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Why I Don't Believe There Will Ever Be A Disclosure, Nor An Alien Invasion

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posted on Dec, 13 2011 @ 09:54 PM
reply to post by rick004

You are right about there being more than one race of Alien there are many...some known....some unknown....some that have been coming here for Millenia and still are....some who are new comers.....some who came here in the past and acted as GODS....some who crashed here long ago and had to put on the apearence of a God in order to get massive projects completed to use for purposes other than what mainstream archeology has dictated.

One thing I know to be true....and this is not one of those.....Oh...I have E.T. visiting me evey weekend and we talk politics over a new recording made by ELVIS....who some one saw in a UFO.....this is something I know by job.

The ONLY leverage Humans have over E.T. is we.....#1.....Have a few things of theirs....and these things of super high tech....they would prefer to have back....but would rather leave it in our hands than have us trade this tech. to any of their RIVALS....and even though they could easily force us to give them back or even take action and grab it back....that is way to overt for them. #2....Because of this leverage...we are also granted a few requests....E.T. must keep it's actiities as covert as possible and confined flight paths over land in low population zones at night only or over ocean if during daytime. Most daytime sightings of REAL E.T. craft....are done by races that we have no treaty with but one of the races we have a treaty a Big Boy on the least tech. we get help ocasionaly.

The idea that there will be ny disclosure is fantasy for the foreseable future and as far as an INVASION? WHY? For what possible reason would an Alien race advanced enough to fold space and use Gravitic Drives....thus understand....Matter onversion to pure Energy and back well the ability to navigate Space/Time.....need anything from us that they could not synthisize?

They come here for the purpose of science and data accumulation to work on questions that THEY ARE PONDERING! They don't need to spend time figuring out the Unified Field Theory because they ALREADY UNDERSTAND IT! They would have be able to fold space or create a Gravitic Drive.

Just imagine the questions and search parameters of such a race? The thought boggles the mind! And just like all scientists....they have rivals with other races on who will get the answer first! This last line is conjecture...but I thought I would throw it out there! Split Infinity

posted on Dec, 13 2011 @ 10:12 PM
reply to post by DrunkNinja

Of course the options are many; this why I concentrated on the past, as a way to (maybe) predict their future behavior. Also the fact that they existed in our ancient past is somehow a proof that they are not a present TPTB trick.
My point was only this: invasion or not invasion.
As for disclosure, it makes me sad to think that we're not worthy enough, but it seems the most plausible conclusion to me.

posted on Dec, 13 2011 @ 10:19 PM
There could easily be an invasion...why not?

Maybe there have been invasions our ancient past...

posted on Dec, 13 2011 @ 10:22 PM
reply to post by DrManhattan

This is also one of the things that I think about a lot. I go even further than this: thinking about our "junk DNA" and the 80% of the brain that we don't use, maybe there is a good chance that they purposelly "dumbed us down" so we can't never reach their level? Just a thought....
edit on 13-12-2011 by WhiteHat because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 13 2011 @ 10:23 PM
reply to post by WhiteHat

Your thread title is incredibly, incredibly misleading. You don't think there will EVER be disclosure of other worldly beings and influences?

Come on now, that's just flexing your right to choose and potentially invoke the desired fourth dimensional time line from all 5th dimensional possibilities that your subconscious wants. I know some that await knowledge of other influences, other worldly beings, and there are those that put on those pin-hole glasses...

Simply put. Besides, how do you know other worldly beings haven't already influenced you, in your thoughts, your sleep, your perceptions? Hmm? How do you know Im not an other worldly beings, or that I am a human who has regularly been disclosed the presence of other worldly beings? How can you really know if they do disguise their presence/influences?

Wouldn't that just make you want to know? With awareness comes...

Choice. With choice comes manifestation, to an extent. However, to which extent for each individual...indeed.

posted on Dec, 13 2011 @ 10:28 PM
If the government decides to "disclose" any information, I doubt it will be "all that truthful". Here is the exciting part. I firmly believe the people of planet earth will witness certain events with their own eyes.

I was "little" too and still consider myself a child. However, I am also capable of formulating my own opinions and arriving to my own conclusions based on life experiences and an all knowing sense that my heart can guide me or point me in the right direction.

posted on Dec, 13 2011 @ 10:33 PM

Originally posted by DrManhattan
reply to post by TotallyFEDup88

I don't mean to sound offenseive,but Stephen Hawking is far from the smartest man on Earth,Just because he has a robot voice doesn't make him any more brilliant than any of the other smartest people,Hawking doesn't really think oustide of the box,he essentially thinks he's right and everyone else with other theories are just stupid or crazy.

smartest man on the cinder?

addressing the OP, i think the situation is vastly more complex than we realise.
the variation in ufo sightings, the variation in accounts of extraterrestrials and the things they have said or done to people....
as far as we know there are a billion billion races out there, all doing their own thing
and nothing says any of it has to be comprehensible to us.
maybe some are already here working covertly with our governments
maybe some are on their way back to re-establish their godhood
certainly when you read older reports there appear to have at least been exploratory parties...
i would like to think we're being 'allowed' to catch a glimpse of them occassionally to prepare us for the knowledge they exist and will be communicating with us fully one day;
however i am known for being a hopeless romantic so i wouldn't exactly bet the farm.

posted on Dec, 13 2011 @ 10:33 PM

Originally posted by game over man
There could easily be an invasion...why not?

Maybe there have been invasions our ancient past...

There wasno need to invade in our past either....say an E.T. craft wa having problems....had to set down quickly....and found itself in Mexico or central America...thousands of years ago....they would be heralded as Gods.

That happened today and the Agency steps in and deals with it. If they were to attack....they would do it by simply using a Bioweapon....wipe Humans off the face of the Earth and preserve everything force would be necessary. Split Infinity

posted on Dec, 13 2011 @ 10:34 PM
We are never going to get disclosure from the governments of the world. At least not in a public way. There are however many countries finally releasing documentation that was previously kept secret. I feel that the countries that are releasing documents are doing so carefully and no doubt in a highly controlled way.

As for public disclosure - with all the lies that had been fed to the public - all the people who have died suddenly and/or mysteriously - who had links to related research and military and government - never. Ever trusted someone and been lied to - the pain can be untenable. No the governments and the military are never going to just confess. It is not like the police shows on television - liars never admit their lies unless they are truly cornered.

Disclosure petitions are a gallant attempt by the people to gain access to an honest government let alone classified information - but I do not see the cabal/illuminati/whatever giving in to a piece of paper with thousands of signatures. They would be laughing. I am not laughing I just have not figured out how the cabal/illuminati/whatever are going to be their own undoing. Liars and cheats never win it is a given.

Much Peace...

posted on Dec, 13 2011 @ 10:40 PM
I'd love nothing better than to live in a universe where we have open, friendly congress with other species, where we share ideas and thoughts and make friends and loves, live long healthy lives, have whatever we need and plenty of the things we want and never have to work. I wouldn't love so much to end up in a world where we're permanent genetic second or third class citizens under the thumb of if-not-malevolent-then-not-benevolent alien rulers and our own petty elite, toiling every day of our lives to increase resources for someone else. I still want to find out what the reality is, even if it turns out we are completely alone in the universe.

I would love to have disclosure in my lifetime. I'd love to wake up one morning to have the news sources of the world wallpapered with the announcement that the aliens have come (and if you please, are friendly and come armed with help for many of our pressing concerns). Unfortunately I doubt it would happen in my lifetime, if at all. Knowing my luck, if it does happen, it'll be because it's the second scenario where I spent the next 60 years of my life working until I drop dead. If I even get 60 with all the damned poisons we feed ourselves and what seems like a concerted push to remove any semblance of a healthy lifestyle from the grasp of the common person.

I entertain the notion that any one of the beliefs that aliens exist and contact us for whatever reason could be correct, but I don't commit my belief to anything and I won't until or unless I actually physically meet an alien in person, get a chance to speak with him/her/whatever gender, and interact with them. I think the 'evidence' supports the existence of aliens, but it's not like science where I can go out and reproduce that evidence. People can be mistaken. People can lie and fake. I even have a hard time believing my own beliefs (if you can believe that, ha) because I recognize that they could be merely the product of delusion or an overactive imagination. I could be wrong about what I think I am and why I think I'm here.

I want disclosure. I want to know the 'truth', whatever it is. I doubt I'll ever get any of it. The best case likelihood is that I live out my allotted years and die an old woman in my bed who has lived a productive life and done what she can to make something out of it and enjoy it - without aliens or other beings.

posted on Dec, 13 2011 @ 10:40 PM
reply to post by prevenge

I have never seen an albino Asian human in person. Therefor it is my opinion that Albino Asian humans do not exist. Faulty logic here. Seems to me that you're trying to hard to disprove a negative.

Seems to me you don't get it. I only said that because they never did or tried to invade us, is unlikely that they would try it now.

You have not absorbed all the information possible, in order to make the ultimate, decisive, and relevant conclusion on the topic. Therefor your opinion on the matter is immature in being given. You do not have all the information on the topic that the CIA has. You do not have all the information on the topic that the NSA has, the KGB, or the NAVY or AIR FORCE or ARMY. You have only the opinion you're presenting here, based on what you've hypothetically theorized here.. AND formed from lack of evidence. Whatever the NSA, CIA, NAVY etc.. have concluded and agreed upon sharing their facts from their experience on the matter is... THAT is one CONCLUSION of PRISTINE CONCRETE DATA that I can respect.

I only presented my opinion; and as a matter of fact nobody has all the information CIA or NASA or any of those have. And to tell you the truth, for me these organization will be the least ones to trust. But everyone with it's own.

I do not think that evil aliens exist.

I do. But neither of us know for sure. So we get to keep our believes, until we'll be proved otherwise.
Relax; no need to be so offensive. I've told you will hate me

posted on Dec, 13 2011 @ 10:48 PM

Originally posted by xacto
reply to post by WhiteHat

Your thread title is incredibly, incredibly misleading. You don't think there will EVER be disclosure of other worldly beings and influences?

No. Only of those beings that fly those incredible UFO's on our skies; I didn't encompassed all beings and all dimensions in this, did I? Come on, people, read it as I wrote it, don't let your emotions blind you.

posted on Dec, 13 2011 @ 10:51 PM
reply to post by prevenge

Wow, he gave his opnion, not "this is fact!"

He gave his 2 cents, take it or leave it. Haranguing him doesn't help.

Now if you said, "Hey, look at this info. After looking at it, it may change your mind." - that would be constructive and help enlighten him on said subject.

posted on Dec, 13 2011 @ 11:10 PM
reply to post by errihu

My feelings exactly! Great post, thank you.

posted on Dec, 13 2011 @ 11:43 PM
reply to post by SplitInfinity

Is it not a theory there were other eras of advanced civilizations lost in time? Advanced civilizations waaaay older than we thought?

Early civilizations?

posted on Dec, 14 2011 @ 12:25 AM
reply to post by WhiteHat

You make some good points, yes they seem indifferent to us

I will touch on my theory

What if there was more then one faction of these beings whatever origin that may be...what if said factions had a war over us? Well maybe not over us perhaps other reasons. But evidence suggest there was nuclear weapons used during ancient history. This has been discussed several times here on ATS, and the evidence is pretty strong indicating so.

History’s lost lesson: Ancient nuclear war among Indus Valley civilizations reexamined

I think if you believe the abduction phenomena and then anthropology then that may suggest that we have been genetically modified here and there. With "upgrades" every so many thousands of years.. a work in progress. However these beings really are not here in our best interest for we are subjected to these kidnappings done in a covert fashion. Then you have to take in to account the more prominent cases where pilots were toyed with by these craft.. these craft seem to be evasive in nature. They don't care to be known or whatever they are up to.

When they flew that squadron over the capitol in DC in the 50's and then the "battle of LA" incident was all about them making a statement to our powers. Not essentially to the people. But our governments an leaders. What our military industrial complex learned must be ... well not good news you see. Imo the truth would make life very uneasy if we were told by our governments that we are under a microscope at all times and are subject to abduction and experimentation. Our government telling us they are powerless and futile in the wake of this higher intelligence would render them useless.

I think what they are is key to the cover up.

As time goes by i lean toward the Inter Dimensional beings theory and less on the off world Alien idea. However i have another one and will throw it out there, that maybe these beings are in fact future "time travelers" humans "that's why they are bipedal" that have evolved to a point where they can not reproduce and have been going back in time trying to change or alter the future because they are in fact us but are dying. That perhaps thousands of years from now maybe a million our planets climate changed and humans adapted to to "greys" This explains the genetic harvesting and missing time in cases. That they and our government want us to think they are aliens to throw us off.

Now i look at the world today and see that there is a ancient evil behind the scenes, something non human pulling the strings. Because there seems to be a lacking of a human component more and more with people. Perhaps we are being changed and we just do not know it in to "them" ahhh i have so many theories. But i do know this as i have seen with my own two eyes, they exist. And there is something being kept secret about them that most people and experts are failing to see. We only know what the PTB want us to think with conditioning they really have been pitching the Alien idea and that says to me if they are then these beings are probably something else.

Who knows perhaps they are walking among us and living next door to me and you and we just don't know it.

Ever see invasion of the body snatchers?

another thing, if they are not human then why bother trying to understand their reasoning? it's like when i see a dog eat it's own poop or the black widow eating it's mate after sex. I am a human i am not a dog or spider so why would i understand? Heck i bet if these beings are Aliens they probably dont understand us either and keep distance for we are so foreign to one another perhaps we could never understand each other or to a point. I guess when we capture and tag tigers in the wild they must have wheels turning think WTF?

This subject this will always be subject to speculation, but the Disclosure stuff is all being regurgitated by wishful thinkers. White house just denied any knowledge of ET but perhaps they are not in the know most likely not. We got a watered down disclosure in several countries releasing once classified material and they still refuse to tell us what they know dont expect that to happen any time soon unless we force the hand. I guess if you hunt down Donald Rumsfeld and make him talk then we will get the gist of it all.

In short if the news was good news we would know and we would have known for a long time now
edit on 14-12-2011 by Unknown Soldier because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 14 2011 @ 12:27 AM

Originally posted by game over man
reply to post by SplitInfinity

Is it not a theory there were other eras of advanced civilizations lost in time? Advanced civilizations waaaay older than we thought?

Early civilizations?

Well....if there were any Highly Advanced civilizations in the would have to be the very far past as in a Era over tens of millions of years ago....and they would not be Primates....and these advanced civilizations....if they were early man perhaps enlightened by E.T.....even they were just like us....Homosapien....but in fact...Cromagnon had a bigger brain.

Then they must have been using very eco-friendly material for tech. because none of it survived to be found. The stuff we Homosapiens use everyday....such as plastics or a syrofoam cup.....have structural lifeimes of EONS.
So the idea of an Advanced Human race within the last 50,000 unlikely unless they were guided by E.T. and these E.T. tech. machines were either taken back or designed to degrade very quickly.

As far as the idea that a Dinosaur evolved type being existing and either returning here in craft or still existing here under the oceans....again there is a problem. Dinosaurs lived in various forms on Earth for Millions of years and types such as T-Rex and various Sauropods....evolved very little after reaching a pinnicle in Evolutionary perfection...such as a Shark was around back before either of these Dinosaurs existed and sharks still exist very much the same form and way they did back then. Evolution is driven by enviromental changes and survival of the fittest. Thus...a Dinosaur evolving into an Intelligent being that travels the stars! Split Infinity

posted on Dec, 14 2011 @ 06:22 AM
Reply to post by DrManhattan

Of course they were all these mythical things do that. They appear, give you knowledge and then dissapear. I mean dont you see a pattern? What would be the reason for them to seed knowledge and sit back and observe? Just like god(s) do. People just learned these things and came up with the ideas. If anybody did actually see anything it was most likely mental illness or drugs. Notice the revered shaman uses drugs to commune with the divine. Its bullcrap.

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posted on Dec, 14 2011 @ 06:24 AM
Reply to post by DrManhattan

Lol I have seen maybe one good photo of an UFO. And I never researched it to find out if it could be identified by someone who specializes in that sort of thing. Please. You see what you want see. Not what the reality is.

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posted on Dec, 14 2011 @ 06:37 AM
Reply to post by WhiteHat

There were never any gods that there is concrete evidence for. If there was some type of godly intermingling with humans that would be reflected in our DNA, its not. Scientists have compiled genetic profiles from people all over the world and have tracked the progression of humans and biological changes that occured. No weirdness involved.
As for gods shaping the human race....please. LOL. It should be fairly obvious to you that its all manmade stories. When something a god demands becomes unacceptable people ignore it or change the meaning of whatever was written. Also most gods that have ever existed fall out of favor as humanity progressed. I mean people used to worship rocks trees sticks ancestors the sun the list is pretty much endless. Gods are made up.

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