pay is 395....following that through.....that is net take home of 1580 a month......

There are families that survive on 1580 a month, completely, without any assistance.....The Mom or Dad is too proud to ask for Gov assistance. Being prideful is not an excuse, but should we take that last bit of dignity away from them against their will? They are surviving, barely, but they are.....What starts to cause real suffering, the adhocs, the traffic ticket, car problem, new clothes for the child, or any number of issues that randomly arise that are above and beyond expected costs......'limit your spending' would probably be the response to that. I agree. Life Sucks, but Control Life in whatever form you can, let the rest ride.

We do our best, as Mothers, Fathers, Brothers, Sisters, and Families....We are sitting in the doldrums of life, waiting for the winds to pick up again.....

After awhile in the doldrums, the sailors had a tendency to start thinking of the dark side, regardless of how mentally strong they were.....We can only suffer so long.

You ask why there are those among us that look for an asteroid, comet, planet, ecm, alien, or any other event to cause us to go caveman.....Well, I have your answer.

If this world were immediately thrust into the stoneage, where people built, farmed, or crafted, lived off the land, without the spectre of debt looming overhead.....I have a feeling that most of us are so fed up with the 'system', that we would gladly give up the happy tech or easy access starbucks to live off the land on our Own Terms at our own pace without someone saying, 'if you clock in at 8:31, your late, and that is a write up'

You want to know why there are those out there focused on end time concepts?.....The answer is, because if Today is the Answer to Life and the Future, I really don't want to ride this ride.....That is it, there are some of us that would love to go back to natural life, plant, grow, eat,....It was a cleaner way of living

Now, go ahead and attack, but I warn you......In the heart of a conspiracy theorist lies a tired soul that would like the world to be a happier place......and you honestly can't attack that, I dare you to try.

posted on Dec, 24 2011 @ 05:16 AM
Simpy one of the best post I've seen on ATS. I've said it before. I know it's going to rain, but at the age of 55, I just want it to rain while I still have the strenght to open an umbrella. I think that is part of it too. You know it's going to happen, I just wish it would go ahead and happen so we all can start that major adjustment to life. Excellent post!!

posted on Dec, 24 2011 @ 09:35 AM
We are living in extraordinary times, witnessing the accomplishment of a creation called the Human Race. What else is new? Before crying Wolf, we need to understand, that the fear-mongerers among us, are those who fear the most for not surviving something that is a natural process, when seen from Above and Within. Hence, they fight it by blurting out litanies of what's wrong with the world, blaming everything and everyone else, without realizing they are as much part of 'what's wrong' as those they 'expose' and 'fight'.

Still, we need resistance, so we may see our own truth. And Truth hurts, as much as it liberates, and has you see things for what they are, rather than what we would like them to be. Having Knowledge is both a blessing and a curse. It's about how we apply Knowledge that makes the difference. Knowledge is a tool, and you can use it either way, like you can use a hammer to drive a nail in the wall for a beautiful picture, or you can use it to bash someone's head in.

This Old Soul is tired, but Knows through Experience, that nothing ever dies, it just changes form. My energy is constantly bombarded with nonsense, trying to pull me back into the matrix I escaped from. But that's just my Human Me, having been taught and conditioned into believing in and taking this game seriously. This Old Soul Knows how much I long to go Home, and get some real work done. Playtime's over.

"I am a hero. Maybe not undefeated, but undaunted."

Thanks for the Thread, let's see where it leads.

posted on Dec, 24 2011 @ 09:44 AM
Thank you. That is the best explanation of how I feel. Everything to do with living has become so overwhelming it doesn't always seem worth it. I will always fight but sometimes I am so very tired and see no way out.

Everyone always says spend less, don't get it debt. Then what is the point of working your butt off if you aren't allowed to get some enjoyment out of it.

Yes, if we all had said no I'm not buying that we wouldn't have debt. But we still wouldn't have peace of mind. Everything is just too messed up. If you save all your money and you keep it in the bank, you have to worry if the bank is going to be around.

I'm one that "if its going to happen just frigging get it over with". Then we can get started on the do over.

posted on Dec, 24 2011 @ 12:21 PM
reply to post by TXTriker

You're so right. The good news is that, by actively sensing and experiencing what this world is really about, you already are on your way out.

However, let's not do a 'do-over' this time, and just go for the All New! I've had enough of repeating the same thing, over and over and over again. Let's jump to the next level, and go

posted on Dec, 24 2011 @ 01:29 PM
reply to post by LajanAytik

Oh, do over does not mean try the same thing again. I definitely want something new. I'm tired of being told what I can and can't do on my own to myself. I'm sure I'm on a list somewhere for some of the things I've said here and I would like a world where there are no lists. A world that works on common sense. And if my common sense is different from yours then let me live my life based on mine and you live yours based on yours.

I guess its the holidays and our current personal situation getting me down for the short term. It won't last. I'm too tough for that but every once in awhile I succumb to a one person pity party. My husband laughs at me sometimes (and its OK) when he asks me whats wrong and I tell him I'm having a pity party. He understands that I need to do this when things get a bit much.

posted on Dec, 24 2011 @ 02:35 PM
reply to post by pointr97

You said it Brother....the only positive change I see in our future is radical and total upheaval. I secretly hope everyday that something puts us on the track to positive change. Although it may feel negative for a bit

posted on Dec, 24 2011 @ 03:06 PM
reply to post by pointr97

All well put and bravely. What we are lacking will unfortunately be the
most likely to survive initially. Those few things society "need" will work
for a little while, but the incremental squeeze will push away those of us
who noticed it first and tried to warn others. The PTB are not likely to
abruptly pull the plug, just brown us out until we beg for a well lit jail and
free heat. For individual freedom: how can the younger ones know what it
even was, when they were never taught what it meant?
I for one am grateful at any age to have a job to go back to after the
holidays; it's the first time in five years. And you look at it-- "Where am I
going after the brief rest?" Back into a meat grinder keeping all of us
out of reach to any options, a good definition of debt (or chattel) slavery.
There are a few state workers in my circle of friends who just want to
put in their time in the system, go home and try to hide... it's too late
for that as well. If you have an address, they have you.
Karmageddon? I picture a short ride to the long ditch instead of a
retirement stipend unless a lot more fully wake up.

posted on Dec, 24 2011 @ 03:27 PM
reply to post by pointr97

I was following you until the end...yes, i am tired of the rat-race too, but I, for one, do not want to go backward to a simpler time...I want to move forward. I do not want my children's children to plant, grow, eat and repeat...not unless that is what they're doing on Mars or Europa or beyond...I want them to explore the cosmos and live to be 200.

Going back to a simpler time will not create the change you seek, because things will only come back to how they are now.

If you want freedom, we have to break free and create a society not based on gain, but on progress.

posted on Dec, 24 2011 @ 03:39 PM
I agree, if Today is what our future will be like, I'd rather be a caveman!!

there's enough to worry about in this world . . . debt enslaves us and brings many to their knees

posted on Dec, 24 2011 @ 04:19 PM
reply to post by madhatr137

I agree with your point completely, and combined with Lurker's response sums it well.....We as humans never 'want' to back pedal on anything. That is the one thing that Humanity has perfected, we are fighters, we have a fighting spirit....For us to go backwards in technology and development, would be to concede defeat...And I believe that is a hard pill for most of us to swallow.....Must point wasn't so much that those were the only two options, just more of examples of the paths we have to choose.....Path 1: We continue down this line till we have truly become a Brave New World. Path 2: (for the so called fear mongers) Nibiru appears in the sky, causes un-predictable catastrophy (we end up in a spartan lifestyle, of each family group doing what it needs to survive).

This post was aimed generally at those anti-fear mongers, the ones that respond to peoples' concerns about ELE events with the quote 'So you Want disaster?'. Was encompassing the two extreme paths humanity could take. Life is not black or white, it is shades of grey with a few colors thrown in just to screw with us. My main focus was to explain this point cleanly: 'Those of us out there that believe or want to believe something bad could be on the horizon does not stem from some sadistic nature, it really stems from an overwhelming sense of futility. That something of this nature may be the only way to pull humanity back to looking at the common good and betterment of the world around us. We are unique as we stand in front of the world, but common as we stand together. Each have their own joys, worries, stresses, and experiences. No one has traveled my road, and I understand that no matter how emphatic they want to be, they can't really understand. Why, because they have traveled their own road that no one will truly understand either. Yet, as a group, we are travelling this road together, bound by the ties that makes us who we are.

We have gotten to a point in our society, in our development, where one person can exert control over a large number of people with just a word. This power is not one that should be given to the undeserving. There is an old quote, i forget the author (maybe someone can help with that), "A man who desires power is the last person to deserve it, a man who avoids power is the most capable of wielding it." It isn't an exact quote, but the thought is the point. Today, if you were born in a specific place at a specific time to a specific family, you can wield the power to destroy hundreds of thousands of lives. In a simpler place, a man or woman was valued for what they did and brought to the village, not just what family they were born to or what bling they had in their pocket.

A wound, small wound, is easy to fix, a little band-aid....No big deal, but.........If that small wound is allowed to get infected and fester....A band-aid, simple as it is, will no longer fix the problem.....As a problem is allowed to exist without redress, then it gets worse. More drastic options must be taken to alleviate the sufferer. Well, we have allowed this, we turned a blind eye, we looked at our life, refused to vote, and just let it go. We allowed this through inaction. Now it has gotten to the point that anon's latest video is pretty correct, it will take something major to 'change' the way we do business......I don't look forward to the solution, it will be harsh on everyone....However, the disease has become so ingrained into the host that the only way to remove it is drastic action.

I am not calling for anything, nor do I desire a life without the simple pleasure I am able to afford. However, I can look around and feel the suffering of those traveling with me.....and I can't harden my heart against their plight. After time, we are changed, we are awakened, we are alive.......We See......We really see what is going on around us, not just focused on punching the clock. We don't desire something really bad to happen, but there is a part of us that can look past a really bad thing and say, 'you know, life wouldn't be so bad after we dusted off the rubble.....fresh start to make it right this time'.

Merry Christmas to all..........

My family is healthy, I have a salaried job that will start a pay check next week...I am thankful for that, but we are not doing christmas this year for that reason. That is not a sad thing, because we saw it that Christmas in Jan will allow us to utilize the after Christmas sales to make it even better. But regardless of our spinning it to a positive, the concept is not lost on my heart that I have to belay Christmas for my family....Which in the end is all we want, to be able to provide happiness to our family, and a better future than we had.

Take care of your neighbor......They are with us on this road.

posted on Dec, 24 2011 @ 04:44 PM
reply to post by lurker007

Aw. Just imagine life as a caveman. No debts to pay. Going around hunting lions by day and the whole tribe sitting eating the day's catch. Finding new and newer ways to do the same simple task more efficiently to the point where a civilization starts to flourish, and they have homes. They start to learn to protect themselves from the harshness of nature and they start to become civilized and start to create their own culture. No hunting chief, no bank where you have to pay your share for the materials, no competition among members. Just a bunch of humans that learn. Yeah, I'd rather be a caveman too. Life is dull now.

Great post OP. I feel the same way. Call me depressed, or suicidal or whatever you would like, but this orange has no more juice. It's just pulp. Gnawing at my senses until I can't take the taste anymore and I make that picky sour face. I don't want to die, no one really ever does, but if some massive catastrophe happened where I had no way of saving myself, I'd just have to let it happen.

posted on Dec, 24 2011 @ 04:56 PM

Originally posted by pointr97
-Life Sucks....period....nothing more, at this point. We have massive over population, dwindling resources, distraught environment, worthless monetary notes, corrupt elected leaders, ....i know, i know, blah blah blah

It doesn't have to. It only "sucks" in an energy-scarce society (which is all We Humans have known on this planet). Add the free energy from electrogravitics (remove EG from black ops) and We all could choose how We live and what We do with Our lives, substituting a Betterment Ethic for the slave's "work ethic" (use Your Human energy to enrich the elite slavemasters), and more (see My thread for more info: ).

Also... Humans are NOT "overpopulated." Nor do We have "dwindling resources." Our environment is distraught because of profit motive - which free energy would remove, as money would become moot - money merely accounts for meaningful energy expended in an energy-scarce society.

There is enough on this planet to feed Us 10 times over - but food is distributed by profit and not need - leading to supermarkets alone throwing out hundreds of thousands of TONS of food a MONTH. If every Human on this planet was given 1/4 acre of land in Australia (4% of land mass EXcluding Antarctica), there would still be a chunck of Australia left over - and the rest of the planet. If the volume of all Humans were put into the Grand Canyon, it wouldn't fill up one small side canyon.

With free energy, money being worthless is moot. Leaders would emerge as problems arise, with motive to solve the BEST way, as opposed to the cheapest or most profitable.

See My threads:

You want to know why there are those out there focused on end time concepts?.....The answer is, because if Today is the Answer to Life and the Future, I really don't want to ride this ride.....That is it, there are some of us that would love to go back to natural life, plant, grow, eat,....It was a cleaner way of living

So spread the word about the vast and positive changes We can accomplish if We release electrogravitics from black ops. It's been suppressed and held secret for 50+ years. Because it threatens the elite slavemasters' power over Us through money (money/power/energy are three forms of the same thing -like ice/water/steam)

posted on Dec, 24 2011 @ 04:56 PM
reply to post by mr10k

You are at a place in life in which this is all to true. We have dreams and desires when we are young, we know not the reality of life that will hit us like a freight train. Upon leaving our safe sanctuary, we quickly start living and absorbing the world around us. This can either support us (if we are lucky) or start the constant siege on our will. I feel your situation completely, it feels like Mr. Murphy has been beating on my door so long that if he beats one more time, the splinter will give way.

We tread through life with constant things happening to us, and our positive spirit is constantly attacked by those negative actions. After awhile, we are no longer looking at the positive nature of life we are looking at the next bad thing that could possibly go wrong.....This creates a feeling, a sense of will, a negativity to the society that starts to breed a general selfishness among the population. This fostered change in attitude is what leads to looting, rioting, and general chaos.....We have stepped away from the looking out for each other, to the looking out for number one. This comes from our constant fight against, well, everything.....It feels now like every big company could care less about the we have ingrained our nature with a survivalist mentality (not skill set). So that when you are in the grocery store on christmas looking for stuffing, you have to fight to get it....Instead of having to fight over who takes is stuffing for pete's sake.....Go around the aisle, get some bread, and make it....there are always options over being cruel to your fellow human.

posted on Dec, 24 2011 @ 05:09 PM
reply to post by pointr97

That was well written and sad to say I agree. I think why people almost wish the end would come is out of sheer desperation with no relief in sight. The daily suffering that we witness and are part of makes raising a family an extremely painful and stressful experience. Hopelessness is the worst feeling one can have and though I do not want the world to "end" something has got to give.

posted on Dec, 24 2011 @ 05:23 PM

Moshia / Moshiach : Hebrew for Messiah.

This Rabbi talks about,
"What if I don't want Moshia"
and explains that being miserable is no justification,
and not what is considered "wanting Moshia".
It's a selfish want.
That perhaps he won't come till everyone is happy.

David Grouchy

posted on Dec, 24 2011 @ 05:56 PM

Originally posted by davidgrouchy

Moshia / Moshiach : Hebrew for Messiah.

This Rabbi talks about,
"What if I don't want Moshia"
and explains that being miserable is no justification,
and not what is considered "wanting Moshia".
It's a selfish want.
That perhaps he won't come till everyone is happy.

David Grouchy

If that was the case he would never come, because not everyone is going to be happy. Trying to find happiness in this world is a lie and the proof of this statement can bee seen with one good look around the world with current events.

I am happy with Jesus walking by my side. When all else fails and when i have nothing left, i still have him and so i have more than i will ever lose. Through all my sorrows and troubles, my failing and ailing body and my inability to have children, my fading eyesight and my fading hearing, as long as he walks by my side i have lost nothing and as long as i can kneel at his feet with love and adoration that is the only place i ever want to be. I didn't find paradise, he found me.

posted on Dec, 24 2011 @ 06:26 PM
reply to post by lonewolf19792000

Thank you david for that post....I went into it thinking, 'wait a minute, I don't want to turn this thread religious because that is not the context I wanted (plays a part, but not the whole)'.....However, listening to him, Yes, that is the rough point I wanted to strike at.

Lonewolf, I agree with you, your point is very valid.....I think though the sub-point was missed as to why david posted that.....You express solidity in the faith you have with Jesus walking by you giving you the mental support you need.....However, the thought that I think he wanted to get across was more of one where hoping for messiah or end times when you are down is one thing, but the true test of the human nature to desire it when you are happy shows that you are truly looking for a better society....When you desire change from your normal status shows that you are self-actualized, to steal Maslow's term....To do something because it is right, not because you need it or want it or have any other selfish motivation. I don't think that Rabbi would disagree with you on any point you expressed, except that Jesus is the Messiah, might disagree with you on that point, but no other.....Listen to his words again, and focus on the message that it isn't the desire for change when you are down, it is the desire for change when you are up.

posted on Dec, 24 2011 @ 06:38 PM
Yes, I am one of those people who anticipate the end. Without family a place to live and friends its a horrible life. Ive been in tears all day bc this holiday is so painful. Read somewhere today was supposed to be the real date of the end of the mayan calender. Like I suspected nothing happened but I was hopful. Thanks for understanding and explaining OP why some people might embrace the end. I know I do. But ill hang on as long as I have too. God bless

posted on Dec, 24 2011 @ 07:03 PM
Life's what you make of it. People blame everyone else. I'm not rich. I have money struggles from time to time. I live in a community with crime issues. Yet, I take responsibility for my own actions and frankly, ensure that my life is as enjoyable and complete as possible. Today's people have it better than any humans in all of human history yet they b**ch and whine like little entitled weenies.
Enjoy life. Get over yourself.

Edit to add: The world is going to continue turning, no "end" is coming, no matter how many people believe otherwise. So if you don't like your life, do something about it.
edit on 24-12-2011 by pierregustavetoutant because: (no reason given)

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