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Why Christians don't call their creator Allah ?

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posted on Nov, 28 2011 @ 08:57 PM
reply to post by BO XIAN

FACTS about allah being a demonic moon god

I doubt very much there are said facts that prove Allah is a demonic moon God.
I doubt very much that you can provide real facts as to wether even gods or demons exist.

posted on Nov, 28 2011 @ 09:07 PM

Originally posted by IAMIAM

Originally posted by lonewolf19792000
Those of us who he made known the truth will not deny him for we are the chosen he has called to lead his flock until his return. We have his calling, we hear and obey.

What is he calling you to do?

Is it anything like he asked his disciples to do the first time around?

You know, give all your wealth to the poor, bless those who are meek, comfort those who mourn, feed those who are hungry?

Is he still asking you to keep the commandments to love God with all your heart and your neighbor as yourself?

Is he still endorsing his one GREAT commandment to Love one another?

What exactly is Christ calling you guys to do?

Share his message. Some of us might want to get aboard.

With Love,

Your Brother
edit on 28-11-2011 by IAMIAM because: (no reason given)

Indeed he does. That message has never changed. His utmost commandments:

1. Love your enemies as you love your neighbors

2. Do unto others as you would have done unto you

3. Forgive those whom trespass against you and pray for them

I asked him to teach me to pray correctly and he told me this:

"Pray for others, do not pray for selfish reasons. Pray for those whom i have not taken care of, for i have taken care of you the moment i saved you"

I asked him to teach me how to truly love with all my heart and he said this:

"Forgive, you can never know how to truly love until you can learn to truly forgive"

That last part about forgiveness made me cry, because i had been holding on to hate and anger and pain caused by my dad when i was abused as a child and suffered from physical, mental and emotional abuse. I couldn't trust anyone, and for 14 years i became agnostic and just didn't care if there was a God anymore. Until one day he called me back, and i heard his voice. I had nearly been consumed by darkness and hate. He changed me and i learned how to forgive my dad and that was when i was able to love him despite the harm he had done me. Satan got ahold of my dad and used him to get to me and i see that now. To this day it breaks my heart to know how i turned my back on my savior and king for 14 years. I was a fool, sometimes i still am. It's a learning process and one i will struggle to learn the rest of my days but at least i try to now, whereas before i didn't care.

posted on Nov, 28 2011 @ 09:10 PM
reply to post by CREAM
Jews beleive the Talmud. THe Talmud says Jesus was a sorceror born to the young harlot Mary.

posted on Nov, 28 2011 @ 09:12 PM

Originally posted by lonewolf19792000
"Forgive, you can never know how to truly love until you can learn to truly forgive"

That last part about forgiveness made me cry, because i had been holding on to hate and anger and pain caused by my dad when i was abused as a child and suffered from physical, mental and emotional abuse. I couldn't trust anyone, and for 14 years i became agnostic and just didn't care if there was a God anymore. Until one day he called me back, and i heard his voice. I had nearly been consumed by darkness and hate. He changed me and i learned how to forgive my dad and that was when i was able to love him despite the harm he had done me. Satan got ahold of my dad and used him to get to me and i see that now. To this day it breaks my heart to know how i turned my back on my savior and king for 14 years. I was a fool, sometimes i still am. It's a learning process and one i will struggle to learn the rest of my days but at least i try to now, whereas before i didn't care.

A very similar experience happened to me just last year, shortly before I joined ATS and began doing what I do here.

I do not blame Satan for the illnesses that caused others to harm me. I blame those who harmed them, and even those are forgiven for it continues on down to the original sin, causing harm to one another.

So you see my friend, we have shared similar experiences which have impacted you and I in very profound ways. Are we not on the same mission, to spread the love of Christ?

It cannot be done through hate.

Thank you for sharing you testimony my friend.

With Love,

Your Brother

posted on Nov, 28 2011 @ 09:20 PM

Originally posted by sk0rpi0n
reply to post by BO XIAN

"Allah" was a demonic moon god before Muhammad was born.
Facts are still facts.

Thats not a fact. Thats a falsehood, either out of sheer ignorance or malice.

Now tell me something, if Islam is a false religion, why exactly did the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, who you invoke, allow for it to appear in the first place. Why do you suppose God allowed for this to happen? Why did God not establish christianity there?

Did God not have the ability to prevent this from happening? (that would make Him rather weak)
Did God establish Islam only to punish those who are born into it with hellfire (That would make Him sadistic)
Is it something else?

edit on 28-11-2011 by sk0rpi0n because: (no reason given)

Because of the free will covenant. God cannot step in and stop anything that goes on or he breaks his covenant with the Adam. This is why evil still goes on in the world. He is weeding the goats from the sheep and using Lucifer to accomplish this. Those who choose to serve Lucifer do so by their freedom of will and their works are seen by their actions. The same goes for God. Those who choose to serve him follow Christ and their works are evident by their actions. You do not have to be a christian to serve Christ. You can be muslim or jew, if you believe in the Messiah, your faith guides your actions. This is how you can tell true followers of the Messiah, we strive to do his will and spread his word and do the works he has commanded of us to be servants to others, for by being humble and learning humility begins the path to righteousness through him.

posted on Nov, 28 2011 @ 09:24 PM
reply to post by lonewolf19792000

One question; do you love the Devil?

posted on Nov, 28 2011 @ 09:35 PM

Originally posted by IAMIAM

Originally posted by lonewolf19792000
"Forgive, you can never know how to truly love until you can learn to truly forgive"

That last part about forgiveness made me cry, because i had been holding on to hate and anger and pain caused by my dad when i was abused as a child and suffered from physical, mental and emotional abuse. I couldn't trust anyone, and for 14 years i became agnostic and just didn't care if there was a God anymore. Until one day he called me back, and i heard his voice. I had nearly been consumed by darkness and hate. He changed me and i learned how to forgive my dad and that was when i was able to love him despite the harm he had done me. Satan got ahold of my dad and used him to get to me and i see that now. To this day it breaks my heart to know how i turned my back on my savior and king for 14 years. I was a fool, sometimes i still am. It's a learning process and one i will struggle to learn the rest of my days but at least i try to now, whereas before i didn't care.

A very similar experience happened to me just last year, shortly before I joined ATS and began doing what I do here.

I do not blame Satan for the illnesses that caused others to harm me. I blame those who harmed them, and even those are forgiven for it continues on down to the original sin, causing harm to one another.

So you see my friend, we have shared similar experiences which have impacted you and I in very profound ways. Are we not on the same mission, to spread the love of Christ?

It cannot be done through hate.

Thank you for sharing you testimony my friend.

With Love,

Your Brother

Yes, were on the same mission even if we disagree with different aspects of doctrine sometimes. It is not an easy task he set us to. More often than not i have more questions than i get answers to. He doesn't always answer me in ways i can easily understand. Would it were so easy as to actually hear his voice tell me to do this or that! Most of the time he speaks to my heart, sometimes i get dreams that end up coming true and i have learned to tell the difference between which dreams are prophetic and which ones are just dreams. I'm not going to say i am a prophet for my dreams only affect my life and the lives of the people around me but they have profound effects and sometimes horrifying consequences if i do not heed the warnings. Twice he has actually talked to me where i could hear and those were the 2 things i told you in my previous post.

Atheists can't tell me he doesn't exist, i have heard him! I am not a schizophrenic either, i have been tested for that. I thought i was going crazy when he started talking to me., I wasn't expecting him to actually answer me when i asked him to teach me to pray and teach me how to love.

posted on Nov, 28 2011 @ 09:37 PM

Originally posted by Dr Cosma
reply to post by lonewolf19792000

One question; do you love the Devil?

Lol. Do you?

posted on Nov, 28 2011 @ 09:41 PM

Originally posted by lonewolf19792000

Originally posted by BlueBanshee
"If Jesus(PBUH) called his god "Allah", then why would "Christians" use other words when talking to or about
their Creator? "

Some Christians do use the word "Allah" for the creator.

It depends on the language you use, the culture and what region of the world you are in.

Lolwut? No "christian" would ever call the Lord Allah. Our Lord is Jesus the Christ, the Lord of All, the Son of God, the Son of Man. Jesus was equal to the Father in power and in nature and it as through Jesus that the earth and the heavens were created.

Don't be so quick to speak. I neither agree nor disagree with the OP, because I have not researched for myself. I believe every word of the bible is the truth. But I also realize that who we called Jesus, is also called Christ, Emmanuel, and several other names.

One thing to consider:
If I pray in the name of Jesus is my prayer answered?
Or do I need to pray in the name of Yeshua/Yahshua (Yay-shoo-ah or Yah-shoo-ah)?

I think that God knows who he is and knows who follows him. Arguing about the title is foolish.

posted on Nov, 28 2011 @ 09:44 PM
Reply to post by ZeroUnlmtd

Which would be plausible except that anything He could have learned in India would be a direct violation of Torah, which He taught and lived.

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posted on Nov, 28 2011 @ 09:54 PM
reply to post by lonewolf19792000

Indeed he does. That message has never changed. His utmost commandments: 1. Love your enemies as you love your neighbors

This is why I'm asking you.
If Jesus taught to love your enemies, then do you love the Devil?

I think it's a relevant question.

posted on Nov, 28 2011 @ 09:58 PM

Originally posted by sacgamer25

Originally posted by lonewolf19792000

Originally posted by BlueBanshee
"If Jesus(PBUH) called his god "Allah", then why would "Christians" use other words when talking to or about
their Creator? "

Some Christians do use the word "Allah" for the creator.

It depends on the language you use, the culture and what region of the world you are in.

Lolwut? No "christian" would ever call the Lord Allah. Our Lord is Jesus the Christ, the Lord of All, the Son of God, the Son of Man. Jesus was equal to the Father in power and in nature and it as through Jesus that the earth and the heavens were created.

Don't be so quick to speak. I neither agree nor disagree with the OP, because I have not researched for myself. I believe every word of the bible is the truth. But I also realize that who we called Jesus, is also called Christ, Emmanuel, and several other names.

One thing to consider:
If I pray in the name of Jesus is my prayer answered?
Or do I need to pray in the name of Yeshua/Yahshua (Yay-shoo-ah or Yah-shoo-ah)?

I think that God knows who he is and knows who follows him. Arguing about the title is foolish.

I think so as well yes. It may go deeper than that though. Evidence does suggest that the word Allah does originate from the pre-islamic arab word al-ilah which means "the god". The words "the god" can quite literally mean different gods. The key is to what context the word is being used in. Allah is also used to refer to a moon-god who in the pre-islamic arab religion was known as Sin of Sinai who was a moon-god whose symbol was the crescent moon.

On the surface Allah may appear to mean "god" after it was shortened from al-ilah, but to which "god" does it refer to? Their symbol being the crescent moon it can only mean one god....Sin of Sinai. They are praying to Sin while thinking they are praying YHWH and its the crescent symbol that causes this because one of the 10 commandments is "you shall not make any graven images of anything in the heavens above, or earth below" (paraphrased). This is where the danger lies in symbols, be they crucifix or doves or whatever. The symbol you think youre praying to may not necessarily represent what you think youre praying to. You may think youre praying to God when youre praying to something else, such as when the Israelites fashioned the golden calf and worshipped towards it or at it thinking it represented God when it really did not and it pissed him off. This is also the danger with the muslim bowing down towards the kabalah at Mecca or walking around the structure while they either kiss the black meteor imbedded in its corner or point at it in reverence which is an example of idol worship becayse the black space rock does not accurately depict God. The muslim bulldozed Muhammads tomb when many muslim went there to pay homage to him, they should do the same thing with the kabalah at Mecca.

posted on Nov, 28 2011 @ 10:06 PM

Originally posted by Dr Cosma
reply to post by lonewolf19792000

Indeed he does. That message has never changed. His utmost commandments: 1. Love your enemies as you love your neighbors

This is why I'm asking you.
If Jesus taught to love your enemies, then do you love the Devil?

I think it's a relevant question.

I do not love him, nor do i hate him. Satan is a tool God uses and nothing more and when God is done with him he will destroy him. Satan is what he is. Did Jesus love him? I think the proof of that is evident when he ran Satan off everytime he tried to tempt him, both when he was fasting for the 40 days in the wilderness and at the garden of gathsemane. If Jesus loved Satan he wouldn't return and kill him as he does in Revelation, he would forgive him and tell him to go and sin no more, instead Jesus kills the false prophet and the anti-christ and at the end of his millenial reign he kills Satan. If you love someone you try to save them and forgive them as he has forgiven man, you don't kill them. Satan neither wants forgiveness nor preaches it, he covets the mercy seat and that is all he wants.

posted on Nov, 28 2011 @ 10:23 PM

Originally posted by lonewolf19792000

Originally posted by Dr Cosma
reply to post by lonewolf19792000

Indeed he does. That message has never changed. His utmost commandments: 1. Love your enemies as you love your neighbors

This is why I'm asking you.
If Jesus taught to love your enemies, then do you love the Devil?

I think it's a relevant question.

I do not love him, nor do i hate him. Satan is a tool God uses and nothing more and when God is done with him he will destroy him. Satan is what he is. Did Jesus love him? I think the proof of that is evident when he ran Satan off everytime he tried to tempt him, both when he was fasting for the 40 days in the wilderness and at the garden of gathsemane. If Jesus loved Satan he wouldn't return and kill him as he does in Revelation, he would forgive him and tell him to go and sin no more, instead Jesus kills the false prophet and the anti-christ and at the end of his millenial reign he kills Satan. If you love someone you try to save them and forgive them as he has forgiven man, you don't kill them. Satan neither wants forgiveness nor preaches it, he covets the mercy seat and that is all he wants.

Jesus was not speaking of Angelic or Demonic enemies, but man. I am only instructed to love my enemies that are human.

Satan is the enemy of God, which causes us to sin. Therefore all sin comes from Satan, it is because of sin that my brother became my enemy. So I should continue to love him as I am also a sinner.

posted on Nov, 28 2011 @ 10:30 PM

Originally posted by sacgamer25

Originally posted by lonewolf19792000

Originally posted by Dr Cosma
reply to post by lonewolf19792000

Indeed he does. That message has never changed. His utmost commandments: 1. Love your enemies as you love your neighbors

This is why I'm asking you.
If Jesus taught to love your enemies, then do you love the Devil?

I think it's a relevant question.

I do not love him, nor do i hate him. Satan is a tool God uses and nothing more and when God is done with him he will destroy him. Satan is what he is. Did Jesus love him? I think the proof of that is evident when he ran Satan off everytime he tried to tempt him, both when he was fasting for the 40 days in the wilderness and at the garden of gathsemane. If Jesus loved Satan he wouldn't return and kill him as he does in Revelation, he would forgive him and tell him to go and sin no more, instead Jesus kills the false prophet and the anti-christ and at the end of his millenial reign he kills Satan. If you love someone you try to save them and forgive them as he has forgiven man, you don't kill them. Satan neither wants forgiveness nor preaches it, he covets the mercy seat and that is all he wants.

Jesus was not speaking of Angelic or Demonic enemies, but man. I am only instructed to love my enemies that are human.

Satan is the enemy of God, which causes us to sin. Therefore all sin comes from Satan, it is because of sin that my brother became my enemy. So I should continue to love him as I am also a sinner.

Indeed. I agree.

posted on Nov, 28 2011 @ 10:58 PM
reply to post by lonewolf19792000

Their symbol being the crescent moon it can only mean one god....Sin of Sinai. They are praying to Sin while thinking they are praying YHWH and its the crescent symbol that causes this because one of the 10 commandments is "you shall not make any graven images of anything in the heavens above, or earth below" (paraphrased).

Muslims are aware that they are praying to God who inspired the OT prophets, and sent Jesus to be born of a virgin. So they are NOT praying to some moon god as you have been taught.

The symbol you think youre praying to may not necessarily represent what you think youre praying to.

Muslims dont pray to the symbol of the crescent or any other symbol. The crescent symbol has no divine symbol at all. No muslim who knows his religion considers that to be holy.

Muslims have a belief - "worship the Creator, not the creation".
Now, who do you suppose the Creator is? Well, that is the One they worship.

posted on Nov, 28 2011 @ 11:03 PM
reply to post by BO XIAN

Evidently you did not read the umpteen documented scholarly reference sources that I referenced and posted samples of above . . .
affirming the FACTS

"documented scholarly reference sources".....
Yeah, right. You mean you referenced the work of some christians with a biased agenda that matches your own.

edit on 28-11-2011 by sk0rpi0n because: (no reason given)

edit on 28-11-2011 by sk0rpi0n because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 28 2011 @ 11:46 PM

Originally posted by lonewolf19792000
Atheists can't tell me he doesn't exist, i have heard him! I am not a schizophrenic either, i have been tested for that. I thought i was going crazy when he started talking to me., I wasn't expecting him to actually answer me when i asked him to teach me to pray and teach me how to love.

I am thought to be schizophrenic by some even on this very forum. So, don't let the judgement of fools bring you down. No one who has ever met me in real life thinks I am schizophrenic. Of course I do not share my revelations with any but those closest to me, and those know the sincerity of my heart.

Do you know why there are atheists?

1. God has not revealed himself to them. They have not had the profound spiritual experience you, I, and others have that has brought us to the truth we have found.

2. Those of us who have had this experience have failed to adequately express the love from that experience to others.

3. The damaging effects of those who claim to be filled with the spirit, but have not.

The last is the most damaging to the followers of faith because it is those who lead others into Wars and other oppressive actions that lead people from faith.

The second is damaging because after the damage done by those in #3 no one is there to raise the voice of love and peace.

You cannot blame Atheists. By the destruction wrought in this world in the name of religion, it only leaves one to logically conclude that there must not be a God.

It is up to you and me and those like us to spread the Gospel of love and peace.

The world needs us more now than at any other time.

Even the Muslim and Jew must come forward and represent their faith in the true light.

If one claims to follow a God of Love and Peace, then one must step forward and represent that truth in word and deed.

If I, a heathen pagan, can be called into service by Christ and spread his message of love and peace, then surely those who CHOSE his path can do the same.

I am a Palero.

An initiated Priest of the Afro-Carribean tradition of Palomayombe.

My house is Munanso Nso Kikulu (Those who know growing up)

And I proclaim Christ is the Lord of this earth, my King, and I am his servant.

He is the way, the truth, and the light.

His Law is to love one another.

In that spirit I extend my hand in eternal friendship and Brotherly love to all mankind.

Anything you ask in his name, I will do.

If I, a heathen pagan, can accept this truth, then there is no reason why a Muslim who professes him to be the greatest prophet or a Christian who professes him to be the lord and savior cannot do the same.

If we can find agreement on this, then the world will be that much closer to peace.

Then we can work on showing that love to the Jews, that they may come to know their messiah through us.

You are not alone my Brother. If you need anything to lighten your burdens in this world, and I have the means to provide it, simply ask.

With Love,

Your Brother
edit on 28-11-2011 by IAMIAM because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 28 2011 @ 11:55 PM

Originally posted by lonewolf19792000

I asked him to teach me how to truly love with all my heart and he said this:

"Forgive, you can never know how to truly love until you can learn to truly forgive"

Each of us hears the message intended for us. But for the sake of our brothers and non believers let me add this.

One cannot love until they know God’s love.
One cannot forgive until one accepts forgiveness.
One cannot have love for his enemies until he learns to forgive.
One cannot due God’s will until he accepts that his own will is insufficient.
One cannot be free from sin until one chooses to do God’s will.

And yes for you Lonewolf, Jesus is lord. By no other can you come to this knowledge and be saved.

posted on Nov, 28 2011 @ 11:56 PM
reply to post by Dr Cosma

I understand that's your perspective.

I provided a long list of well documented summaries of quality scholarly reference level research by quite a divers set of experts.

Denial of their expertise and their findings is underwhelming, to me.

In terms of the demonic aspect . . . I respect my Muslim roommate's research and perspective a lot.

On top of that, I've been involved in maybe 100-300 exorcisms. I know the reality of such, whether you do, or not.

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